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The components of the cell envelopes of Escherichia coli O1:K1, O7:K1, O18:K1 and O83:K1 strains were separated on SDS-polyacrylamide gels. Longitudinal slices (50 microns thick) of the gel were incubated with typing sera for E. coli O1, O7, O18 and O83, followed by detection of the bound antibodies with 125I-labelled protein A and autoradiography. The antisera reacted with many cell envelope components of strains both with the homologous O-serotype and heterologous O-serotypes. With O-typing sera cross-reactions with heterologous cells and cells boiled for 2 h were found. Up to 40 serotype-specific bands at regular positions with molecular weights between 12000 and 100000 were demonstrated. Since these bands were also observed when purified lipopolysaccharide and unabsorbed homologous O-typing sera were used, it was concluded that these bands represented lipopolysaccharide molecules with increasing molecular weight, all of which contained O-antigen specific immunodeterminants. The band patterns were not influenced by the growth conditions of the cells or the various isolation procedures for the cell envelopes. Comparison of various strains serotyped as O18 revealed strain differences with respect to their lipopolysaccharide band patterns. In the case of O21- and O83-serotyped strains lipopolysaccharide cross-reactions, which were detected by agglutination, were analysed in detail using the gel immunoradioassay method. These cross-reactions appeared to be caused by the presence of common determinants on their lipopolysaccharides and polysaccharide-like material. The cross-reacting antibodies could be removed by cross-absorption. It is concluded that the immunological detection of lipopolysaccharides and other components of E. coli in gels is an important tool in (1) the control of the specificity of typing antisera, (2) the study of the nature of cross-reacting antigens and (3) the study of the nature and uniformity of the various O- and K-serotypes.  相似文献   
Diphtheria toxin is rapidly inactivated upon reaction with tetranitromethane. inactivation is partially prevented in the presence of the substrate NAD. The loss of enzymatic activity and of toxicity is concomitant with the modification of one tyrosyl residue per molecule, located in the fragment A. Completely inactivated toxin (more than 5 nitrotyrosines per molecule) is a good toxin antagonist for HeLa cells binding sites indicating that the integrity of its fragment B is preserved. Methylation of lysyl residues leads to a decrease of toxicity and enzymatic activity but only after the modification of about 20 lysines per molecule. This methylated toxin however can still bind NAD and seems to possess a functional fragment B. Enzymatic site of diphtheria toxin fragment A seems thus to contain one essential tyrosyl residue implicated in the binding of NAD and at least one lysine not implicated in this dinucleotide binding.  相似文献   
Analysis of the cell envelopes of large numbers of bacterial strains is used for the epidemiological and taxonomic investigation of clinical, veterinarian, and ecological isolates. Isolation of cell envelopes requires lysis of the bacteria. We developed an apparatus to disrupt bacterial cells of 200 different isolates in suspension by ultrasonication automatically. It is composed of modified standard laboratory equipment (fraction collector, cooling unit, pump), a standard ultrasonifier, and a newly designed control unit, which includes a sampler. This apparatus was applied to the analysis of cell envelope proteins of 96 Haemophilus influenzae strains on sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis within 3 days after the first culture.  相似文献   
Abstract The ability of antibodies, raised in rabbits against purified outer membrane protein a ( M r 47 000) of Haemophilus influenzae type b, to promote complement-dependent killing of these encapsulated organisms was investigated. Killing of encapsulated strains was not induced by these antibodies in conjunction with either human, mouse, rabbit or guinea-pig complement. Acapsular mutants were effectively killed by complement in the presence of antibodies against protein a . Killing was dependent on the presence of the 47-kDa protein a and was not influenced by the outer membrane protein subtype or lipopolysaccharide serotype of the strain. The killing-promoting activity could be absorbed from the sera with cells of strains with the same protein a , purified protein a , but not by purified lipopolysaccharide and capsular polysaccharide. Binding experiments showed that the encapsulated strain and its acapsular mutant bound antibodies against protein a with the same rate and to the same extent, indicating that the capsule probably interferes with complement activation or insertion of the membrane attack complex into the bacterial cell.  相似文献   
Signal peptides that direct protein export in Bacillus subtilis are overall more hydrophobic than signal peptides in Escherichia coli. To study the importance of signal peptide hydrophobicity for protein export in both organisms, the alpha-amylase AmyQ was provided with leucine-rich (high hydrophobicity) or alanine-rich (low hydrophobicity) signal peptides. AmyQ export was most efficiently directed by the authentic signal peptide, both in E. coli and B. subtilis. The leucine-rich signal peptide directed AmyQ export less efficiently in both organisms, as judged from pulse-chase labelling experiments. Remarkably, the alanine-rich signal peptide was functional in protein translocation only in E. coli. Cross-linking of in vitro synthesized ribosome nascent chain complexes (RNCs) to cytoplasmic proteins showed that signal peptide hydrophobicity is a critical determinant for signal peptide binding to the Ffh component of the signal recognition particle (SRP) or to trigger factor, not only in E. coli, but also in B. subtilis. The results show that B. subtilis SRP can discriminate between signal peptides with relatively high hydrophobicities. Interestingly, the B. subtilis protein export machinery seems to be poorly adapted to handle alanine-rich signal peptides with a low hydrophobicity. Thus, signal peptide hydrophobicity appears to be more critical for the efficiency of early stages in protein export in B. subtilis than in E. coli.  相似文献   
Epithelial tumours consist of an epithelial compartment and a stromal compartment, which are sometimes separated by a basal membrane-like structure. We sought to determine whether these factors have prognostic value in 84 curatively resected stage II and III colorectal cancer by immunohistochemically staining tumours for leucocytes (CD45) and extracellular matrix, and to assess the presence of a basal membrane-like structure. Leucocyte infiltration was also assessed in hematoxylin-eosin (HE) stained sections. Most leucocytes were located in the tumour stroma. A relatively high intraepithelial leucocyte infiltration was significantly correlated with a lower level of tumour recurrence (P=0.03) and a longer disease-free survival (P=0.05), whereas leucocytes located in the tumour stroma (P=0.92) or at the advancing margin (p=0.06) were not. Intraepithelial leucocyte infiltration was also significantly correlated with leucocyte infiltration in the tumour stroma (P=0.02) and at the advancing tumour margin (P=0.005), and as assessed in HE-stained tumour sections (P=0.05), but each of these parameters on its own did not have a prognostic value in predicting disease-free survival. Moreover, the presence of a basal membrane-like structure surrounding the tumour epithelium was inversely correlated with the number of intraepithelial leucocytes (P=0.05), suggesting that this membrane-like structure functions as a barrier to intraepithelial leucocyte infiltration. We conclude that leucocytes must be in the direct vicinity of tumour cells to affect tumour growth. The presence of an extracellular matrix barrier seems to prevent this interaction.  相似文献   
Adjuvant treatment is still only working in a small percentage of breast cancer patients. Therefore, new strategies need to be developed. Immunotherapies are a very promising approach because they could successfully attack tumor cells in the stage of dormancy. To assess the feasibility of using an allogeneic approach for vaccination of breast cancer patients, we selected a CD80-transfected breast cancer cell line based on its immunogenic properties. Using CD80+ KS breast cancer cells and human leukocyte antigen (HLA)-A*02–matched peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) of breast cancer patients in allogeneic mixed lymphocyte–tumor cell cultures (MLTCs), it was possible to isolate HLA-A*02–restricted cytotoxic T cells (CTLs). Furthermore, a genetically modified KS variant expressing influenza A matrix protein serving as a surrogate tumor-associated antigen (TAA) was able to stimulate flu peptide-specific T cells alongside the induction of alloresponses in MLTCs. KS breast cancer cells were demonstrated to express already known TAAs such as CEA, MUC-1, MAGE-1, MAGE-2, and MAGE-3. To further improve antigenicity, HER-2/neu was added to this panel as a marker antigen known to elicit HLA-A*02–restricted CTLs in patients with breast cancer. Thus, the antigen-processing and antigen-presentation capacity of KS cells was further demonstrated by the stimulation of HER-2/neu–specific CD8+ T cells in PBMCs of breast cancer patients in vitro. These results gave a good rationale for a phase I/II trial, where the CD80+ HER-2/neu–overexpressing KS variant is actually used as a cellular vaccine in patients with metastatic breast cancer. As a proof of principle, we present data from two patients where a significant increase of interferon- (IFN-) release was detected when postvaccination PBMCs were stimulated by allogeneic vaccine cells as well as by HLA-A*02–restricted HER-2/neu epitopes. In whole cell vaccine trials, monitoring is particularly challenging because of strong alloresponses and limited knowledge of TAAs. In this study, a panel of HER-2/neu epitopes, together with the quantitative real time (qRT)-PCR method to analyze vaccine-induced cytokines secreted by T cells, proved to be highly sensitive and feasible to perform an immunological staging following vaccination.  相似文献   
Secretory proteins perform a variety of important “remote-control” functions for bacterial survival in the environment. The availability of complete genome sequences has allowed us to make predictions about the composition of bacterial machinery for protein secretion as well as the extracellular complement of bacterial proteomes. Recently, the power of proteomics was successfully employed to evaluate genome-based models of these so-called secretomes. Progress in this field is well illustrated by the proteomic analysis of protein secretion by the gram-positive bacterium Bacillus subtilis, for which ~90 extracellular proteins were identified. Analysis of these proteins disclosed various “secrets of the secretome,” such as the residence of cytoplasmic and predicted cell envelope proteins in the extracellular proteome. This showed that genome-based predictions reflect only ~50% of the actual composition of the extracellular proteome of B. subtilis. Importantly, proteomics allowed the first verification of the impact of individual secretion machinery components on the total flow of proteins from the cytoplasm to the extracellular environment. In conclusion, proteomics has yielded a variety of novel leads for the analysis of protein traffic in B. subtilis and other gram-positive bacteria. Ultimately, such leads will serve to increase our understanding of virulence factor biogenesis in gram-positive pathogens, which is likely to be of high medical relevance.  相似文献   
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