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In order to examine the effects of alpha-human atrial natriuretic polypeptide (alpha-hANP) on the basal plasma concentrations of GH, TSH, LH, FSH and PRL in humans, synthetic alpha-hANP was infused into 10 normotensive, euvolemic, healthy volunteers. There were observed marked hypotensive, diuretic and natriuretic effects during the alpha-hANP infusion. The basal plasma concentrations of GH, TSH, LH and FSH, showed no significant change following the alpha-hANP infusion. However, significant suppression of the plasma PRL concentration was observed with the alpha-hANP administration. The mean plasma PRL concentration tended to be decreased during 20 min of alpha-hANP infusion, however, there the differences were not statistically significant. A significant reduction in the mean plasma PRL concentration (-20%, P less than 0.5) was observed 10 min after the end of infusion, following the reversion to the preinfusion level at 70 min after the end of infusion. Such a significant and delayed suppression was not seen in the case of placebo infusion. The data suggest that the circulating hANP may reduce the release of PRL.  相似文献   
An inhibitory factor (IF) produced byAspergillus niger strain 19, and which inhibits the action of glucoamylase on starch, has the ability to be tightly adsorbed on to various raw starches, though the amount differs from starch to starch. Based on the hydrolysis of the IF-starch complex by glucoamylase, the inhibitions per unit IF adsorbed are similar for some varieties of starch. The effectiveness ratio of IF (% hydrolysis inhibition per % IF adsorbed on raw starch) for corn, sweet potato, waxy rice and waxy corn starches are 1.1, 1.0, 0.85 and 0.96, respectively. These results support the hypothesis that both glucoamylase and IF are adsorbed on to a common binding site on raw starch. However, the effectiveness ratio of IF for cassava and wheat starches are 0.71 and 1.65, respectively, which differ significantly from other varieties of starch.
Résumé Un inhibiteur (facieur IF) produit par la souche 19 d'Aspergillus niger et qui inhibe l'action de la glucoamylase sur l'amidon a la propriété d'être fortement adsorbé sur dives amidons, bien que la quantité varie d'amidon à amidon. Sur la base de l'hydrolyse du complexe amidon-IF par la glucoamylase, les inhibitions par unité d'IF adsorbé sont sembiables pour quelques variétés d'amidon. Le rapport d'efficience de IF (% d'inhibition de l'hydrolyse par % de IF adsorbé sur l'amidon cru), pour le maïs, la patate douce, et les amidons de riz cireux et de maîs cireux vaut respectivement 1.1, 1.0, 0.85 et 0.96. Ces résultats soutiennent l'hypothèse que tant la glucoamylase que le lacteur IF sont adsorbés sur un site commun de liaison de l'amidon cru. Toutefois, le rapport d'efficience du facteur IF pour les amidons de manioc et de froment valent respectivement 0.71 et 1.65, valeurs significativement différentes de celles pour les aufres variétés d'amidon.
Summary The effect of an inhibitory factor (IF) fromAspergillus niger 19 on raw starch digestion by pure glucoamylase I of blackAspergillus, pure glucoamylae ofRhizopus niveus, bacterial -amylase, fungal -amylase and various combination was investigated. The IF caused higher inhibition of raw starch hydrolysis by the combined action of glucoamylase and fungal -amylase than of hydrolysis by the individual enzymes. A protein moiety of IF might play an active part in this inhibition phenomenon. The IF was bound to starch granules, preventing hydrolysis by the enzymes, and caused decreased raw starch hydrolysis yields.  相似文献   
A contiguous 111,402-nucleotide sequence corresponding to the 0 to 2.4 min region of the E. coli chromosome was determined as a first step to complete structural analysis of the genome. The resulting sequence was used to predict open reading frames and to search for sequence similarity against the PIR protein database. A number of novel genes were found whose predicted protein sequences showed significant homology with known proteins from various organisms, including several clusters of genes similar to those involved in fatty acid metabolism in bacteria (e.g., betT, baiF) and higher organisms, iron transport (sfuA, B, C) in Serratia marcescens, and symbiotic nitrogen fixation or electron transport (fixA, B, C, X) in Azorhizobium caulinodans. In addition, several genes and IS elements that had been mapped but not sequenced (e.g., leuA, B, C, D) were identified. We estimate that about 90 genes are represented in this region of the chromosome with little spacer.  相似文献   
Chromosomes V and VIII of S. cerevisiae were dissected and ordered clone banks were constructed and characterized. Each bank contains almost the entire chromosome from the left to the right telomere except for a small gap in each case. The size of the banks constructed is in good agreement with the physical length of these chromosomes, 580 kb, estimated by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis. The remaining gap in the ordered clone bank of chromosome V was found to be only 1.6 kb in length and to contain a 1.5 kb-long portion of one of the two Ty elements located in tandem. The gap in the bank of chromosome VIII was 6.4 kb in length and contained four copies of the CUP1 gene. A genomic restriction map analysis of the corresponding region of chromosome VIII revealed that a unit of about 2 kb in length harbouring the CUP1 gene was repeated ten times in strain DC5 rho degrees which was used for the bank construction. A 588.5 kb-long high resolution physical map for chromosome V and a 585.6 kb-long one for chromosome VIII have thus been established.  相似文献   
We examined whether orally administered RBS (rice bran saccharide), prepared from rice bran by hot water extraction, increases immunocompetence, inhibits gastrointestinal carcinogenesis with N-ethyl-N-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine (ENNG) or shows an antitumor effect. After the administration of RBS, phytohemagglutinin (PHA)- and pokeweed mitogen (PWM)-stimulated blastogenesis of lymphocytes derived from the mesenteric lymph nodes and peripheral blood was enhanced, and the helper/ suppressor T-cell ratio was elevated, and migration activity of peritoneal macrophages was also increased in rats treated continuously with ENNG. ENNG-induced gastrointestinal carcinomas were observed in 43% of those administered RBS (ENNG-RBS) as compared with 88% in the control (ENNG) and 94% in the prednisolone (PRD) group (ENNG-PRD). The 12-month survival rate of rats bearing gastrointestinal cancer was 58% in the ENNG-RBS group as compared with 25% in the ENNG group and 15% in the ENNG-PRD group. RBS prevented the reduction in immunocompetence in the course of carcinogenesis, suppressed carcinogenesis, and prolonged the survival of rats with gastrointestinal cancer. Antitumor activities of RBS are thought to be a kind of host mediated action. The growth inhibition ratio of transplantable ENNG-induced cancer in Wistar rats was 42.1% in the RBS and 51.8% in the 5-FU group. Since little is known about the potent antitumor activity of -glucan, it would be interesting to consider the relationship between the structure and the biological activities of polysaccharides.  相似文献   
We studied the effect of vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP) on ciliary activity in rabbit cultured tracheal epithelium by a photoelectric method in vitro. Administration of VIP (10(-7) M) elicited an increase in ciliary beat frequency (CBF) from the baseline values of 970 +/- 52 to 1139 +/- 75 beats/min (mean +/- S.E., P less than 0.01). This ciliostimulatory effect was dose-dependent, with the maximal increase and EC50 value being 17.4 +/- 1.0% (P less than 0.05) and 6.10(-11) M, respectively. The VIP-induced increase in CBF was abolished by pretreatment of cells with [4-Cl-D-Phe6, Leu17]-VIP, a VIP receptor antagonist. The neutral endopeptidase inhibitor phosphoramidon (10(-5) M) potentiated the effect of VIP, so that the CBF dose-response curve for VIP was shifted to lower concentrations by 0.5 log U. The administration of VIP increased cyclic AMP levels in epithelial cells, an effect that was also potentiated by phosphoramidon. These results suggest that VIP may interact with its specific receptors and stimulate airway ciliary activity probably through the activation of adenylate cyclase, and that neutral endopeptidase may play a role in modulating this effect of VIP.  相似文献   
Change in the localization of the antigen recognized by the proteinuria-inducing monoclonal antibody (MA) 5-1-6 in experimental nephrosis was studied by indirect and biotin-avidin immunofluorescence, and immunoperoxidase at light and electron microscopical levels. The proteinuric state was induced by the administration of the aminonucleoside of puromycin (PAN) or adriamycin. The antigen decreased in quantity and/or its distribution changed with an increase in the amount of protein excreted in both experimental models. Recovery from the alterations observed during the development and proteinuria appeared to occur when PAN-induced proteinuria subsided. This antigenic molecule may thus be essential for maintaining the normal permselectivity of glomerular capillary walls.  相似文献   
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