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Experiment I used non-naive pigeons having previously performed on both keypecking and treadlepressing Fixed Interval schedules. In condition IT, treadlepressing was reinforced on successive Fixed Interval 60 seconds, Fixed Time 60 seconds and Fixed Interval 60 seconds schedules. Subsequently (condition IK), the same subjects pecked a key on an identical schedule sequence (FI60, FT60, FI60). In Experiment II, separate groups of naïve subjects were assigned either to treadlepressing (condition IIT) or keypecking (condition IIK) and to the same schedule sequence (FI60, FT60, FI60). Treadle pressing and keypecking decreased greatly in Fixed Time schedules. Curvature indices, pauses and running rates were less sensitive than response rates to the switching from one schedule to the other. Experiments I and II yielded similar results, experimental history accounting only for minor differences. The results were discussed in relation to interspecies differences in the temporal regulation of behavior and operant versus respondent control of the response and schedule-induced behaviour.  相似文献   
biuz aktuell     
Twelve of sixteen different cell types including fibroblasts and tumor cells were able to attach and spread on substrates of pepsin-solubilized or intact collagen VI, and on its triple helical domain. Attachment and spreading were independent of soluble mediator proteins (fibronectin, laminin) and collagen VI was distinct from collagens I, IV and V in the cells with which it interacted. Many of the same cells bound and spread on substrates prepared from unfolded α2(VI) and α3(VI) chains but not on the α1(VI) chain. The interactions with the chains were inhibited by low concentrations (10–100 μM) of synthetic RGDS and RGDT but not RGES peptides while the binding of cells to pepsin-solubilized collagen VI was more than 20-fold less sensitive to these peptides. The data incidate that cells have the ability to bind to collagen VI in a specific manner suggesting a similar function for collagen VI in situ.  相似文献   
Kuhse H 《Bioethics》1988,2(4):334-342
Victoria, Australia's Infertility (Medical Procedures) Act 1984, the first legislation to regulate reproductive technologies, permits research on surplus embryos fertilized in vitro but prohibits the creation of embryos for research purposes. The failure to define when an embryo has come into existence or when fertilization has occurred has prevented the continuation of potentially valuable research directed at overcoming infertility. The Standing Review and Advisory Committee on Infertility must now consider the debate over when fertilization occurs, an event that is no longer regarded as a discrete or instantaneous act but as a process revealing no clear point at which a human individual begins to exist. Because the law requires a clear line of demarcation, any legislation in this area will face the problem of defining this point. Interpretation of a 1987 amendment to the 1984 Act may allow the fertilization of ova for purposes other than implantation.  相似文献   
A total of 69 samples of hay and straw collected during the winter period of 1984/85 were surveyed for their contamination by Aspergillus versicolor. The percentage of A. versicolor-positive samples was 14.5%. Nineteen A. versicolor strains mainly isolated from roughage were tested for the production of sterigmatocystin. All of the isolates examined were capable of producing different levels of sterigmatocystin on a cracked corn substrate. The majority of these strains were highly toxigenic; 53% of the isolates produced more than 500 mg/kg of sterigmatocystin. These findings suggest that corn is a very suitable substrate for sterigmatocystin production and that particularly in the surface layers of feed stocks and corn silos such toxigenic strains of A. versicolor can produce considerable growth and possibly sterigmatocystin, too.  相似文献   
Transitions in the growth limiting factor from light (I) to nitrogen (N) and vice versa caused changes in geosmin production, protein and carbohydrate content, and the synthesis of pigments such as chlorophyll a (Chl a), phycobiliproteins (PBPs), and -carotene of the cyanobacterium Oscillatoria brevis. Following IN transition the first 150h, the decrease in protein content was compensated for by an increase of carbohydrates, and thereby, a constant biomass level was maintained in this period. Thereafter, biimass dropped to 15% of its initial level. A decrease in geosmin and pigment content was observed during transition from IN-limited growth. However, geosmin increased relative to phytol (Chl a) and -carotene which may indicate that a lowered demand for phytol and -carotene during N-limited growth allows isoprenoid precursors to be directed to geosmin rather than to pigment synthesis. Synthesis of Chl a and -carotene at the expense of geosmin was suggested for the observed start of increase in geosmin production only at the time that Chl a and -carotene had reached their I-limited steady state. Transition from nitrogen to light limited growth caused an acceleration of metabolism shown by a rapid decrease in carbohydrate content accompanied by an increase in protein content. The growth rate of the organisms temporarily exceeded the dilution rate of the culture and the biomass level increased 6-fold. Due to the only modest changes in geosmin production (2-fold) compared to changes in biomass level (6-fold) during I-or N-limited growth, environmental factors seem to have limited effect on geosmin production.Abbreviations Chl a chlorophyll a - dry wt dry weight; - I-limited light-limited - N-limited nitrogen-limited - PBP phycobiliprotein This research was performed at the Department of Microbiology, University of Amsterdam, with finacial support provided by the Royal Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Royal Norwegian Council for Scientific and Industrial Research  相似文献   
Summary Two new species of the genus Heterokrohnia, H. longidentata and H. fragilis, are described and compared with the other three known Heterokrohnia species, H. mirabilis Ritter-Záhony 1911; H. bathybia Marumo and Kitou 1966 and H. involucrum Dawson 1968. The species have been found at great depths (1,000 m–2,000 m) near Elephant Island, north of the Antarctic Peninsula.  相似文献   
After addition of 5 mM sulfite or nitrite to glucose-metabolizing cells of Saccharomyces cerevisiae a rapid decrease of the ATP content and an inversely proportional increase in the level of inorganic phosphate was observed. The concentration of ADP shows only small and transient changes. Cells of the yeast mutant pet 936, lacking mitochondrial F1ATPase, after addition of 5 mM sulfite or nitrite exhibit changes in ATP, ADP and inorganic phosphate very similar to those observed in wild type cells. They key enzyme of glucose degradation, glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase was previously shown to be the most sulfiteor nitrite-sensitive enzyme of the glycolytic pathway. This enzyme shows the same sensitivity to sulfite or nitrite in cells of the mutant pet 936 as in wild type cells. It is concluded that the effects of sulfite or nitrite on ATP, ADP and inorganic phosphate are the result of inhibition of glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase and not of inhibition of phosphorylation processes in the mitochondria. Levels of GTP, UTP and CTP show parallel changes to ATP. This is explained by the presence of very active nucleoside monophosphate kinases which cause a rapid exchange between the nucleoside phosphates. The effects of the sudden inhibition of glucose degradation by sulfite or nitrite on levels of ATP, ADP and inorganic phosphate are discussed in terms of the theory of Lynen (1942) on compensating phosphorylation and dephosphorylation in steady state glucose metabolizing yeast.Abbreviations ATP adenosine triphosphate - ADP adenosine diphosphate - AMP adenosine monophosphate - Pi inorganic orthophosphate Dedicated to Prof. Dr. Hans Grisebach on the occasion of his sixtieth birthday  相似文献   
When B10.D2 (H-2d) mice are immunized with lymphoid cells from C57B1/10 (H-2 d ) and their antisera tested against B10.A (H-2 a ) target cells, only antibodies to H-2.5 are measured. The same is true for immunization of DBA/2 (H-2 d ) mice when their antisera are absorbed with B10.D2 cells prior to testing. Irrespective of the dose of immunogen administered, the primary hemagglutinin response of B10.D2 mice is significantly lower than that of DBA/2 mice and (B10.D2 × DBA/2)F1 hybrids, but the secondary responses are similar. The low responsiveness of B10.D2 mice appears to be determined by a single dominant gene with incomplete penetrance; the gene is not linked to eitherH- 2, Hc, or the immunoglobulin allotype loci. In addition, the H-2.5 hemagglutinin response is susceptible to nongenetic influences. When antisera from B10.D2, devoid of H-2.5 hemagglutinins, were assayed in a complement-mediated cytotoxic test, they contained almost as much anti-H-2.5 activity as did the antisera from DBA/2 mice or (B10.D2 × DBA/2)F1 hybrids. The possibility is discussed that the locus responsible for the deficient primary hemagglutinin response of B 10.D2 may not be determinant-specific but may affect hemagglutinin responses in general.  相似文献   
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