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Zygotic embryos of taro, Colocasia esculenta var. antiquorumcultured on Linsmaier-Skoog (LS) medium without the additionof hormones develop into mature plants only in the presenceof endosperm tissue. Growth is usually evident within the firstweek of culture when embryos swell and become green. Embryosexcised from endosperm and cultured on LS containing 0-01 mg1–1 naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA), and 0–01 mg 1–16-dimethylaminopurine (6-DMAP) grow at a rate comparable withcontrols for the first week of culture. During the second week,growth rates are higher than controls primarily because embryosform elongated hypocotyl regions which often produce swollentissues and/or callus. In the presence of 200 mg 1–1 glutamineand a range of concentrations of 6-dimethylaminopurine, benzyladenine,or NAA, elongation of the hypocotyl axis is inhibited, and acompact callus may develop. Embryos grown on LS containing 200mg 1–1 glutamine and 2.0 mg 1–1 2, 4, 5-trichlorophenoxyaceticacid form friable callus which was used to generate short-livedsuspension cultures. Growth Regulators, Glutamine, tygotic embryos, Colocasia esculenta, endosperm  相似文献   
云南省厉螨科一新属新种(蜱螨亚纲:革螨股)   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在云南陇川县的蟋蟀Gryllus sp.体上采得一种革螨,系厉螨科Ltelapidae Berlese中未曾描述过的种类,并为之建立新属,订名为滇厉螨属Dianolaelaps gen.nov.,属模标本为蟋蟀滇厉螨Dianolaelaps gryllus sp.nov.。新属的主要鉴别特征是:雌螨螯钳动趾端部分三叉;颚角内侧有沟漕并具齿突;口下片末端,在颚角与下咽间有长圆形结构,其内缘并具透明的尖齿列;涎针有膜状结构包绕;足Ⅰ—Ⅲ基节各具一棘,各基节远端侧具细小毛列。  相似文献   
强化后期氮素营养对提高水稻结实率及改善米质的作用   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
加强后期氮素营养能提高杂交水稻碳氨同化能力和结实率,稻米的蛋白质和八种必需氨基酸含量、谷类蛋白的赖氨酸和苏氨酸也有提高。  相似文献   
陕西宽寄螨属一新种:(蜱螨亚纲:胭螨科)   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
本文记述胭螨科一新种,长安宽寄螨Euryparasitus changanensis sp.nov.,标本采自陕西长安县大仓鼠的窠内。本新种与黄鼠宽寄螨Euryparasitus citelli Bai et al,1988最相近似,但有明显区别。  相似文献   
  • 1 Multiple mating and its effect on reproductive performance of female Epiphyas postvittana (Walker) moths were studied under controlled conditions.
  • 2 The age at which the moths mated for the first time ranged from the first to the tenth day after emergence, but 71% of first matings were during the first 3 days.
  • 3 The majority (63%) of females had one or two spermatophores in the bursa copulatrix. Some (24%) were found with three to five spermatophores, whereas no successful mating occurred among 13% of individuals. The number of matings was partly dependent on the number of mates available to the female. Between the range of sex ratios of one male to one female and four males to one female maximal mating success occurred at the ratio of three males to one female.
  • 4 Virgin females were capable of egg-laying, but mating stimulated and accelerated oviposition. Mated individuals laid twice as many eggs as unmated ones.
  • 5 The level of copulatory activity did not influence the longevity of females irrespective of the number of males available to them.
  • 6 Sex ratios with greater than one male to a female improved the reproductive success by marginally increasing fecundity and fertility.
  • 7 It is concluded that multiple mating would enhance population growth, and is of particular benefit to populations with a preponderance of females, as is known to occur naturally in this species.
用~(14)C-Pro和~3H_2-Tyr离体暗培养黄瓜子叶,发现细胞质、SECW和RCW中的Hyp/Pro和Idt/Tyr都随时间呈线性增加。这两种比值后两者高于前者,而两种比值增加速度之比在胞质部分最大、RCW中最小。表明在胞质和胞壁中都有Pro羟化和Tyr异联化过程,但羟化作用主要发生在胞质中,异联化主要在RCW中。 理化处理(高渗溶液和CHM)和放射性示踪证明胞质中存在HRGP库;它被分泌到胞壁后,先以离子键与壁结合,后转变为共价键与壁结合的伸展素。  相似文献   
棉纤维细胞伸长生长与过氧化物酶和IAA氧化酶的关系   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
棉纤维细胞于开花当天从棉胚珠表皮上发生,随即开始伸长生长,星S型生长曲线。棉纤维细胞的可溶性蛋白、过氧化物酶活性和IAA氧化酶活性同伸长生长的关系不大;而离子型结合的细胞壁蛋白质含量、过氧化物酶活性和IAA氧化酶活性同棉纤维细胞的伸长生长关系较大,表现在棉纤维细胞快速伸长期活性较低,而在伸长生长停止时出现活性高峰,同棉纤维细胞的伸长生长有负相关现象。  相似文献   
茉莉酸甲酯对花生幼苗生长和抗旱性的影响   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
经过茉莉酸甲酯处理的花生幼苗,在形态、解剖和生理上都发生变化,其中以125mg/L处理最显著。处理后的植株幼苗矮化,叶小而厚,叶片贮水细胞大、蒸腾减弱、内源脱落酸和脯氨酸含量增多、过氧化物酶活性加大。由于水分的丧失减少,叶片水分的贮存增加,从而提高幼苗的抗旱性。  相似文献   
低浓度氢清除法测定大鼠局部脑血流量   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
钟凯声  吕敏 《生理学报》1994,46(3):304-309
利用氢清除法测量动物局部脑血流量已被广泛应用于研究中。本文采用低于爆炸范围下限的3%H2浓度,它可以与任何比例的氮氧气体安全混合,且可避免吸纯氢期间的短暂缺氧,更为严格地控制了实验条件,增加了安全和准确性。本工作对吸100%H2和吸3%H2以及吸3%H21-1.5min和吸3%H25min测得脑血流量分析作了比较,结果表明短期低浓度氢清除法能较好地反映动物的局部脑血流量。  相似文献   
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