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Summary Establishment of Plantago lanceolata and P. major ssp major among grass was studied in a field experiment in which survival and selection on date of seedling emergence and plant size was investigated in relation to the vegetation structure. P. major — in contrast to P. lanceolata — was not able to establish itself in grass because of its lower competitive ability caused by later germination, smaller seedling size, and shorter leaves. In both species there was selection for early germination. For P. lanceolata a significant correlation was found between the strength of selection and the light climate, determined by the structure of the grass sward. Plants that germinated early were at an advantage because they were larger, especially the leaves, when compared with plants that germinated late. It seems likely that selection was mainly by competition for light. Contrary to expectation P. major-seedlings had a higher shade tolerance than those of P. lanceolata. The performance of both species is discussed in relation to their different life strategies.Grassland species research group publication no 142  相似文献   
Patients with advanced head and neck squamous cell carcinomas (HNSCCs) are often treated with concomitant chemotherapy and radiotherapy, but only 50% is cured. A possible explanation for treatment failure is therapy resistance of the cancer stem cells (CSCs). The application of compounds specifically targeting these CSCs, in addition to routinely used therapeutics, would likely improve clinical outcome. We demonstrate that the previously described monoclonal antibody K984 recognizes the CD98 cell surface protein, which is specifically expressed by cells forming the squamous basal cell layer, the region where the squamous stem cells reside. Moreover, CD98 is highly resistant to the proteolytic enzymes required for CSC enrichment procedures. We show that CD98high cells, in contrast to CD98low cells, are able to generate tumors in immunodeficient mice, indicating that CD98high cells have stem cell characteristics. Furthermore, the CD98high subpopulation expresses high levels of cell cycle control and DNA repair genes, while the CD98low fraction shows expression patterns that represent the more differentiated cells forming the bulk of the tumor. CD98 is a promising CSC enrichment marker in HNSCC. Our data support the CSC concept in head and neck cancer and the potential relevance of these cells for treatment outcome.  相似文献   
Hookworms of the genus Uncinaria have been widely reported from juvenile pinnipeds, however investigations of their systematics has been limited, with only two species described, Uncinaria lucasi from northern fur seals (Callorhinus ursinus) and Uncinaria hamiltoni from South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens). Hookworms were sampled from these hosts and seven additional species including Steller sea lions (Eumetopias jubatus), California sea lions (Zalophus californianus), South American fur seals (Arctocephalus australis), Australian fur seals (Arctocephalus pusillus), New Zealand sea lions (Phocarctos hookeri), southern elephant seals (Mirounga leonina), and the Mediterranean monk seal (Monachus monachus). One hundred and thirteen individual hookworms, including an outgroup species, were sequenced for four genes representing two loci (nuclear ribosomal DNA and mitochondrial DNA). Phylogenetic analyses of these sequences recovered seven independent evolutionary lineages or species, including the described species and five undescribed species. The molecular evidence shows that U. lucasi parasitises both C. ursinus and E. jubatus, whereas U. hamiltoni parasitises O. flavescens and A. australis. The five undescribed hookworm species were each associated with single host species (Z. californianus, A. pusillus, P. hookeri, M. leonina and M. monachus). For parasites of otarids, patterns of Uncinaria host-sharing and phylogenetic relationships had a strong biogeographic component with separate clades of parasites from northern versus southern hemisphere hosts. Comparison of phylogenies for these hookworms and their hosts suggests that the association of U. lucasi with northern fur seals results from a host-switch from Steller sea lions. Morphometric data for U. lucasi shows marked host-associated size differences for both sexes, with U. lucasi individuals from E. jubatus significantly larger. This result suggests that adult growth of U. lucasi is reduced within the host species representing the more recent host–parasite association. Intraspecific host-induced size differences are inconsistent with the exclusive use of morphometrics to delimit and diagnose species of Uncinaria from pinnipeds.  相似文献   
Broadly neutralizing antibodies (bNAbs) that target the HIV-1 envelope glycoproteins (Env) can prevent virus acquisition, but several Env properties limit its ability to induce an antibody response that is of sufficient quantity and quality. The immunogenicity of Env can be increased by fusion to co-stimulatory molecules and here we describe novel soluble Env trimers with embedded interleukin-4 (IL-4) or interleukin-21 (IL-21) domains, designed to activate B cells that recognize Env. In particular, the chimeric EnvIL-21 molecule activated B cells efficiently and induced the differentiation of antibody secreting plasmablast-like cells. We studied whether we could increase the activity of the embedded IL-21 by designing a chimeric IL-21/IL-4 (ChimIL-21/4) molecule and by introducing amino acid substitutions in the receptor binding domain of IL-21 that were predicted to enhance its binding. In addition, we incorporated IL-21 into a cleavable Env trimer and found that insertion of IL-21 did not impair Env cleavage, while Env cleavage did not impair IL-21 activity. These studies should guide the further design of chimeric proteins and EnvIL-21 may prove useful in improving antibody responses against HIV-1.  相似文献   
Canopy Light Gradient Perception by Cytokinin   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We have recently identified cytokinin as an important xylem-carried signal involved in the photosynthetic acclimation of plants to light gradients in dense canopies. Lower leaves become shaded in a dense canopy and consequently have reduced transpiration rates. our measurements have shown that this results in a reduced delivery of cytokinins carried in the transpiration stream to shaded leaves, as compared to light-exposed leaves. Cytokinins are involved in the regulation of photosynthetic acclimation to the light gradient by stimulating the expression of photosynthetic enzymes in light-exposed leaves. In shaded leaves, the low delivery rate of cytokinin leads to reduced photosynthetic capacity and ultimately senescence. We show evidence for this role of cytokinin, as part of a complex of signaling pathways where other regulatory mechanisms are also involved. A model is presented depicting the regulation of photosynthetic acclimation by cytokinin delivery to leaves dependent on the irradiance they receive.Key Words: canopy light gradient, transpiration, photosynthetic acclimation, cytokinin, nitrate, systemic signaling  相似文献   
The origin of the eukaryotic cell is a major open question in biology. Asgard archaea are the closest known prokaryotic relatives of eukaryotes, and their genomes encode various eukaryotic signature proteins, indicating some elements of cellular complexity prior to the emergence of the first eukaryotic cell. Yet, microscopic evidence to demonstrate the cellular structure of uncultivated Asgard archaea in the environment is thus far lacking. We used primer-free sequencing to retrieve 715 almost full-length Loki- and Heimdallarchaeota 16S rRNA sequences and designed novel oligonucleotide probes to visualize their cells in marine sediments (Aarhus Bay, Denmark) using catalyzed reporter deposition-fluorescence in situ hybridization (CARD-FISH). Super-resolution microscopy revealed 1–2 µm large, coccoid cells, sometimes occurring as aggregates. Remarkably, the DNA staining was spatially separated from ribosome-originated FISH signals by 50–280 nm. This suggests that the genomic material is condensed and spatially distinct in a particular location and could indicate compartmentalization or membrane invagination in Asgard archaeal cells.Subject terms: Soil microbiology, Microbial ecology, Archaeal physiology  相似文献   
In Drosophila melanogaster, the Polycomb-group (PcG) and trithorax-group (trxG) genes have been identified as repressors and activators, respectively, of gene expression. Both groups of genes are required for the stable transmission of gene expression patterns to progeny cells throughout development. Several lines of evidence suggest a functional interaction between the PcG and trxG proteins. For example, genetic evidence indicates that the enhancer of zeste [E(z)] gene can be considered both a PcG and a trxG gene. To better understand the molecular interactions in which the E(z) protein is involved, we performed a two-hybrid screen with Enx1/EZH2, a mammalian homolog of E(z), as the target. We report the identification of the human EED protein, which interacts with Enx1/EZH2. EED is the human homolog of eed, a murine PcG gene which has extensive homology with the Drosophila PcG gene extra sex combs (esc). Enx1/EZH2 and EED coimmunoprecipitate, indicating that they also interact in vivo. However, Enx1/EZH2 and EED do not coimmunoprecipitate with other human PcG proteins, such as HPC2 and BMI1. Furthermore, unlike HPC2 and BMI1, which colocalize in nuclear domains of U-2 OS osteosarcoma cells, Enx1/EZH2 and EED do not colocalize with HPC2 or BMI1. Our findings indicate that Enx1/EZH2 and EED are members of a class of PcG proteins that is distinct from previously described human PcG proteins.In Drosophila melanogaster, the genes of the Polycomb group (PcG) and trithorax group (trxG) are part of a cellular memory system, which is responsible for the stable inheritance of gene activity. The PcG and trxG genes have been identified in Drosophila as repressors (PcG) (18, 22, 27, 28, 38) and activators (trxG) (20, 21), respectively, of homeotic gene activity. PcG and trxG genes were originally found in Drosophila, but mammalian homologs have also been identified and appear to function like their Drosophila homologs (reviewed in reference 37). It has been proposed that PcG proteins repress gene expression through the formation of multimeric protein complexes. We have recently shown that the human PcG proteins HPH1 and HPH2 coimmunoprecipitate, cofractionate, and colocalize in nuclear domains with the human PcG proteins BMI1 (2, 12, 33) and HPC2, a recently identified, novel human Polycomb protein (33, 34). Furthermore, we have found that the human RING1 protein coimmunoprecipitates and colocalizes with HPC2 and other PcG proteins, indicating that RING1 is associated with, or is part of, the mammalian PcG complex (33, 35). These results indicate that mammalian PcG proteins form a multimeric protein complex. This observation is in agreement with observations that different PcG proteins, including Pc, bind in overlapping patterns on polytene chromosomes in Drosophila salivary gland cells (4, 10, 29).Interestingly, also the trithorax gene product trx colocalizes with Drosophila PcG proteins at many sites on polytene chromosomes (6, 24). Even more strikingly, binding of the trx protein has been mapped to small DNA fragments that also contain binding sites for PcG proteins, the Polycomb response elements (5, 6). This finding is further substantiated by the observation that GAGA factor, the gene product of the trxG gene trithorax-like (Trl) (13), colocalizes with Pc protein within the close vicinity of a Polycomb response element (41). Furthermore, the PcG gene Enhancer of zeste [E(z)] contains a domain with sequence homology with the activator protein trx (17). This observation is in agreement with genetic data which indicate that E(z) can be considered both a PcG gene and a trxG gene (26). Double mutations of E(z) and trxG genes result in homeotic phenotypes which are similar to the homeotic phenotypes which are also observed in double mutants of trxG genes (26). Finally, polytene chromosome binding of the trx protein is strongly reduced in homozygous E(z) mutants (4), and vice versa, polytene chromosome binding of the E(z) protein is reduced in trx mutants (24). These data suggest functional interactions between activators (trxG proteins) and repressors (PcG proteins) that are important for their mode of action.To start to investigate these puzzling features of the E(z) gene product, we used the two-hybrid system (8, 9) in order to identify proteins that interact with a mammalian homolog of E(z), the Enx1/EZH2 protein (15, 16). Here, we report the identification of the human EED protein, which interacts with Enx1/EZH2. EED is the human homolog of eed, a murine PcG gene (7, 36) which has extensive homology with the Drosophila PcG gene extra sex combs (esc) (14, 32, 39). Whereas Enx1/EZH2 and EED coimmunoprecipitate, they neither coimmunoprecipitate nor colocalize with other human PcG proteins, such as HPC2 and BMI1. Our findings indicate that both Enx1/EZH2 and EED form a class of mammalian PcG proteins that is distinct from previously described human PcG proteins.  相似文献   
A series of 1,3-diazacycloalkyl carboxaldehyde oxime derivatives was synthesized and tested for muscarinic activity in receptor binding assays using [3H]-oxotremorine-M (OXO-M) and [3H]-pirenzepine (PZ) as ligands. Potential muscarinic agonistic or antagonistic properties of the compounds were determined using binding studies measuring their potencies to inhibit the binding of OXO-M and PZ. Preferential inhibition of OXO-M binding was used as an indicator for potential muscarinic agonistic properties; this potential was confirmed in functional studies on isolated organs.  相似文献   
We have examined polarity of meiotic gene conversion in the niiA-niaD gene cluster of Aspergillus nidulans in two-point crosses. The type and position of the mutations represented by the niaD alleles and the correlation between the relative frequency of gene conversion and the physical position of these mutations were determined. We show that polarity of meiotic gene conversion is 5 to 3 (transcribed strand) within the niaD gene. Additional crosses involving a niiA allele and a niaD allele show little polarity of gene conversion, which suggests that the recombination events leading to restoration of the niaD gene are initiated upstream of the coding region of the niaD gene but within the niiA-niaD gene cluster, possibly within the intergenic promoter region.  相似文献   
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