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Near-ultraviolet (UV) light (325 to 400 nm), in the presence of air and the absence of exogenous photosensitizing compounds, is lethal and mutagenic for Haemophilus influenzae. The lethal effect is the same for both wild type and streptomycin-resistant mutants, indicating that the mutants are not selected by the irradiation. The inactivation and mutagenicity show a large shoulder, suggesting the existence of repair systems. Filters were used to eliminate the possibility of short-UV irradiation. The effective radiation is between 325 to 400 nm. The lethal and mutagenic effects are higher during mid and late log phase than during early log or stationary phase.  相似文献   
Evidence of abnormal coloration in wild animals provides useful information to better understand its adaptive function and its impact on survival. For this reason, we need to know the frequency and distribution of these abnormal phenotypes in wild populations. Here, we report two records of hypopigmentation in European pine marten Martes martes, obtained during a camera‐trapping survey on Elba Island, Central Italy. We do not know what has caused anomalous coloration of pine marten on Elba Island, but it is possible that the inbreeding may have played a role in this isolated population. Although the light coloration certainly entails an increased visibility of pine martens, it is possible that the low predator pressure and the absence of other wild carnivore populations in our study could mitigate the mortality risk due to the light phenotype. The increased use of camera traps across the world can potentially facilitate the discovery of cases of anomalous colorations in wild populations, providing an unprecedented insight into the occurrence of this phenomenon in wild mammal species.  相似文献   
Boron neutron capture therapy (BNCT) is based on selective accumulation of 10B carriers in tumor followed by neutron irradiation. We previously proved the therapeutic success of BNCT mediated by the boron compounds boronophenylalanine and sodium decahydrodecaborate (GB-10) in the hamster cheek pouch oral cancer model. Based on the clinical relevance of the boron carrier sodium borocaptate (BSH) and the knowledge that the most effective way to optimize BNCT is to improve tumor boron targeting, the specific aim of this study was to perform biodistribution studies of BSH in the hamster cheek pouch oral cancer model and evaluate the feasibility of BNCT mediated by BSH at nuclear reactor RA-3. The general aim of these studies is to contribute to the knowledge of BNCT radiobiology and optimize BNCT for head and neck cancer. Sodium borocaptate (50 mg 10B/kg) was administered to tumor-bearing hamsters. Groups of 3–5 animals were killed humanely at nine time-points, 3–12 h post-administration. Samples of blood, tumor, precancerous pouch tissue, normal pouch tissue and other clinically relevant normal tissues were processed for boron measurement by optic emission spectroscopy. Tumor boron concentration peaked to therapeutically useful boron concentration values of 24–35 ppm. The boron concentration ratio tumor/normal pouch tissue ranged from 1.1 to 1.8. Pharmacokinetic curves showed that the optimum interval between BSH administration and neutron irradiation was 7–11 h. It is concluded that BNCT mediated by BSH at nuclear reactor RA-3 would be feasible.  相似文献   
The large-scale production of oligosaccharides is a daunting task, hampering the study of the role of glycans in vivo and the testing of the efficacy of novel glycan-based drugs. Glycosynthases, mutated glycosidases that synthesize oligosaccharides in high yields, are becoming important chemo-enzymatic tools for the production of oligosaccharides. However, while β-glycosynthase can be produced with a rather well-established technology, examples of α-glycosynthases are thus far limited only to enzymes from glycoside hydrolase 29 (GH29), GH31 and GH95 families. α-L-Fucosynthases from GH29 use convenient glycosyl azide derivatives as a strategic alternative to glycosyl fluoride donors. However, the general applicability of this method to other α-glycosynthases is not trivial and remains to be confirmed. Here, β-D-galactopyranosyl azide was converted to α-galacto-oligosaccharides with good yields and high regioselectivity, catalyzed by a novel α-galactosynthase based on the GH36 α-galactosidase from the hyperthermophilic bacterium Thermotoga maritima. These results open a new avenue to the practical synthesis of biologically interesting α-galacto-oligosaccharides and demonstrate more widespread use of β-glycosyl-azide as donors, confirming their utility to expand the repertoire of glycosynthases.  相似文献   
Recognition that tree recruitment depends on the balance between seed arrival and seedling survival has led to a surge of interest in seed‐dispersal limitation and seedling‐establishment limitation in primary forests. Virtually unaddressed are comparisons of this balance in mature and early successional habitats. We assessed seed rain and seedling recruitment dynamics of tree species in primary forest, secondary forest and pasture released from grazing in a tropical agricultural landscape. Seed to seedling ratios (seed effectiveness; Φi) for 43 species in southern Mexico determined differences in the extent to which seeds produced seedlings by habitat, life history, and dispersal mode. Reproductive potential as estimated by the transition from seed rain to seedling recruitment, differed by habitats, and varied dramatically by life history and dispersal mode. Expected recruit densities (Eit) were higher for animal‐dispersed than wind‐dispersed species, and for non‐pioneer than pioneer species. Non‐pioneers and animal‐dispersed species had higher expected relative recruit abundance (εit) in primary forest (median of 4 seeds recruit?1) whereas in secondary forest wind‐dispersed pioneers had the highest expected relative recruit abundance (median of 16 seeds per recruit). In pastures, wind‐dispersed pioneer species were most successful with many more seeds per recruit (median of 291) than both forest habitats. Seeds per recruit (Φi) appeared to decrease with increase in seed mass for 43 species for which data were available (r = –0.55, P < 0.001). This was associated with a negative correlation of Φi with seed size in primary forest (r = –0.50, P = 0.08 for 13 species); Φi was not correlated with seed size in secondary forest (n = 16) or pasture (n = 14). Metrics of seeds per recruit, expected recruit density and expected relative recruit abundance dramatically illustrate differences in barriers to recruitment in successional habitats.  相似文献   
A number of viruses show a naturally extended tropism for tumor cells whereas other viruses have been genetically modified or adapted to infect tumor cells. Oncolytic viruses have become a promising tool for treating some cancers by inducing cell lysis or immune response to tumor cells. In the present work, rotavirus strains TRF-41 (G5) (porcine), RRV (G3) (simian), UK (G6-P5) (bovine), Ym (G11-P9) (porcine), ECwt (murine), Wa (G1-P8), Wi61 (G9) and M69 (G8) (human), and five wild-type human rotavirus isolates were passaged multiple times in different human tumor cell lines and then combined in five different ways before additional multiple passages in tumor cell lines. Cell death caused by the tumor cell-adapted isolates was characterized using Hoechst, propidium iodide, 7-AAD, Annexin V, TUNEL, and anti-poly-(ADP ribose) polymerase (PARP) and -phospho-histone H2A.X antibodies. Multiple passages of the combined rotaviruses in tumor cell lines led to a successful infection of these cells, suggesting a gain-of-function by the acquisition of greater infectious capacity as compared with that of the parental rotaviruses. The electropherotype profiles suggest that unique tumor cell-adapted isolates were derived from reassortment of parental rotaviruses. Infection produced by such rotavirus isolates induced chromatin modifications compatible with apoptotic cell death.  相似文献   
Because of the high risk of going unnoticed, cryptic species represent a major challenge to biodiversity assessments, and this is particularly true for taxa that include many such species, for example, bats. Long‐eared bats from the genus Plecotus comprise numerous cryptic species occurring in the Mediterranean Region and present complex phylogenetic relationships and often unclear distributions, particularly at the edge of their known ranges and on islands. Here, we combine Species Distribution Models (SDMs), field surveys and molecular analyses to shed light on the presence of a cryptic long‐eared bat species from North Africa, Plecotus gaisleri, on the islands of the Sicily Channel, providing strong evidence that this species also occurs in Europe, at least on the islands of the Western Mediterranean Sea that act as a crossroad between the Old Continent and Africa. Species Distribution Models built using African records of P. gaisleri and projected to the Sicily Channel Islands showed that all these islands are potentially suitable for the species. Molecular identification of Plecotus captured on Pantelleria, and recent data from Malta and Gozo, confirmed the species' presence on two of the islands in question. Besides confirming that P. gaisleri occurs on Pantelleria, haplotype network reconstructions highlighted moderate structuring between insular and continental populations of this species. Our results remark the role of Italy as a bat diversity hotspot in the Mediterranean and also highlight the need to include P. gaisleri in European faunal checklists and conservation directives, confirming the usefulness of combining different approaches to explore the presence of cryptic species outside their known ranges—a fundamental step to informing conservation.  相似文献   

The tomato–potato psyllid (TPP) Bactericera cockerelli, is a serious pest of solanaceous crops. Some populations are becoming pesticide-resistant, increasing the need for alternatives such as biological control (BC). This approach may be improved by combining different species of BC agents. We conducted three separate experiments to test four BC agents, either alone or combined with others: (1) A laboratory assay to test the effect of buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum) and alyssum (Lobularia maritima) flowers on the longevity of females of the parasitic wasp Tamarixia triozae; (2) A no-choice laboratory assay to investigate the consumption of B. cockerelli life stages by the predatory bug Engytatus nicotianae; (3) A cage experiment in a greenhouse to assess four natural enemy species against B. cockerelli on tomatoes: these were the predators Cleobora mellyi, Amblydromalus limonicus, E. nicotianae, and T. triozae. Access to buckwheat flowers allowed female T. triozae to live for an average of 10.9 days compared to 2.1 days with alyssum and 1.4 day with water but did not improve the BC of B. cockerelli. Adult E. nicotianae preyed on all offered B. cockerelli stages. In experiment 3, combinations of T. triozae with A. limonicus or E. nicotianae were not significantly better than single natural enemy species, except for the reduction of nymphal populations when A. limonicus and T. triozae were combined. Although there were few significant reductions in numbers of TPP when using natural enemy species combinations, some species showed good potential when used alone. We suggest testing earlier release of combinations of natural enemy for evaluate its impact on TPP.

To solve novel problems, it is advantageous to abstract relevant information from past experience to transfer on related problems. To study whether macaque monkeys were able to transfer an abstract rule across cognitive domains, we trained two monkeys on a nonmatch-to-goal (NMTG) task. In the object version of the task (O-NMTG), the monkeys were required to choose between two object-like stimuli, which differed either only in shape or in shape and color. For each choice, they were required to switch from their previously chosen object-goal to a different one. After they reached a performance level of over 90% correct on the O-NMTG task, the monkeys were tested for rule transfer on a spatial version of the task (S-NMTG). To receive a reward, the monkeys had to switch from their previously chosen location to a different one. In both the O-NMTG and S-NMTG tasks, there were four potential choices, presented in pairs from trial-to-trial. We found that both monkeys transferred successfully the NMTG rule within the first testing session, showing effective transfer of the learned rule between two cognitive domains.  相似文献   
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