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Anthocorid predators learn to associate herbivore-induced plant volatiles with presence or absence of prey 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
We investigated how the plant‐inhabiting, anthocorid predator, Anthocoris nemoralis, copes with variation in prey, host plant and associated herbivore‐induced plant volatiles and in particular whether the preference for these plant odours is innate or acquired. We found a marked difference between the olfactory response of orchard‐caught predators and that of their first generation reared on flour moth eggs in the laboratory, i.e. under conditions free of herbivory‐induced volatiles. Whereas the orchard‐caught predators preferred odour from psyllid‐infested pear leaves, when offered against clean air in a Y‐tube olfactometer, the laboratory‐reared first generation of (naive) predators did not. The same difference was found when a single component (methyl salicylate) of the herbivore‐induced plant volatiles was offered against clean air. After experiencing methyl salicylate with prey, however, the laboratory‐reared predators showed a pronounced preference for this volatile. This acquired preference did not depend on whether the volatile had been experienced in the juvenile period or in the adult phase, but it did depend on whether it had been offered in presence or absence of prey. In the first case, they were attracted to the plant volatile in subsequent olfactometer experiments, but when the volatile had been offered during a period of prey deprivation, the predators were not attracted. We conclude that associative learning is the most likely mechanism underlying acquired odour preference. 相似文献
Do anthocorid predators respond to synomones from Psylla-infested pear trees under field conditions?
Because Y-tube olfactometer experiments in the laboratory showed a response of anthocorid bugs to odour fromPsylla-infested leaves, it was of interest to assess its relevance under field circumstances. This was done by measuring the density
of predatory bugs on pear trees adjacent toPsylla-infested or control trees that were covered with fine mesh gauze-screens. In this way odours from these caged trees could
spread through the screen, while contact with thePsylla prey in the cage was prevented. The density of anthocorid predators around cages with heavily infested trees was significantly
higher than around uncaged control trees and around cages containing uninfested or little infested trees. Covering a cage
withPsylla-infested trees by an airtight plastic sheet led to an immediate drop in the density of anthocorid predators, whereas removal
of the sheet led to predator aggregation again. The results of these field experiments strongly support the hypothesis that
anthocorid predators respond to volatile chemicals emanating fromPsylla-infested pear trees. 相似文献
Being minute in size, eriophyoid mites can reach places that are small enough to be inaccessible to their predators. The coconut
mite, Aceria guerreronis, is a typical example; it finds partial refuge under the perianth of the coconut fruit. However, some predators can move
under the perianth of the coconut fruits and attack the coconut mite. In Sri Lanka, the phytoseiid mite Neoseiulus baraki, is the most common predatory mite found in association with the coconut mite. The cross-diameter of this predatory mite
is c. 3 times larger than that of the coconut mite. Nevertheless, taking this predator’s flat body and elongated idiosoma into
account, it is—relative to many other phytoseiid mites—better able to reach the narrow space under the perianth of infested
coconut fruits. On uninfested coconut fruits, however, they are hardly ever observed under the perianth. Prompted by earlier
work on the accessibility of tulip bulbs to another eriophyoid mite and its predators, we hypothesized that the structure
of the coconut fruit perianth is changed in response to damage by eriophyoid mites and as a result predatory mites are better
able to enter under the perianth of infested coconut fruits. This was tested in an experiment where we measured the gap between
the rim of the perianth and the coconut fruit surface in three cultivars (‘Sri Lanka Tall’, ‘Sri Lanka Dwarf Green’ and ‘Sri
Lanka Dwarf Green × Sri Lanka Tall’ hybrid) that are cultivated extensively in Sri Lanka. It was found that the perianth-fruit
gap in uninfested coconut fruits was significantly different between cultivars: the cultivar ‘Sri Lanka Dwarf Green’ with
its smaller and more elongated coconut fruits had a larger perianth-fruit gap. In the uninfested coconut fruits this gap was
large enough for the coconut mite to creep under the perianth, yet too small for its predator N. baraki. However, when the coconut fruits were infested by coconut mites, the perianth-rim-fruit gap was not different among cultivars
and had increased to such an extent that the space under the perianth became accessible to the predatory mites. 相似文献
Phytoseiid predators suppress populations of Bemisia tabaci on cucumber plants with alternative food
Phytoseiids are known to attack whiteflies, but it is an open question whether they can be used for biological control of
these pest insects. Preselection experiments in the laboratory showed that two out of five phytoseiid species tested, Euseius scutalis and Typhlodromips swirskii, stood out in terms of their ability to develop and reproduce on a diet of Bemisia tabaci immatures. In this paper, we show that both predators are able to suppress whitefly populations on isolated cucumber plants
in a greenhouse. Predatory mites were released 2 weeks in advance of the release of B. tabaci. To enable their survival and promote their population growth, they were provided weekly with alternative food, that is,
Typha sp. pollen. A few weeks after whitefly introduction, the numbers of adult whiteflies on plants with predators were consistently
lower than on plants without predators, where B. tabaci populations grew exponentially. After 9 weeks, this amounted to a 16- to 21-fold difference in adult whitefly population
size. This shows that the two phytoseiid species are promising biocontrol agents of B. tabaci on greenhouse cucumber.
This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date. 相似文献
We examined induction of preference and performance on novel host plants for two laboratory populations of the polyphagous spider mite Tetranychus urticae, with one population adapted to bean and the other population adapted to tomato. We bred four isofemale lines of the bean population only and used them in all the assays. The bean population had a 30% lower fecundity on tomato than on bean, while the tomato population had equal fecundity on both host plants. Acclimation of adult females to the novel host plant for both populations increased acceptability of that novel host but did not increase rejection of the original host. The bean population experienced a 60% benefit and a 30% cost in terms of egg production for acclimating to tomato, thus exemplifying adaptive plasticity. The tomato population showed a 23% benefit for acclimating to bean but no cost. Mites from the bean population that were acclimated to tomato fed more on tomato than did mites that were not acclimated to tomato. When these mites were fed inhibitors of cytochrome P-450 detoxification enzymes, their performance was severely depressed (84%) on tomato but not on bean. However, mites that were fed inhibitors of P-450 enzymes did not reduce their acceptance of tomato as a host. Thus, performance on novel hosts (but not preference) in this species is likely correlated with the induction of detoxifying enzymes. Spider mites are known to form host races rapidly on novel hosts. Induction of preference and physiological acclimation via detoxification enzymes may enhance performance and, thus, strongly contribute to initial stages of host race formation. 相似文献
Bleeker PM Diergaarde PJ Ament K Schütz S Johne B Dijkink J Hiemstra H de Gelder R de Both MT Sabelis MW Haring MA Schuurink RC 《Phytochemistry》2011,72(1):68-73
How whiteflies (Bemisia tabaci) make the choice for a host plant prior to landing, is not precisely known. Here we investigated whether they respond to specific volatiles of tomato. Zingiberene and curcumene were purified from Solanum habrochaites (PI127826), characterised by NMR and X-ray analysis and identified as 7-epizingiberene and R-curcumene. In contrast, oil from Zingiber officinalis contained the stereoisomers zingiberene and S-curcumene, respectively. Using a combination of free-choice bio-assays and electroantennography, 7-epizingiberene and its dehydrogenated derivative R-curcumene were shown to be active as semiochemicals to B. tabaci adults, whereas the stereoisomers from ginger were not. In addition, R-curcumene elicited the strongest electroantennographic response. Bio-assays showed that a cultivated tomato could be made less attractive to B. tabaci than its neighbouring siblings by the addition of the tomato stereoisomer 7-epizingiberene or its derivative R-curcumene. These sesquiterpenes apparently repel adult whiteflies prior to landing, presumably because it informs them that after landing they, or their offspring, may be exposed to higher and lethal concentrations of the same compounds. 相似文献
Kroon A Veenendaal RL Egas M Bruin J Sabelis MW 《Experimental & applied acarology》2005,35(1-2):73-81
We recently reported evidence for increased diapause incidence in the spider mite Tetranychus urticae in presence of the predatory mite Typhlodromus pyri. This effect may arise from (1) selective predation on non-diapause spider mites, (2) predator-induced diapause in spider mites, or (3) both. Using a different strain of T. urticae, we first recovered increased diapause incidence in association with predators. Then, we tested for selective feeding in two-choice experiments with equal numbers of non-diapause and diapause spider mites. We found that the predatory mite had a significant preference for the latter. This indicates that increased diapause incidence in association with predatory mites is not due to selective predation. Therefore, predator-mediated physiological induction of diapause seems a more likely explanation. The cues leading to induction appear to relate to the predators, not their effects, since predation simulated by spider-mite removal or puncturing did not significantly affect diapause incidence. Why spider mites benefit from this response, remains an open question.This revised version was published online in May 2005 with a corrected cover date. 相似文献
This paper deals with anemotactic strategies of searching for odour plumes under conditions of variation in wind direction and equal energy costs involved in moving a unit path length in any direction in the x, y plane. It is generally accepted that cross-wind searching is the best searching strategy to acquire a maximum amount of information. This is of course true, if the wind is unidirectional. A geometrical model of anemotactic searching is presented that takes into account variation in wind direction. It is shown, that, if wind direction fluctuates over a range larger than 30 degrees from the mean wind direction, then upwind or downwind searching is the best strategy and cross-wind searching is the worst of all possibilities. 相似文献
Yukie Sato Maurice W. Sabelis Martijn Egas Farid Faraji 《Experimental & applied acarology》2013,61(1):31-41
Severe intraspecific competition for mates selects for aggressive individuals but may also lead to the evolution of alternative phenotypes that do not act aggressively, yet manage to acquire matings. The two-spotted spider mite, Tetranychus urticae, shows male mate-guarding behaviour and male–male combat for available females. This may provide opportunity for weaker males to avoid fighting by adopting alternative mating behaviour such as sneaker or satellite tactics as observed in other animals. We investigated male precopulatory behaviour in the two-spotted spider mite by means of video-techniques and found three types of male mating behaviour: territorial, sneaker and opportunistic. Territorial and sneaker males associate with female teleiochrysales and spend much time guarding them. Territorial males are easily disturbed by rival males and engage themselves in fights with them. However, sneaker males are not at all disturbed by rival males, never engage in fights and, strikingly, never face attack by territorial males. Opportunistic males wander around in search of females that are in the teleiochrysalis stage but very close to or at emergence. To quickly classify any given mate-guarding male as territorial or sneaker we developed a method based on the instantaneous response of males to disturbance by a live male mounted on top of a brush. We tested this method against the response of the same males to natural disturbance by two or three other males. Because this method proved to be successful, we used it to collect territorial and sneaker males, and subjected them to morphological analysis to assess whether the various behavioural phenotypes are associated with different morphological characters. However, we found no statistical differences between territorial and sneaker males, concerning the length of the first legs, the stylets, the pedipalps or the body. 相似文献