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The article describes an anthropometric cross-sectional study of 374 healthy schoolgirls aged 12-15 years from secondary schools of Tartu (Estonia). 29 body measurements and 9 skinfolds were measured. Mean skinfolds and 6 indices and ratios (including body mass index) were calculated. In each age group the data were systematized into 5 height-weight SD-classes according to the correspondence between body height and weight. The medium class lies between -0.5 SD and +0.5 SD of the respective age group mean (M +/- 0.5 SD); the other classes contain the respective outer values. All the subjects were assigned into one of the following five categories: three height/weight-concordant categories: I = small (small height-small weight), II = medium (medium height-medium weight), III = large (big height-big weight) and two height/weight-disconcordant categories: IV = so-called pyknomorphous, V = so-called leptomorphous. Categories IV and V thus contained three height/weight subclasses each. The body build categories differ significantly from each other within both groups (I-III and IV-V) in all age groups in all measured variables, except sternum length, abdomen length, trunk length, biacromial breadth, biiliocrystal breadth, femur breadth, ankle breadth, humerus breadth, wrist breadth, and head circumference for which no significant differences between pyknomorphous and leptomorphous categories were found. A multidimensional statistical model of body build might be used in girls going through puberty to systematize and compare morphological variables with other assessed characteristics in different applied studies, for example physiological, sociological, psychological, or nutritional.  相似文献   
A total of 462 schoolgirls aged 7-8 and 17-18 years were examined anthropometrically (45 body measurements and 10 skinfolds) in a cross-sectional study. The data were processed in two age groups: 7-8-year-olds (n = 205) and 17-18-year-olds (n = 257). Relying on average height and weight in the groups, both groups were divided into five body build classes: small, medium, large, pyknomorphous and leptomorphous. In these classes, the differences in all other body measurements were compared, and in both age groups, analogous systematic differences were found in length, width and depth measurements and circumferences. This enabled us to compare proportional changes in body measurements during ten years, using for this ratios of averages of basic measurements and measurement groups in the same body build classes. Statistical analysis by the sign test revealed statistically significant differences between various body build classes in the growth of averages. Girls belonging to the small class differed from the girls of the large class by an essentially greater increase in their measurements. Our results suggest that the growth rate of body measurements of girls with different body build can be studied by the help of body build classification.  相似文献   
The paper presents anthropometric data on 292 healthy neonates delivered of normal births at the Women's Hospital of Tartu University (150 boys and 142 girls). The parameters of the neonates' physical development measured included height, weight, sitting height, length of sternum and abdomen, shoulder width, upper and lower width and depth of thorax, width and depth of abdomen, D. cristarum, D. trochanterica, pelvic depth, 12 circumferences, foot length and two skinfolds (on abdomen and back). The mean weight of a neonate was 3620.5 g±448.7 g (minimum 2400 g and maximum 4854 g). Boys were somewhat heavier than girls (3684.7 g and 3551.3 g respectively). The average height of the infants was 49.9 cm±1.9 cm (minimum 44 cm and maximum 54.5 cm). Correlation analysis of the characteristics showed that body structure is a system of wellcorrelated anthropometric measurements where the leading role belongs to height and weight. The changes in the relation between height and weight (height-weight classification in 3×3SD classes) cause systemic changes in other measurements. Therefore, in further micropaediatric and clinical research, the height-weight classification could be used as the primary model of the body as a whole.  相似文献   
The present paper studies the body build and proficiency in the game of 74 female volleyballers aged 13-15 years from eight teams, who participated in Estonian championships. Fourteen anthropometric measurements were taken from the players, and these data were systematized into a 5 SD height-weight classification (small, medium, large, pyknomorphous and leptomorphous). The players participated in 28 matches, which were recorded in parallel with two computers equipped with the program Game. The girls' proficiency in the game was assessed in the same body build classes. For each class, the total number of serves, receptions, attacks and blocks, their mean values per player and percentage from elements performed during the whole tournament were calculated. In the same way, for each class the total number of points scored and separately the number of points scored in serve, attack and block were calculated. For each class the mean index of proficiency was calculated for serve, reception, attack and block. The results showed, that the most successful were the girls of class 3 with big height and weight. The small girls of class 1 were the least successful. The players belonging to the other classes formed an intermediate group. The authors recommend the use of the body build classification as it enables simultaneous assessment of body build and proficiency in competitions.  相似文献   
The article describes two Estonian anthropometric cross-sectional studies of 1549 ordinary schoolgirls (aged 7-18) and 46 girls, who regularly practised volleyball (aged 13-16). Data are presented on 22 basic anthropometric measurements and 6 body composition characteristics (body mass index, mean skinfold, body density, relative mass of fat by Siri, absolute mass and relative mass of subcutaneous adipose tissue). All anthropometric variables were classified into five height-weight SD classes. Schoolgirls were divided into six age groups (7-8, 9-10, 11-12, 13-14, 15-16, 17-18). Volleyballers were observed as one group as their age in SD classes did not differ significantly. The classification consisted of five categories: three height-weight concordant categories: I--small (small height, small weight), II--medium (medium height, medium weight), III large--(big height, big weight) and two height/weight discordant categories: IV--so-called pyknomorphs, V--so-called leptomorphs. To assess the differences between classes the Scheffé-test was used (alpha = 0.05). It proved likewise possible to comparatively systematize length, breadth and depth measurements, circumferences and body composition characteristics in all six age groups (7-18 years) of ordinary schoolgirls and in 13-16-year-old volleyballers as in their case the average age did not differ significantly between the classes.  相似文献   
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