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Macroinvertebrate communities sampled by a corer, plankton net and sweep net from five wetlands on the Swan Coastal Plain were compared. The composition of the fauna collected in sweeps and tows was generally similar and differed from that collected in the cores. Cores caught fewer species than tows and sweeps at all wetlands and did not capture fast swimming hemipterans or less abundant taxa. The highest species richness was recorded in sweep samples in four out of the five wetlands. Classification (TWIN-SPAN) and ordination (SSH) of the samples collected in sweeps and tows gave good separation of the wetlands, whereas classification of core samples did not. Coring appeared to be the least suitable sampling method for describing the major components of the macroinvertebrate communities of these wetlands. Plankton tows were useful if the time available for sorting was limited as these samples were free of sediments and generally gave similar results to those obtained with sweeps. Sweeps appeared to be the most useful method for a large classification study as they collected more species and resulted in the best discrimination amongst wetlands.  相似文献   
The aim of this study was to develop and pilot a stochastic-rheological biomechanical model to investigate the mechanics of impact fractures in the upper limbs of children who fall in everyday situations, such as when playing on playground equipment. The rheological aspect of the model characterises musculo-skeletal tissues in terms of inertial, elastic and viscous parameters. The stochastic aspect of the model allows natural variation of children's musculo-skeletal mechanical properties to be accounted for in the analysis. The relationship of risk factors, such as fall height, impact surface, child mass and bone density, to the probability of sustaining an injury in playground equipment falls were examined and found to closely match findings in epidemiological, clinical and biomechanical literature. These results suggest that the stochastic-rheological model is a useful tool for the evaluation of arm fracture risk in children. Once fully developed, information from this model will provide the basis for recommendations for modifications to playground equipment and surface standards.  相似文献   
A study was carried out to examine the effect of dietary supplementation of oregano essential oil on performance of broiler chickens experimentally infected with Eimeria tenella at 14 days of age. A total of 120 day-old Cobb-500 chicks separated into 4 equal groups with three replicates each, were used in this study. Two groups, one infected with 5·104 sporulated oocysts of E. tenella and the other not, were given a basal diet and served as controls. The other two groups also infected with E. tenella were administered diets supplemented with oregano essential oil at a level of 300 mg/kg, or with the anticoccidial lasalocid at 75 mg/kg. Following this infection, survival rate, bloody diarrhoea and oocysts excretion as well as lesion score were determined. Throughout the experimental period of 42 days, body weight gain and feed intake were recorded weekly, and feed conversion ratios were calculated. Two weeks after the infection with E. tenella supplementation with dietary oregano oil resulted in body weight gains and feed conversion ratios not differing from the non-infected group, but higher than those of the infected control group and lower than those of the lasalocid group. These parameters correspond with the extent of bloody diarrhoea, survival rate, lesion score and oocyst numbers and indicated that oregano essential oil exerted an anticoccidial effect against E. tenella, which was, however, lower than that exhibited by lasalocid.  相似文献   
Environmental flows are the main restoration technique used to ameliorate the ecological effects of regulation in rivers. However, their effectiveness has yet to be unanimously accepted. This study assessed the potential ecological benefits of the application of an environmental flow regime downstream of four dams and two weirs in the Upper Nepean River system, Sydney, Australia. Aquatic macroinvertebrates in three habitat types were sampled at water‐supply and low‐flow sites and unregulated sites in 1995 and 1996, prior to the environmental flows and in 2013 and 2014, approximately 13 years following the environmental flows. The macroinvertebrate assemblage structure was significantly different between regulated and reference sites and the number of taxa lower at water‐supply sites prior to the implementation of the environmental flows. Following the environmental flows, the assemblage structure became more similar to, although still significantly different from, the unregulated sites and the number of taxa was not significantly different between regulated and unregulated sites. Thirteen or approximately 30% of taxa indicative of unregulated rivers increased in frequency at regulated sites following the environmental flows. Despite potentially similar dispersal capabilities the remainder of the taxa failed to respond the new flow regimes. The mechanisms resulting in recovery of some taxa but not others remain unclear and require further investigation as the basis of future research and monitoring. Such information and knowledge would support the application of future environmental flow regimes as the primary mechanism to ameliorate the ecological effects of river regulation.  相似文献   
1. Diatoms were sampled in the spring of 1994 and the autumn of 1995 at 137 pristine or near-pristine reference sites on large and small streams at various altitudes in eastern New South Wales and Victoria. Scrapings were taken from five firm substrata across a range of microhabitat conditions at each site on each occasion. For each substratum, 100 valves were identified to genus level. 2. Multivariate statistical models were constructed to predict the probability of occurrence of each genus at a given site under near-pristine conditions on the basis of physical features of the site that are not affected by human activity. Model predictions were compared with the flora observed at the reference sites and at 55 test sites affected by varying degrees of human disturbance. 3. Test sites were characterized more by the presence of genera not predicted by the model than by the absence of predicted genera. The degree of departure from model predictions was related mainly to increasing alkalinity, electrical conductivity, hardness and pH of river water. We therefore conclude that the main effect of human activity on the composition of diatom communities in the rivers of coastal south-eastern Australia has been to increase genus richness through enrichment with alkaline salts. 4. The models did not perform as well as similar models applied to river macroinvertebrates at the family level, perhaps because of greater temporal variability in diatom communities and differences in the environmental variables to which diatoms and macroinvertebrates respond. Means of improving the current models are discussed.  相似文献   
Summary Rooting in vitro was examined for lentil nodal segments to test a recently published conclusion that shoot orientation has an effect on rooting. As is the case for many species, roots initiated and grew only at the proximal end of the microcutting regardless of its orientation. When the proximal end was in agar (a hypoxic environment) the rooting percentage was low (9–25%) even when the orientation of the microcutting was altered by inventing the culture tube. In contrast, when the proximal end of the microcutting was in an aerobic environment (from the shoot being placed upside down in agar medium or placed normally or upside down in an aerated medium), rooting percentages were higher (62–100%). Medium aeration at the proximal end of the microcutting is more important than shoot orientation for in vitro rooting of lentil microcuttings.  相似文献   
Media with different air filled porosity were compared with standard agar medium for root induction and root elongation for two Australian plants Grevillea thelemanniana and Verticordia plumosa×Chamelaucium uncinatum. Microcuttings from shoot cultures were pulsed for 7 days on a high auxin (40 M IBA), agar-solidified medium in the dark. The rooting of the microcuttings was then compared on standard agar medium (M1, 1/2 MS, no hormones) and on three experimental treatments: – porous-agar medium (1/2 MS, no hormones, 30 g agar l–1, solidified then blended to provide aeration); – white sand, or white sand wet with M1 medium; and – a sterile propagation mix. The protocol using the propagation mix is referred to as IVS (In Vitro Soil). A separate experiment involved flushing the IVS soil profile with low or normal oxygen. The controls on M1 medium showed low and variable rooting percentages. The rate of root induction and the average total root length per microcutting at final harvest was significantly higher using the IVS protocol, porous-agar or white sand, while addition of agar medium to sand suppressed the percentage rooting and elongation as did flushing the air space in the IVS rooting medium with low oxygen. Other species tested on M1 medium and IVS including Pimelea physodes, Conospermum eatoniae, Verticordia grandis, and a Chamelaucium megalopetalum×C. uncinatum hybrid all showed a significant improvement on the IVS system. The IVS culture technique reduces plant-handling costs.  相似文献   
Dense White Cypress Pine (Callitris glaucophylla J. Thompson and L.A.S. Johnson) regrowth occurs frequently across previously cleared landscapes in New South Wales (NSW), and is thought to adversely affect agricultural production and to cause land degradation. The NSW Native Vegetation Act (2003) requires that management of native vegetation including pre-1990 regrowth must ‘improve or maintain’ site condition, yet there is currently limited information regarding techniques for the optimum management of C. glaucophylla in this regard. We conducted a preliminary study to examine floristic composition, soil condition (to 50 cm) and carbon storage under ‘Dense’ (dense regrowth), ‘Thinned’ (dense regrowth thinned 2000/2001) and ‘Un-colonised’ (pasture not yet recolonised by C.␣glaucophylla) plots on private lands in NSW. Reduced tree density from thinning resulted in increased biomass of the remaining individual trees. Un-colonised plots had significantly more groundcover than thinned plots, which had significantly more groundcover than dense plots. Differences in plant diversity however, were explained by site factors rather than land use. Soils in the dense plots were the most acid but soil pH was significantly higher in thinned plots and pH was highest in soil of the un-colonised plots. Mean values for carbon, nitrogen, sulphur and extractable phosphorus varied among sites, although each were significantly more abundant in the mineral soil of dense and thinned plots compared with un-colonised plots, suggesting that thinning had had a minimal effect on the soil parameters assessed. Accounting for all site components, site carbon storage was significantly higher in dense and thinned plots compared with un-colonised plots due to elevated levels of soil and litter carbon as well as the presence of trees. The results indicate that thinning dense C. glaucophylla can maintain and (by some measures) improve site condition. However, given the variability in some of the parameters assessed, further study across a wider range of soil types and rainfall gradients is proposed.  相似文献   
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