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Akt is perhaps the most frequently activated oncoprotein in human cancers. Overriding cell cycle checkpoint in combination with the inhibition of apoptosis are two principal requirements for predisposition to cancer. Here we show that the activation of Akt is sufficient to promote these two principal processes, by inhibiting Chk1 activation with concomitant inhibition of apoptosis. These activities of Akt cannot be recapitulated by the knockdown of Chk1 alone or by overexpression of Bcl2. Rather the combination of Chk1 knockdown and Bcl2 overexpression is required to recapitulate Akt activities. Akt was shown to directly phosphorylate Chk1. However, we found that Chk1 mutants in the Akt phosphorylation sites behave like wild-type Chk1 in mediating G2 arrest, suggesting that the phosphorylation of Chk1 by Akt is either dispensable for Chk1 activity or insufficient by itself to exert an effect on Chk1 activity. Here we report a new mechanism by which Akt affects G2 cell cycle arrest. We show that Akt inhibits BRCA1 function that induces G2 cell cycle arrest. Akt prevents the translocation of BRCA1 to DNA damage foci and, thereby, inhibiting the activation of Chk1 following DNA damage.  相似文献   
We have utilized [(15)N]alanine or (15)NH(3) as metabolic tracers in order to identify sources of nitrogen for hepatic ureagenesis in a liver perfusion system. Studies were done in the presence and absence of physiologic concentrations of portal venous ammonia in order to test the hypothesis that, when the NH(4)(+):aspartate ratio is >1, increased hepatic proteolysis provides cytoplasmic aspartate in order to support ureagenesis. When 1 mm [(15)N]alanine was the sole nitrogen source, the amino group was incorporated into both nitrogens of urea and both nitrogens of glutamine. However, when studies were done with 1 mm alanine and 0.3 mm NH(4)Cl, alanine failed to provide aspartate at a rate that would have detoxified all administered ammonia. Under these circumstances, the presence of ammonia at a physiologic concentration stimulated hepatic proteolysis. In perfusions with alanine alone, approximately 400 nmol of nitrogen/min/g liver was needed to satisfy the balance between nitrogen intake and nitrogen output. When the model included alanine and NH(4)Cl, 1000 nmol of nitrogen/min/g liver were formed from an intra-hepatic source, presumably proteolysis. In this manner, the internal pool provided the cytoplasmic aspartate that allowed the liver to dispose of mitochondrial carbamyl phosphate that was rapidly produced from external ammonia. This information may be relevant to those clinical situations (renal failure, cirrhosis, starvation, low protein diet, and malignancy) when portal venous NH(4)(+) greatly exceeds the concentration of aspartate. Under these circumstances, the liver must summon internal pools of protein in order to accommodate the ammonia burden.  相似文献   
Abstract: The aim was to study the extent to which leu-cine furnishes α-NH2 groups for glutamate synthesis via branched-chain amino acid aminotransferase. The transfer of N from leucine to glutamate was determined by incubating astrocytes in a medium containing [15N]leucine and 15 unlabeled amino acids; isotopic abundance was measured with gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. The ratio of labeling in both [15N]glutamate/[15N]leucine and [2-15N]glutamine/[15N]leucine suggested that at least one-fifth of all glutamate N had been derived from leucine nitrogen. At the same time, enrichment in [15N]leucine declined, reflecting dilution of the 16N label by the unlabeled amino acids that were in the medium. Isotopic abundance in [16N]-isoleucine increased very quickly, suggesting the rapidity of transamination between these amino acids. The appearance of 15N in valine was more gradual. Measurement of branched-chain amino acid transaminase showed that the reaction from leucine to glutamate was approximately six times more active than from glutamate to leucine (8.72 vs. 1.46 nmol/min/mg of protein). However, when the medium was supplemented with α-ketoisocaproate (1 mM), the ketoacid of leucine, the reaction readily ran in the “reverse” direction and intraastrocytic [glutamate] was reduced by ~50% in only 5 min. Extracellular concentrations of α-ketoisocaproate as low as 0.05 mM significantly lowered intracellular [glutamate]. The relative efficiency of branched-chain amino acid transamination was studied by incubating astrocytes with 15 unlabeled amino acids (0.1 mM each) and [15N]glutamate. After 45 min, the most highly labeled amino acid was [15N]alanine, which was closely followed by [15N]leucine and [15N]isoleucine. Relatively little 15N was detected in any other amino acids, except for [15N]serine. The transamination of leucine was ~17 times greater than the rate of [1-14C]leucine oxidation. These data indicate that leucine is a major source of glutamate nitrogen. Conversely, reamination of a-ketoisocaproate, the ketoacid of leucine, affords a mechanism for the temporary “buffering” of intracellular glutamate.  相似文献   
Summary The effect of the exchangeable cation on the condensation of glycine and alanine was investigated using a series of homoionic bentonites. A cycling procedure of drying, warming and wetting was employed. Peptide bond formation was observed, and the effectiveness of metal ions to catalyze the condensation was Cu2+ > Ni2+ Zn2+ > Na+. Glycine showed 6% of the monomer incorporated into oligomers with the largest detected being the pentamer. Alanine showed less peptide bond formation (a maximum of 2%) and only the dimer was observed.  相似文献   
The role of the glutamate dehydrogenase reaction as a pathway of glutamate synthesis was studied by incubating synaptosomes with 5 mM 15NH4Cl and then utilizing gas chromatography-mass spectrometry to measure isotopic enrichment in glutamate and aspartate. The rate of formation of [15N]glutamate and [15N]aspartate from 5 mM 15NH4Cl was approximately 0.2 nmol/min/mg of protein, a value much less than flux through glutaminase (4.8 nmol/min/mg of protein) but greater than flux through glutamine synthetase (0.045 nmol/min/mg of protein). Addition of 1 mM 2-oxoglutarate to the medium did not affect the rate of [15N]glutamate formation. O2 consumption and lactate formation were increased in the presence of 5 mM NH3, whereas the intrasynaptosomal concentrations of glutamate and aspartate were unaffected. Treatment of synaptosomes with veratridine stimulated reductive amination of 2-oxoglutarate during the early time points. The production of ([15N]glutamate + [15N]aspartate) was enhanced about twofold in the presence of 5 mM beta-(+/-)-2-aminobicyclo [2.2.1]heptane-2-carboxylic acid, a known effector of glutamate dehydrogenase. Supplementation of the incubation medium with a mixture of unlabelled amino acids at concentrations similar to those present in the extracellular fluid of the brain had little effect on the intrasynaptosomal [glutamate] and [aspartate]. However, the enrichment in these amino acids was consistently greater in the presence of supplementary amino acids, which appeared to stimulate modestly the reductive amination of 2-oxoglutarate. It is concluded: (a) compared with the phosphate-dependent glutaminase reaction, reductive amination is a relatively minor pathway of synaptosomal glutamate synthesis in both the basal state and during depolarization; (b) NH3 toxicity, at least in synaptosomes, is not referable to energy failure caused by a depletion of 2-oxoglutarate in the glutamate dehydrogenase reaction; and (c) transamination is not a major mechanism of glutamate nitrogen production in nerve endings.  相似文献   
We focused on the role of plasma membrane glutamate uptake in modulating the intracellular glutaminase (GA) and glutamate dehydrogenase (GDH) flux and in determining the fate of the intracellular glutamate in the proximal tubule-like LLC-PK(1)-F(+) cell line. We used high-affinity glutamate transport inhibitors D-aspartate (D-Asp) and DL-threo-beta-hydroxyaspartate (THA) to block extracellular uptake and then used [(15)N]glutamate or [2-(15)N]glutamine to follow the metabolic fate and distribution of glutamine and glutamate. In monolayers incubated with [2-(15)N]glutamine (99 atom %excess), glutamine and glutamate equilibrated throughout the intra- and extracellular compartments. In the presence of 5 mM D-Asp and 0.5 mM THA, glutamine distribution remained unchanged, but the intracellular glutamate enrichment decreased by 33% (P < 0.05) as the extracellular enrichment increased by 39% (P < 0.005). With glutamate uptake blocked, intracellular glutamate concentration decreased by 37% (P < 0.0001), in contrast to intracellular glutamine concentration, which remained unchanged. Both glutamine disappearance from the media and the estimated intracellular GA flux increased with the fall in the intracellular glutamate concentration. The labeled glutamate and NH formed from [2-(15)N]glutamine and recovered in the media increased 12- and 3-fold, respectively, consistent with accelerated GA and GDH flux. However, labeled alanine formation was reduced by 37%, indicating inhibition of transamination. Although both D-Asp and THA alone accelerated the GA and GDH flux, only THA inhibited transamination. These results are consistent with glutamate transport both regulating and being regulated by glutamine and glutamate metabolism in epithelial cells.  相似文献   
The incorporation of [15N]glutamic acid into glutathione was studied in primary cultures of astrocytes. Turnover of the intracellular glutathione pool was rapid, attaining a steady state value of 30.0 atom% excess in 180 min. The intracellular glutathione concentration was high (20-40 nmol/mg protein) and the tripeptide was released rapidly into the incubation medium. Although labeling of glutathione (atom% excess) with [15N]glutamate occurred rapidly, little accumulation of 15N in glutathione was noted during the incubation compared with 15N in aspartate, glutamine, and alanine. Glutathione turnover was stimulated by incubating the astrocytes with diethylmaleate, an electrophile that caused a partial depletion of the glutathione pool(s). Diethylmaleate treatment also was associated with significant reductions of intraastrocytic glutamate, glycine, and cysteine, i.e., the constituents of glutathione. Glutathione synthesis could be stimulated by supplementing the steady-state incubation medium with 0.05 mM L-cysteine, such treatment again partially depleting intraastrocytic glutamate and causing significant reductions of 15N labeling of both alanine and glutamine, suggesting that glutamate had been diverted from the synthesis of these amino acids and toward the formation of glutathione. The current study underscores both the intensity of glutathione turnover in astrocytes and the relationship of this turnover to the metabolism of glutamate and other amino acids.  相似文献   
The synaptosomal metabolism of glutamine was studied under in vitro conditions that simulate depolarization in vivo. With [2-15N]glutamine as precursor, the [glutamine]i was diminished in the presence of veratridine or 50 mM KCl, but the total amounts of [15N]glutamate and [15N]aspartate formed were either equal to those of control incubations (veratridine) or higher (50 mM [KCl]). This suggests that depolarization decreases glutamine uptake and independently augments glutaminase activity. Omission of sodium from the medium was associated with low internal levels of glutamine which indicates that influx occurs as a charged Na(+)-amino acid complex. It is postulated that a reduction in membrane potential and a collapse of the Na+ gradient decrease the driving forces for glutamine accumulation and thus inhibit its uptake and enhance its release under depolarizing conditions. Inorganic phosphate stimulated glutaminase activity, particularly in the presence of calcium. At 2 mM or lower [phosphate] in the medium, calcium inhibited glutamine utilization and the production of glutamate, aspartate, and ammonia from glutamine. At a high (10 mM) medium [phosphate], calcium stimulated glutamine catabolism. It is suggested that a veratridine-induced increase in intrasynaptosomal inorganic phosphate is responsible for the enhancement of flux through glutaminase; calcium affects glutaminase indirectly by modulating the level of free intramitochondrial [phosphate]. Because phosphate also lowers the Km of glutaminase for glutamine, augmentation of the amino acid breakdown may occur even when depolarization lowers [glutamine]i. Reducing the intrasynaptosomal glutamate to 26 nmol/mg of protein had little effect on glutamine catabolism, but raising the pH to 7.9 markedly increased formation of glutamate and aspartate. It is concluded that phosphate and H+ are the major physiologic regulators of glutaminase activity.  相似文献   
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