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H+-translocating ATPase and pyrophosphatase (PPase) associatedwith the tonoplast of Chara corallina were isolated with theaid of a perfusion technique, and the effects of ions on theiractivities were studied. All the alkali metal cations testedstimulated the ATPase and ATPdependent H+ pumping activitiesonly by 10 to 40%. Anions, on the other hand, strongly affectedthe activities. Potassium salts of Cl- and Br- stimulated them,while F- and NO3- inhibited them. By contrast, the H+-translocatingPPase was insensitive to anions but sensitive to cations. Theorder of cation stimulation was Rb+=K+>Cs+>Na+=Li+>choline+.NO3- (50 mil), thought to be a specific inhibitor of the tonoplast-typeH+-ATPase, inhibited the ATPdependent H+ pumping almost completelybut the ATPase activity by only about 50%. Na+ inhibited thePP1-dependent H+ pumping (I5O=5OmM) in the presence of 50 mMKCl but not the ATP-dependent one. The PPase was more sensitiveto F- (I50=400µM) than the ATPase. Both the H+-ATPaseand the H+-PPase required Mg2+ for their activities, althoughan excess was inhibitory to both. The different sensitivitiesof the PP1-dependent and the ATP-dependent H+- pumping enzymesto ions correspond to the tonoplast enzymes of higher plantsand may be used as "markers" to distinguish between these enzymesin characean cells (Received October 2, 1987; Accepted May 18, 1988)  相似文献   
Damage of CCC PM2 DNA by 6-hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA) and ascorbic acid (AA), compounds that are both able to release iron from ferritin, was significantly enhanced in the presence of ferritin. H2O2, a product of 6-OHDA autoxidation, did not induce DNA strand breaks in the absence of ferritin and only to a minor extent in the presence of ferritin. DNA damage by 6-OHDA and AA could be reduced by the hydroxyl radical scavenger mannitol, the iron chelator desferrioxamine, and, partly, by a combination of superoxide dismutase and catalase. These inhibitory effects were clearly less pronounced in the presence of ferritin. Ferritin obviously played an important role as a source of iron in the pro-oxidative processes of 6-OHDA and AA. These features might be of importance in cancer therapy since many tumor cells contain elevated ferritin levels.  相似文献   
Elicitors released from hyphae or cell walls of the ectomycorrhizal fungus Hebeloma crustuliniforme (Bull. ex Fries.) Quél. induced in suspension-cultured cells of Picea abies (L.) Karst. a set of fast reactions: (i) an immediate efflux of Cl into the medium, followed by a K+ efflux; (ii) an influx of Ca2+ (measured as accumulation of 45Ca2+ in the cells); (iii) a phosphorylation of a 63-kDa protein and dephosphorylation of a 65-kDa protein (detectable by 4 min after elicitor application); (iv) an alkalinization of the medium, and (v) a transient synthesis of H2O2. The removal of extracellular Ca2+ by EGTA delayed the elicitor-induced alkalinization. A further reduction of this response could be achieved by TMB-8 an inhibitor of Ca2+ release from intracellular stores. Moreover, the inhibition of protein kinase activity by staurosporine prevented the extracellular alkalinization completely. However, the effectiveness of the elicitors in inducing the extracellular alkalinization was strongly impaired by constitutively secreted enzymes of spruce cells which cleaved the elicitors to inactive fragments. It is suggested that in ectomycorrhizae the efficacy of elicitors released from fungal cell walls is controlled by apoplastic enzymes of the host; the plant itself is able to reduce the activity of fungal elicitors on their way through the plant cell wall. But those elicitors which finally reach the plasma membrane of host cells induce reactions that are similar to the early defense reactions in plant-pathogen interactions.Abbreviations DW dry weight - FW fresh weight - TMB-8 3,4,5 trimethoxybenzoic acid 8-(diethylamino)-octyl ester We thank Prof. M. Zenk (Universität München, Germany) for providing spruce cell cultures, and Dr. I. Kottke (Universität Tübingen, Germany) for isolates of Hebeloma crustuliniforme Tü 704. We are also thankful to Dr. W. Mayer (Universität Tübingen) for valuble discussions. This work was supported by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft. B. Zitterell-Haid was financed by Graduiertenkolleg Interaktion in Waldökosystemen (supported by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft) and G. Hebe by a scholarship of the Landesgraduiertenförderungsgesetz.  相似文献   
Van der Woude syndrome (VWS) is the most frequent form of syndromic clefting. Linkage analysis has localized the gene between D1S245 and D1S414, an interval of 4.1 cM with the following order of loci: centromere–D1S245/D1S471–D1S491–D1S205–D1S414–telomere. A microdeletion around D1S205 aided in narrowing the critical region to D1S491–D1S414 by heterozygosity testing. In this study, the location was refined by detection of a recombinant with D1S205 in a new family, indicating that VWS lies between D1S491 and D1S205, a 1.6-cM interval. A roughly 3.5-Mb YAC contig was built from D1S245 through D1S414, encompassing the interval D1S491–D1S205 in level 1 or level 2 paths. Clones were assembled by sequence tagged site (STS) content using the five polymorphic markers from above, four novel STSs identified from YAC ends, and a new STS derived from probe CRI-L461 (D1S70). D1S70 was assigned to the critical region. One single YAC, yCEPH785B2, contains both flanking STSs (D1S491, D1S205). STS content mapping suggests neither chimerism nor deletion of yCEPH785B2 but does suggest that the maximum size of the critical region is approximately 850 kb. All STSs were tested for their presence on a somatic cell hybrid containing the microdeleted chromosome 1 as the sole human chromosome 1 component. Both the proximal and distal ends of the microdeletion mapped to the 850-kb YAC, yCEPH785B2. Therefore, the microdeletion overlapped the critical region, confirming the genetic recombinant data.  相似文献   
UV irradiation of the ATPase (CF1) from spinach chloroplasts in the presence of 3'-arylazido-β-alanyl-8-azido ATP (8,3'-DiN3ATP) results in a nucleotide-dependent inactivation of the enzyme and in a nucleotide-dependent formation of -β cross-links. The results demonstrate an interfacial localization of the nucleotide binding sites on CF1.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung In einer zeitgleichen Untersuchung über 10 Jahre (1985–94) wird die Brutbiologie des Turmfalken in 17 Gebieten Deutschlands verglichen. Insgesamt 3017 Brutpaare mit 11 423 Jungen sind untersucht worden (Tab. 1). Der Bruterfolg in den einzelnen Gebieten ist für jedes Gebiet spezifisch. Er schwankt in den unterschiedlichen Gebieten und Jahren um bis zu 4 Juv/+BP, in jedem Gebiet für sich betrachtet maximal bis 2,5 Juv/+BP. Bedeutung hat insbesondere der Einfluß des Brutplatztyps: Geschützte Brutplätze (in Gebäuden und Kästen) haben höheren Bruterfolg 4 Juv/+BP als offene Brutplätze (Baumnester, Körbe), in denen 4 Juv/+BP ausfliegen. Die Gründe hierfür werden diskutiert.
Breeding success of the KestrelFalco tinnunculus in Germany: results 1985–1994
We compare breeding biology and success of 17 Kestrel subpopulations in Germany in 1985–1994. A total sample of 3,017 breeding attemps and 11,423 fledged young were analyzed by our study group. Breeding success was not parallel over years and study areas; differences were up to four fledged young per successful pair, area and year. Within areas the differences reached 2,5 fledged young per successful pair. The most striking result was the influence of nesting site on breeding success. Clutches in sheltered sites in buildings or in nest boxes always reached mean values above 4 fledged young per successful pair, open nest sites like crow nests, however, were most clearly below this value.
Most genes with regulatory functions in embryogenesis are expressed in highly specific patterns, suggesting that expression patterns can serve as criteria to define potential candidates fur developmentally relevant genes. To isolate such genes, we selected and partially sequenced 80 cDNA clones from a 10.5-day mouse embryo library. Forty-one clones that represented novel mouse genes were analyzed for expression in embryos of the same stage by whole-mount in situ hybridization. A high proportion (24%) of these genes, including a homologue of the Drosophila Delta gene, were expressed in specific spatially restricted patterns, suggesting that selection based on expression patterns is a useful strategy to isolate novel genes that may play pivotal roles in mammalian development.  相似文献   
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