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Mouse chromosome 1   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Chair of Committee for Mouse Chromosome 1  相似文献   
Heat-derived (60°C) extracts of Limulus amoebocyte lysate (LAL) were found to contain potent “broad-spectrum” antimicrobial activity. Additional heating of the LAL extracts to 100°C for 30 min completely inactivated the antimicrobial activity and served as a control. Antimicrobial activity was observed over a temperature range of 0° to 37°C (higher temperatures not tested) with greatest activity at 37°C. Antimicrobial activity of LAL extracts was variable when tested against Gram-negative bacteria of the family Enterobacteriaceae. A twofold concentration of the extracts resulted in a significant decrease in antimicrobial effectiveness. Dialysis of single- and double-strength LAL extracts against deionized water produced a marked and significant enhancement of antimicrobial activity against both resistant and sensitive species, confirming the presence of a dialyzable inhibitor(s). Dialyzed LAL extracts were active against 13 of 14 species of Enterobacteriaceae tested. Two strains of Pseudomonas aeruginosa were susceptible as were two of three Gram-positive cocci tested. Highly sensitive bacterial species were rapidly killed with a greater than 90% reduction in viable counts occurring within the first 30 min of reaction time. Dialyzed LAL extracts also possessed considerable antifungal activity. The role of the Limulus polyphemus amoebocyte in defense against microbial invasion and dissemination is discussed.  相似文献   
Summary Callus was initiated from in vitro-grown plants of Gladiolus cultivars ‘Jenny Lee’ and ‘Florida Flame.’ The age of callus used for regeneration of plants was either 9 mo. old or 8 yr old from ‘Jenny Lee,’ and 4 mo. old from ‘Florida Flame.’ Regeneration medium consisted of Murashige and Skoog’s basal salts medium supplemented with 2.0 mg/l (9.3 μM) kinetin. This medium was supplemented with various concentrations of either bialaphos (Meiji Seika, Tokyo, Japan) or phosphinothricin (Hoechst-Roussell, Frankfurt, Germany). Bialaphos was more effective than phosphinothricin at stimulating plant regeneration. Plants regenerated from 8-yr-old callus of ‘Jenny Lee’ only when the regeneration medium was supplemented with 0.10 mg/l bialaphos. A bialaphos concentration of 0.01 mg/l stimulated regeneration from 9-mo.-old callus of cultivar ‘Jenny Lee’ and 4-mo.-old callus of ‘Florida Flame.’  相似文献   
Published values for sperm membrane water permeability (L(p)) obtained using a time-to-lysis methodology have produced anomalous results when used to model optimal cooling rates for cryopreservation of spermatozoa. As the lysis method is dependent on potentially questionable assumptions, we describe an alternative method for measuring sperm L(p). Spermatozoa were exposed to hypo- and hyperosmotic conditions using a stopped-flow apparatus and the time course of resulting volume changes was measured using concentration-dependent self-quenching of the entrapped fluorophore, carboxyfluorescein (CF). L(p) was measured for boar, rabbit, and ram spermatozoa using a range of osmotic stresses (+/-50-100 mOsm). Values for exosmotic and endosmotic flow showed no evidence of rectification. Mean L(p) values were 0.84 microm/min/atm (boar), 0.28 microm/min/atm (rabbit), and 2.79 microm/min/atm (ram). These values are lower than the lysis method estimates, with the ram value reduced by approximately two-thirds using the current methodology. The value for boar spermatozoa showed good agreement with published values obtained using an electronic cell-sizing technique. Substitution of the revised values for L(p) into the model for optimal cooling rates brings the calculated optimal rate closer to the lower empirically observed value but does not fully account for the previously reported discrepancies.  相似文献   
This study compared variation in the quality of cryopreserved boar spermatozoa and the control and accuracy of cooling rates between three semen freezers (CryoLogic Freeze Control CL3000, Planer Products Kryo Save Compact KS1.7/Kryo 10 Control module and a controlled rate 'Watson' freezing machine developed within our laboratory). Five ejaculates were collected from each of 15 boars (five boars from each of three breeds). Semen was diluted into a commercial freezing buffer (700 mOsm/kg, 3% v/v glycerol) and placed into 0.5 ml straws. Three straws per treatment, from each ejaculate were cooled to -5 degrees C at 6 degrees C/min, held at -5 degrees C for 30s while ice crystal formation was induced, then further cooled from -5 to 80 degrees C at either 40 degrees C/min (Kryo Save Compact KS1.7 and Watson) or 6 degrees C/min (Freeze Control CL3000). Precise measurements of temperature fluctuations during the programmed cooling curves were made by inserting thermocouples into the semen filled straws. Semen was assessed for %motile cells, motility characteristics using computer-assisted semen analysis (CASA), plasma membrane integrity (%SYBR-14 positive stained spermatozoa) and acrosome integrity (%FITC-PNA positive stained spermatozoa). Spermatozoa cryopreserved using the Freeze Control CL3000 system (maximum rate of 6 degrees C/min) exhibited reduced post-thaw viability (14.2+/-2.8% mean plasma membrane intact spermatozoa) when compared to both the KS1.7 and Watson freezers (optimal rate of 40 degrees C/min) (18.4+/-3.2 and 25.7+/-3.7% mean plasma membrane intact spermatozoa, respectively). Differences in motility characteristics were observed between spermatozoa cryopreserved at 40 degrees C/min with the Watson apparatus preserving a larger proportion of sperm with progressive motility. Cooling curves in the CL3000 and KS1.7 were interrupted by a pronounced increase in temperature at -5 degrees C that corresponded with the latent heat of fusion released with ice crystal formation. This temperature change was significantly reduced in the cooling curves produced by the Watson freezer. These findings suggest that preserving spermatozoa using the Watson freezer improved post-thaw semen quality, with regard to sperm motility characteristics. Furthermore, that post-thaw semen viability was enhanced by minimising temperature fluctuations resulting from the release of the latent heat of fusion at ice crystal formation.  相似文献   
Mechanical inoculation ofArabidopsis thaliana ecotype Columbia with tomato spotted wilt virus led to viral replication and spread as determined by dot blot and ELISA analysis. Severe symptoms were observed three to four weeks post-inoculation. Early symptoms were manifested as chlorotic spots on uninoculated leaves. Later in the infection process, some plants showed complete chlorosis and wilting prior to bolting. Bolts that were developed by infected plants were chlorotic and deformed. These preliminary results suggest thatA. thaliana could become a model system for the genetic analysis of host factors required for the replication of viruses in the family Bunyaviridae, which includes viruses that cause important diseases of both plants and animals.  相似文献   
In humans, assembly of spliceosomal snRNPs (small nuclear ribonucleoproteins) begins in the cytoplasm where the multi-protein SMN (survival of motor neuron) complex mediates the formation of a seven-membered ring of Sm proteins on to a conserved site of the snRNA (small nuclear RNA). The SMN complex contains the SMN protein Gemin2 and several additional Gemins that participate in snRNP biosynthesis. SMN was first identified as the product of a gene found to be deleted or mutated in patients with the neurodegenerative disease SMA (spinal muscular atrophy), the leading genetic cause of infant mortality. In the present study, we report the solution structure of Gemin2 bound to the Gemin2-binding domain of SMN determined by NMR spectroscopy. This complex reveals the structure of Gemin2, how Gemin2 binds to SMN and the roles of conserved SMN residues near the binding interface. Surprisingly, several conserved SMN residues, including the sites of two SMA patient mutations, are not required for binding to Gemin2. Instead, they form a conserved SMN/Gemin2 surface that may be functionally important for snRNP assembly. The SMN-Gemin2 structure explains how Gemin2 is stabilized by SMN and establishes a framework for structure-function studies to investigate snRNP biogenesis as well as biological processes involving Gemin2 that do not involve snRNP assembly.  相似文献   
This paper describes the responses of three epilimnetic phytoplanktoncommunities to experimental nitrogen and phosphorus enrichmentas compared to the phytoplankton community in a fourth, unmanipulated,lake. Increased nutrient inputs increased total phytoplanktonbiomass, primary productivity, chlorophytes, cryptomonads andspecies turnover rates in all three enriched lakes; cyanobacteriaincreased in two of the three enriched lakes. However, nutrientaddition also led to declines in previously dominant dinoflagellatesand chrysophytes, and in species diversity. At the species level,there were large changes in community composition from yearto year in both enriched and reference lakes, suggesting thatphytoplankton community composition is highly dynamic even inthe absence of enrichment. Overall, changes in total biomass,productivity and species diversity were consistent among theenriched lakes, while changes in species composition differeddue to variation in the physical, chemical and biotic environmentof each lake. This suggests that aggregated variates are moreuseful for quantitative prediction of nutrient effects, whilespecies responses can be used to signal qualitative differencesin environmental conditions among lakes. 3Present address: Department of Biological Sciences, DartmouthCollege, 6044 Gilman Laboratory, Hanover, NH 03755-3576, USA  相似文献   
Chromosome C-band patterns have been studied in 34 populations of the Australian annualBulbine group, which comprises 4x (2n = 26, 28), 8x (2n = 52, 54) and 12x (2n = 78) populations. The 2n = 26B. semibarbata populations have a simple, low heterochromatin pattern with very minor polytypic variation. The 2n = 28 populations, corresponding morphologically to a group given separate status asB. alata, are similar in pattern but exhibit pronounced enhancement of telomeric and, more particularly, centromeric dot bands. NOR heterochromatin and satellites are difficult to identify inB. alata but appear to occur in different positions from the 26-chromosome karyotype. Eastern Australian 8 x patterns are consistent with a proposed hybrid ancestry,B. semibarbata ×B. alata. Annual and perennial C-band profiles in the AustralianBulbine are discussed briefly in relation to the additive and transformation models of heterochromatin evolution and to the possible adaptive significance of variation in heterochromatin content.Cytoevolution in the AustralianBulbine 2; for part 1 see Pl. Syst. Evol.157, 201–217.  相似文献   
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