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This review treats some examples of electrogenic transport across the outer plasmamembrane (plasmalemma) of plant cells. The selection includes primary active uniport by membrane ATPases (e.g., the proton pump), secondary active transport of hexoses by proton-dependent cotransport, and passive uniport of amines. Primacy is given to the presentation of electrophysiological data and to the discussion of voltage-dependence of the transport mechanisms.Lecture from the Annual Meeting of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Biophysik at Konstanz  相似文献   
Abstract. A major objection to the convenient sampling of Chenopodiacean bladders by brushing in aqueous solutions is the suspected leakage of ions from the leaf blade. To overcome this problem, a new method of sampling bladder hair is described, which also achieves rapid and quantitative separation and, at the same time, yields bladder samples of undoubtedly high purity. Leakage is stopped by the aid of liquid nitrogen. Comparison of this method to removal of bladders by brushing in aquenous solutions effectively confirm the validity of the customary method beyond dispute.  相似文献   
Bacillus thuringiensis NTB-1 isolated from soil samples in Korea produces ovoidal parasporal inclusions with proteins of approximately 24–40 kDa in size. Although serological study indicated that the isolate has a flagella (H) antigen identical with subsp. israelensis , it seemed to be non-insecticidal against Lepidoptera and Coleoptera as well as Diptera. To investigate the activity of non-insecticidal B. thuringiensis transformed with insecticidal crystal protein genes, cryIVD and cytA genes of B. thuringiensis subsp. morrisoni PG-14, highly toxic to mosquito larvae, were introduced into the isolate NTB-1. The expression of mosquitocidal crystal protein genes in NTB-1 was characterized by SDS–PAGE analysis and electron microscopy. The results showed that crystalline inclusions of host, CryIVD and CytA were stably expressed in the transformant. However, the mosquitocidal activity of transformant was similar to that of B. thuringiensis subsp. kurstaki Cry B harbouring cryIVD and cytA genes, demonstrating that a synergistic effect by an interaction of both introduced insecticidal and resident non-insecticidal crystal proteins was not observed.  相似文献   
Summary In order to monitor changes in the apical cell membrane of rabbit uterine epithelium which are postulated to be a precondition for trophoblast attachment, the marker enzymes: alkaline phosphatase, aminopeptidase M, -glutamyl transferase and dipeptidyl peptidase IV were investigated during the periimplantation phase. Endometrium of early pregnancy (implantation chamber, interblastocyst endometrium; 5–8 days post coitum, d p.c.) was compared with specimens obtained at hCG-induced pseudopregnancy (p. hCG) to distinguish between membrane changes regulated by maternal plasma steroid hormones and such which might be induced locally by blastocyst-derived signals.All enzymes tested showed their main activity at 5 d p.c./p. hCG. The weakest reaction in this series of stages was generally found at 8 d p.c. (interblastocyst segments) or at 8 d p. hCG. In contrast to the rest of the epithelium, the implantation chamber retained high activity of dipeptidyl peptidase IV, and the activity of alkaline phosphatase even raised here again at 7 and 8 d p.c. indicating a direct local influence of the blastocyst on the luminal epithelium. The results suggest that 1) considerable changes occur in the composition of the apical plasma membrane of the uterine epithelium when the endometrium enters the receptive state, 2) the overall trend is towards a loss of apical-type characteristics of this membrane domain and 3) the changes are modulated both systemically (by plasma steroid hormone levels) and locally by signals from the implanting blastocyst.Abbreviations d p.c. days post coitum - d. p. hCG days post hCG injection - hCG human chorionic gonadotropin - aP alkaline phosphatase - ATPase adenosine triphosphatase - Ca2+-ATPase Ca2+-activated adenosine triphosphatase - APM aminopeptidase M - GGT -glutamyl transferase - DPP IV dipeptidyl peptidase IV - PCMB p-chloromercuric benzoate - DFP di-isopropylfluorophosphate - DMF dimethylformamide  相似文献   
Summary The retinal proteins opsin,-transducin, S-antigen and interstitial retinol-binding protein (IRBP) are essential for the processes of vision. By use of immunocyto-chemistry we have employed antibodies directed against these photoreceptor proteins in an attempt to identify the photoreceptor systems (retina, pineal and deep brain) of the Japanese quail. Opsin immunostaining was identified within many outer (basal portion) and inner segments of retinal photoreceptor cells and limited numbers of photoreceptor perikarya. Opsin immunostaining was also demonstrated in limited numbers of pinealocytes with all parts of these cells being immunoreactive. These results differ from previous observations. In contrast to the results obtained with the antibody against opsin, S-antigen and-transducin immunostaining was seen throughout the entire outer segments and many photoreceptor perikarya of the retina. In the pineal organ immunostaining was seen in numerous pinealocytes in all follicles. These results conform to previous findings in birds. In addition, IRBP has been demonstrated for the first time in the avian retina and pineal organ. These findings underline the structural and functional similarities between the retina and pineal organ and provide additional support for a photoreceptive role of the avian pineal. No specific staining was detected in any other region of the brain in the Japanese quail; the hypothalamic photoreceptors of birds remain unidentified.  相似文献   
Eighteen strains of xylariaceous fungi have been screened for higher activities of cellulolytic enzymes,Trichoderma reesei QM 9414 was also examined for comparison. Strains ofXylaria anisopleura andX. regalis had higher endocellulase (CMCase) and exocellulase (Avicelase) activities after 2 weeks' incubation.Hypoxylon stygium produced the highest activity of -glucosidase 3 days after inoculation. The optimum pH for these cellulolytic enzymes was approx. 5.0 and the optimum temperatures ranged from 37 to 50°C. A mixed culture process usingT. reesei QM 9414 andH. stygium was developed to obtain enhanced synthesis of cellulase. -Glucosidase activities in the mixed culture increased within 48h whenH. stygium was introduced after 24h.  相似文献   
A virus inhibiting protein (VI) was isolated from spinach (Spinacia oleracea L.). The VI inhibited infections of test plants with plus- and minus-strand RNA viruses. Inoculation of both local lesion and systemic hosts with TMV in the presence of varying amounts of the VI resulted in typical dose response curves for the number of local lesions or the amount of virus respectively. The lowest concentration of VI leading to a significant reduction in the number of local lesions was 0.06 μg/ml. The VI was found to inhibit local lesion formation only when applied within 2–3 h p.i. but still reduced the number of local lesions when applied up to 9 h prior to virus inoculation. The antiviral activity could be attributed to a protein of molecular weight 29,000 dalton with an isoelectric point of 10.3. Its activity was destroyed by heating for 30 min to 70°C. These characteristics resemble those of other virus inhibiting proteins described for members of the order Caryophyllales such as the Phytolacca inhibitor against which a serological relationship was obtained.  相似文献   
Nerve fibers connecting the brain with the pineal gland of the Mongolian gerbil (central pinealopetal fibers) were investigated by means of light and electron microscopy. Several myelinated fibers penetrate from the brain into the deep pineal gland, extend further into the pineal stalk and continue to the superficial portion of the pineal gland. In the centripetal direction these fibers were traced to the stria medullaris and to the habenular nuclei, where they turned laterad and then occupied a position immediately ventral to the optic tract. As shown in electron micrographs, lesions of the habenular area led to degeneration of myelinated fibers and nerve boutons in the deep pineal gland, the pineal stalk and the superficial pineal gland. Only boutons containing clear transmitter vesicles (devoid of a dense core) were observed to degenerate after the habenular lesions. On the other hand, removal of the superior cervical ganglia resulted in degeneration of boutons containing small (40 to 60 nm in diameter) dense-core vesicles. Several of the nerve fibers that penetrate into the deep pineal directly from the brain (central fibers) exhibited a positive reaction for acetylcholinesterase (AChE). AChE-positive perikarya were located in the projections of the stria medullaris, the lateral portions of the deep pineal, the area of the posterior commissure, and the periventricular gray of the mesencephalon. Such perikarya were found neither in the pineal stalk nor in the superficial pineal gland. These results present anatomical evidence that the pineal organ of the Mongolian gerbil receives multiple nervous inputs mediated by peripheral autonomic (i.e., sympathetic) nerve fibers, on the one hand, and by central fibers, on the other.  相似文献   
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