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The core prerequisites for an efficient proteome-scale analysis of mammalian membrane proteins are effective isolation, solubilization, digestion and multidimensional liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS). This protocol is for analysis of the mammalian membrane proteome that relies on solubilization and tryptic digestion of membrane proteins in a buffer containing 60% (vol/vol) methanol. Tryptic digestion is followed by strong cation exchange (SCX) chromatography and reversed phase (RP) chromatography coupled online with MS/MS for protein identification. The use of a methanol-based buffer eliminates the need for reagents that interfere with chromatographic resolution and ionization of the peptides (e.g., detergents, chaotropes, inorganic salts). Sample losses are minimized because solubilization and digestion are carried out in a single tube avoiding any sample transfer or buffer exchange between these steps. This protocol is compatible with stable isotope labeling at the protein and peptide level, enabling identification and quantitation of integral membrane proteins. The entire procedure--beginning with isolated membrane fraction and finishing with MS data acquisition--takes 4-5 d.  相似文献   
This report describes the clinical value of transrectal prostate biopsy during which 12 biopsy cores are taken in comparison to the classical sextant method. There were 106 patients included in the study, who had transrectal prostate biopsy (TRB) due to abnormal finding after digitorectal examination (DRE) and/or values of PSA > 4 ng/ml in the period from 4 October 2001 till 14 August 2002. There were 117 biopsies with 12 biopsy cores taken, 6 cores from each lobe. Prostate cancer was confirmed in 49 patients (46%). Out of total number of confirmed cancer cases, initial biopsy detected 94%. There were three patients who had suspicious DRE finding, with PSA value of < 4 ng/ml, but cancer was not detected in any of them. In the patient group with PSA value between 4-10 ng/ml, cancer was detected in 26% of them and in the group with PSA value > 10 ng/ml cancer was detected in 58%. The most common Gleason score in the case of cancer was 7 (43%). During the biopsy procedure, 3 patients experienced strong vasovagal reactions, meaning that out of 117 biopsies incidence of complications was 2.6%. Few days after the biopsy, two patients developed urogenital tract infections (1.7%) and right after the procedure, there was one case of strong hematuria (0.8%) and strong rectal bleeding (0,8%) that needed hospitalization. Our results regarding the incidence of complications do not differ much from the results in the literature. According to data in the literature regarding sextant biopsy, 15-34% of cancer cases remain undiagnosed at initial biopsy. The method of 12 biopsy cores fails to diagnose only 6% of all cancers, but it is important to note that in the mentioned period, re-biopsy was indicated only in 11 from 60 patients with negative biopsies.  相似文献   
The structure of teeth in all living beings is genetically predetermined, although it can change under external physiological and pathological factors. The author's hypothesis was to indicate evolutional shifts resulting from genetic, functional and other differences. A comparative study about certain characteristics of incisors in humans and myomorpha, the fat dormouse (Glis glis) being their representative as well, comprised measurements of enamel and dentin thickness in individual incisor segments, evaluation of external enamel index, and also assessment of histological structure of enamel and dentin. The study results involving dormice showed the enamel to be thicker in lower than in the upper teeth, quite contrary to enamel thickness in humans. In the upper incisors in dormice the enamel is the thickest in the medial layer of the crown, and in the cervical portion of the crown in the lower incisors. The thickness of dentin in dormice is greater in the oral than in the vestibular side. These findings significantly differ from those reported in reference literature, but they are based on the function of teeth in dormice. Histological characteristics of hard dental tissues in dormice are similar to those in humans, with exception of uniserial structure of enamel and appearance of dentinoenamel junction.  相似文献   
The ability to identify and quantitate integral membrane proteins is an analytical challenge for mass spectrometry-based proteomics. The use of surfactants to solubilize and facilitate derivatization of these proteins can suppress peptide ionization and interfere with chromatographic separations during microcapillary reversed-phase liquid chromatography-electrospray-tandem mass spectrometry. To circumvent the use of surfactants and increase proteome coverage, an affinity labeling method has been developed to target highly hydrophobic integral membrane proteins using organic-assisted extraction and solubilization followed by cysteinyl-specific labeling using biotinylation reagents. As demonstrated on the membrane subproteome of Deinococcus radiodurans, specific and quantitative labeling of integral membrane proteins was achieved using a 60% methanol-aqueous buffer system and (+)-biotinyl-iodoacetamidyl-3,6-dioxaoctanediamine as the cysteinyl-alkylating reagent. From a total of 220 unique Cys-labeled peptides, 89 proteins were identified, of which 40 were integral membrane proteins containing from one to nine mapped transmembrane domains with a maximum positive GRAVY of 1.08. The protocol described can be used with other stable isotope labeling reagents (e.g., ICAT) to enable comparative measurements to be made on differentially expressed hydrophobic membrane proteins from various organisms (e.g., pathogenic bacteria) and cell types and provide a viable method for comparative proteome-wide analyses.  相似文献   
Brown bears have lost most of their range on the European continent. The remaining western populations are small, isolated and highly endangered. The Dinaric-Pindos brown bear population is the western-most stable population and the fourth largest in Europe. It has been recognized as a potential source for recolonization of populations whose survival is at risk. Indeed, several translocations of Dinaric bears to Italy, Austria and France have recently been made. Despite the importance of the Dinaric bear population, its genetic status remains poorly understood. Using tissue samples from 156 hunted or accidentally killed Dinaric bears in Croatia, this study analysed genetic diversity at 12 microsatellite loci, as well as population structure and past reductions in size. In addition, a subset of 59 samples was used to assess diversity of the mitochondrial DNA control region. The results indicate that Dinaric bears have high nuclear genetic diversity, as compared to other extant brown bear populations, despite genetic evidence of a bottleneck caused by past persecutions. However, haplotype diversity was low, probably as a result of male-biased dispersal and female philopatry. Not surprisingly, no evidence of population sub-structure was found using nuclear markers, as the bear habitat has remained continuous and the highway network has been built only recently. Management should focus on maintaining habitat connectivity and keeping the effective population size as large as possible. In addition, when removing individuals, care should be taken not to further deplete the population of rare haplotypes. A coordinated transboundary management of the entire Dinaric-Pindos brown bear population should be a priority for its long-term conservation.  相似文献   
Pay-for-performance programs are often aimed to improve the management of chronic diseases. We evaluate the impact of a local pay for performance programme (QOF+), which rewarded financially more ambitious quality targets (‘stretch targets’) than those used nationally in the Quality and Outcomes Framework (QOF). We focus on targets for intermediate outcomes in patients with cardiovascular disease and diabetes. A difference-in-difference approach is used to compare practice level achievements before and after the introduction of the local pay for performance program. In addition, we analysed patient-level data on exception reporting and intermediate outcomes utilizing an interrupted time series analysis. The local pay for performance program led to significantly higher target achievements (hypertension: p-value <0.001, coronary heart disease: p-values <0.001, diabetes: p-values <0.061, stroke: p-values <0.003). However, the increase was driven by higher rates of exception reporting (hypertension: p-value <0.001, coronary heart disease: p-values <0.03, diabetes: p-values <0.05) in patients with all conditions except for stroke. Exception reporting allows practitioners to exclude patients from target calculations if certain criteria are met, e.g. informed dissent of the patient for treatment. There were no statistically significant improvements in mean blood pressure, cholesterol or HbA1c levels. Thus, achievement of higher payment thresholds in the local pay for performance scheme was mainly attributed to increased exception reporting by practices with no discernable improvements in overall clinical quality. Hence, active monitoring of exception reporting should be considered when setting more ambitious quality targets. More generally, the study suggests a trade-off between additional incentive for better care and monitoring costs.  相似文献   
Balanced processing of HIV-1 RNA is critical to virus replication and is regulated by host factors. In this report, we demonstrate that overexpression of either Tra2α or Tra2β results in a marked reduction in HIV-1 Gag/ Env expression, an effect associated with changes in HIV-1 RNA accumulation, altered viral splice site usage, and a block to export of HIV-1 genomic RNA. A natural isoform of Tra2β (Tra2ß3), lacking the N-terminal RS domain, also suppressed HIV-1 expression but had different effects on viral RNA processing. The functional differences between the Tra2β isoforms were also observed in the context of another RNA substrate indicating that these factors have distinct functions within the cell. Finally, we demonstrate that Tra2ß depletion results in a selective reduction in HIV-1 Env expression as well as an increase in multiply spliced viral RNA. Together, the findings indicate that Tra2α/β can play important roles in regulating HIV-1 RNA metabolism and expression.  相似文献   
Free and glucosidic bound leaf volatiles of Degenia velebitica were isolated and fractionated simultaneously into H2O‐soluble, H2O‐insoluble, and highly volatile compounds by hydrodistillation–adsorption (HDA) and analyzed by GC/MS. Among the 24 constituents identified, the main compounds obtained by the HDA method were S‐ and/or N‐atom containing compounds, i.e., 6‐(methylsulfanyl)hexanenitrile ( 10 ; 26.78%), dimethyl trisulfide ( 6 ; 26.35%), 3,4,5‐trimethylpyrazole ( 17 ; 13.33%), hex‐5‐enenitrile ( 2 ; 10.11%), dimethyl tetrasulfide ( 8 ; 4.93%), and pent‐4‐enyl isothiocyanate ( 7 ; 4.45%). In addition, O‐glycosidically bound volatiles and free volatiles were isolated by solvent extraction. Sixteen volatile O‐aglycones and twelve free volatile components were identified. The main O‐aglycones were eugenol ( 19 ; 24.15%), 2‐methoxy‐4‐vinylphenol ( 11 ; 11.50%), and benzyl alcohol ( 20 ; 9.49%), and the main free volatiles were (9Z,12Z)‐octa‐9,12‐dienic acid (38.35%), hexadecanoic acid (22.64%), and phytol (5.80%). The H2O‐soluble volatile fraction obtained by HDA, containing mostly glucosinolate degradation products and 3,4,5‐trimethylpyrazole ( 17 ), was evaluated for antimicrobial activity by determining inhibition zones with the diffusion method as well as minimal inhibitory concentrations (MIC) and minimal microbicidal concentrations (MMC) with the micro‐dilution method. The fraction expressed activity against the tested Gram‐positive and Gram‐negative bacteria as well as against yeast, with MIC values equal to or lower than 16.7 μg/ml.  相似文献   
Macroevolutionary trends traditionally are studied by fossil analysis, comparative morphology or evo-devo approaches. With the availability of genome sequences and associated data from an increasing diversity of taxa, it is now possible to add an additional level of analysis: genomic phylostratigraphy. As an example of this approach, we use a phylogenetic framework and embryo expression data from Drosophila to show that grouping genes by their phylogenetic origin can uncover footprints of important adaptive events in evolution.  相似文献   
Conduction of tele-3D-computer assisted operations as well as other telemedicine procedures often requires highest possible quality of transmitted medical images and video. Unfortunately, those data types are always associated with high telecommunication and storage costs that sometimes prevent more frequent usage of such procedures. We present a novel algorithm for lossless compression of medical images that is extremely helpful in reducing the telecommunication and storage costs. The algorithm models the image properties around the current, unknown pixel and adjusts itself to the local image region. The main contribution of this work is the enhancement of the well known approach of predictor blends through highly adaptive determination of blending context on a pixel-by-pixel basis using classification technique. We show that this approach is well suited for medical image data compression. Results obtained with the proposed compression method on medical images are very encouraging, beating several well known lossless compression methods. The predictor proposed can also be used in other image processing applications such as segmentation and extraction of image regions.  相似文献   
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