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A water-soluble Chl a/b-protein complex, CP668, from Chenopodiumalbum converts to another form of protein complex, CP743, uponlight illumination. Structural changes of pigments and proteinsupon photoconversion were studied using resonance Raman (RR)and Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopies. RR spectraof CP668 and CP743 and a light-induced FTIR difference spectrumshowed that the macrocyle C=C bands of Chl a in CP668 considerablychanged upon conversion to the pigment (not chemically identifiedyet) in CP743. The C=C band pattern of the RR spectrum of CP743was similar to that of bacteriochlorophyll a, suggesting thatthe conjugated system of the CP743 pigment resembles a bacteriochlorinring. Judging from the C=O frequencies, the 131-keto C=O groupsof Chl a and b in CP668 are free from hydrogen bonding, whereasthe 132-ester C=O groups of both Chl a and b and the 7-formylC=O of Chl b in CP668 are hydrogen bonded. Upon conversion toCP743, interactions of the 131-keto and 132-ester C=O groupswere basically unaffected, demonstrating no drastic changesaround these C=O groups. FTIR spectra in the amide I' regionof CP668 and CP743 in D2O buffer showed a peak at 1,633 cm–1,which represents a major component of ß-sheet conformation.Second-derivative spectra of the amide I' bands as well as alight-induced FTIR difference spectrum suggested that drasticchange in the protein conformation does not occur upon photoconversion. (Received November 1, 1998; Accepted December 24, 1998)  相似文献   
One of the photosystem II reaction center proteins, D1, is encoded by the psbA gene and is synthesized as a precursor form with a carboxyl-terminal extension that is subsequently cleaved between Ala-344 and Ser-345. We have generated three psbA transformants of the green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii in which Ala-344 or Ser-345 have been substituted with Pro or Glu (A344P, S345E, and S345P) to understand the effects of the amino acid substitutions on the processing of the precursor D1. S345E grew photoautotrophically and showed PSII activity like the wild type. However, A344P and S345P were unable to grow photoautotrophically and were significantly photosensitive. A344P was deficient in the processing of precursor D1 and in oxygen-evolving activity, but assembled photosystem II complex capable of charge separation. In contrast, both precursor and mature forms of D1 accumulated in S345P cells from the logarithmic phase and the cells evolved oxygen at 18% of wild-type level. However, S345P cells from the stationary phase contained mostly the mature D1 and showed a twofold increase in oxygen-evolving activity. The rate of processing of the accumulated pD1 was estimated to be about 100 times slower than in the wild type. It is therefore concluded that the functional oxygen-evolving complex is assembled when the precursor D1 is processed, albeit at a very low rate. These results suggest the functional significance of the amino acid residues at the processing site of the precursor D1.  相似文献   
During experiments to elucidate the mode of action of photosynthesis inhibiting acylanilide type herbicides, the effects of various acylanilides on respiration and oxidative phosphorylation of isolated plant mitochondria were studied. The results showed that some acylanilides acted as uncouplers of oxidative phosphorylation: 1) Some stimulated the ADP-limited state 4 respiration of isolated mitochondria depriving them of their respiratory control ability during succinate oxidation. 2) Those which stimulated state 4 respiration interfered with oxidative phosphorylation to degenerate the P/O ratio.

The following relationships between chemical structure of acylanilides and their biological activities were demonstrated: 3) Among various ring-chlorinated propionanilides, the activity of 3′,4′-DCPA was especially prominent. 4) Almost all the side chain-substituted 3′,4′-dichloroacylanilides tested were effective. 5) Both chlorination of the 3 and 4 positions of the aniline moiety and acylanilide bonding were simultaneously required for an acylanilide to produce uncoupling activity. 6) DCMU was less effective than was 3′,4′-DCPA, both in stimulating state 4 and in degenerating the P/O ratio.  相似文献   
Apoproteins of spinach and pea light-harvesting chlorophylla/b complexes associated with photosystem I (LHCI) were identifiedby their chlorophyll fluorescence spectra and protein sequences.Spinach LHCI holocomplex consisted of four apoproteins of 25kDa, 23 kDa, 21 kDa and 20.5 kDa. LHCI subcomplex isolated bysucrose density gradient centrifugation fluoresced at 680 nmwith a shoulder around 700–710 nm at 77 K. It containedthe 23 kDa protein of which the N-terminal sequence correspondedto Type II gene of LHCI. Another LHCI subcomplex isolated bygel electrophoresis emitted at 679 nm and contained the 25 kDaprotein, of which the N-terminus was blocked. Its internal sequenceswere determined after protease treatment and found to be homologousto Type III gene of LHCI. An oligomeric subcomplex of LHCI isolatedby gel electrophoresis emitted at 726 nm and consisted of the21 kDa and 20.5 kDa apoproteins. N-terminal sequence of the20.5 kDa component corresponded to the Type I gene of LHCI.The 21 kDa component did not have any clear homologue, but itsN-terminal sequence was weakly but significantly homologousto all LHC components particularly to Type I LHCI among others.It was, thus, concluded that the 21 kDa protein is the fourthtype of LHCI apoprotein. Similar sequence homology was foundfor pea LHCI apoproteins. (Received September 10, 1990; Accepted November 22, 1990)  相似文献   
Uracil-DNA glycosylase (UDG; EC 3.2.2.-) removes uracil from DNA to initiate DNA base excision repair. Since hydrolytic deamination of cytosine to uracil is one of the most frequent DNA-damaging events in all cells, UDG is an essential enzyme for maintaining the integrity of genomic information. For the first time, we report the crystal structure of a family 4 UDG from Thermus thermophilus HB8 (TthUDG) complexed with uracil, solved at 1.5 angstroms resolution. As opposed to UDG enzymes in its other families, TthUDG possesses a [4Fe-4S] cluster. This iron-sulfur cluster, which is distant from the active site, interacts with loop structures and has been suggested to be unessential to the activity but necessary for stabilizing the loop structures. In addition to the iron-sulfur cluster, salt-bridges and ion pairs on the molecular surface and the presence of proline on loops and turns is thought to contribute to the enzyme's thermostability. Despite very low levels of sequence identity with Escherichia coli and human UDGs (family 1) and E.coli G:T/U mismatch-specific DNA glycosylase (MUG) (family 2), the topology and order of secondary structures of TthUDG are similar to those of these distant relatives. Furthermore, the coordinates of the core structure formed by beta-strands are almost the same. Positive charge is distributed over the active-site groove, where TthUDG would bind DNA strands, as do UDG enzymes in other families. TthUDG recognizes uracil specifically in the same manner as does human UDG (family 1), rather than guanine in the complementary strand DNA, as does E.coli MUG (family 2). These results suggest that the mechanism by which family 4 UDGs remove uracils from DNA is similar to that of family 1 enzymes.  相似文献   
Light-induced chloroplast rearrangements were studied for leavesof 17 species of terrestrial plants (8 species of monocotyledonaeand 9 of dicotyledonae) by measuring their absorbance changeswith a dual-wavelength positional scanner. Almost all of theseleaves examined underwent two types of absorbance change; absorbanceincrease on illumination with weak blue light and absorbancedecrease with strong light. The maximal increase and decreaseand the light intensities for these maximal responses as wellas the intensity for mutual compensation of these opposite responseswere determined and compared for these species. (Received February 25, 1974; )  相似文献   
Thermoluminescence profiles of spruce leaves grown under various light or dark conditions were measured after excitation at a low temperature (−70 to −20 °C) by 1-min illumination with red light, and the following results were obtained. Mature spruce leaves showed five thermoluminescence bands at −30, −5, +20, +40 (or +35) and +70 °C (denoted as Zv, A, B1, B2 and C bands, respectively), but dark-grown spruce leaves with a similar chlorophyll content showed only two bands, at −30 and +70 °C (the Zv and C bands) and were devoid of the three other bands (the A, B1 and B2 bands). On exposure of the dark-grown leaves to continuous red light, the A, B1 and B2 bands were rapidly developed, and the development was accompanied by enhancement of delayed emission, fluorescence variation and the Hill activity (photoreduction of 2,6-dichlorophenolindophenol with water as electron donor). It was demonstrated that the dark-grown spruce leaves are devoid of the water-splitting system in Photosystem II, and that the latent water-splitting activity is rapidly photoactivated by exposure of the leaves to continuous red light. These results on the gymnosperm spruce leaves, in which greening proceeds in complete darkness, being independent of the development of the water-splitting system in light, were discussed in relation to previous observations on angiosperm leaves, in which both greening and the activity generation proceed in the light.  相似文献   
The light conditions required for reactivation of the oxygen-evolvingsystem in Tris-treated chloroplasts were studied by means ofrepetitive flashes. Inactive Tristreated chloroplasts were washedwith reduced 2,6-dichlorophenolindophenol, suspended in a reactivationmedium containing Mn2++ and Ca2++ ions, then illuminated withflashes. Flashes at dark intervals of 2 sec were most effectivefor reactivation, while those at shorter or longer intervalswere less effective. It was deduced that more than two sequentiallight reactions with dark reactions in between were involvedin the reactivation. (Received December 28, 1977; )  相似文献   
Two formerly-uncharacterized subunits of 9 kDa and 14 kDa were found in spinach PSI complex. The 9 kDa subunit was released upon removal of antenna chlorophyll complex, whereas the 14 kDa subunit was tightly bound to the core complex. We determined the N-terminal amino acid sequence of the 9 kDa, and an internal sequence of the 14 kDa subunit after protease treatment, since the N-terminus of the latter protein was blocked. These partial sequences suggested that both subunits are new PSI components.  相似文献   
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