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Initiation and synthesis of RNA primers in the lagging strand of the replication fork in Escherichia coli requires the replicative DnaB helicase and the DNA primase, the DnaG gene product. In addition, the physical interaction between these two replication enzymes appears to play a role in the initiation of chromosomal DNA replication. In vitro, DnaB helicase stimulates primase to synthesize primers on single-stranded (ss) oligonucleotide templates. Earlier studies hypothesized that multiple primase molecules interact with each DnaB hexamer and single-stranded DNA. We have examined this hypothesis and determined the exact stoichiometry of primase to DnaB hexamer. We have also demonstrated that ssDNA binding activity of the DnaB helicase is necessary for directing the primase to the initiator trinucleotide and synthesis of 11-20-nucleotide long primers. Although, association of these two enzymes determines the extent and rate of synthesis of the RNA primers in vitro, direct evidence of the formation of primase-DnaB complex has remained elusive in E. coli due to the transient nature of their interaction. Therefore, we stabilized this complex using a chemical cross-linker and carried out a stoichiometric analysis of this complex by gel filtration. This allowed us to demonstrate that the primase-helicase complex of E. coli is comprised of three molecules of primase bound to one DnaB hexamer. Fluorescence anisotropy studies of the interaction of DnaB with primase, labeled with the fluorescent probe Ru(bipy)3, and Scatchard analysis further supported this conclusion. The addition of DnaC protein, leading to the formation of the DnaB-DnaC complex, to the simple priming system resulted in the synthesis of shorter primers. Therefore, interactions of the DnaB-primase complex with other replication factors might be critical for determining the physiological length of the RNA primers in vivo and the overall kinetics of primer synthesis.  相似文献   
Low-temperature resonance Raman (RR) spectroscopy was used for the first time to study the spectral properties, binding sites and composition of major carotenoids in spinach Photosystem I (PSI) particles. Excitation was provided by an argon ion laser at 457.9, 476.5, 488, 496.5, 502 and 514.5 nm. Raman spectra contained the four known groups of bands characteristic for carotenoids (called from nu(1) to nu4). Upon 514.5, 496.5 and 476.5 nm excitations, the nu(1)-nu(3) frequencies coincided with those established for lutein. Spectrum upon 502-nm excitation could be assigned to originate from violaxanthin, at 488 nm to 9-cis neoxanthin, and at 457.9 nm to beta-carotene and 9-cis neoxanthin. The overall configuration and composition of these bound carotenoid molecules in Photosystem I particles were compared with the composition of pigment extracts from the same PSI particles dissolved in pyridine, as well as to configuration in the main chlorophyll a/b light-harvesting protein complex of photosystem II. The absorption transitions for lutein, violaxanthin and 9-cis neoxanthin in spinach photosystem I particles are characterized, and the binding sites of lutein and neoxanthin are discussed. Resonance Raman data suggest that beta-carotene molecules are also present in all-trans and, probably, in 9-cis configurations.  相似文献   
Low-temperature resonance Raman spectroscopy was used to study the changes in the molecular structure and configuration of the major xanthophylls in thylakoid membranes isolated from mutants of pea with modified pigment content and altered structural organization of their pigment-protein complexes. The Raman spectra contained four known groups of bands, nu(1)-nu(4), which could be assigned to originate mainly from the long wavelength absorbing lutein and neoxanthin upon 514.5 nm and at 488 nm excitations, respectively. The overall configuration of these bound xanthophyll molecules in the mutants appeared to be similar to the wild type, and the configuration in the wild type was almost identical with that in the isolated main chlorophyll a/b light harvesting protein complex of photosystem II (LHCII). Significant differences were found mainly in the region of nu(4) (around 960 cm(-1)), which suggest that the macroorganization of PS II-LHCII supercomplexes and/or of the LHCII-only domains are modified in the mutants compared to the wild type.  相似文献   
Low-temperature (77 K) steady-state fluorescence emission spectroscopy and dynamic light scattering were applied to the main chlorophyll a/b protein light harvesting complex of photosystem II (LHC II) in different aggregation states to elucidate the mechanism of fluorescence quenching within LHC II oligomers. Evidences presented that LHC II oligomers are heterogeneous and consist of large and small particles with different fluorescence yield. At intermediate detergent concentrations the mean size of the small particles is similar to that of trimers, while the size of large particles is comparable to that of aggregated trimers without added detergent. It is suggested that in small particles and trimers the emitter is monomeric chlorophyll, whereas in large aggregates there is also another emitter, which is a poorly fluorescing chlorophyll associate. A model, describing populations of antenna chlorophyll molecules in small and large aggregates in their ground and first singlet excited states, is considered. The model enables us to obtain the ratio of the singlet excited-state lifetimes in small and large particles, the relative amount of chlorophyll molecules in large particles, and the amount of quenchers as a function of the degree of aggregation. These dependencies reveal that the quenching of the chl a fluorescence upon aggregation is due to the formation of large aggregates and the increasing of the amount of chlorophyll molecules forming these aggregates. As a consequence, the amount of quenchers, located in large aggregates, is increased, and their singlet excited-state lifetimes steeply decrease.  相似文献   
An attempt is made to characterize the functional activity of the protein moleculo possessing both peroxidase and IAA oxidase activity by comparing the kinetic parameters for the two types of enzyme activity with regard to the following substrates: H2O2, benzidine, guaiacol and IAA. The curves expressing the dependence of the enzyme reaction velocity on the concentration of the enzyme or the substrate are different depending on the enzyme extract origin and the type of the substrate. It is established that the Km of peroxidase for IAA decreases while its Km for H2O2 increases during cell development. Both types of enzyme activity show similar pH and temperature dependence. The presented data show that IAA oxidase activity of the peroxidase develops as extension and differentiation of the root cells proceed. This is one of the possible mechanisms through which peroxidase may participate in the regulation of growth and differentiation of the primary root cells of maize (Zea mays L.)  相似文献   
We have analyzed the modulation of DNA synthesis on a supercoiled plasmid DNA template by DNA polymerases (pol), minichromosome maintenance protein complex (Mcm), topoisomerases, and the origin recognition complex (ORC) using an in vitro assay system. Antisera specific against the four-subunit pol alpha, the catalytic subunit of pol delta, and the Mcm467 complex each inhibited DNA synthesis. However, DNA synthesis in this system appeared to be independent of polepsilon. Consequently, DNA synthesis in the in vitro system appeared to depend only on two polymerases, alpha and delta, as well as the Mcm467 DNA helicase. This system requires supercoiled plasmid DNA template and DNA synthesis absolutely required DNA topoisomerase I. In addition, we also report here a novel finding that purified recombinant six subunit ORC significantly stimulated the DNA synthesis on a supercoiled plasmid DNA template containing an autonomously replicating sequence, ARS1.  相似文献   
The investigation of the substrate specificity of the anionic peroxidase isoenzymes, isolated from the zone of differentiation of the primary roots ofZea mays, for some representatives of phenolic compounds and aromatic amines, as hydrogen donors, is reported. The investigation was carried out electrophoretically with peroxidase isoenzymes partially purified by a combination of gel filtration by Sephadex G-25 and Sephadex G-100. A difference in the substrate specificity of the individual isoenzymes is observed. It was established that the anionic peroxidase isoenzymes showed a similarity in total number and relative activity on staining with bivalent phenols and difference on staining with trivalent phenols, as hydrogen donors. A greater number of isoenzymes was stained with benzidine ando-dianisidine and a lesser number witho- andp-phenylendiamine. The substrate specificity of the peroxidase isoenzymes was compared for guaiacol and benzidine. The substrate specificity of peroxidase soenzymes was discussed as regards their diverse role in the plant metabolism.  相似文献   
Benthic macrophyte communities of different substratum types (soft, hard) were studied in eleven differently impacted sites belonging in two different water typologies (transitional waters: Lesina Lagoon, Varna Lake; coastal waters: Varna Bay) and two ecoregions (Mediterranean Sea, Black Sea). Species lists were compiled for each study site, 20 taxa were found at Lesina and Varna Lake and Bay, and the abundance of each taxon was determined at each site. The relationship between nine metrics related to community structure [species richness, % of total coverage, dry biomass (g/m?2), and cluster and multi-dimensional scaling plot of Bray–Curtis similarity] and function [Ecological Status Group I % coverage, ESG II % coverage, Ecological Evaluation Index (EEI-c) and Ecological Index (EIEEI)] and key abiotic factors and an anthropogenic stress index (EnII) were studied. A strong relationship (Spearman rank correlation coefficient ρ ≤ ?0.89; R 2 ≥ 0.89) between anthropogenic stress and functional indices, EEI-c and EIEEI, was found. The structural index ‘species richness’ correlated negatively with EnII and positively with salinity, demonstrating a freshwater and confinement influence on species diversity. EEI-c and EIEEI indices classified the studied sites and locations in different Ecological Status Classes in accordance with the anthropogenic stress gradient.  相似文献   
The present study describes key aspects of the biology of Leipothrix dipsacivagus, an eriophyid mite that is under study as a biological control candidate of Dipsacus fullonum and D. laciniatus (Dipsacaceae). Preliminary host-specificity tests have shown that it can develop and reproduce only on Dipsacus spp. (teasels). Studies were conducted in a laboratory at 26 ± 2oC with 16 h of light per day. Mites for the stock colony were collected from D. laciniatus in Klokotnitsa, Bulgaria and reared on rosettes of D. laciniatus in the laboratory. Unfertilized L. dipsacivagus females reared in isolation from the juvenile stage produced male offspring only, while progeny of fertilized females were of both sexes, suggesting arrhenotokous parthenogenesis with haplodiploid sex determination. Experiments were designed to compare male progeny from fertilized females to males from unfertilized females and to compare males and females from fertilized females. Male progeny of virgin mothers had significantly longer durations of active immature stages and total egg-to-adult period than male progeny of fertilized females. Female progeny had significantly longer durations of egg incubation, active immature stages and egg-to-adult period than male progeny from fertilized mothers. Adult longevity was significantly greater in females than in males. Fertilized females produced significantly more eggs per day and overall than virgin females. The results of this study suggest that fertilization status of L. dipsacivagus females can affect both their own fecundity and the development of their male progeny.  相似文献   
Centaurea solstitialis (yellow starthistle, Asteraceae) is an invasive annual weed in the western USA that is native to the Mediterranean Region and is a target for classical biological control. Aceria solstitialis is an eriophyid mite that has been found exclusively in association with Ce. solstitialis in Italy, Greece, Turkey and Bulgaria. The mite feeds on leaf tissue and damages bolting plants, causing stunting, witch’s broom and incomplete flower development. Field experiments and laboratory no-choice and two-way choice experiments were conducted to assess host plant specificity of the mite in Bulgaria. Mites showed the highest degree of host specificity in the field and lowest in the no-choice experiments. In the field, highest densities of mites occurred on Ce. solstitialis and Ce. cyanus (bachelor’s button), and either no mites or trace numbers occurred on the other test plants: Ce. diffusa (diffuse knapweed), Carthamus tinctorius (safflower) and Cynara scolymus (artichoke). In no-choice experiments, mites persisted for 60 days on Ce. diffusa, Ce. cyanus, Ce. solstitialis, Ca. tinctorius and Cy. scolymus, whereas in two-way choice experiments mites persisted on 25% of Cy. scolymus plants for 60 days and did not persist on Ca. tinctorius beyond 40 days. The eight other species of plants that were tested in the laboratory were less suitable for the mite. These results suggest that although A. solstitialis can persist on some nontarget plants for as long as 60 days in the laboratory, it appears to be much more specific under natural conditions, and warrants further evaluation as a prospective biological control agent.  相似文献   
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