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Rec dependence of mu transposition from P22-transduced fragments.   总被引:7,自引:5,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
Derivatives of bacteriophage Mu carrying a lac operon and a selectable drug resistance element (Mu d phages) are frequently used tools of bacterial genetics. Mu d prophages used in this way can be treated as transposons, in that the inserted material can be transduced from one strain to another by general transducing phages, such as P1 and P22. When a Mu d prophage is transduced into a new recipient by P1 or P22, the Mu d element can transpose from the transduced fragment into the bacterial chromosome. Transposition of the Mu d element from a P22-transduced fragment shows several striking differences from transposition of a Mu d genome injected by a Mu virion. First, the frequency of transposition from a transduced fragment is greatly enhanced by a P22 helper genome. Second, transposition requires the host recA, B, and C functions. Transposition of Mu following injection by a Mu virion is rec independent. While the basis of these observations is not understood, we suggest that the Mu X protein, a 65-kilodalton protein injected by a Mu virion and required for Mu transposition, may not be packaged by P22. We suggest that the effects seen reflect the behavior of a Mu genome in the absence of the X protein.  相似文献   
Bacterial DNA ligases use NAD as an energy source. In this study we addressed two questions about these enzymes. First, what is the physiological consequence of completely removing the NAD-dependent enzyme and replacing it with an ATP-dependent DNA ligase? We constructed Salmonella typhimurium strains in which the endogenous NAD-dependent DNA ligase activity was inactivated by an insertion mutation and the ATP-dependent enzyme from bacteriophage T4 was provided by a cloned phage gene. Such strains were physiologically indistinguishable from the wild type, even under conditions of UV irradiation or treatment with alkylating agents. These results suggest that specific functional interactions between DNA ligase and other replication and repair enzymes may be unimportant under the conditions tested. Second, the importance of DNA ligation as the initiating event of the bacterial pyridine nucleotide cycle was critically assessed in these mutant strains. Surprisingly, our results indicate that DNA ligation makes a minimal contribution to the pyridine nucleotide cycle; the Salmonella strains with only an ATP-dependent ligase had the same NAD turnover rates as the wild-type strain with an NAD-dependent ligase. However, we found that NAD turnover was significantly decreased under anaerobic conditions. We suggest that most intracellular pyridine nucleotide breakdown occurs in a process that protects the cell against oxygen damage but involves a biochemical mechanism other than DNA ligation.  相似文献   
Antigen-specific,MHC-unrestricted T cells   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The published record suggests that in the majority of cases the antigen is recognized by the T cell receptor (TCR) as a complex of a foreign antigen and amino acid residues contributed by the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) antigens, and the antigen-specific, MHC-restricted effector function is an unambiguous result of this process. Alternatively, the T cell receptor may recognize a particular conformational form of the antigen which is dictated by the allelic differences in the MHC, resulting also in MHC-restricted recognition. When, however, a T cell which phenotypically fulfills all the requirements necessary to perform antigen specific, MHC-restricted function, shows a lack of MHC restriction, there are two possible explanations: 1) In addition to the MHC-restricted, antigen-specific T cell receptor the cell expresses, or has newly acquired the expression of another, MHC-unrestricted (NK-like) receptor, or 2) The specific antigen recognized by the T cell receptor, is able to bind to the receptor and activate the T cell without being presented by the MHC molecule. While the first possibility has been extensively described in the literature as well as other articles in this issue, the second possibility has not been dealt with to the same extent and is the primary focus of this review.  相似文献   
Salmonella typhimurium mutants lacking NAD pyrophosphatase.   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
NAD can serve as both a purine and a pyridine source for Salmonella typhimurium. Exogenous NAD is rapidly broken down into nicotinamide mononucleotide and AMP by an NAD pyrophosphatase, the first step in the pathway for the assimilation of exogenous NAD. We isolated and characterized mutants of S. typhimurium lacking NAD pyrophosphatase activity; such mutants were identified by their failure to use exogenous NAD as a purine source. These mutants carry mutations that map at a new locus, designated pnuE, between 86 and 87 min on the Salmonella chromosome.  相似文献   
Structural gene for NAD synthetase in Salmonella typhimurium.   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
We have identified the structural gene for NAD synthetase, which catalyzes the final metabolic step in NAD biosynthesis. This gene, designated nadE, is located between gdh and nit at 27 min on the Salmonella typhimurium chromosome. Mutants of nadE include those with a temperature-sensitive lethal phenotype; these strains accumulate large internal pools of nicotinic acid adenine dinucleotide, the substrate for NAD synthetase. Native gel electrophoresis experiments suggest that NAD synthetase is a multimeric enzyme of at least two subunits and that subunits from Escherichia coli and S. typhimurium interact to form an active heteromultimer.  相似文献   
We describe the properties of a family of 22-amino acid peptides, the mu-conotoxins, which are useful probes for investigating voltage-dependent sodium channels of excitable tissues. The mu-conotoxins are present in the venom of the piscivorous marine snail, Conus geographus L. We have purified seven homologs of the mu-conotoxin set and determined their amino acid sequences, as follows, where Hyp = trans-4-hydroxyproline. GIIIA R.D.C.C.T.Hyp.Hyp.K.K.C.K.D.R.Q.C.K.Hyp.Q.R.C.C.A-NH2 [Pro6]GIIIA R.D.C.C. T.P.Hyp.K.K.C.K.D.R.Q.C.K.Hyp.Q.R.C.C.A-NH2 [Pro7]GIIIA R.D.C.C.T.Hyp.P.K.K.C.K.D.R.Q.C.R.Hyp.Q.R.C.C.A-NH2 GIIIB R.D.C.C.T.Hyp.Hyp.R.K.C.K.D.R.R.C.K.Hyp.M.K.C.C.A-NH2 [Pro6]GIIIB R.D.C.C.T.P.Hyp.R.K.C.K.D.R.R. C.K.Hyp.M.K.C.C.A-NH2 [Pro7]GIIIB R.D.C.C.T.Hyp.P.R.K.C.K.D.R.R.C.K.Hyp.M.K.C.C.A-NH2 GIIIC R.D.C.C.T.Hyp.Hyp.K.K.C.K.D.R.R.C.K.Hyp.L.K.C.C.A-NH2. Using the major peptide (GIIIA) in electrophysiological studies on nerve-muscle preparations and in single channel studies using planar lipid bilayers, we have established that the toxin blocks muscle sodium channels, while having no discernible effect on nerve or brain sodium channels. In bilayers the blocking kinetics of GIIIA were derived by statistical analysis of discrete transitions between blocked and unblocked states of batrachotoxin-activated sodium channels from rat muscle. The kinetics conform to a single-site, reversible binding equilibrium with a voltage-dependent binding constant. The measured value of the equilibrium KD for GIIIA is 100 nM at OmV, decreasing e-fold/34 mV of hyperpolarization. This voltage dependence of blocking is similar to that of tetrodotoxin and saxitoxin as measured by the same technique. The tissue specificity and kinetic characteristics suggest that the mu-conotoxins may serve as useful ligands to distinguish sodium channel subtypes in different tissues.  相似文献   
Escherichia coli chemotaxis was inhibited by omega-conotoxin, a calcium ion channel blocker. With Tris-EDTA-permeabilized cells, nanomolar levels of omega-conotoxin inhibited chemotaxis without loss of motility. Cells treated with omega-conotoxin swam with a smooth bias, i.e., tumbling was inhibited.  相似文献   
The 13-amino acid glycopeptide tx5a (Gla-Cys-Cys-Gla-Asp-Gly-Trp*-Cys-Cys-Thr*-Ala-Ala-Hyp-OH, where Trp* = 6-bromotryptophan and Thr* = Gal-GalNAc-threonine), isolated from Conus textile, causes hyperactivity and spasticity when injected intracerebral ventricularly into mice. It contains nine post-translationally modified residues: four cysteine residues, two gamma-carboxyglutamic acid residues, and one residue each of 6-bromotryptophan, 4-trans-hydroxyproline and glycosylated threonine. The chemical nature of each of these has been determined with the exception of the glycan linkage pattern on threonine and the stereochemistry of the 6-bromotryptophan residue. Previous investigations have demonstrated that tx5a contains a disaccharide composed of N-acetylgalactosamine (GalNAc) and galactose (Gal), but the interresidue linkage was not characterized. We hypothesized that tx5a contained the T-antigen, beta-D-Gal-(1-->3)-alpha-D-GalNAc, one of the most common O-linked glycan structures, identified previously in another Conus glycopeptide, contalukin-G. We therefore utilized the peracetylated form of this glycan attached to Fmoc-threonine in an attempted synthesis. While the result-ing synthetic peptide (Gla-Cys-Cys-Gla-Asp-Gly-Trp*-Cys-Cys-Thr*-Ala-Ala-Hyp-OH, where Trp* =6-bromotryptophan and Thr* = beta-D-Gal-(1-->3)-alpha-D-GalNAc-threonine) and the native peptide had almost identical mass spectra, a comparison of their RP-HPLC chromatograms suggested that the two forms were not identical. Two-dimensional 1H homonuclear and 13C-1H heteronuclear NMR spectroscopy of native tx5a isolated from Conus textile was then used to determine that the glycan present on tx5a indeed is not the aforementioned T-antigen, but rather alpha-D-Gal-(1-->3)-alpha-D-GalNAc.  相似文献   
The incorporation of uracil into and excision from DNA were studied in vitro using lysates on cellophane discs made from Escherichia coli strains with defects in the enzymes dUTPase (dut) and uracil-DNA glycosylase (ung).Results with dut ung lysates indicate that dUTP is competitively incorporated with dTTP at the replication fork. Such incorporation is not due to DNA polymerase I. There is a mild discrimination (2.5-fold) against incorporation of dUTP versus dTTP. These data, together with in vivo uracil incorporation data (Tye et al., 1978) permit a rough estimate of the pool of dUTP in vivo (~0.5% of the dTTP pool).These in vitro data indicate that uracil-DNA glycosylase is the initial step in at least 90% of uracil excision events. However, in a strain defective in uracil-DNA glycosylase (ung-1), uracil-containing DNA is still more subject to single-strand scission than non-uracil-containing DNA, albeit at a rate at least tenfold less than in an ung+ strain.A number of qualitative statements may also be made about different steps in uracil incorporation and subsequent excision and repair events. When high levels of dUTP are added in vitro, a dut ung+ strain has a higher steady-state level of uracil in newly synthesized DNA than does an isogenic dut+ ung strain. Thus the dUTPase in these lysates has a higher capacity to be overloaded than does the excision system (i.e. uracil DNA glycosylase). However, the DNA sealing system (presumably DNA polymerase I and DNA ligase) apparently can handle all single-strand interruptions being introduced by uracil excision at the maximal rate, at least so that DNA synthesis can continue.  相似文献   
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