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Besides vobtusine and vobtusine-lactone, deoxyvobtusine was isolated from the leaves of Voacanga grandifolia (Miq. Rolfe. Spectral and chemical evi  相似文献   
Dendritic cells (DCs) play an important role in the generation of anti-cancer immune responses, however there is evidence that DCs in cancer patients are dysfunctional. Lipid accumulation driven by tumor-derived factors has recently been shown to contribute to DC dysfunction in several human cancers, but has not yet been examined in mesothelioma. This study investigated if mesothelioma tumor cells and/or their secreted factors promote increases in DC lipid content and modulate DC function. Human monocyte-derived DCs (MoDCs) were exposed to human mesothelioma tumor cells and tumor-derived factors in the presence or absence of lipoproteins. The data showed that immature MoDCs exposed to mesothelioma cells or factors contained increased lipid levels relative to control DCs. Lipid accumulation was associated with reduced antigen processing ability (measured using a DQ OVA assay), upregulation of the co-stimulatory molecule, CD86, and production of the tolerogenic cytokine, IL-10. Increases in DC lipid content were further enhanced by co-exposure to mesothelioma-derived factors and triglyceride-rich lipoproteins, but not low-density lipoproteins. In vivo studies using a murine mesothelioma model showed that the lipid content of tumor-infiltrating CD4+CD8α- DCs, CD4-CD8α- DCs DCs and plasmacytoid DCs increased with tumor progression. Moreover, increasing tumor burden was associated with reduced proliferation of tumor-antigen-specific CD8+ T cells in tumor-draining lymph nodes. This study shows that mesothelioma promotes DC lipid acquisition, which is associated with altered activation status and reduced capacity to process and present antigens, which may impair the ability of DCs to generate effective anti mesothelioma T cell responses.  相似文献   
Wilms tumor, a common childhood renal tumor, occurs in both a heritable and a nonheritable form. The heritable form may occasionally be attributed to a chromosome deletion at 11p13, and tumors from patients with normal constitutional chromosomes often show deletion or rearrangement of 11p13. It has been suggested that a germinal or somatic mutation may occur on one chromosome 11 and predispose to Wilms tumor and that a subsequent somatic genetic event on the normal homologue at 11p13 may permit tumor development. To study the frequency and mechanism of such tumor-specific genetic events, we have examined the karyotype and chromosome 11 genotype of normal and tumor tissues from 13 childhood renal tumor patients with different histologic tumor types and associated clinical conditions. Tumors of eight of the 12 Wilms tumor patients, including all viable tumors examined directly, show molecular evidence of loss of 11p DNA sequences by somatic recombination (four cases), chromosome loss (two cases), and recombination (two cases) or chromosome loss and duplication. One malignant rhabdoid tumor in a patient heterozygous for multiple 11p markers did not show any tumor-specific 11p alteration. These findings confirm the critical role of 11p sequences in Wilms tumor development and reveal that mitotic recombination may be the most frequent mechanism by which tumors develop.  相似文献   
The role of reactive oxygen (1O2 and O2-.) in skin photosensitization and tanning reaction has been examined. Riboflavin (RF), hematoporphyrin (HP), 3-carbethoxypsoralen (3-CP), and 8-methoxypsoralen (8-MOP), upon photoexcitation under aerobic conditions, produced singlet O2 (1O2). RF, 3-CP, and 8-MOP also produced superoxide anion (O2-.). Reactive O2 produced by photosensitized RF, 3-CP, and 8-MOP was found to oxidize tyrosine and dopa to dopachrome and subsequently their conversion to melanin. HP did not oxidize tyrosine to dopachrome, and 3-CP and RF revealed substantial oxidation of tyrosine. Dopa was oxidized to dopachrome and subsequently to melanin by all photosensitizers tested at a variable rate as follows: RF greater than 3-CP greater than HPD greater than 8-MOP. UVA alone and to a lesser extent UVB also produced 1O2 which induced the oxidation of tyrosine and dopa to dopachrome and subsequently to melanin. The production of dopachrome was higher with dopa compared to tyrosine under all irradiation conditions. These observations appear to have relevance to the O2-requiring immediate tanning reaction of the skin stimulated by solar radiation and in the induction of skin photosensitization.  相似文献   
The seasonal distribution of Aeromonas hydrophila in water and recovery rate from live river fish was investigated. The highest isolation rates of A. hydrophila occurred in water during the late winter followed by a progressive decline in density during the summer and monsoon seasons. The organism was recovered from fish throughout the period from which it was concluded that they form a reservoir which is unrelated to their density in water. The enterotoxigenicity of some environmental strains was tested in suckling mice and rabbit ileal loop.  相似文献   
Application of a modified immunofluorescence technique using an anti-kinetochore serum enables cytogeneticists to obtain quality metaphase spreads and to localize kinetochores. In a patient with a 45, XX, -9, -11, tdic (9p;11p) constitution, we found that the dicentric marker chromosome has an intensely fluorescent kinetochore (no. 11), the functional centromere, and a less intensely fluorescent kinetochore (no. 9), the inactive centromere. The data suggest that in the process of tandem fusion (telomere-telomere between 11p and 9p), the centromere of chromosome 9 was not deleted, but, rather, inactivated.  相似文献   
Summary Measurements of foliage quality, physiological, and phenological condition of sample trees were used as independent variables in multiple correlation analyses to determine their effect on female and male spruce budworm larval dry weights. Female budworm from trees high in foliar concentrations of beta-pinene, myrcene and total nitrogen weighed less than those from trees lacking these characteristics. Male budworm from trees high in foliar concentrations of alpha-pinene, myrcene, terpinolene, citronellyl acetate, and bornyl acetate weighted less than those from trees lacking these characteristics. Additionally, relatively vigorous and productive trees tended to be less susceptible (as evidenced by reduced larval weight) to budworm of either sex.  相似文献   
Glabrachalcone, a new chromenochalcone has been isolated along with a known chromenochalcone from an ethanolic extract of the seed oil of Pongamia glabra. The structure of glabrachalcone has been established as 2′-hydroxy-2,4,5-trimethoxy-6″,6″-dimethylchromeno(4′,3′:2″,3″)chalcone on the basis of spectral evidence and was confirmed by synthesis.  相似文献   
The distribution of human low density lipoprotein (LDL) receptors was studied by immunofluorescence and immunoelectron microscopy in epithelial cells of transgenic mice that express high levels of receptors under control of the metallothionein-I promoter. In hepatocytes and intestinal epithelial cells, the receptors were confined to the basal and basolateral surfaces, respectively. Very few LDL receptors were present in coated pits or intracellular vesicles. In striking contrast, in the epithelium of the renal tubule the receptors were present on the apical (lumenal) surface where they appeared to be concentrated at the base of microvilli and were abundant in vesicles of the endocytic recycling pathway. Intravenously administered LDL colloidal gold conjugates bound to the receptors on hepatocyte microvilli and were slowly internalized, apparently through slow migration into coated pits. We conclude that (a) sorting of LDL receptors to the surface of different epithelial cells varies with each tissue; and (b) in addition to a signal for clustering in coated pits, the LDL receptor may contain a signal for retention in noncoated membrane that is manifest in hepatocytes and intestinal epithelial cells, but not in renal epithelial cells or cultured human fibroblasts.  相似文献   
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