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Summary The levels of a variety of immunological parameters were examined in 203 preoperative patients with hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) at various stages (I–IV). The changes in the peripheral blood lymphocyte (PBL) count, the serum level of immunosuppressive acidic protein and the degree of the skin reaction to purified protein derivative were associated significantly with the stage of HCC progression. However, the percentages of lymphocyte subsets, mitogenic responsiveness of PBL and serum immunoglobulin concentration remained at the levels of stage I. Further study demonstrated that in patients undergoing hepatic artery ligation, there were statistically significant correlations between the PBL count, immunosuppressive acidic protein concentration and intensity of the skin reaction to purified protein derivative, assayed 1 month after surgery, and the prognosis. HCC-specific immunity was examined in 34 patients treated by hepatic resection or hepatic artery ligation using in vitro responses of PBL to HCC extracts (ATS test). This test was performed using culture medium containing added arginine. None of the PBL from the patients showed a positive response to allogeneic HCC extracts, but the PBL from 12 patients (9 hepatic resections, 3 hepatic artery ligations) were stimulated significantly (SI 2.5) with autologous HCC extracts. In 7 of 9 hepatic resection patients who were positive in the ATS test, tumor recurrence was identified. Statistical analysis indicated that the ATS test result was significantly correlated with tumor recurrence in hepatic resection patients. Autologous-PBL-stimulating activities were isolated in a fraction at pH 8.3 and in fractions at pH 6.7–7.0 by chromatofocusing of the crude extract. Although identification of the HCC-specific antigen remains to be done, use of the above fractions may simplify the ATS test procedure and improve its sensitivity.  相似文献   
The leaf ultrastructure of NADP-malic enzyme type C4 species possessing different anatomical features in the Cyperaceae was examined: types were the Rhynchosporoid type, a normal Kranz type in which mesophyll cells are adjacent to Kranz cells, and Fimbristyloid and Chlorocyperoid types, unusual Kranz types in which nonchlorophyllous mestome sheath intervenes between the two types of green cells. They show structural characteristics basically similar to the NADP-malic enzyme group of C4 grasses, that is, centrifugally located chloroplasts with reduced grana and no increase of mitochondrial frequency in the Kranz cells. However, the Kranz cell chloroplasts of the Fimbristyloid and Chlorocyperoid types exhibit convoluted thylakoid systems and a trend of extensive development of peripheral reticulum, although those of the Rhynchosporoid type do not possess such particular membrane systems. The suberized lamella, probably a barrier for CO2 diffusion, is present in the Kranz cell walls of the Rhynchosporoid type and in the mestome sheath cell walls of the other two types, and tightly surrounds the Kranz cells (sheaths) that are the sites of the decarboxylation of C4 acids. These ultrastructural features are discussed in relation to C4 photosynthetic function.  相似文献   
Rice callus tissues contained at least three active cytokinincompounds: zeatin, its riboside and N6-(2-isopentenyl) adenosine.These butanol-extractable cytokinins were identified by theirchromatographic mobilities in Sephadex LH-20, paper and gaschromatography. Zeatin, the apparent major cytokinin, was presentat concentrations of 0.7 to 1.0 µg/g fresh tissue and1.3 to 1.7 µg/g fresh tissue in 10–7 M and 10–55M 2,4-D callus, respectively. On the basis of these and earlierresults, the induction and growth of rice callus tissue is discussedin relation to the occurrence of cytokinins in the tissue. (Received December 27, 1978; )  相似文献   
The performance of fluidized-bed reactors utilizing a magnetic field was determined by the use of magnetite-containing beads of immobilized unease. The reactors showed similar or higher conversions in comparison with fixed-bed reactors, although some aggregation of the beads in the magnetic field was observed. No effusion of the beads occurred up to a flow rate of 24 cm/min.  相似文献   
Tumor cells of an ascites sarcoma of rat were primarily frozen very rapidly with the original host ascitic fluid at ?27 °C by the spraying method. Frozen specimens were fractured and replicated at about ?100 °C under vacuum by a special spray-sandwich method for freeze-etching, and the morphological appearance of ice crystals formed in and around the frozen cells were observed by electron microscopy.The cells cooled very rapidly at ?27 °C actually froze intracellularly, and intracellular ice crystals ranged from 0.03 to 0.5 μm in grain size due to the initial freezing rate of the specimens. In the cells having granulous intracellular ice crystals less than 0.05 μm in grain size, cytoplasmic organelles seemed to maintain their original structures.We suggested in our previous report that these tumor cells, frozen very rapidly at temperatures above ?30 °C, survived intracellular freezing as long as they remained translucent, and optically no ice crystals appeared within them, as seen in intact unfrozen cells. It may therefore be concluded that the tumor cells frozen very rapidly at temperatures near ?30 °C actually freeze intracellularly and probably maintain their viability as long as the size of individual intracellular ice-crystals is kept smaller than 0.05 μm, although the exact critical size of innocuous intracellular ice crystals is uncertain.  相似文献   
Sulfite reductase using reduced methyl viologen as an electron donor was purified about 94-fold from a red alga, Porphyra yezoensis. The enzyme was ultracentrifugically homogenous and could reduce sulfite to sulfide quantitatively with an uptake of six electrons. The enzyme had a pH optimum in the vicinity of 7.5. The Km for sulfite was determined to be 6.5×l0?4m. The purified preparation of the algal reductase showed its absorption maximum at 385 mμ and slight shoulders at 408, 456, 485, 600 and 664 mμ in addition to an intense peak at 278 mμ. Metal analysis of the purified enzyme suggested the presence of iron and copper in the molecule. NADPH, NADH or the reduced form of spinach ferredoxin could not be a direct electron donor for the purified algal sulfite reductase.  相似文献   
We previously demonstrated using a bacterial system that the antigenotoxic activity of the anthraquinone compounds purpurin and alizarin was due to the suppression of microsomal enzyme activity involved in the activation of mutagens. In the present study we determined the effect of purpurin and alizarin on (i) MeIQx-DNA-adduct formation in mouse tissues and (ii) the activity of phases I and II enzymes in liver fractions, the liver being the target tissue of MeIQx. The amount of MeIQx-DNA adduct formed was determined using 32P-postlabeling methods. Methoxyresorufin-O-demethylase (MROD) and ethoxyresorufin-O-deethylase (EROD) enzyme activities, which reflect CYP 1A activity, were measured as markers for phase I enzymes, and UDP-glucuronyltransferase (UGT) and glutathione S-transferase (GST) activities were determined as markers for phase II enzymes. Mice fed with a diet containing 0.5% purpurin for 3 days prior to MeIQx administration had 70% fewer MeIQx-DNA adducts in the lung and kidney, and fewer DNA adducts (insignificant, statistically) in the liver compared with mice fed a diet lacking purpurin. MROD and EROD activities in the liver of these mice increased six- and eight-fold, respectively, and were higher than those determined for the control mice within 1 day following commencement of purpurin treatment. These elevated activities were maintained during treatment and declined immediately following removal of purpurin from the diet. GST and UGT activities gradually increased 2.5- and 3-fold, respectively, following purpurin treatment, and were maintained at significantly high levels even after purpurin administration ceased. Alizarin did not significantly affect DNA-adduct formation and enzyme activity, except in the case of UGT. Taken together, our results show that purpurin reduced MeIQx-DNA-adduct formation by maintaining elevated phase II enzyme activities, thereby facilitating accelerated excretion of MeIQx.  相似文献   
Recently many studies have investigated the evolution of indirect reciprocity through which cooperative action is returned by a third individual, e.g. individual A helped B and then receives help from C. Most studies on indirect reciprocity have presumed that only two individuals take part in a single interaction (group), e.g. A helps B and C helps A. In this paper, we investigate the evolution of indirect reciprocity when more than two individuals take part in a single group, and compare the result with direct reciprocity through which cooperative action is directly returned by the recipient. Our analyses show the following. In the population with discriminating cooperators and unconditional defectors, whether implementation error is included or not, (i) both strategies are evolutionarily stable and the evolution of indirect reciprocity becomes more difficult as group size increases, and (ii) the condition for the evolution of indirect reciprocity under standing reputation criterion where the third individuals distinguish between justified and unjustified defections is more relaxed than that under image scoring reputation criterion in which the third individuals do not distinguish with. Furthermore, in the population that also includes unconditional cooperators, (iii) in the presence of errors in implementation, the discriminating strategy is evolutionarily stable not only under standing but also under image scoring if group size is larger than two. Finally, (iv) in the absence of errors in implementation, the condition for the evolution of direct reciprocity is equivalent to that for the evolution of indirect reciprocity under standing, and, in the presence of errors, the condition for the evolution of direct reciprocity is very close to that for the evolution of indirect reciprocity under image scoring.  相似文献   
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