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Natural killer (NK) cells are a population of innate type I lymphoid cells essential for early anti-viral responses and are known to modulate the course of humoral and cellular-mediated T cell responses. We assessed the role of NK cells in allogeneic CD8 T cell-mediated responses in an immunocompetent mouse model across an MHC class I histocompatibility barrier to determine its impact in therapeutic clinical interventions with polyclonal or monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) targeting lymphoid cells in transplantation. The administration of an NK cell depleting antibody to either CD8 T cell replete or CD8 T cell-depleted naïve C57BL/6 immunocompetent mice accelerated graft rejection. This accelerated rejection response was associated with an in vivo increased cytotoxic activity of CD8 T cells against bm1 allogeneic hematopoietic cells and bm1 skin allografts. These findings show that NK cells were implicated in the control host anti-donor cytotoxic responses, likely by competing for common cell growth factors in both CD8 T cell replete and CD8 T cell-depleted mice, the latter reconstituting in response to lymphopenia. Our data calls for precaution in solid organ transplantation under tolerogenic protocols involving extensive depletion of lymphocytes. These pharmacological biologics with depleting properties over NK cells may accelerate graft rejection and promote aggressive CD8 T cell cytotoxic alloresponses refractory to current immunosuppression.  相似文献   
Allergic airway diseases such as asthma are caused by a failure of the immune system to induce tolerance against environmental Ags. The underlying molecular and cellular mechanisms that initiate tolerance are only partly understood. In this study, we demonstrated that a CCR7-dependent migration of both CD103+ and CD103- lung dendritic cells (DC) to the bronchial lymph node (brLN) is indispensable for this process. Although inhaled Ag is amply present in the brLN of CCR7-deficient mice, T cells cannot be tolerized because of the impaired migration of Ag-carrying DC and subsequent transport of Ag from the lung to the draining lymph node. Consequently, the repeated inhalation of Ag protects wild-type but not CCR7-deficient mice from developing allergic airway diseases. Thus, the continuous DC-mediated transport of inhaled Ag to the brLN is critical for the induction of tolerance to innocuous Ags.  相似文献   
AIMS: Identification of genes differentially present in Haemophilus parasuis serovar 2 by representational difference analysis (RDA). METHODS AND RESULTS: Bacterial genomic DNA was extracted, cleaved with Sau3AI and ligated to oligonucleotide adapter pair. The optimal tester (H. parasuis serovar 2)/driver ratio (H. parasuis serovars 1, 3 and 5) for the hybridization was established and the mixture was hybridized, and amplified by PCR. The products were cloned and transformed into Escherichia coli TOP10 cells and checked for specificity by Southern blotting analysis. The RDA subtractive technique yielded six bands ranging from 1500 to 200 bp, which were cloned into pCR II-TOPO vector and 40 clones were analysed. A fragment of 369 bp was specific for H. parasuis serovar 2, and showed 99% homology to sulI gene encoding for dihydropteroate synthase (dhps). The dhps gene conferring sulfonamide resistance was detected in H. parasuis serovar 2 but was absent in serovars 1, 3, 5 and in most of the Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae serotypes (except serotype 7). CONCLUSION: sulI allele of dihydropteroate synthase has been identified in H. parasuis serovar 2 by RDA technique. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: The RDA technique seems to be an useful method for the identification of genes that are differentially present in H. parasuis, a respiratory pathogen of veterinary interest.  相似文献   
The cosignaling network mediated by the herpesvirus entry mediator (HVEM; TNFRSF14) functions as a dual directional system that involves proinflammatory ligand, lymphotoxin that exhibits inducible expression and competes with HSV glycoprotein D for HVEM, a receptor expressed by T lymphocytes (LIGHT; TNFSF14), and the inhibitory Ig family member B and T lymphocyte attenuator (BTLA). To dissect the differential contributions of HVEM/BTLA and HVEM/LIGHT interactions, topographically-specific, competitive, and nonblocking anti-HVEM Abs that inhibit BTLA binding, but not LIGHT, were developed. We demonstrate that a BTLA-specific competitor attenuated the course of acute graft-versus-host reaction in a murine F(1) transfer semiallogeneic model. Selective HVEM/BTLA blockade did not inhibit donor T cell infiltration into graft-versus-host reaction target organs, but decreased the functional activity of the alloreactive T cells. These results highlight the critical role of HVEM/BTLA pathway in the control of the allogeneic immune response and identify a new therapeutic target for transplantation and autoimmune diseases.  相似文献   
Dendritic cells (DC) are able to capture, process, and present exogenous Ag to CD8(+) T lymphocytes through MHC class I, a process referred to as cross-presentation. In this study, we demonstrate that CD103(+) (CD11c(high)CD11b(low)) and CD103(-) (CD11c(int)CD11b(high)) DC residing in the lung-draining bronchial lymph node (brLN) have evolved to acquire opposing functions in presenting innocuous inhaled Ag. Thus, under tolerogenic conditions, CD103(-) DC are specialized in presenting innocuous Ag to CD4(+) T cells, whereas CD103(+) DC, which do not express CD8alpha, are specialized in presenting Ag exclusively to CD8(+) T cells. In CCR7-deficient but not in plt/plt mice, Ag-carrying CD103(+) DC are largely absent in the brLN, although CD103(+) DC are present in the lung of CCR7-deficient mice. As a consequence, adoptively transferred CD8(+) T cells can be activated under tolerizing conditions in plt/plt but not in CCR7-deficient mice. These data reveal that CD103(+) brLN DC are specialized in cross-presenting innocuous inhaled Ag in vivo. Because these cells are largely absent in CCR7(-/-) mice, our findings strongly suggest that brLN CD103(+) DC are lung-derived and that expression of CCR7 is required for their migration from the lung into its draining lymph node.  相似文献   
A transposon mutagenesis procedure functional in the gram-negative swine pathogen Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae was developed for the first time. The technique involved the use of a suicide conjugative plasmid, pLOF/Km, carrying a mini-Tn10 with an isopropyl-beta-D-thiogalactopyranoside (IPTG)-inducible transposase located outside the mobile element (M. Herrero, V. de Lorenzo, and K. N. Timmis, J. Bacteriol. 172:6557-6567, 1990). The plasmid was mobilized from Escherichia coli to A. pleuropneumoniae through the RP4-mediated broad-host-range conjugal transfer functions provided by the chromosome of the donor strain. When IPTG was present in the mating medium, A. pleuropneumoniae CM5 transposon mutants were obtained at a frequency of 10(-5), while no mutants were detected in the absence of IPTG. Since the frequency of conjugal transfer of the RP4 plasmid from E. coli to A. pleuropneumoniae CM5 was found to be as low as 10(-4), the above result indicated that the expression level of the transposase was a critical factor for obtaining a workable efficiency of transposon mutagenesis. The transposon insertions occurred at random, as determined by Southern blotting of chromosomal DNA of randomly selected mutants and by the ability to generate mutants defective for the selected phenotypes. Almost all the mutants analyzed resulted from a single insertion of the Tn10 element. About 1.2% of the mutants resulted from the cointegration of pLOF/Km into the A. pleuropneumoniae chromosome. The applicability of this transposon mutagenesis system was verified on other A. pleuropneumoniae strains of different serotypes. The usefulness of this transposon mutagenesis system in genetic studies of A. pleuropneumoniae is discussed.  相似文献   
CD4 repopulation can be achieved in T cell-depleted, thymectomized mice grafted with xenogeneic porcine thymus tissue. These CD4 T cells are specifically tolerant of the xenogeneic porcine thymus donor and the recipient, but are positively selected only by porcine MHC. Recent studies suggest that optimal peripheral survival of naive CD4 T cells requires the presence of the same class II MHC in the periphery as that of the thymus in which they were selected. These observations would suggest that T cells selected on porcine thymic MHC would die rapidly in the periphery, where porcine MHC is absent. Persistent CD4 reconstitution achieved in mice grafted with fetal porcine thymus might be due to increased thymic output to compensate for rapid death of T cells in the periphery. Comparison of CD4 T cell decay after removal of porcine or murine thymic grafts ruled out this possibility. No measurable role for peripheral murine class II MHC in maintaining the naive CD4 pool originating in thymic grafts was demonstrable. However, mouse class II MHC supported the conversion to, survival, and/or proliferation of memory-type CD4 cells selected in fetal porcine thymus. Thus, the same MHC as that mediating positive selection in the thymus is not critical for maintenance of the memory CD4 cell pool in the periphery. Our results support the interpretation that xenogeneic thymic transplantation is a feasible strategy to reconstitute CD4 T cells and render recipients tolerant of a xenogeneic donor.  相似文献   
Remarkably normal cellular immune function, along with specific T-cell tolerance to highly disparate xenogeneic donors, can be achieved by grafting fetal pig thymus (FP THY) tissue to T and NK cell-depleted, thymectomized (ATX) mice. Porcine MHC can mediate positive selection of mouse CD4+ T-cells with a mouse MHC-restricted TCR in FP THY-grafted, T- and NK cell-depleted, ATX TCR-transgenic "AND" mice. However, functional studies were not performed on transgenic mouse T-cells selected in a FP THY graft. We have now performed further studies to confirm the ability of porcine MHC to mediate the positive selection of mouse T-cells with a mouse MHC-restricted TCR, and to exclude the possibility that the maturation of mouse T-cells with a mouse MHC-restricted TCR in FP THY grafts in ATX "AND" mice is a special case. For this purpose, TCR-transgenic mice with an unrelated transgenic TCR ["3A9", specific for hen egg lysozyme (HEL) peptide 46-61 presented by I-Ak] were employed. Similar to FP THY-grafted ATX "AND" mice, large numbers of mouse CD4 single positive thymocytes expressing the transgenic TCR (Vbeta8.2) and expressing a mature phenotype (Qa-2high and heat stable antigen, HSAlow) were detected in FP THY grafts. Porcine thymus grafting led to a high level of peripheral repopulation with mouse naive-type (CD44low CD45RBhigh CD62Lhigh) CD4+ cells expressing the transgenic TCR in T and NK cell-depleted ATX "3A9" mice, regardless of whether the recipients had a positive selecting or a non-selecting, class II deficient MHC background. The mouse CD4+ T-cells expressing the "3A9" TCR showed efficient primary proliferative responses to the protein antigen (HEL) when it was presented by mouse class II+ antigen presenting cells (APC) in vitro. These results, collectively, support the general conclusion that discordant xenogeneic porcine MHC can mediate positive selection of mouse T-cells with mouse MHC-restricted TCR. This study has implications for the potential clinical use of xenogeneic thymus transplantation to reconstitute cellular immunity in the setting of thymic insufficiency or thymectomy, and hence for its applicability to the induction of xenograft tolerance and in the treatment of immunodeficiency diseases.  相似文献   
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