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Diatom assemblages of sediments obtained from three sites on Kushiro Moor were analyzed to investigate the Holocene sedimentary history. The results showed that: 1) The Takkobu site was originally at the bottom of the paleo-Kushiro Bay, and after-wards the paleo-Takkobu Lagoon developed, became sealed off, and changed to a freshwater lake. The succession to peat moor probably began about 2000 yr B.P. at the Takkobu site. 2) The Tsurui site was originally at the bottom of the paleo-Kushiro Bay, then changed to the paleo-Kushiro Lagoon and became peat moor as a result of the first Holocene regression, which finished about 3600 yr B.P. The site then returned to a brackish lake again, probably due to the second Holocene transgression between 3600 and 3000 yr B.P., thereafter passing through brackish lake and freshwater lake stages, and eventually becaming peat moor at about 2000 yr B.P., 3) At the Chuo site, the second paleo-Kushiro Bay developed again as a result of the second Holocene transgression, which finished about 3000 yr B.P. Thereafter, brackish or freshwater lakes, rivers, and then peat moor developed in the central area of Kushiro Moor. 4) The second marine diatom zone (MD2 Zone), which indicates the second Holocene transgression, complete by about 3000 yr B.P., is detected only at the Chuo site in the central area of Kushiro Moor.  相似文献   
Summary To determine both a threshold value of calcium concentration (CC) for the release of storage granules and that for the acceleration of degradation of these granules, the rat parathyroid glands were perfused in situ with HEPES-Ringer solutions containing different concentration of Ca2+ for 10 min. With perfusates containing 0.83–1.21 mM Ca2+ (equivalent to 8–11 mg/dl serum calcium), the number of type-I storage granules (large core) [NSG-I] and that of type-II storage granules (small core) [NSG-II] remained unchanged. With perfusates containing 0.83 mM Ca2+ (7.5 mg/dl) or less, however, both NSG-I and NSG-II decreased remarkably and the former was larger than the latter. On the contrary, with perfusates containing 1.27 mM Ca2+ (11.5 mg/dl) or more, NSG-II increased and the ratio of NSG-I to NSG-II was changed reversely. We concluded that a thereshold value of CC required for the release of storage granules may be present between 0.88 and 0.83 mM Ca2+ (8 and 7.5 mg/dl) and that a threshold value of CC for accelerating the transformation of type-I granules into type-II, the degradation of storage granules, may be situated at about 1.27 mM Ca2+ (11.5 mg/dl). Additionally, it was suggested that both prosecretory and storage granules are not only formed at the innermost Golgi cisterna but also at the trans-Golgi network.  相似文献   
Summary There have been few reports stating that monoclonal antibody alone inhibits human solid tumor growth in vivo. The present study demonstrated that monoclonal antibody S1 (IgG2a), which recognized the antigenic determinant of the carbohydrate moiety, showed antibody-dependent cell (or macrophage)-mediated cytotoxicity (ADCC or ADMC) in conjunction with murine splenocytes of both BALB/c and athymic mice. In vivo experiments demonstrated that the antibody S1 clearly prolonged the survival of athymic mice which had been inoculated with a human liver carcinoma cell line. In addition, the antibody S1 significantly suppressed the human hepatoma line transplanted s.c. into nude mice. 125I-Labeled monoclonal antibody S1 revealed that the antibody accumulated significantly in the tumor mass. Many mononuclear cells were observed surrounding tumor cells when the antibody was given. This model system might be useful for analyzing the ADCC (or ADMC) mechanism in vivo.  相似文献   
Summary In order to demonstrate the presence of a Ca2+-activated Cl-channel in theNitellopsis plasmalemma, tonoplast-free cells were prepared and their intracellular Ca2+ concentration was modified by internal perfusion. An increase in the Ca2+ concentration caused a large Cl efflux with a concomitant depolarization of the membrane potential. These changes were for the most part reversible. The critical Ca2+ concentration was about 4.0 m. Neither the Cl efflux nor the membrane depolarization showed a time-dependent inactivation. A Cl-channel blocker, A-9-C (9-anthracenecarboxylic acid) reduced both the Cl efflux and the magnitude of the membrane potential depolarization. A small increase in the intracellular Ca2+ concentration, which is caused by membrane excitation of tonoplast-free cells is not sufficient to activate this Ca2+-dependent Cl-channel.  相似文献   
Rotational cytoplasmic streaming in leaves of Egeria densa wasinduced by light as well as by L-histidine (L-His). During bothtreatement with light and with L-His chloroplasts on the periclinalface were dislodged and moved to the anticlinal face where rotationalcytoplasmic streaming occurred. The effective concentrationof L-His was about 0.01 mM and the effect was almost saturatedat 0.1 mM. A derivative of L-His, 3-methyl-L-histidine, wasslightly less effective than L-His. By contrast, 1-methyl-L-histidinewas almost ineffective for induction of streaming, not onlyin Egeria but also in Vallisneria. Our resutlts are in markedcontrast to Fitting's result (1936) that 1-M-L-His is more effectivethan L-His. In Egeria, 1-methyl-L-His counteracted the stimulativeeffect of L-His. 1-Methyl-L-His penetrated into leaf cells ofEgeria to the same extent as 3-methyl-L-His and to a greaterextent than L-His. This observation excludes the possibilitythat the impermeability of leaves to 1-M-L-His might be responsiblefor its ineffectiveness. 1-M-L-His did not interfere with photodinesis.Differences in the mechanism of induction of rotational streamingby L-His and by light are discussed. 4 Present address: Fukui Institute of Technology, Gakuen, Fukui,910 Japan (Received July 16, 1990; Accepted December 20, 1990)  相似文献   
Rotational streaming of the cytoplasm including chloroplastswas induced by L-histidine, as well as by light, on the anticlinalface of leaf cells of Egeria densa. In the case of treatmentwith L-histidine some of the chloroplasts remained stationaryon the periclinal face of cells after rotational cytoplasmicstreaming was initiated. However, these chloroplasts were easilydislodged and translocated to the centrifugal end of the histidine-treatedcells by application of a centrifugal force that barely affectedthe location of chloroplasts in cells incubated in the darkwithout L-histidine. This result indicates that the anchoringof chloroplasts was weakened by L-histidine. Thus only the releaseof chloroplasts from anchoring was not enough for initiationof their streaming. The cytoplasmic pH (pHc) and vacuolar pH(pHv) were noninvasively monitored by in vivo 31P-nuclear magneticresonance (NMR) spectroscopy. Compared with the dark controlvalue, both illumination and treatment with L-histidine increasedthe pHc by 0.3 units. In contrast, pHv changed only a littlewith both illumination and treatment with L-histidine. Releaseof chloroplasts from anchoring and initiation of cytoplasmicstreaming are discussed in relation to the increase in pHc inducedby both light and L-histidine. 4 Present address: Department of Cell Biology, National Instituteof Agrobiological Resources, Kannondai, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, 305Japan 5 Present address: Marine Biotechnology Institute Co., Ltd.,Head Office, 2-35-10 Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo, 113 Japan (Received July 16, 1990; Accepted December 20, 1990)  相似文献   
Internodal cells of Chara australis were subjected to two consecutiveintracellular perfusions with a Ca2+-free EGTA medium whichdisintegrated the tonoplast within about 10 minutes and thenwith a Ca2+-buffered medium. All perfusion media usually contained1 mM ATP. To stop the electrogenic pump, the internode was depletedof intracellular ATP. The excitability of the plasmalemma wasnot significantly influenced by intracellular free Ca2+ concentrationsup to 10–4 M. To trigger action potentials, minimum currentdensities of 1 to 2 µA cm–2 had to be applied atall tested Ca2+ concentrations. In the absence of cytoplasmicATP, excitability was completely lost at all Ca2+ concentrations. 1 Present address: Botanisches Institut der Universit?t Bonn,Venusbergweg 22, D-5300 Bonn, FRG. (Received September 22, 1984; Accepted March 6, 1985)  相似文献   
The membrane potential and the ionic activity gradients of K+and Cl across the surface membrane of cytoplasmic dropletsprepared from Chara australis internodal cells, were measuredin high and low ionic strength bathing solutions using liquidion exchange microelectrodes selective for K+ and Cl.Our results indicate that K+ is close to electrochemical equilibriumwhereas Cl is not. 1 Present address: ICI Japan, Palace Hotel Annex Building, Marunouchi,Tokyo, Japan.  相似文献   
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