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Isolated muscle cells from adult rat heart have been used to study the relationship between myocardial glucose transport and the activity of the Na+/K+ pump. 86Rb+-uptake by cardiac cells was found to be linear up to 2 min with a steady-state reached by 40–60 min, and was used to monitor the activity of the Na+/K+ pump. Ouabain (10?3 mol/I) inhibited the steady-state uptake of 86Rb+ by more than 90%. Both, the ouabain-sensitive and ouabain-insensitive 86Rb+-uptake by cardiac cells were found to be unaffected by insulin treatment under conditions where a significant stimulation of 3-O-methylglucose transport occurred. 86Rb+-uptake was markedly reduced by the presence of calcium and/or magnesium, but remained unresponsive towards insulin treatment. Inhibition of the Na+/K+ pump activity by ouabain and a concomitant shift in the intracellular Na+:K+ ratio did not affect basal or insulin stimulated rates of 3-O-methylglucose transport in cardiac myocytes. The data argue against a functional relationship between the myocardial Na+/K+ pump and the glucose transport system.  相似文献   
The passive membrane properties of the tangential cells in the fly lobula plate (CH, HS, and VS cells, Fig. 1) were determined by combining compartmental modeling and current injection experiments. As a prerequisite, we built a digital base of the cells by 3D-reconstructing individual tangential cells from cobalt-stained material including both CH cells (VCH and DCH cells), all three HS cells (HSN, HSE, and HSS cells) and most members of the VS cell family (Figs. 2, 3). In a first series of experiments, hyperpolarizing and depolarizing currents were injected to determine steady-state I-V curves (Fig. 4). At potentials more negative than resting, a linear relationship holds, whereas at potentials more positive than resting, an outward rectification is observed. Therefore, in all subsequent experiments, when a sinusoidal current of variable frequency was injected, a negative DC current was superimposed to keep the neurons in a hyperpolarized state. The resulting amplitude and phase spectra revealed an average steady-state input resistance of 4 to 5 M and a cut-off frequency between 40 and 80 Hz (Fig. 5). To determine the passive membrane parameters R m (specific membrane resistance), R i (specific internal resistivity), and C m (specific membrane capacitance), the experiments were repeated in computer simulations on compartmental models of the cells (Fig. 6). Good fits between experimental and simulation data were obtained for the following values: R m = 2.5 kcm2, R i = 60 cm, and C m = 1.5 F/cm2 for CH cells; R m = 2.0 kcm2, R i = 40 cm, and C m = 0.9 F/cm2 for HS cells; R m = 2.0 kcm2, R i = 40 cm, and C m = 0.8 F/cm2 for VS cells. An error analysis of the fitting procedure revealed an area of confidence in the R m -R i plane within which the R m -R i value pairs are still compatible with the experimental data given the statistical fluctuations inherent in the experiments (Figs. 7, 8). We also investigated whether there exist characteristic differences between different members of the same cell class and how much the exact placement of the electrode (within ±100 m along the axon) influences the result of the simulation (Fig. 9). The membrane parameters were further examined by injection of a hyperpolarizing current pulse (Fig. 10). The resulting compartmental models (Fig. 11) based on the passive membrane parameters determined in this way form the basis of forthcoming studies on dendritic integration and signal propagation in the fly tangential cells (Haag et al., 1997; Haag and Borst, 1997).  相似文献   
The influence of circadian rhythms on memory has long been studied; however, the molecular prerequisites for their interaction remain elusive. The hippocampus, which is a region of the brain important for long‐term memory formation and temporary maintenance, shows circadian rhythmicity in pathways central to the memory‐consolidation process. As neuronal plasticity is the translation of numerous inputs, illuminating the direct molecular links between circadian rhythms and memory consolidation remains a daunting task. However, the elucidation of how clock genes contribute to synaptic plasticity could provide such a link. Furthermore, the idea that memory training could actually function as a zeitgeber for hippocampal neurons is worth consideration, based on our knowledge of the entrainment of the circadian clock system. The integration of many inputs in the hippocampus affects memory consolidation at both the cellular and the systems level, leaving the molecular connections between circadian rhythmicity and memory relatively obscure but ripe for investigation.  相似文献   
The specific contribution of insulin and IGF-I receptors to IRS-protein activation remains elusive. We studied the signalling properties of AspB10-insulin, an analog with enhanced affinity for the IGF-I receptor, in comparison to native insulin using primary human skeletal muscle cells. In myoblasts regular insulin and AspB10-insulin were equipotent in stimulating the IRS cascade, whereas this analog induced a significantly higher Shc phosphorylation. Phosphorylation of IRS-1 in response to insulin was inhibited equally by blocking either the insulin or the IGF-I receptor. IRS-1 activation by AspB10-insulin was only inhibited by blocking the IGF-I receptor. IRS-2 phosphorylation induced by both insulin and AspB10-insulin was nearly insensitive to blocking the insulin receptor, being predominantly mediated by the IGF-I receptor. We conclude that in myoblasts IRS-2, but not IRS-1, functions as preferred substrate for the IGF-I receptor. These data suggest a specific role for IRS-2 in growth and differentiation of human skeletal muscle.  相似文献   
Organoids enable in vitro modeling of complex developmental processes and disease pathologies. Like most 3D cultures, organoids lack sufficient oxygen supply and therefore experience cellular stress. These negative effects are particularly prominent in complex models, such as brain organoids, and can affect lineage commitment. Here, we analyze brain organoid and fetal single‐cell RNA sequencing (scRNAseq) data from published and new datasets, totaling about 190,000 cells. We identify a unique stress signature in the data from all organoid samples, but not in fetal samples. We demonstrate that cell stress is limited to a defined subpopulation of cells that is unique to organoids and does not affect neuronal specification or maturation. We have developed a computational algorithm, Gruffi, which uses granular functional filtering to identify and remove stressed cells from any organoid scRNAseq dataset in an unbiased manner. We validated our method using six additional datasets from different organoid protocols and early brains, and show its usefulness to other organoid systems including retinal organoids. Our data show that the adverse effects of cell stress can be corrected by bioinformatic analysis for improved delineation of developmental trajectories and resemblance to in vivo data.  相似文献   
Natranaerobius thermophilus is an unusual anaerobic extremophile, it is halophilic and alkalithermophilic; growing optimally at 3.3-3.9M Na(+), pH(50°C) 9.5 and 53°C. The ATPase of N. thermophilus was characterized at the biochemical level to ascertain its role in life under hypersaline, alkaline, thermal conditions. The partially purified enzyme (10-fold purification) displayed the typical subunit pattern for F-type ATPases, with a 5-subunit F(1) portion and 3-subunit-F(O) portion. ATP hydrolysis by the purified ATPase was stimulated almost 4-fold by low concentrations of Na(+) (5mM); hydrolysis activity was inhibited by higher Na(+) concentrations. Partially purified ATPase was alkaliphilic and thermophilic, showing maximal hydrolysis at 47°C and the alkaline pH(50°C) of 9.3. ATP hydrolysis was sensitive to the F-type ATPase inhibitor N,N'-dicylohexylcarbodiimide and exhibited inhibition by both free Mg(2+) and free ATP. ATP synthesis by inverted membrane vesicles proceeded slowly and was driven by a Na(+)-ion gradient that was sensitive to the Na(+)-ionophore monensin. Analysis of the atp operon showed the presence of the Na(+)-binding motif in the c subunit (Q(33), E(66), T(67), T(68), Y(71)), and a complete, untruncated ε subunit; suggesting that ATP hydrolysis by the enzyme is regulated. Based on these properties, the F(1)F(O)-ATPase of N. thermophilus is a Na(+)-translocating ATPase used primarily for expelling cytoplasmic Na(+) that accumulates inside cells of N. thermophilus during alkaline stress. In support of this theory are the presence of the c subunit Na(+)-binding motif and the low rates of ATP synthesis observed. The complete ε subunit is hypothesized to control excessive ATP hydrolysis and preserve intracellular Na(+) needed by electrogenic cation/proton antiporters crucial for cytoplasmic acidification in the obligately alkaliphilic N. thermophilus.  相似文献   
BESSESEN, DANIEL H, CONNIE L RUPP AND ROBERT H ECKEL. Dietary fat is shunted away from oxidation, toward storage in obese zucker rats. Obes Res. 1995;3:179–189. Previous measurements of lipoprotein lipase (LPL) activity in adipose tissue (ATLPL) of lean and obese Zucker rats have consistently documented increased activity in obese rats relative to lean. Since LPL is considered to be rate limiting for the delivery of triglyceride fatty acids (TGFA) to muscle and adipose tissue, these data have been used to suggest that the metabolic partitioning of TGFA favors storage over oxidation in obese rats. To document the partitioning of TGFA directly, the fate of 14C labeled oleic acid (42nmols) was fed to lean, obese, and obese Zucker rats fed a hypocaloric diet designed to chronically reduce weight 25% below that of obese controls (reduced-obese). The amount of 14C recovered in CO2 over 6 hours following ingestion was significantly less in obese rats compared to lean (0.45 ± 0.06 vs. 0.88 ± 0.09nmols, p=.0004) and less still in the reduced obese group (0.34 ± 0.06nmols p=.00003). Six hours after ingestion, the quantity of label found in adipose tissue was significantly greater in the obese rats compared to lean (14.51 ± 1.92 vs. 1.38 ± 0.29nmols p<.00001), but was intermediate in the reduced-obese group (9.23 ± 0.98nmols p=.0003). At 2.2 hours there was significantly more label in skeletal muscle of lean rats compared to either obese or reduced-obese (2.33 ± 0.24; 1.35 ± 0.04nmols p=.01; 1.41 ± 0.27nm p=.02). However, at 6 hours these differences between groups were no longer present. These findings Indicate that dietary fat is shunted away from oxidation toward storage in obese Zucker rats. Additionally it appears that there may be a relative block in the oxidation of TGFA that is taken up by skeletal muscle in obese rats. Finally the relative normalization of this partitioning defect in reduced-obese rats is at variance with what was suggested by previous measurements of tissue specific levels of LPL, and suggests an enhanced recirculation of fatty acids from adipose tissue to muscle in reduced-obese rats. This could occur through increased delivery of non-esterified fatty acids (NEFA) to muscle as a result of an increase in net lipolysis.  相似文献   
A review, outlining the origins and subsequent development of the triketone class of herbicidal 4-hydroxyphenylpyruvate dioxygenase (HPPD) inhibitors.  相似文献   
The triple reassortant H2N3 virus isolated from diseased pigs in the United States in 2006 is pathogenic for certain mammals without prior adaptation and transmits among swine and ferrets. Adaptation, in the H2 hemagglutinin derived from an avian virus, includes the ability to bind to the mammalian receptor, a significant prerequisite for infection of mammals, in particular humans, which poses a big concern for public health. Here we investigated the pathogenic potential of swine H2N3 in Cynomolgus macaques, a surrogate model for human influenza infection. In contrast to human H2N2 virus, which served as a control and largely caused mild pneumonia similar to seasonal influenza A viruses, the swine H2N3 virus was more pathogenic causing severe pneumonia in nonhuman primates. Both viruses replicated in the entire respiratory tract, but only swine H2N3 could be isolated from lung tissue on day 6 post infection. All animals cleared the infection whereas swine H2N3 infected macaques still presented with pathologic changes indicative of chronic pneumonia at day 14 post infection. Swine H2N3 virus was also detected to significantly higher titers in nasal and oral swabs indicating the potential for animal-to-animal transmission. Plasma levels of IL-6, IL-8, MCP-1 and IFNγ were significantly increased in swine H2N3 compared to human H2N2 infected animals supporting the previously published notion of increased IL-6 levels being a potential marker for severe influenza infections. In conclusion, the swine H2N3 virus represents a threat to humans with the potential for causing a larger outbreak in a non-immune or partially immune population. Furthermore, surveillance efforts in farmed pig populations need to become an integral part of any epidemic and pandemic influenza preparedness.  相似文献   
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