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An outbreak of cottony maple scale,Pulvinaria innumerabilis (Rathvon) was not controlled by chemical treatments, but large numbers of the coccinellid,Hyperaspis signata (Say), almost eliminated the scale in the succeding year.
Résumé La Cochenille cotonneuse de l'érable,Pulvinaria innumerabilis (Rathvon) fut très abondante près de Harrow, Ontario, en 1967. Le feuillage des érables argentés fut très éclairci et certaines des basses branches furent tuées. Un seul traitement au malathion provoqua quelque réduction des cochenilles mais seulement pendant une semaine. En 1968, la CoccinelleHyperaspis signata (Say) est apparue en grand nombre. Les larves prédatrices mangèrent les œufs et les formes mobiles de la Cochenille et réduisirent en une saison les populations de celles-ci à un niveau endémique. Les adultes deH. signata étaient encore présents en 1969 et 1970.
The impact of anthropogenic activity on ecosystems has highlighted the need to move beyond the biogeographical delineation of species richness patterns to understanding the vulnerability of species assemblages, including the functional components that are linked to the processes they support. We developed a decision theory framework to quantitatively assess the global taxonomic and functional vulnerability of fish assemblages on tropical reefs using a combination of sensitivity to species loss, exposure to threats and extent of protection. Fish assemblages with high taxonomic and functional sensitivity are often exposed to threats but are largely missed by the global network of marine protected areas. We found that areas of high species richness spatially mismatch areas of high taxonomic and functional vulnerability. Nevertheless, there is strong spatial match between taxonomic and functional vulnerabilities suggesting a potential win–win conservation‐ecosystem service strategy if more protection is set in these locations.  相似文献   
Little is known about the effect of exercise training on the expression of adiponectin receptor genes in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs). In this study, we investigated the effects of aerobic training on the expression of AdipoR1 and AidpoR2 mRNAs in PBMCs, whole body insulin sensitivity, and circulating adiponectins in men. Thirty young men were randomly assigned to either a control (n=15) or an exercise (n=15) group. Subjects assigned to the exercise group underwent a 12-week jogging and/or running programme on a motor-driven treadmill at an intensity of 60%-75% of the age-based maximum heart rate with duration of 40 minutes per session and a frequency of 5 days per week. Two-way mixed ANOVA with repeated measures was used to test any significant time-by-group interaction effects for the measured variables at p=0.05. We found significant time-by-group interaction effects for waist circumference (p=0.001), VO2max (p<0.001), fasting insulin (p=0.016), homeostasis model assessment for insulin resistance (HOMA-IR) (p=0.010), area under the curve (AUC) for insulin response during the 75-g oral glucose tolerance test (p=0.002), high-molecular weight (HMW) adiponectin (p=0.016), and the PBMC mRNA levels of AdipoR1 (p<0.001) and AdipoR2 (p=0.001). The exercise group had significantly increased mRNA levels of AdipoR1 and AdipoR2 in PBMCs, along with increased whole body insulin sensitivity and HMW adiponectin, decreased waist circumference, and increased VO2max compared with the control group. In summary, the current findings suggest that exercise training modulates the expression of AdipoR1 and AdipoR2 mRNAs in PBMCs, implying that manipulation of the expression of these genes could be a potential surrogate for lifestyle intervention-mediated improvements of whole body insulin sensitivity and glucose homeostasis.  相似文献   
We have analyzed a total of 12 different global and local multiple protein-sequence alignment methods. The purpose of this study is to evaluate each method's ability to correctly identify the ordered series of motifs found among all members of a given protein family. Four phylogenetically distributed sets of sequences from the hemoglobin, kinase, aspartic acid protease, and ribonuclease H protein families were used to test the methods. The performance of all 12 methods was affected by (1) the number of sequences in the test sets, (2) the degree of similarity among the sequences, and (3) the number of indels required to produce a multiple alignment. Global methods generally performed better than local methods in the detection of motif patterns.   相似文献   
Zou J  Young S  Zhu F  Gheyas F  Skeans S  Wan Y  Wang L  Ding W  Billah M  McClanahan T  Coffman RL  Egan R  Umland S 《Genome biology》2002,3(5):research0020.1-research002013


Inhalation of Ascaris suum antigen by allergic monkeys causes an immediate bronchoconstriction and delayed allergic reaction, including a pulmonary inflammatory infiltrate. To identify genes involved in this process, the gene-expression pattern of allergic monkey lungs was profiled by microarrays. Monkeys were challenged by inhalation of A. suum antigen or given interleukin-4 (IL-4) treatment; lung tissue was collected at 4, 18 or 24 h after antigen challenge or 24 h after IL-4. Each challenged monkey lung was compared to a pool of normal, unchallenged monkey lungs.


Of the approximately 40,000 cDNAs represented on the microarray, expression levels of 169 changed by more than 2.5-fold in at least one of the pairwise probe comparisons; these cDNAs encoded 149 genes, of which two thirds are known genes. The largest number of regulated genes was observed 4 h after challenge. Confirmation of differential expression in the original tissue was obtained for 95% of a set of these genes using real-time PCR. Cluster analysis revealed at least five groups of genes with unique expression patterns. One cluster contained genes for several chemokine mediators including eotaxin, PARC, MCP-1 and MCP-3. Genes involved in tissue remodeling and antioxidant responses were also identified as regulated by antigen and IL-4 or by antigen only.


This study provides a large-scale profile of gene expression in the primate lung following allergen or IL-4 challenge. It shows that microarrays, with real-time PCR, are a powerful tool for identifying and validating differentially expressed genes in a disease model.  相似文献   
A survey of Kenya's shallow water (<2 m) coral reef-associated prosobranch fauna was undertaken to determine patterns of distribution, density, diversity and species richness, and the possible role of other reef fauna and human utilization on these patterns. The sample assemblage of 135 species from 25 families is similar to other Indian Ocean regions with no apparent endemism or subregional faunal affinities. Species richness, determined by species-individual relationships, has been reduced by approximately 45% since the Pleistocene. Northern Kenya, typified by small coral islands experiencing river and estuarine discharges had low densities and species richness and high species variability. This is attributable to the interrelated factors of river discharge, small reefs and reduced predator refuge. Southern Kenya's more expansive fringing reef has a denser and richer fauna but appears less species rich than Tanzania. Variation within reefs suggests similarities in diversity between reef lagoons, flats and edges, but lagoons had lower densities than reef flat or edge sites. This is attributable to greater predation rates within lagoons. Species composition between reef locations was variable but differed for comparisons between reef lagoons and reef flats. The population densities of thirty commercially collected species were compared between shelled and unshelled reefs. Only two commercial strombids, Lambis truncata and L. chiragra, had lower densities within shelled compared to unshelled reefs. Within six southern Kenvan reef lagoons, total gastropod densities were negatively correlated with the Balistidae (triggerfish) and total fish densities and positively with sea urchin densities. The removal of balistids through fishing appears to lead to co-occurring population increases in gastropod and sea urchin populations which, in most instances, appears to negate the effect of shell collecting.  相似文献   
This study shows how capture–mark–recapture (CMR) models can provide robust estimates of detection heterogeneity (sources of bias) in underwater visual‐census data. Detection biases among observers and fish family groups were consistent between fished and unfished reef sites in Kenya, even when the overall level of detection declined between locations. Species characteristics were the greatest source of detection heterogeneity and large, highly mobile species were found to have lower probabilities of detection than smaller, site‐attached species. Fish family and functional‐group detectability were also found to be lower at fished locations, probably due to differences in local abundance. Because robust CMR models deal explicitly with sampling where not all species are detected, their use is encouraged for studies addressing reef‐fish community dynamics.  相似文献   
The coral reefs of Tanga, Tanzania were recognized as a national conservation priority in the early 1970s, but the lack of a management response led to damage by dynamite, beach seines, and high numbers of fishers until the mid 1990s. Subsequently, an Irish Aid funded IUCN Eastern Africa program operated from 1994 to mid 2007 to implement increased management aimed at reducing these impacts. The main effects of this management were to establish collaborative management areas, reduce dynamite and seine net fishing, and establish small community fisheries closures beginning in 1996. The ecology of the coral reefs was studied just prior to the initiation of this management in 1996, during, 2004, and a few years after the project ended in 2010. The perceptions of resource users towards management options were evaluated in 2010. The ecological studies indicated that the biomass of fish rose continuously during this period from 260 to 770 kg/ha but the small closures were no different from the non-closure areas. The benthic community studies indicate stability in the coral cover and community composition and an increase in coralline algae and topographic complexity over time. The lack of change in the coral community suggests resilience to various disturbances including fisheries management and the warm temperature anomaly of 1998. These results indicate that some aspects of the management program had been ecologically successful even after the donor program ended. Moreover, the increased compliance with seine net use and dynamite restrictions were the most likely factors causing this increase in fish biomass and not the closures. Resource users interviewed in 2010 were supportive of gear restrictions but there was considerable between-community disagreement over the value of specific restrictions. The social-ecological results suggest that increased compliance with gear restrictions is largely responsible for the improvements in reef ecology and is a high priority for future management programs.  相似文献   
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