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We report here the construction and analysis of insertional mutations in each of the three genes of the gltBDF operon and the nucleotide sequence of the region downstream from gltD. Two open reading frames were identified, the first of which corresponds to gltF. The gltB and gltD genes code for the large and small subunits, respectively, of the enzyme glutamate synthase (GOGAT). gltF codes for a protein, with a molecular mass of 26,350 Da, which is required for Ntr induction. Histidase synthesis was determined as a measure of Ntr function. First, insertions in gltB, gltD or gltF all prevent Ntr induction. Second, complementation analysis indicates that high-level expression of both the gltD and gltF genes is required for the induction of the Ntr enzymes under nitrogen-limiting conditions, indicating that the phenotype of the gltB insertion probably results from polarity on gltD and gltF. Third, glutamate-dependent repression of the glt operon appears to be mediated by the product of the gltF gene. Thus, the gltBDF operon of Escherichia coli is involved in induction of the so-called Ntr enzymes in response to nitrogen deprivation, as well as in glutamate biosynthesis.  相似文献   
A variant of the carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) with lower molecular weight than a CEA reference preparation has been separated from CEA. Using a polyclonal, spleen absorbed anti-CEA antiserum, the variant crossreacts with reference CEA in immunodiffusion. The CEA-activity of the variant has been demonstrated using an enzyme-immunoassay with monoclonal CEA specific antibodies. There is sufficient immunological evidence that this variant is a distinct antigen different from the crossreactive antigens described so far. The reactivity of the polyclonal anti-CEA antiserum with the CEA variant was abolished by absorption against the immobilized variant.  相似文献   
Toll-like receptor 2 (TLR2) serves as a co-stimulatory receptor for human T cells by enhancing T cell receptor (TCR)-induced cytokine production and proliferation. However, it is unknown where signals from the TCR and TLR2 converge to enhance T cell activation. To address this gap, we examined changes in TCR-induced signaling following concurrent TLR2 activation in human T cells. Both proximal TCR-mediated signaling and early NFκB activation were not enhanced by TCR andTLR2 co-activation, potentially due to the association of TLR2 with TLR10. Instead, TLR2 co-induction did augment Akt and Erk1/Erk2 activation in human T cells. These findings demonstrate that TLR2 activates distinct signaling pathways in human T cells and suggest that alterations in expression of TLR2 co-receptors may contribute to aberrant T cell responses.  相似文献   
The study presented here aimed at identifying a new class of compounds acting against Leishmania parasites, the causative agent of Leishmaniasis. For this purpose, the thioether derivatives of our in-house library have been evaluated in whole-cell screening assays in order to determine their in vitro activity against Leishmania protozoan. Among them, promising results have been achieved with compound RDS 777 (6-(sec-butoxy)-2-((3-chlorophenyl)thio)pyrimidin-4-amine) (IC50?=?29.43?µM), which is able to impair the mechanism of the parasite defence against the reactive oxygen species by inhibiting the trypanothione reductase (TR) with high efficiency (Ki 0.25?±?0.18?µM). The X-ray structure of L. infantum TR in complex with RDS 777 disclosed the mechanism of action of this compound that binds to the catalytic site and engages in hydrogen bonds the residues more involved in the catalysis, namely Glu466', Cys57 and Cys52, thereby inhibiting the trypanothione binding and avoiding its reduction.  相似文献   
Two new species of freshwater ascomycetes belonging to the genus Lindgomyces (Pleosporales, Dothideomycetes) are described and illustrated from submerged wood in North Carolina, USA. Lindgomyces carolinensis is characterized by immersed to erumpent ascomata, fissitunicate broadly cylindrical to clavate asci, and fusiform ascospores with acute ends surrounded by a large, fusiform gelatinous sheath. Lindgomyces cigarospora morphologically differs from L. carolinensis in that its ascospores are fusiform to cylindrical with rounded ends, without a large fusiform gelatinous sheath. These two new species nest in the family Lindgomycetaceae based on analyses of combined SSU and LSU rDNA sequence data. Phylogenetic analyses using ITS sequence data support the establishment of the new taxa as separate species within Lindgomyces. In addition to the new species, we report new ITS sequence data for L. cinctosporus and L. griseosporus from France, and L. ingoldianus from North Carolina, USA. We report a video exhibiting fissitunicate ascus dehiscence in L. carolinensis showing ascospore discharge and unraveling of the gelatinous sheath in real time. Chemical analysis of the organic extracts of L. carolinensis and L. cigarospora resulted in two known cyclodepsipeptides, Sch 378161 and Sch 217048. The in situ spatial mapping of these secondary metabolites on fungal cultures indicates the presence of both compounds on the surface of mycelia, as well as being exuded into the surrounding agar.  相似文献   
Immunofluorescence studies of normal and Trypanosoma cruzi-infected primary cultures of heart muscle cells were performed to gather information about the arrangement of myofibrillar components during the intracellular life cycle of this parasite. By using a panel of monoclonal antibodies against various myofibrillar proteins, a progressive disruption and loss of contractile proteins (such myosin and actin) of the host cell was detected during infection. The host cell formed a loose network of myofibrillar proteins around the parasites. Breakdown of the myofibrils occurred in regions where the parasites were present, and heavily infected cells showed myofibrillar proteins at their periphery. In parallel, we investigated the effect of T. cruzi infection on intracellular calcium levels by using a Ca2+ fluorescent indicator (confocal microscopy). Infected cardiomyocytes displayed a marked impairment in contractility, and calcium influxes became irregular and less intense when compared with those of non-infected cells. Our results demonstrate that T. cruzi infection dramatically affects calcium fluxes and causes myofibrillar breakdown disturbing cardiomyocyte contractility.Financial support through grants and scholarships from the Brazilian funding agencies FAPESP, CNPq, and CAPES is gratefully acknowledged.  相似文献   
The types of epileptiform activity occurring in the sclerotic hippocampus with highest incidence are interictal-like events (II) and periodic ictal spiking (PIS). These activities are classified according to their event rates, but it is still unclear if these rate differences are consequences of underlying physiological mechanisms. Identifying new and more specific information related to these two activities may bring insights to a better understanding about the epileptogenic process and new diagnosis. We applied Poincaré map analysis and Recurrence Quantification Analysis (RQA) onto 35 in vitro electrophysiological signals recorded from slices of 12 hippocampal tissues surgically resected from patients with pharmacoresistant temporal lobe epilepsy. These analyzes showed that the II activity is related to chaotic dynamics, whereas the PIS activity is related to deterministic periodic dynamics. Additionally, it indicates that their different rates are consequence of different endogenous dynamics. Finally, by using two computational models we were able to simulate the transition between II and PIS activities. The RQA was applied to different periods of these simulations to compare the recurrences between artificial and real signals, showing that different ranges of regularity-chaoticity can be directly associated with the generation of PIS and II activities.  相似文献   
Providing accurate animals’ phylogenies rely on increasing knowledge of neglected phyla. Tardigrada diversity evaluated in broad phylogenies (among phyla) is biased towards eutardigrades. A comprehensive phylogeny is demanded to establish the representative diversity and propose a more natural classification of the phylum. So, we have performed multilocus (18S rRNA and 28S rRNA) phylogenies with Bayesian inference and maximum likelihood. We propose the creation of a new class within Tardigrada, erecting the order Apochela (Eutardigrada) as a new Tardigrada class, named Apotardigrada comb. n. Two groups of evidence support its creation: (a) morphological, presence of cephalic appendages, unique morphology for claws (separated branches) and wide‐elongated buccopharyngeal apparatus without placoids, and (b) phylogenetic support based on molecular data. Consequently, order Parachela is suppressed and its superfamilies erected as orders within Eutardigrada, maintaining their current names. We propose a new classification within the family Echiniscidae (Echiniscoidea, Heterotardigrada) with morphological and phylogenetic support: (a) subfamily Echiniscinae subfam. n., with two tribes Echiniscini tribe n. and Bryodelphaxini tribe n.; (b) subfamily Pseudechiniscinae subfam. n., with three tribes Cornechiniscini tribe n., Pseudechiniscini tribe n. and Anthechiniscini tribe n.; and (c) subfamily Parechiniscinae subfam. n., with two tribes Parechiniscini tribe n. and Novechiniscini tribe n. Reliable biodiversity selection for tardigrades in broad phylogenies is proposed due to biased analyses performed up to now. We use our comprehensive molecular phylogeny to evaluate the evolution of claws in the clawless genus Apodibius and claw reduction across the Tardigrada tree of life. Evolutionary consequences are discussed.  相似文献   
To optimize the efficiency of expression of foreign proteins using Potato virus X (PVX) -- based vector, the gene for the coat protein (CP) of other virus (Potato virus A, PVA) was cloned into the vector, propagated in E. coli and subsequently inoculated or agroinfected into the host plants. Host range studies showed that the best host plant is N. benthamiana. By means of RT PCR the presence and the stability of the construct were tested. Both ELISA and Western blot analysis were applicable for expressed protein detection. Expression level of PVA CP achieved approximately 5--10 per mille of total soluble proteins. The results demonstrated that agroinfection is the most suitable method for the propagation of our model gene using PVX--based vectors.  相似文献   
In preclinical cancer studies, three-dimensional (3D) cell spheroids and aggregates are preferred over monolayer cell cultures due to their architectural and functional similarity to solid tumors. We performed a proof-of-concept study to generate physiologically relevant and predictive preclinical models using non–small cell lung adenocarcinoma, and colon and colorectal adenocarcinoma cell line-derived 3D spheroids and aggregates. Distinct panels were designed to determine the expression profiles of frequently studied biomarkers of the two cancer subtypes. The lung adenocarcinoma panel included ALK, EGFR, TTF-1, and CK7 biomarkers, and the colon and colorectal adenocarcinoma panel included BRAF V600E, MSH2, MSH6, and CK20. Recent advances in immunofluorescence (IF) multiplexing and imaging technology enable simultaneous detection and quantification of multiple biomarkers on a single slide. In this study, we performed IF staining of multiple biomarkers per section on formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded 3D spheroids and aggregates. We optimized protocol parameters for automated IF and demonstrated staining concordance with automated chromogenic immunohistochemistry performed with validated protocols. Next, post-acquisition spectral unmixing of the captured fluorescent signals were utilized to delineate four differently stained biomarkers within a single multiplex IF image, followed by automated quantification of the expressed markers. This workflow has the potential to be adapted to preclinical high-throughput screening and drug efficacy studies utilizing 3D spheroids from cancer cell lines and patient-derived organoids. The process allows for cost, time, and resource savings through concurrent staining of several biomarkers on a single slide, the ability to study the interactions of multiple expressed proteins within a single region of interest, and enable quantitative assessment of biomarkers in cancer cells.  相似文献   
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