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Recent studies have revealed large unexplained variation in heat requirement‐based phenology models, resulting in large uncertainty when predicting ecosystem carbon and water balance responses to climate variability. Improving our understanding of the heat requirement for spring phenology is thus urgently needed. In this study, we estimated the species‐specific heat requirement for leaf flushing of 13 temperate woody species using long‐term phenological observations from Europe and North America. The species were defined as early and late flushing species according to the mean date of leaf flushing across all sites. Partial correlation analyses were applied to determine the temporal correlations between heat requirement and chilling accumulation, precipitation and insolation sum during dormancy. We found that the heat requirement for leaf flushing increased by almost 50% over the study period 1980–2012, with an average of 30 heat units per decade. This temporal increase in heat requirement was observed in all species, but was much larger for late than for early flushing species. Consistent with previous studies, we found that the heat requirement negatively correlates with chilling accumulation. Interestingly, after removing the variation induced by chilling accumulation, a predominantly positive partial correlation exists between heat requirement and precipitation sum, and a predominantly negative correlation between heat requirement and insolation sum. This suggests that besides the well‐known effect of chilling, the heat requirement for leaf flushing is also influenced by precipitation and insolation sum during dormancy. However, we hypothesize that the observed precipitation and insolation effects might be artefacts attributable to the inappropriate use of air temperature in the heat requirement quantification. Rather than air temperature, meristem temperature is probably the prominent driver of the leaf flushing process, but these data are not available. Further experimental research is thus needed to verify whether insolation and precipitation sums directly affect the heat requirement for leaf flushing.  相似文献   
Climate warming is substantially shifting the leaf phenological events of plants, and thereby impacting on their individual fitness and also on the structure and functioning of ecosystems. Previous studies have largely focused on the climate impact on spring phenology, and to date the processes underlying leaf senescence and their associated environmental drivers remain poorly understood. In this study, experiments with temperature gradients imposed during the summer and autumn were conducted on saplings of European beech to explore the temperature responses of leaf senescence. An additional warming experiment during winter enabled us to assess the differences in temperature responses of spring leaf‐out and autumn leaf senescence. We found that warming significantly delayed the dates of leaf senescence both during summer and autumn warming, with similar temperature sensitivities (6–8 days delay per °C warming), suggesting that, in the absence of water and nutrient limitation, temperature may be a dominant factor controlling the leaf senescence in European beech. Interestingly, we found a significantly larger temperature response of autumn leaf senescence than of spring leaf‐out. This suggests a possible larger contribution of delays in autumn senescence, than of the advancement in spring leaf‐out, to extending the growing season under future warmer conditions.  相似文献   
Autumn phenology plays a critical role in regulating climate–biosphere interactions. However, the climatic drivers of autumn phenology remain unclear. In this study, we applied four methods to estimate the date of the end of the growing season (EOS) across China's temperate biomes based on a 30‐year normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) dataset from Global Inventory Modeling and Mapping Studies (GIMMS). We investigated the relationships of EOS with temperature, precipitation sum, and insolation sum over the preseason periods by computing temporal partial correlation coefficients. The results showed that the EOS date was delayed in temperate China by an average rate at 0.12 ± 0.01 days per year over the time period of 1982–2011. EOS of dry grassland in Inner Mongolia was advanced. Temporal trends of EOS determined across the four methods were similar in sign, but different in magnitude. Consistent with previous studies, we observed positive correlations between temperature and EOS. Interestingly, the sum of precipitation and insolation during the preseason was also associated with EOS, but their effects were biome dependent. For the forest biomes, except for evergreen needle‐leaf forests, the EOS dates were positively associated with insolation sum over the preseason, whereas for dry grassland, the precipitation over the preseason was more dominant. Our results confirmed the importance of temperature on phenological processes in autumn, and further suggested that both precipitation and insolation should be considered to improve the performance of autumn phenology models.  相似文献   
Wan C  Yang Y  Li H  La Y  Zhu H  Jiang L  Chen Y  Feng G  He L 《Journal of proteome research》2006,5(11):3213-3216
This study aims to find the biomarkers or associated proteins in body fluids of schizophrenia patients so that we can further understand the etiology of schizophrenia. We applied proteomic technologies combining two-dimensional electrophoresis with Coomassie blue staining and mass spectrometry and identified a procedure for the clinical screening of disease-influenced body fluid proteins in two sets of samples, plasma from 19 schizophrenia patients and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) from 35 drug-treated schizophrenic patients and 36 healthy controls. The expression of transthyretin (TTR) tetramer increased significantly in plasma of schizophrenic patients after a valid 2 months in-hospital antipsychotic treatment. Conversely, the expression of the TTR tetramer and apolipoprotein E (ApoE) was down-regulated by up to 1.68 and 3.62 times, respectively, in the CSF of schizophrenia patients compared to that of normal controls, which has not been reported previously. Considering that the TTR tetramer and ApoE are both retinoid transporters, retinoid dysfunction might be involved in the pathology of schizophrenia.  相似文献   
Over the past decades, global warming has led to a lengthening of the time window during which temperatures remain favorable for carbon assimilation and tree growth, resulting in a lengthening of the green season. The extent to which forest green seasons have tracked the lengthening of this favorable period under climate warming, however, has not been quantified to date. Here, we used remote sensing data and long-term ground observations of leaf-out and coloration for six dominant species of European trees at 1773 sites, for a total of 6060 species–site combinations, during 1980–2016 and found that actual green season extensions (GS: 3.1 ± 0.1 day decade−1) lag four times behind extensions of the potential thermal season (TS: 12.6 ± 0.1 day decade−1). Similar but less pronounced differences were obtained using satellite-derived vegetation phenology observations, that is, a lengthening of 4.4 ± 0.13 and 7.5 ± 0.13 day decade−1 for GS and TS, respectively. This difference was mainly driven by the larger advance in the onset of the thermal season compared to the actual advance of leaf-out dates (spring mismatch: 7.2 ± 0.1 day decade−1), but to a less extent caused by a phenological mismatch between GS and TS in autumn (2.4 ± 0.1 day decade−1). Our results showed that forest trees do not linearly track the new thermal window extension, indicating more complex interactions between winter and spring temperatures and photoperiod and a justification of demonstrating that using more sophisticated models that include the influence of chilling and photoperiod is needed to accurately predict spring phenological changes under warmer climate. They urge caution if such mechanisms are omitted to predict, for example, how vegetative health and growth, species distribution and crop yields will change in the future.  相似文献   
Heterogeneity is an intrinsic characteristic of soils, which regulates plant diversity and ecosystem functioning. However, whether soil heterogeneity also modulates responses of plant communities to climate change, including climate extremes, remains largely an open question. Here, we explore responses of plant communities to drought extremes across four levels of spatial soil heterogeneity, with cell sizes varying from very small to very large, i.e. 0, 12, 24 and 48 cm. These were created in mesocosms by alternating nutrient-rich and nutrient-poor substrate in three dimensions. A seed mixture of 24 grassland species was evenly sown on each mesocosm in spring. In late summer, a three-week drought was imposed with a rainout shelter. During the drought, soil water content at the mesocosm scale decreased more at intermediate (12 and 24 cm) than at small or large (0 and 48 cm) cell sizes, which was reflected in increased senescence and drought-induced heat stress. These responses could be traced to greater plant biomass coupled with higher water demand at those intermediate cell sizes, likely related to between-cell access to nutrients and effects of diversity and community composition. Our results indicate that soil heterogeneity can modulate the impact of drought extremes on plant communities, though more research is needed on the transition between intermediate and extreme cell sizes, where heterogeneity effects seem to change most. We propose that soil heterogeneity be considered more explicitly in studies of changing precipitation regimes.  相似文献   
Global warming has led to substantially earlier spring leaf‐out in temperate‐zone deciduous trees. The interactive effects of temperature and daylength underlying this warming response remain unclear. However, they need to be accurately represented by earth system models to improve projections of the carbon and energy balances of temperate forests and the associated feedbacks to the Earth's climate system. We studied the control of leaf‐out by daylength and temperature using data from six tree species across 2,377 European phenological network ( www.pep725.eu ), each with at least 30 years of observations. We found that, in addition to and independent of the known effect of chilling, daylength correlates negatively with the heat requirement for leaf‐out in all studied species. In warm springs when leaf‐out is early, days are short and the heat requirement is higher than in an average spring, which mitigates the warming‐induced advancement of leaf‐out and protects the tree against precocious leaf‐out and the associated risks of late frosts. In contrast, longer‐than‐average daylength (in cold springs when leaf‐out is late) reduces the heat requirement for leaf‐out, ensuring that trees do not leaf‐out too late and miss out on large amounts of solar energy. These results provide the first large‐scale empirical evidence of a widespread daylength effect on the temperature sensitivity of leaf‐out phenology in temperate deciduous trees.  相似文献   
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