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In most European countries, the service tree (Sorbus domestica L.) is a rare and threatened species and its conservation has been recognised as a priority. The aim of this study was to asses its morphologic variation in the western and central part of the Balkan Peninsula and in southern Central Europe. Three populations were analysed: one in Serbia, one in Bosnia and Herzegovina and one in Slovenia. In each population 30 trees were selected, and from each tree 30 leaves were collected for morphometric analysis based on nine leaflet morphological traits. Univariate (ANOVA) and multivariate (MANOVA) analysis of variance were used to estimate the variation within- and between populations and a discriminant analysis was performed to examine the structure of the between-population differences. The values of particular morphological traits found in our study did not differ considerably from the values reported elsewhere. The results revealed significant within- and between population variation. Variation within populations was highly significant for all the scored leaf morphological traits, while variation between populations was significant for all the studied traits except for the leaflet length. The discrimination between the three populations was significant. High percentages of correctly classified samples demonstrate good discriminating employability of the analysed leaf morphological traits and indicate differentiation of the analysed populations.  相似文献   
In order to determine an unknown fish population from the Vrana Lake, mitochondrial cytochrome b gene and non-coding nuclear region Cyfun P were investigated. Stabile population of Bulldog rudd, Scardinius dergle Heckel & Kner, the endemic Croatian freshwater fish in the Krka River, was genetically characterized with the same markers in order to compare it with the material from the Vrana Lake. Genetic markers were sequenced and aligned with the similar ones obtained from the GenBank in order to determine taxonomic and phylogenetic position of these two species. A significant discrepancy between nuclear genetic markers of our specimens and the sequence from the GenBank was found. Phylogenetic analysis suggested that the specimens from the Vrana Lake belong to the species S. hesperidicus. Morphometric characteristics, the maximum length and body mass showed new maximum values for both S. dergle and S. hesperidicus.  相似文献   
Family planning, the prevention of unwanted pregnancy, and women’s reproductive health are topics that have received close attention for decades. It would therefore be fair to assume that there exists a good knowledge of the menstrual cycle. However, it is clear that many people have various misconceptions about the menstrual cycle and fertile days or ovulation, and that this process is still largely taught with the aid of materials and images that have not changed for many years. We investigated the effect of moving away from the usual teaching practice of using a 28-day diagram showing ovulation on the 14th day. A total of 184 students from three different high schools, aged between 17 and 18, participated in this research. The students who were taught using three diagrams showing different durations of the menstrual cycle showed a significantly better adoption of the facts and concepts compared to the students who were taught using a diagram of the average 28-day cycle. Our results confirmed that it is highly important to use appropriate visual displays in the teaching of the menstrual cycle and that it is essential to enhance the visual literacy of students and teachers.  相似文献   
During implementation of the total skin electron treatment, using six-dual-field technique, at radiotherapy department a large number of measurements are needed. To assess depth dose curve required by clinicians and dose uniformity over a whole treatment plane, combinations of different irradiation parameters are used (electron energy, beam angle, scatterers). Measurements for each combination must be performed. One possible way to reduce number of measurements is to model the treatment using the Monte Carlo simulation of electron transport. We made a simplified multiple-source Monte Carlo model of electron beam and tested it by comparing calculations and experimental results. Calculated data differs less than 5 percent from measurements in the treatment plane. During the treatment patient can be approximated using cylinders with different diameters and orientations. We tried to model the depth dose variations in the total skin electron treatment not just around the body cross-section (simplified to cylinders of different diameters), but also along the body to account for the variations in body curvature longitudinally. This effect comes down to the problem of modeling distribution in different cylinders, but varying the longitudinal orientation of those cylinders. We compared Monte Carlo calculations and film measurements of depth dose curves for two orientations of the cylindrical phantom, which were the simplest for experimental arrangement. Comparison of the results proved accuracy of the model and we used it to calculate depth dose curves for a number of other cylinder orientations.  相似文献   
The RuvABC proteins of Escherichia coli play an important role in the processing of Holliday junctions during homologous recombination and recombinational repair. Mutations in the ruv genes have a moderate effect on recombination and repair in wild-type strains but confer pronounced recombination deficiency and extreme sensitivity to DNA-damaging agents in a recBC sbcBC background. Genetic analysis presented in this work revealed that the (Delta)ruvABC mutation causes an identical DNA repair defect in UV-irradiated recBC sbcBC, sbcBC, and sbcB strains, indicating that the sbcB mutation alone is responsible for the extreme UV sensitivity of recBC sbcBC ruv derivatives. In experiments with gamma irradiation and in conjugational crosses, however, sbcBC (Delta)ruvABC and sbcB (Delta)ruvABC mutants displayed higher recombination proficiency than the recBC sbcBC (Delta)ruvABC strain. The frequency of conjugational recombination observed with the sbcB (Delta)ruvABC strain was quite similar to that of the (Delta)ruvABC single mutant, indicating that the sbcB mutation does not increase the requirement for RuvABC in a recombinational process starting from preexisting DNA ends. The differences between the results obtained in three experimental systems used suggest that in UV-irradiated cells, the RuvABC complex might act in an early stage of recombinational repair. The results of this work are discussed in the context of recent recombination models which propose the participation of RuvABC proteins in the processing of Holliday junctions made from stalled replication forks. We suggest that the mutant SbcB protein stabilizes these junctions and makes their processing highly dependent on RuvABC resolvase.  相似文献   
Lake Rogoznica, near ibenik, Croatia, is a salt coastal lakewith a maximum depth of about 15 m. During most of the year,this small, naturally eutrophied lake is highly stratified,with hypoxia/anoxia occurring in the bottom layer. Total anoxia,with the presence of hydrogen sulphide, was recorded on September27, 1997. At that moment, massive mortality of all planktonicand benthic organisms was observed. After the anoxia, Acartiaitalica, the only planktonic copepod species of the lake, re-establishedquickly. Before anoxia, the population dynamics of the A.italicapopulation depended primarily on predator/prey relationships.However, in the post-anoxic period, nutrient–phytoplankton–copepodrelationships became more important, as there was no longerany predation pressure. From all accounts, it would appear thatonly A.italica is adapted to the extreme conditions which appearfrom time to time in the lake, and that this species has animportant role in the functioning of the lake ecosystem. Acartiaitalica was very important for the gradual normalization oflife in the lake after total anoxia.  相似文献   
The endothelial cells are one of the most important structures in a donor cornea. Morphology and concentration of endothelial cells must be carefully evaluated with a specular microscope before transplantation. The aim of this study is to evaluate the status of corneal endothelium in glaucoma patients. Prospective study included 50 patients suffering from glaucoma and 50 patients in control group. Patients had no corneal disease, ocular inflammation, previous trauma or ocular surgery. Patients were not contact lens wearers. They were also analyzed in groups according to type of glaucoma. Specular microscopy was performed on central corneas. This study showed that patients with glaucoma have lower central corneal endothelial cell density than those without glaucoma of the same age group. Also, patients with pseudoexfoliative glaucoma had lower values of central endothelial cell density comparing to patients with open angle or angle closure glaucoma.  相似文献   
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