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Bovine respiratory disease (BRD) is the leading cause of morbidity and mortality in feedlot cattle, caused by multiple pathogens that become more virulent in response to stress. As clinical signs often go undetected and various preventive strategies failed, identification of genes affecting BRD is essential for selection for resistance. Selective DNA pooling (SDP) was applied in a genome wide association study (GWAS) to map BRD QTLs in Israeli Holstein male calves. Kosher scoring of lung adhesions was used to allocate 122 and 62 animals to High (Glatt Kosher) and Low (Non-Kosher) resistant groups, respectively. Genotyping was performed using the Illumina BovineHD BeadChip according to the Infinium protocol. Moving average of -logP was used to map QTLs and Log drop was used to define their boundaries (QTLRs). The combined procedure was efficient for high resolution mapping. Nineteen QTLRs distributed over 13 autosomes were found, some overlapping previous studies. The QTLRs contain polymorphic functional and expression candidate genes to affect kosher status, with putative immunological and wound healing activities. Kosher phenotyping was shown to be a reliable means to map QTLs affecting BRD morbidity.  相似文献   
Islet transplantation as a biological β-cell replacement therapy has emerged as a promising option for achieving restoration of metabolic control in type 1 diabetes patients. However, partial or complete loss of islet graft function occurs in relatively short time (months to few years) after implantation. The high rate of early transplant dysfunction has been attributed to poorly viable and/or functional islets and is mediated by innate inflammatory response at the intravascular (hepatic) transplant site and critical lack of initial nutrient/oxygen supply prior to islet engraftment. In addition, the diabetogenic effect of mandatory immunosuppressive agents, limited control of alloimmunity, and the recurrence of autoimmunity limit the long-term success of islet transplantation. In order to abrogate instant blood-mediated inflammatory reaction and to provide oxygen supply for the islet graft, we have developed an extravascular (subcutaneous) transplant macrochamber (the 'βAir' device). This device contains islets immobilized in alginate, protected from the immune system by a thin hydrophilized teflon membrane impregnated with alginate and supplied with oxygen by daily refueling with oxygen-CO (2) mixture. We have demonstrated successful utilization of the oxygen-refueling macrochamber for sustained islet viability and function as well as immunoprotection after allogeneic subcutaneous transplantation in healthy minipigs. Considering the current limitations of intraportal islet engraftment and the restricted indication for islet transplantation mainly due to necessary immunosuppressive therapy, this work could very likely lead to remarkable improvements in the procedure and moreover opens up further strategies for porcine islet cell xenotransplantation.  相似文献   
Developing a device that protects xenogeneic islets to allow treatment and potentially cure of diabetes in large mammals has been a major challenge in the past decade. Using xenogeneic islets for transplantation is required in light of donor shortage and the large number of diabetic patients that qualify for islet transplantation. Until now, however, host immunoreactivity against the xenogeneic graft has been a major drawback for the use of porcine islets. Our study demonstrates the applicability of a novel immunoprotective membrane that allows successful xenotransplantation of rat islets in diabetic minipigs without immunosuppressive therapy. Rat pancreatic islets were encapsulated in highly purified alginate and integrated into a plastic macrochamber covered by a poly-membrane for subcutaneous transplantation. Diabetic Sinclair pigs were transplanted and followed for up to 90 days. We demonstrated a persistent graft function and restoration of normoglycemia without the need for immunosuppressive therapy. This concept could potentially offer an attractive strategy for a more widespread islet replacement therapy that would restore endogenous insulin secretion in diabetic patients without the need for immunosuppressive drugs and may even open up an avenue for safe utilization of xenogeneic islet donors.  相似文献   
Wild-type strains of Escherichia coli K-12 cannot grow in media with gamma-aminobutyrate (GABA) as the sole source of carbon or nitrogen. Mutants were isolated which could utilize GABA as the sole source of nitrogen. These mutants were found to have six- to ninefold higher activities of gamma-aminobutyrate-alpha-ketoglutarate transaminase (EC and succinate semialdehyde dehydrogenase (EC than those of the wild-type parent strains. Secondary mutants derived from these GABA-nitrogen-utilizing strains were able to grow on GABA as the sole source of carbon and nitrogen. They also grew faster on a variety of other carbon and nitrogen sources, and their growth was more strongly inhibited by different metabolic inhibitors than was that of the parent strains. The nature of the two mutations and the possible genes involved are discussed. A scheme of the pathway for GABA breakdown in E. coli K-12 is presented.  相似文献   
The oncogenic nature ascribed to the PIM-2 kinase relies mostly on phosphorylation of substrates that act as pro-survival/anti-apoptotic factors. Nevertheless, pro-survival effects can also result from activating DNA repair mechanisms following damage. In this study, we addressed the possibility that PIM-2 plays a role in the cellular response to UV damage, an issue that has never been addressed before. We found that in U2OS cells, PIM-2 expression and activity increased upon exposure to UVC radiation (2–50 mJ/cm2), and Pim-2-silenced cells were significantly more sensitive to UV radiation. Overexpression of PIM-2 accelerated removal of UV-induced DNA lesions over time, reduced γH2AX accumulation in damaged cells, and rendered these cells significantly more viable following UV radiation. The protective effect of PIM-2 was mediated by increased E2F-1 and activated ATM levels. Silencing E2F-1 reduced the protective effect of PIM-2, whereas inhibiting ATM activity abrogated this protective effect, irrespective of E2F-1 levels. The results obtained in this study place PIM-2 upstream to E2F-1 and ATM in the UV-induced DNA damage response.  相似文献   
For ruminants, dietary protein is the first limiting component to the utilization of low-quality forage. Throughout gestation, low-protein intake may result in prenatal programming that causes various metabolic disturbances and physiological modulations to dams and their developing embryos. We studied the effect of long-term low-protein diet (LPD) on physiological, biochemical, and molecular parameters of the energy status in gestating beef cows. LPD resulted in significant reductions in feed intake and heart rate and promoted a negative retained energy status already after 3 weeks. Elevated levels of plasma creatinine and non-esterified fatty acids indicate endogenous degradation of fat and protein as a response to the demands in energy and nitrogen. Increasing levels of β-hydroxybutyrate confirmed the negative energy status obtained by the physiological measurements. At the molecular level, subcutaneous fat, Hsp90, Hsp70, and proteasome subunits decreased significantly after 3 months on LPD, in parallel with an increase of adipocyte fatty acid-binding protein. These results may indicate a decrease in turn-over of proteins, at the cost of induced lipolysis, and suggest that the response to protein deprivation, when examined in an energy-storing tissue, includes downregulation of the constitutive heat shock proteins involved in the protein degradation pathway of energy production and upregulation of tissue-specific genes such as those involved in energy production from fat degradation.  相似文献   
The potential of Pleurotus-treated olive mill solid waste as cattle feed   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The aims of the current study were to follow: (1) the capability of the edible mushroom Pleurotus ostreatus to degrade cell wall components and soluble phenols of the olive mill solid waste (OMSW), and improve it for ruminant nutrition (2) the fate of oil and the lipid-soluble compounds tocopherols, squalene and β-sitosterol in the fermented OMSW. A significant decrease in oil and lipid-soluble compounds with a concomitant shift in the fatty acid profile and degradation of soluble phenols took place already after 14 d. The utilization of lipids by the fungus shifted the degradation of the structural carbohydrates to a later stage, and significantly reduced the metabolizable energy of the OMSW. We propose that edible fungi with reduced lipase activity would preserve the energy and health promoting ingredients of the oil, and force the fungus to degrade structural carbohydrates, thus improving its digestibility.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: Adiponectin is an adipose tissue-specific protein, which possesses anti-atherogenic and antidiabetic properties, yet its plasma levels are decreased in subjects with metabolic syndrome. Although high fat diet has been linked to hypoadiponectinemia, the effect of high-carbohydrate diet on adiponectin levels is not known. Therefore, we studied the effect of high-carbohydrate diet on adiponectin levels in the rat models of hypertension and insulin resistance. METHODS: Rats were randomly assigned to the high carbohydrate diet [Sprague-Dawley rats with fructose enriched diet (SDR-F) and spontaneously hypertensive rats with sucrose enriched diet (SHR-S model)] or chow diet (Control group). Rats were followed for 6 weeks (SDR-F model) and 8 weeks (SHR-S model). Body weight, systolic blood pressure, plasma levels of glucose, insulin, triglycerides and adiponectin, were recorded. RESULTS: Both models were associated with features of the metabolic syndrome, namely, high insulin levels, increased blood pressure and triglyceride levels. Plasma adiponectin levels did not change in the control groups. In contrast, adiponectin levels increased by 39 and 30% compared to baseline following four and six weeks of fructose enriched diet in SDR (from 3.3+/-0.2 to 4.5+/-0.4 and 4.3+/-0.2 microg/ml, respectively, p<0.05). Likewise, five and eight weeks of sucrose enriched diet in SHR, induced a 54 and 81% increase in adiponectin levels compared to baseline (from 4.2+/-0.3 to 6.3+/-0.3 and 7.3+/-0.5 microg/ml, respectively, p<0.01). CONCLUSION: Metabolic stress with a high-carbohydrate diet increases plasma levels of adiponectin. Further studies will elucidate whether this is a transitory compensatory mechanism or a sign of target organ resistance to adiponectin.  相似文献   
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