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A leaf disc method for measuring cuticular conductance   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
This paper describes a new method for the measurement of cuticularconductance (go;) using a leaf disc sealed in a specially-designedenvelope. Conductances for astomatous (adaxial) and stomatous(abaxial) surfaces of beech {Fagus sylvatica L.) were determinedfrom measurements of water flux. Leaf discs were punched outfrom attached leaves and placed inside individual envelopesthat provided a water supply. Water flux from an exposed epidermalsurface of the leaf discs was measured gravimetrically. Allmeasurements were made under darkness. Conductance of the adaxialsurface was referred to as gc, whereas conductance of the abaxialsurface was considered as a minimum leaf surface conductance()- The main advantage of this method is that it enables measurement of gc and from leaf samples with intact cuticles and a highrelative water content [RWC) for periods of up to 12 d. Conductancesof leaf discs in envelopes were compared with those of wholeleaves and leaf discs without envelopes. Data demonstratinga strong positive relationship between conductance and RWC ispresented. Key words: Cuticular conductance, leaf disc, relative water content  相似文献   
Targeted management actions informed by robust data are needed to conserve species of extreme rarity, and assessing the effectiveness of different field methods for detection and monitoring of such species is a conservation priority. Gibbons are typically detected by their daily song through passive listening surveys, but lone gibbon individuals and low-density populations are less likely to sing, making detection difficult or impossible using standard survey techniques. Call playback represents an alternative potential method for detecting gibbon presence, but there has been no empirical evaluation of the usefulness of this method in the field. We investigated the efficacy of call playback as a survey method for detecting previously unconfirmed or unknown individuals of the Critically Endangered Hainan gibbon (Nomascus hainanus), the world’s rarest primate, in patches of good-quality forest outside the current home ranges of the three known Hainan gibbon social groups in Bawangling National Nature Reserve, Hainan, China. Call playback led to detection of a male-only call likely to have been made by a solitary male, and a previously unknown social group comprising an adult male, adult female, and an infant, increasing the number of known breeding females in the global Hainan gibbon population from five to six. Call playback therefore represents an effective tool for improved monitoring of Hainan gibbons, as well as other gibbon populations; however, it is a moderately disruptive survey technique, and should be employed sparingly, in key locations, and for short periods of time only when attempting to detect gibbon presence.  相似文献   
Cephalopods play a key role in many marine trophic food webs and also constitute alternative fishery resources in the context of the ongoing decline in finfish stocks. Most coastal cephalopod species of commercial importance migrate into shallow waters during the breeding season to lay their eggs, and are consequently subjected to coastal contamination. Eggs of common cuttlefish Sepia officinalis, European squid Loligo vulgaris, common octopus Octopus vulgaris and the sepiolid Rossia macrosoma were exposed during embryonic development to dissolved (110m)Ag, (109)Cd, (60)Co, (54)Mn and (65)Zn in order to determine their metal accumulation efficiencies and distribution among different egg compartments. Cuttlefish eggs, in which hard shells enclose the embryos, showed the lowest concentration factor (CF) values despite a longer duration of exposure. In contrast, octopus eggs, which are only protected by the chorionic membrane, accumulated the most metal. Uptake appears to be linked to the selective retention properties of the egg envelopes with respect to each element. The study also demonstrated that the octopus embryo accumulated (110m)Ag directly from the dissolved phase and also indirectly through assimilation of the contaminated yolk. These results raise questions regarding the potential contrasting vulnerability of early life stages of cephalopods to the metallic contamination of coastal waters.  相似文献   
An outbreak of Plasmodium malariae occurred in Sonsogon Paliu village in the remote area of Ulu Bengkoka sub-district of Kota Marudu, Northern Sabah, Malaysian Borneo from July through August 2019. This was the first outbreak of malaria in this village since 2014. On 11th July 2019 the Kota Kinabalu Public Health Laboratory notified the Kota Marudu District Health Office of a Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) positive case of P. malariae. This index case was a male from Sulawesi, Indonesia working for a logging company operating in Sonsogon Paliu. During the resulting outbreak, a total of 14 symptomatic cases were detected. All of these cases were positive by thick and thin blood smear examination, and also by PCR. During the outbreak, a mass blood survey screening was performed by light-microscopy and PCR. A total of 94 asymptomatic villagers 31 (33.0%) were PCR positive but thick and thin blood smear negative for P. malariae. Both symptomatic and asymptomatic cases received treatment at the district hospital. When symptomatic and asymptomatic cases were considered together, males (29/45. 64.5%) were infected more than females (16/45, 35.6%), the male:female ratio being 1.8:1. Adults were the predominant age group infected (22/45, 48.9%) followed by adolescents (19/45, 42.2%) and children under five years of age (4/45, 8.9%). This report illustrates that symptomatic and submicroscopic cases pose a challenge during P. malariae outbreaks and that PCR is a valuable tool for their identification. The rapid identification and control of imported malaria is crucial for the continued control of malaria in Malaysia.  相似文献   
Summary Carbon replicas and scanning electron micrographs of wax outgrowths on some leaf surfaces have not shown conclusively whether the outgrowths are tubes or solid rods. Some workers have suggested that they are solid rods. We find that negative stains will penetrate into a cavity in the centre of wax outgrowths on leaves of Sitka spruce (Picea sitchensis Bong. Carr) and Tulipa kaufmanniana Elliot. Thus these outgrowths appear to be tubes.  相似文献   
A regime is proposed for the design of coupled enzyme assays in which auxiliary enzymes are added at concentrations proportional to their Km values. Under these conditions it is possible to calculate the complete time course of the assay including the time required for the system to approach its steady state. The consequence of increasing the number of coupling enzymes is shown to be a considerable decrease in time required to reach the steady state provided that the overall transient time remains the same. The method is extended to the general consideration of pathways and shows that pathways of the same length exhibit identical temporal responses provided that the units of concentration and time used are based on the steady-state concentration of intermediates and the transient time respectively. An unexpected finding is that increasing the number of intermediates in a pathway can decrease the time required to enter a steady state.  相似文献   
Snapping turtles Elseya dentata (Gray) from Magela Creek, Northern Territory, were exposed under laboratory conditions for up to 30 days to waters resembling the inorganic composition of Magela Creek water during the Wet season, with background and elevated Ca and Mg concentrations, that were labelled with 226Ra and 45Ca. The resulting concentrations of 45Ca in muscle, skin, gut, liver, shell bone and leg bone of E. dentata equilibrated or approached equilibrium by 12–18 days. Among the experiments, the concentrations of 45Ca in all six tissues were inversely related to turtle mass. An increase in the Ca water concentration by a factor of 15 increased the 45Ca concentration in all six tissues. The arithmetic factors of increase in the concentration in each tissue were proportional or more than proportional to the factor of increase in Ca water concentration; this factor was highest for muscle tissue (26.6). An increase in the Mg water concentration by a factor of 48 reduced the 45Ca concentration in all tissues except skin where it increased. The concentration of 226Ra in each tissue (except the gut) was positively related to its 45Ca concentration and inversely related to turtle mass in muscle, skin and liver. With the exception of the skin, the increased Ca water concentration did not reduce the 226Ra in the tissues but increased the 226Ra concentration in bone and muscle. The increased Mg water concentration had an inverse effect on the 226Ra concentrations in all tissues except shell. With the exception of the skin the effects of increased Ca and Mg water concentrations and turtle size on 226Ra concentrations in the tissues of E. dentata were similar to their effects on 45Ca tissue concentrations, indicating the similar metabolic behaviour of 226Ra and 45Ca in E. dentata.Exposures of the species Elseya latisternum (Gray), Emydura signata (Ahl) and Chelodina longicollis (Shaw), which are the same or closely related to species reported to occur in Magela Creek, to 45Ca-labelled Sydney tap water for 7 days demonstrated their ability to also accumulate 45Ca from their aquatic medium. The patterns of 45Ca concentrations in the tissues of these species indicated that they were inversely related to turtle mass, as demonstrated in E. dentata. The concentrations of 45Ca accumulated in the tissues were also comparable to those found in single specimens of E. dentata and E. victoriae (Gray) that were exposed for 7 days to simulated Magela Creek water. The data also indicated the larger long-necked C. longicollis accumulated less 45Ca per gram of tissue than similar-sized, short-necked species E. signata and E. latisternum, suggesting that long-necked turtles from Magela Creek would accumulate less 226Ra from their aquatic medium than similar-sized short-necked species.The capacity of E. dentata to accumulate 226Ra from the aquatic medium is about two orders of magnitude less than that of the tissue of the freshwater mussel Velesunio angasi (Sowerby) exposed under similar experimental conditions.  相似文献   
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