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Preimaginal development and adult longevity and reproduction of Dichochrysa prasina Burmeister were studied at six constant temperatures (15, 20, 25, 27, 30 and 33 °C) and a photoperiod of 16:8 (L:D). Eggs of the flour moth Ephestia kuehniella (Zeller) were used as food throughout preimaginal development, whereas the adults of D. prasina fed on a liquid diet of water, yeast hydrolysate, sugar and honey. At the highest tested temperature of 33 °C no larvae completed their development. At the rest of the tested temperatures the egg to adult developmental period ranged from approximately 92 days at 15 °C to 25 days at 30 °C. Percentages of adult emergence ranged from 36% at 15 °C to 84% at 30 °C. Both adult longevity and fecundity were significantly affected by temperature and the intrinsic rate of increase (rm) reached its maximum value at 27 °C. These results could be useful for the establishment of a small scale rearing and mass production of D. prasina.  相似文献   
The effect of five constant relative humidity (RH) regimes (12%, 33%, 55%, 75% and 94%) on the preimaginal development and adult longevity and reproduction of Dichochrysa prasina Burmeister was studied at 26 ± 1 °C and a photoperiod of 16:8 (L:D) under laboratory conditions. For the experiments, larvae were fed individually on eggs of the flour moth Ephestia kuehniella (Zeller), whereas adults on a liquid diet consisting of water, yeast hydrolysate, sugar and honey. The experimental insects were maintained individually in sealed plastic containers with saturated water salt solutions at the base to control RH. Preimaginal developmental time from egg to adult for females and males was significantly shorter at 75% and 94% RHs than at other RHs in the range from 12% to 55%. Percentages of adult emergence were similar at all RHs tested and varied from 52.5% to 75.0%. Adult females that had no access to water and were maintained at 12%–75% RH lived on average less than two weeks and laid no eggs, whereas at 94% RH they lived longer and each laid on average 201 eggs. When the females had periodic access to a water source a significant increase in both longevity and egg production occurred and the estimated intrinsic rate of increase was high, irrespective of RH. These results could be useful for the mass-rearing of D. prasina and for better understanding its population dynamics under field conditions.  相似文献   
Females of the olive fruit fly Bactrocera oleae lay their eggs in olives mainly using fruit volatile stimuli. Using GC-MS analysis, we determined the chemical composition of the volatile blend emitted from field-collected olive fruit of cv. Megaritiki, at different stages of maturity. GC-MS analysis demonstrated qualitative and quantitative differences in the headspace blend emitted by the olive fruit. Certain chemicals such as toluene, n-octane, α-pinene, limonene, ethyl hexanol, nonanal n-dodecane, decanal and n-tetradecane were detected in greater amounts, irrespective of the growth stage of the fruit. The flies’ exposure to a number of these chemicals, such as n-octane and α-pinene, as well as to a mixture consisting of n-octane, α-pinene, limonene, ethyl hexanol, nonanal, n-dodecane, decanal and n–tetradecane favoured successful mating and egg production. The results may contribute to the improvement of the mass rearing of the fly, through these findings, which illustrate the positive effect that certain fruit volatile chemicals have on the fly's reproduction and offer a better understanding of the relation between the fly and the host fruit.  相似文献   
Petrobia harti (Ewing) diapauses in the egg stage. Adult females lay either diapause or nondiapause eggs. On the University of Thessaloniki campus (41°N), the mite was found to develop on leaves ofOxalis corniculata L. throughout the year, while no mites were found on leaves ofOxalis articulata Savigny growing in the same area. In the laboratory the mite could be maintained equally well on detached leaves of both plant species, kept on wet cotton-wool.Forty to 90% females laying diapause eggs (dlf) were produced when the mites developed under LD 1212 and 19±1 °C, or LD 168 and 19±1 °C or 25±1 °C on leaves ofO. articulata detached from plants grown in the open in various seasons. Under the same conditions, a very low to zero percentage ofdlf was produced onO. corniculata. By rearing certain feeding stages on one of these twoOxalis hosts, and the other feeding stages on the other host, various percentages ofdlf were obtained. These percentages were the net effect of the antagonistic action of the twoOxalis species.By rearing the mites at LD 8.515.5, LD 1212 or LD 168 and a temperature of 19±1 °C onO. articulata leaves renewed every 3 days, or every 16–18 days, or not at all, it could be shown that diapause induction or aversion is caused by the direct effect of photoperiod on the mites, and not by an effect through the host leaves.When wholeO. articulata plants were grown under LD 168 and 19±1 °C in the laboratory, or developed in the open during April and May, flowers were produced, while under LD 1212 no flowering occurred. In the laboratory under diapause-inducing conditions, higher percentages ofdlf were produced on leaves detached from flowering plants than on leaves detached from plants not flowering.OnO. articulata leaves at 20 °C, photoperiods with photophases equal to or longer than 12 h induced from 70 to 80%dlf, while photoperiods with photophases equal to or shorter than 10.9 h induced very low to zero percentages. By transferring different chrysalis stages from a diapause-inducing (LD 1212) to a diapause-averting (LD 8.515.5) photoperiod, and vice versa, it was found that the nymphochrysalis through deutonymph stages were sensitive to photoperiod, the deutochrysalis and deutonymph being the most sensitive.Under an LD 1212 photoperiod, a temperature of 20 °C induced diapause, whereas 25 °C, 30 °C, or a daynight thermoperiod of 25 °C18 °C suppressed it.  相似文献   
In apple orchards in northern Greece, females of Panonychus ulmi Koch were found to lay diapause eggs from late August to the beginning of October. The course of diapause termination in the field was determined by transferring diapause eggs during winter and early spring from apple orchards with the varieties Starkinson and Firiki to short days (LD 8:16) (1992–1996), and long days (LD 16:8) (1994–1995), both at 20 °C. Percentages of diapause termination were very low to zero from October to the beginning of January, then progressively increased throughout January and February. Diapause termination in 50% of the eggs occurred in the first half of February in lowland mite populations irrespective of the year and location from which the eggs originated, and about one month earlier in a population originating from an altitude of 300 m. For each sampling date throughout the winter, the mean number of days required for 50% egg hatch at 20 °C (T50%) was similar under either a long (LD 16:8) or a short (LD 8:16) photoperiod. Diapause eggs collected in October 1995 from two orchards and maintained at 0, 5, 10 and 15 °C for various periods were subsequently transferred to 20 °C and LD 8:16, where TP50% was determined. It was shown that temperature, duration of maintenance at the different temperatures and the orchard from which the eggs originated had a significant effect on T50% and therefore on diapause development. Additionally, in our strains diapause intensity was much weaker than in strains from more northern latitudes and was terminated even without any cold exposure. The variation in diapause intensity in different strains of P. ulmi may have an adaptive significance for this widespread species.  相似文献   
Ovarian maturation was prevented in 7-, 22-, 23- and 28-day-old females of Dacus oleae (Gmelin) (Diptera: Tephritidae), developed in the pre-imaginal stages at LD 12:12, 19±1°C and kept as adults at LD 16:8, 26±1°C without access to olive fruits. In females of the above ages having continuous access to olive fruits and held under the same photoperiod and temperature conditions, 54, 87 and 100%, respectively, had mature oocytes. When the females had access to domes of paraffin wax, the percentages of females with mature oocytes were intermediate between those with and those without access to olive fruits. Under the above photoperiod and temperature conditions unfavorable for maturation, 50% of 4-week-old females had mature oocytes if exposed for one week to olive fruits during their first week and 91% if exposed during their 4th week of adult life. The respective percentages with wax domes in the cages were again intermediate between those with olives and those without olives or wax domes. The presence of olive fruits had also a strong positive effect on the ovarian maturation of females which developed from egg through the adult stage at LD 16:8, 26±1°C, a condition favoring ovarian maturation. Access to wax domes had again an intermediate effect on maturation. It is concluded therefore that the lack of ovarian maturation of D. oleae females which is observed under a short photophase during the pre-imaginal stages if followed by a long photophase and an increase of temperature during the adult stage, continues at least till the end of the 4th week of adult life in the absence of olive fruits but is averted when such fruits are offered to the adult flies.
Résumé La maturation ovarienne des femelles adultes agées de 7, 22–23 et 28 jours de D. oleae ayant accompli leur développement embryonnaire, larvaire et nymphal en LD 12:12, 19±1°C et maintenues en LD 16:8, 26±1°C, sans accès à des olives, est inhibée. Dans les mêmes conditions, mais avec accès permanent à des olives, 54% des femelles ont des ovocytes mûrs à 7 jours, 87% à 22–23 jours et 100% à 28 jours. Avec des femelles ayant accès à des domes de paraffine, les pourcentages d'individus ayant des ovocytes mûrs sont intermédiaires entre ceux des deux situations précédentes. Dans les conditions cidessus défavorables à la maturation ovarienne, 50% des femelles de 28 jours ont des ovocytes mûrs si elles sont en présence d'olives durant leur première semaine de vie imaginale et 91% si elles sont en présence la 4éme semaine. Les pourcentages respectifs concernant les femelles pourvues de dômes de paraffine sont encore intermédiaires entre ceux des femelles avec olives et ceux de femelles privées de tout substrat. La présence d'olives a aussi un effet fortement positif sur la maturation ovarienne de femelles ayant accompli leur développement pre-imaginal et maintenues aussi à l'etat adulte en conditions LD 16:8, 26±1°C, favorisant la maturation ovarienne. L'accès à des dômes de paraffine a, là encore, un effet intermédiaire. On conclut par conséquent que la non maturation ovarienne des femelles de D. oleae qui est causée par une photopériode à jour court pendant la vie pre-imaginale accompagné par une photopériode à jour long et une augmentation de la température pendant la vie imaginale persiste au moins jusqu'à la fin de la quatrième semaine de la vie imaginale en absence d'olives, mais ne se produit pas si on met les femelles adultes en présence d'olives.
A rapid cold hardening response was studied in females and males of the olive fruit fly Bactrocera (Dacus) oleae. When laboratory-reared females and males were transferred and maintained from the rearing temperature of 24 °C for 2 h to –6.5 °C approximately 5% survived. However, conditioning of both females and males for 2 h at various temperatures from 0 to 10 °C before their exposure for 2 h to –6.5 °C increased survival to 80 to 92%. A similar rapid cold hardening response in both females and males was also induced through gradual cooling of the flies at a rate of approximately 0.4 °C per min. The rapid increase in cold tolerance after prior conditioning of the flies to low temperatures, was rapidly lost when they returned to a higher temperature of 24 °C. In the field, in late February and early March, females and males were capable of a rapid cold hardening response. After exposure to the critical temperature they suffered a high mortality when tested in the afternoon and low mortality early in the morning on consecutive days, probably because of differences in the prevailing field temperatures a few hours before testing. This plasticity of cold tolerance gained through rapid cold hardening may allow the flies to survive during periods of the year with great fluctuation in circadian temperatures.  相似文献   
Petrobia harti (Ewing) displays a facultative summer diapause in the egg stage. An adult female will lay only either diapause or non-diapause eggs throughout her life. In the laboratory, diapause eggs are laid by females which develop on detachedOxalis articulata leaves under long-day photoperiods and a relatively low temperature of 19±1°C.Diapause occurs in a stage of advanced embryonic development, in which the embryo appears U-shaped when observed from the egg's ventral side. Embryonic development ceased at this stage, and no further growth occurred when the eggs were kept under a relative humidity of about 70% in various photoperiod and temperature conditions. However, when the eggs were hydrated by placing them on wet cotton wool, development in some embryos (apparently in those which had completed their diapause development) proceeded beyond the U-stage at a rate similar to that in non-diapause embryos and the eggs hatched.Under LD 168 and 19±1°C or 26±1°C, the later from oviposition the period of egg hydration started, the higher the percentage of diapause termination. Under LD 168 and 26±1°C, diapause termination occurred mostly during the first week of hydration, while at 19±1°C mostly during the second and third week.At 26±1°C, in eggs hydrated 15 days but not 30 days from oviposition, the percentage of diapause termination was higher under a long-day than under a short-day photoperiod.Under LD 168, when the eggs were hydrated continuously from oviposition or starting 15, 30 and 45 days from it, the percentage of diapause termination was higher at 26±1°C than at 19±1°C.The percentage of diapause-laying adult females and the intensity of egg diapause were higher when the pre-imaginal mites grew at LD 1212 and 19±1°C, than when they grew at LD 168 and 26±1°C. This maternal effect on egg diapause intensity was expressed when the eggs were maintained at LD 1212 and 19±1°C but not at LD 168 and 26±1°C.  相似文献   
Abstract:   The occurrence of Eurytoma schreineri Schreiner infesting apricots is reported for the first time in Greece. Some preliminary observations on its phenology, main morphological characters and differences from other related species are mentioned.  相似文献   
Development, survival and reproduction of Euseius finlandicus Oudemans were studied at seven constant temperatures (15, 20, 25, 27, 30, 32 and 34°C) in the laboratory. Within the temperature range tested, developmental period from egg to adult varied from 148 to 360.5h and 133.7 to 336.5h for females and males, respectively. The lower thermal threshold for immature development for females and males was 8.9 and 6.4°C, respectively. Survival during immature development exceeded 90% at all the temperatures from 15 to 32°C, but at 34°C an abrupt decline was recorded. Female longevity decreased gradually from 82.7d at 15°C to 12.2 d at 34°C. The mean generation time ranged from 44.3d at 15°C to 15.9d at 32°C. The highest r m value (0.2817) was obtained at 30°C and the lowest at 15°C (0.0976). Temperatures above 30°C had an adverse effect on population increase.  相似文献   
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