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Palaeoecological investigations of a small mire in Ötztal, Tyrol, Austria, situated about 50 m above the potential tree-line, indicates that human impact on the landscape started with burning of heath at approximately 5300 B.P. At about 4800 B.P. a weak increase in important apophytes may reflect the local presence of domestic animals. Between 4000 and 3500 B.P. a clear decline in pastoral activity occurred. From 3000 B.P. a strong increase in the representation of apophytes suggests local summer settlement, while in the interval 2600–2200 B.P. anthropogenic activity declined. After 2150 B.P. there was a marked increase in summer farm activity. Fresh information is presented on tree-line fluctuations during the Holocene: Pinus cembra forest ascended above the present potential tree-line by more than 50–100 m between 9000–8000 B.P., 6000–5500 B.P., and 3800–3000 B.P. A Betula maximum between 7000 and 5500 B.P. is probably due to succession in nearby avalanche tracks, as well as to a higher tree-line. Low humification and low loss-on-ignition values around 6000 B.P. may reflect the Frosnitz stadial (6900–6000 B.P.). The Rootmoos I stadial (5400 B.P.) and probably the early Sub-Atlantic stadial maximum (3000–2300) are also reflected in the physical properties of the peat profile.  相似文献   
The vegetational development of two neighbouring farm sites at the Arctic cereal limit was investigated by pollen analysis and 14C-dates. One farm was small and one larger and both had a long habitation history according to archaeological data. Temporary cereal growing at the minor farm may have been introduced about 3100 cal b.p. and was discontinued before 2550 cal b.p. From 1700–1600 cal b.p. Hordeum was cultivated at both farms. At the larger farm there was continuous settlement from c. 2250 cal b.p., but no evidence of cereal growing during the first c. 600 years after the establishment of the farm. It is suggested that changes in the natural conditions, especially paludification, caused a low-activity/abandonment phase at the smaller farm from c. 2550 to c. 1700 cal b.p. A regional abandonment period about 1250 cal b.p. (in the 7th century a.d.) affected the smaller farm in particular.  相似文献   
In coastal North Norway, mire areas and mire pools frequently exist, but their development and time of origin are poorly known. In order to investigate the development of a coastal mire pool and relate its changes to known climatic changes, a sediment sequence from the mire-pool Lillevardhaugvatnet (c. 0.05 ha large), was 14C-dated, investigated for loss on ignition and analysed for pollen and botanical macrofossils.The bottom of the sequence dates c. 7500 cal. BP. The site gradually developed from a swamp forest c. 6200 cal. BP via a more open dwarf-shrub phase to a pool c. 5000 cal. BP. The pool grew in depth as the result of continuous peat growth damming the water body. The water level of the pool was probably lowered by erosional drain c. 2700 cal. BP. Redeposited peat in the sequence occurred c. 2100 cal. BP and c. 1100 cal. BP. 14C-dates and pollen indicate that erosion and redeposition of the peat surrounding the mire pool is a normal process, connected with the expansion of the water body.The combination of macrofossils and pollen accumulation rates (PAR) of P. sylvestris indicates that in small lakes in coastal areas of North Norway, a PAR of 200–400 cm− 2 yr− 1 is sufficient for indicating local presence of P. sylvestris. P. sylvestris is represented with abundant macrofossils between 4800 and 2100 cal. BP. It is suggested that a marked P. sylvestris decrease about 2100 cal. BP may be a combined effect of human impact and climatic deterioration. A possible final termination of the P. sylvestris population about 1600 cal. BP may be considered human-made.  相似文献   
The effect of abandonment on traditionally cultivated grassland formerly sown with Phleum pratense and Poa pratensis was studied in terms of phytosociology, species composition, soil properties and regrowth of shrubs and trees. The investigation site is a typical fisher-peasant farm in the suboceanic fjord region of northern Norway. All farming activity was terminated in 1983. Percentual species cover, chemical (P-AL, K-AL, KHNO3, Mg-AL, Ca-AL and pH) and physical (soil type, volume weight a.o.) registrations were carried out in 1993/94 in permanent plots on a chronosequence of 10, 20 and 35 years of abandonment. A TWINSPAN-classification revealed a successional trend in five distinct stages from an open herb-rich meadow community through a Deschampsia cespitosa -dominated community towards heath-formation. According to the Central-European phytosociological system, the youngest meadows belong to the Molinio-Arrhenatheretea class. They have elements suggesting that they may be ranged under the order Alchemillo-Deschampsietalia and the alliance of Equiseto-Galion borealis, while parts of the oldest stage seem to be close to the Corno-Betuletum myrtilletosum subassociation of Vaccinio-Piceetalia. The ecological variation between the age stages was investigated by unconstrained and constrained ordination (CCA, DCCA, partial DCCA, hybrid CCA) and by multiple significance testing (Student-Newman-Keuls test in SAS). There is a significant successional trend towards heath birch woodland and a strong nutrient gradient represented by P-AL and Ca-AL acting together and decreasing with age, while K-AL is increasing.  相似文献   
Four pollen diagrams, which together cover the period 10400 cal bp to the present, from an area rich in Stone Age house foundations show that vegetation was increasingly influenced by man in a stepwise process. There was a modest, temporary appearance of anthropogenically-induced vegetation about 8600 cal bp. After 7100 cal bp there was a development towards semi-open birch woodland where the open patches were characterised by natural heath and meadow species and more typical apophytic taxa such as Ranunculus acris and Rumex acetosa types, grasses and juniper. The main changes towards this vegetation seem connected with the most important cultural changes, especially at about 7100 cal bp, when there was a transition to honed slate tools in the regional archaeology, at about 4000 cal bp when pottery was introduced, and at about 3000–2800 cal bp since when the use of stone artefacts gradually ceased. It is suggested that the settlements were mainly summer habitations.  相似文献   
Multi-proxy analyses of two sediment cores from central Isfjorden were used to reconstruct the glacial history in central Spitsbergen during the Late Weichselian and the Holocene, and to relate iceberg rafting and sea-ice rafting to climatic and oceanographic changes in the north Atlantic region. A basal till was deposited beneath an ice stream prior to 12,700 cal. years BP (calendar years before the present). Several tidewater glaciers influenced the sedimentary environment during the Younger Dryas and probably already during the Allerød. The Younger Dryas cooling might be reflected by enhanced sea-ice formation and suspension settling, as well as reduced iceberg rafting. The final deglaciation was dominated by intense iceberg rafting. It terminated around 11,200 cal. years BP. Optimum Holocene climatic and oceanographic conditions with significantly reduced ice rafting occurred between c. 11,200 and 9000 cal. years BP. Ice rafting occurred almost exclusively from icebergs after 10,200 cal. years BP. The icebergs most probably originated from tidewater glaciers on east Spitsbergen, indicating the presence of a strong east–west temperature gradient at this time. An increase of iceberg rafting around 9000 cal. years BP, followed by enhanced sea-ice rafting, reflects the onset of a general cooling in the western Barents Sea–Svalbard region. Comparatively intense rafting from icebergs and sea ice between 9000 and 4000 cal. years BP is related to this cooling. A general reduction in ice rafting after 4000 cal. years BP is most probably the result of the enhanced formation of shore-fast and/or more permanent sea-ice cover, reducing the drift of icebergs and sea ice in the fjord. The results indicate that the palaeoenvironmental conditions on central Spitsbergen to a large degree depended on the oceanographic conditions in the western Barents Sea and west off Spitsbergen. However, climatic trends affecting Greenland and the entire north Atlantic region can also be identified.  相似文献   

Based mainly on pollen influx data, an attempt is made at reconstructing Holocene tree‐line fluctuations and palaeotemperatures in central Troms, North Norway. Both past and present‐day (Tauber trap) pollen influx data suggest that influx rates exceeding 250–300 pollen/cm2/year for each of the major arboreal taxa (Betula pubescens and Pinus sylvestris) are only found at sites with corresponding forest types in the immediate surroundings. High influx rates, raised tree‐lines and favourable climatic periods are recorded at 7500–4500 and 3000–2600 B.P. Betula and Pinus woodlands may have reached more than 200 m above their present altitude limits, suggesting a July mean temperature 2°C higher than at present during the Holocene optimum.  相似文献   
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