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Synaptogenesis has been extensively studied along with dendritic spine development in glutamatergic pyramidal neurons, however synapse development in cortical interneurons, which are largely aspiny, is comparatively less well understood. Dact1, one of 3 paralogous Dact (Dapper/Frodo) family members in mammals, is a scaffold protein implicated in both the Wnt/β-catenin and the Wnt/Planar Cell Polarity pathways. We show here that Dact1 is expressed in immature cortical interneurons. Although Dact1 is first expressed in interneuron precursors during proliferative and migratory stages, constitutive Dact1 mutant mice have no major defects in numbers or migration of these neurons. However, cultured cortical interneurons derived from these mice have reduced numbers of excitatory synapses on their dendrites. We selectively eliminated Dact1 from mouse cortical interneurons using a conditional knock-out strategy with a Dlx-I12b enhancer-Cre allele, and thereby demonstrate a cell-autonomous role for Dact1 during postsynaptic development. Confirming this cell-autonomous role, we show that synapse numbers in Dact1 deficient cortical interneurons are rescued by virally-mediated re-expression of Dact1 specifically targeted to these cells. Synapse numbers in these neurons are also rescued by similarly targeted expression of the Dact1 binding partner Dishevelled-1, and partially rescued by expression of Disrupted in Schizophrenia-1, a synaptic protein genetically implicated in susceptibility to several major mental illnesses. In sum, our results support a novel cell-autonomous postsynaptic role for Dact1, in cooperation with Dishevelled-1 and possibly Disrupted in Schizophrenia-1, in the formation of synapses on cortical interneuron dendrites.  相似文献   
Summary Lateral axons from the abdominal nerve cord of cray-fish were internally perfused with the calcium receptor calmodulin (CaM) in solutions with low (pCa>7.0) or high (pCa 5.5) calcium concentrations and studied electrophysiologically and morphologically. Results from these experiments show that when the internal solution contains calcium-activated calmodulin (Ca2+-CaM) the junctional resistance between the axons increases from control values of about 60 to 500–600 k in 60 min. In contrast, axons perfused with calmodulin in low calcium solutions maintain their junctional resistance at control levels during the 60-min perfusion. Similar results are obtained when only one or both coupled axons are perfused.The morphological study shows that in the perfused axons the axoplasmic organelles are replaced or grossly perturbed by the perfusion solution up to the region of the synapses. Additionally, in axons perfused with Ca2+-CaM there are regions where the synaptic gap between the membranes decreases from a control 4–6 to 2–3 nm. Both electrophysiological and morphological results can be interpreted as indicating that calcium-activated calmodulin acts directly on the junctional channels to induce their closure.  相似文献   
Summary The effect of pH was tested on the junction between crayfish lateral axons. By means of a glass capillary inserted into one of the axons, one side of the nunction was perfused with solutions of known pH while the junctional resistance,R j, was monitored. Integrity of the gap junction was checked electron microscopically.R j remained unchanged when the pH of the perfusate was lowered from 7.1 to 6.0. However, when the pH of the unperfused side of the junction was lowered by substituting acetate for chloride in the external solution,R j rose, attesting to the integrity of the junction and its capacity to uncouple in the perfused state. We suggest that H+ does not affect the junctional channels directly, but acts through an intermediary which is inactivated or removed by the perfusion.  相似文献   
Bedrock erosional features in a small stream (Little Schultz Creek, Bibb County, Alabama) created a variety of habitats for epilithic growth. One suck habitat was illustrated by the occurrence of small falls (<0.3 m) in the main channel of the stream and blue-green algal mats associated with them. The cohesive, laminar algal mats were found at 15 such sites along a 250-m reach of the stream. The primary mat matrix consisted of the blue-green alga Oscillatoria submembranacea Ardissone and Strafforella. The uppermost portion of each mat consisted of a thin (<1 mm thick) green layer of biologically active filaments. The lower layers were thicker (up to 2 cm thick) and consisted of brown laminae of Oscillatoria filaments, and associated sediments. In addition, numerous diatoms mere associated with the mat surface. Some were loosely attached (e.g. Achnanthes); others (Cymbella tumida (Bréb.) V. H.) were stalked. These mats were present throughout the year and showed a bimodal annual distribution with maxima hi February and July. In February, total mat coverage was higher than in July. This winter maximum may have been related to a mode of growth dependent upon sedimentation from storm events and subsequent upward growth of the alga. Mat primary productivity on an areal basis (432 mg C · m?2· d?1 in March and 907 mg C · M?2· d?1 in April) was 2–12 times the maxima measured on epizoic and cobbles surfaces and other bedrock surfaces in the same stream. The limited areal coverage of the mats, when compared to other surfaces available for algal colonization, made them less important than other epilithic and epizoic surfaces in terms of total primary production in this stream reach. However, we propose that the combination of their unique structure and high primary productivity may make these algal mats sites of high algal and bacterial metabolic activity, which may include anaerobic processes in midchannel, where such activity would not be expected to occur.  相似文献   
Significant differences in gross wall chemical composition were detected in four commercial Agaricus bisporus strains. All were grown under the same conditions and their walls prepared by a mild method of breakage. A more detailed analysis of the wall fractions, isolated by means of their distinct solubilities, also showed striking structural differences among the four strains studied. The detected differences, not only in the overall composition of the wall but also in the polysaccharide structure, could assist in the characterization of strains and/or varieties of the commercial basidiomycete A. bisporus.  相似文献   
The ionic composition of 38 mineral springs in the province of Granada (Spain), and the distribution of 45 species of nematodes belonging to orders Monhysterida, Araeolaimida, Chromadorida and Enoplida were examined. Water chemistry is used to make two diagrams representing anionic and cationic composition. Diagrams for anionic composition (given the greater variance seen in the springs considered) are used to illustrate the distribution of individual species. The results obtained from species distribution and the correlation between species made it possible to group species which could be associated with springs where each of the anions considered predominated. A greater number of species groups was found to inhabit springs in which chloride concentrations was less than 50% of the total concentration of anions.  相似文献   
Abiotic and biotic factors structure species assembly in ecosystems both horizontally and vertically. However, the way community composition changes along comparable horizontal and vertical distances in complex three‐dimensional habitats, and the factors driving these patterns, remains poorly understood. By sampling ant assemblages at comparable vertical and horizontal spatial scales in a tropical rainforest, we tested hypotheses that predicted differences in vertical and horizontal turnover explained by different drivers in vertical and horizontal space. These drivers included environmental filtering, such as microclimate (temperature, humidity, and photosynthetic photon flux density) and microhabitat connectivity (leaf area), which are structured differently across vertical and horizontal space. We found that both ant abundance and richness decreased significantly with increasing vertical height. Although the dissimilarity between ant assemblages increased with vertical distance, indicating a clear distance‐decay pattern, the dissimilarity was higher horizontally where it appeared independent of distance. The pronounced horizontal and vertical structuring of ant assemblages across short distances is likely explained by a combination of microclimate and microhabitat connectivity. Our results demonstrate the importance of considering three‐dimensional spatial variation in local assemblages and reveal how highly diverse communities can be supported by complex habitats.  相似文献   
A contig of 20 yeast artificial clones (YACs) has been assembled across 1.5 Mb of Xq28 and formatted with nine previously reported probes and nine STSs developed from the sequence of probes and end fragments of YACs. YAC end fragments were obtained by subcloning, Alu-vector PCR, or primer-ligation PCR methods. Eighteen of the YACs were recovered from a library specific for Xq24-q28; two that fill a gap were obtained from a second library made from total human DNA. One region, containing probes pX78c and 2A1.1, was unstable in YACs, but it was possible to generate a self-consistent map of DNA over the entire contig. Overlaps were confirmed by Southern blot analyses of YAC DNAs, and pulsed-field gel electrophoresis confirmed the extent of the contig and identified at least four CpG islands in the region.  相似文献   
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