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MPTP, MPP+ and mitochondrial function   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
1-Methyl-4-phenylpyridinium (MPP+), the putative toxic metabolite of the neurotoxin, 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine (MPTP), inhibited NAD(H)-linked mitochondrial oxidation at the level of Complex I of the electron transport system. MPTP and MPP+ inhibited aerobic glycolysis in mouse striatal slices, as measured by increased lactate production; MPTP-induced effects were prevented by inhibition of monoamine oxidase B activity. Several neurotoxic analogs of MPTP also form pyridinium metabolites via MAO; these MPP+ analogs were all inhibitors of NAD(H)-linked oxidation by isolated mitochondria. 2'-Methyl-MPTP, a more potent neurotoxin in mice than MPTP, was also more potent than MPTP in inducing lactate accumulation in mouse brain striatal slices. Overall, the studies support the hypothesis that compromise of mitochondrial oxidative capacity is an important factor in the mechanisms underlying the toxicity of MPTP and similar compounds.  相似文献   
The hprt T-lymphocyte cloning assay, which detects mutations occurring in vivo in humans, has been used to examine mutants induced in patients receiving radioimmunoglobulin therapy (RIT) for cancer. Samples from 13 patients before treatment (controls) and 15 samples from 12 patients after treatment were studied for both mutant frequencies and molecular changes in the hprt mutant T-cell clones. Patients were studied up to 48 months after treatment. Post-RIT patients showed increased mutant frequencies as compared to pre-treatment values. T-cell receptor (TCR) gene analysis of mutant T-cell clones demonstrated that 84% arose independently, both pre- and post-treatment, which is the same proportion as seen in normal individuals. However, several individuals did show large sets of mutants with the same TCR gene rearrangement patterns. Molecular analysis of mutants demonstrated a greater proportion of mutations with hprt gene changes on Southern blots after RIT treatment than before (40% versus 20%). RIT increases the proportion of mutations with total rather than partial gene deletions or other gross structural changes compared to normal individuals or pre-treatment patients. These studies are defining the spectrum for radiation-induced hprt gene mutations in vivo in human T-lymphocytes.  相似文献   
The incidence of nephritis in autoimmune NZB mice is low, but when they are crossed with normal SWR mice, almost 100% of the female F1 hybrids (SNF1) develop lethal glomerulonephritis. To define the contribution of the normal SWR strain to the development of nephritis, we analyzed 65 monoclonal anti-DNA autoantibodies derived from SNF1 mice and compared them with those obtained from the NZB parent. The majority of the SNF1-derived anti-DNA antibodies were IgG and cationic in charge. By contrast, 77% of the NZB-derived antibodies were IgM. Moreover, all three NZB-derived IgG anti-DNA antibodies were anionic. The cationic property of the SNF1-derived IgG autoantibodies was not restricted to any particular antigenic specificity pattern or IgG subclass, nor was there a preference for the allotype of either parent. However, we identified a set of highly cationic (pI at 8.2 to 8.8 pH) IgG2b anti-DNA antibodies from SNF1 hybrids that had the SWR allotype. Isoelectric focusing of intact antibodies and isolated heavy and light chains showed that the highly cationic charge of these antibodies was determined by the variable regions of their heavy chains. Because IgG anti-DNA antibodies with cationic charge are especially pathogenic, those antibodies bearing the allotype of the normal SWR parent may account for the high incidence of severe nephritis in the F1 hybrids. The results indicate that pathogenic autoantibodies, which are encoded by genes of the nonautoimmune SWR parent, are expressed in the SNF1 mice due to some cellular and genetic regulatory influence of the NZB parent.  相似文献   
By using T1 oligonucleotide fingerprinting and mapping techniques, we analyzed the genomic structure of retroviruses produced by thymocytes and splenocytes of reciprocal bone marrow-and thymus-grafted chimeras. We found that the genetic factor(s) derived from NZB mice that suppresses the development of thymic leukemia in (AKR X NZB)F1 mice also prevents the formation of recombinant leukemogenic viruses and the expression of preleukemic changes in the (AKR X NZB)F1 thymocytes. The NZB mouse gene or genes appeared to exert this suppressive effect by acting on the thymic reticuloepithelial cells and not on the thymic lymphocytes of (AKR X NZB)F1 hybrids. Prospective studies with thymic epithelial grafts from young mice showed that the AKR thymic epithelium could mediate the formation and expression of leukemogenic recombinant viruses and preleukemic changes in thymocytes that lead to the development of thymic leukemia, whereas the (AKR X NZB)F1 thymic epithelium was deficient in this regard. Our results also confirmed a previous observation that during in vivo generation of recombinant leukemogenic viruses, the acquisition of polytropic virus-related sequences in the 3' portion of the p15E gene and the U3 region and in the 5' part of the gp70 gene can occur independently.  相似文献   
Kinetochore reorientation is the critical process ensuring normal chromosome distribution. Reorientation has been studied in living grasshopper spermatocytes, in which bivalents with both chromosomes oriented to the same pole (unipolar orientation) occur but are unstable: sooner or later one chromosome reorients, the stable, bipolar orientation results, and normal anaphase segregation to opposite poles follows. One possible source of stability in bipolar orientations is the normal spindle forces toward opposite poles, which slightly stretch the bivalent. This tension is lacking in unipolar orientations because all the chromosomal spindle fibers and spindle forces are directed toward one pole. The possible role of tension has been tested directly by micromanipulation of bivalents in unipolar orientation to artificially create the missing tension. Without exception, such bivalents never reorient before the tension is released; a total time "under tension" of over 5 hr has been accumulated in experiments on eight bivalents in eight cells. In control experiments these same bivalents reoriented from a unipolar orientation within 16 min, on the average, in the absence of tension. Controlled reorientation and chromosome segregation can be explained from the results of these and related experiments.  相似文献   
Compartmentation of glutamic acid metabolism in brain slices   总被引:12,自引:4,他引:8  
— (1) Compartmentation of glutamate metabolism in brain cortex previously observed only in vivo, has now been demonstrated in vitro.This was shown by using [U-14C]aspartate and [U-14C]glutamate as tracer substrates. (2) Preparation and maintenance of the slices at 0° resulted in reversible inhibition of glutamine synthesis. Preincubation at 37° for 10 min or preparation of the slices at room temperature partially overcame this inhibition. (3) Transfer to fresh medium after preincubation had an added stimulatory effect on glutamine synthesis. (4) Incubation in high K+ medium (27 mm ) altered the relative specific activity of glutamine. (5) The data are in keeping with the postulate of the existence of at least two different pools of citric acid cycle intermediates in the cerebral cortex.  相似文献   
The 1-methyl-4-phenylpyridinium species (MPP+) is the four-electron oxidation product of 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine (MPTP) and is widely assumed to be the actual neurotoxic species responsible for the MPTP-induced destruction of dopaminergic neurons. MPTP is oxidized by the enzyme monoamine oxidase-B to a dihydropyridinium intermediate which is oxidized further to MPP+, an effective inhibitor of the oxidation of the Complex I substrates glutamate/malate in isolated mitochondrial preparations. In the present study, the tetraphenylboron anion (TPB) greatly potentiated the inhibitory effects of MPP+ and other selected pyridinium species on glutamate/malate respiration in isolated mouse liver mitochondria. At 10 microM TPB, the potentiation ranged from approximately 50-fold to greater than 1,000-fold for the several pyridinium species tested. In other experiments, TPB greatly enhanced the accumulation of [3H]MPP+ by isolated mitochondrial preparations. This facilitation by TPB of MPP+ accumulation into mitochondria explains, at least in part, the potentiation by TPB of the above-mentioned inhibition of mitochondrial respiration. Moreover, TPB addition increased the amount of lactate formed during the incubation of mouse neostriatal tissue slices with MPTP and other tetrahydropyridines. The administration of TPB also potentiated the dopaminergic neurotoxicity of MPTP in male Swiss-Webster mice. All of these observations, taken together, are consistent with the premise that the inhibitory effect of MPP+ on mitochondrial respiration within dopaminergic neurons is the ultimate mechanism to explain MPTP-induced neurotoxicity.  相似文献   
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