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Two major control systems regulate early stages of mitosis: activation of Cdk1 and anaphase control through assembly and disassembly of the mitotic spindle. In parallel to cell cycle progression, centrosomal duplication is regulated through proteins including Nek2. Recent studies suggest that centrosome-localized Chk1 forestalls premature activation of centrosomal Cdc25b and Cdk1 for mitotic entry, whereas Chk2 binds centrosomes and arrests mitosis only after activation by ATM and ATR in response to DNA damage. Here, we show that Chk2 centrosomal binding does not require DNA damage, but varies according to cell cycle progression. These and other data suggest a model in which binding of Chk2 to the centrosome at multiple cell cycle junctures controls co-localization of Chk2 with other cell cycle and centrosomal regulators.Key words: Chk2, centrosome, checkpoint, DNA damage, wild type, kinase-defective  相似文献   
The perinucleolar compartment (PNC) is a subnuclear stucture forming predominantly in cancer cells; its prevalence positively correlates with metastatic capacity. Although several RNA-binding proteins have been characterized in PNC, the molecular function of this compartment remains unclear. Here we demonstrate that the cyclin–dependent kinase 13 (CDK13) is a newly identified constituent of PNC. CDK13 is a kinase involved in the regulation of gene expression and whose overexpression was found to alter pre-mRNA processing. In this study we show that CDK13 is enriched in PNC and co-localizes all along the cell cycle with the PNC component PTB. In contrast, neither the cyclins K and L, known to associate with CDK13, nor the potential kinase substrates accumulate in PNC. We further show that CDK13 overexpression increases PNC prevalence suggesting that CDK13 may be determinant for PNC formation. This result linked to the finding that CDK13 gene is amplified in different types of cancer indicate that this kinase can contribute to cancer development in human.  相似文献   
The expansion of crop lands and increased logging for charcoal production in the Brazilian savannahs (cerrados) has reduced richness and abundance of Meliponini bees. This may be a consequence of limitation in the availability of potential nesting substrate. The role of a cerrado-tree (Caryocar brasiliense) in providing nesting substrate for Melipona quadrifasciata quadrifasciata was evaluated. Tree (p= 0.006) and branch (p= 0.001) diameters, number of suitable branches (n= 513), height of the trees and availability of trees suitable for bee nesting were all important to the conservation of M. quadrifasciata. However, the high availability of nesting substrate did not seem to limit nest density nor cause the clumped pattern of nest distributions found for the study site. Nests (n= 48) were found mainly in individuals of C. brasiliense (n= 46) suggesting an active tree selection. In addition, nests located on the highest branches (mean = 4.6 m, sd = 1 m, n= 46) had lower probability of being extirpated by human honey collectors.  相似文献   
Investigation of the role of regulatory T cells (Treg) in model systems is facilitated by their depletion using anti-CD25 Abs, but there has been considerable debate about the effectiveness of this strategy. In this study, we have compared the depletion and repopulation of CD4+CD25+Foxp3+ Treg in uninfected and malaria-infected mice using 7D4 and/or PC61 anti-CD25 Abs. We find that numbers and percentages of CD25(high) cells, but not Foxp3+ cells, are transiently reduced after 7D4 treatment, whereas treatment with PC61 alone or in combination with 7D4 (7D4 plus PC61) reduces but does not eliminate Foxp3+ cells for up to 2 wk. Importantly, all protocols fail to eliminate significant populations of CD25-Foxp3+ or CD25(low)Foxp3+ cells, which retain potent regulatory capacity. By adoptive transfer we show that repopulation of the spleen by CD25(high)Foxp3+ cells results from the re-expression of CD25 on peripheral populations of CD25-Foxp3+ but not from the conversion of peripheral Foxp3-) cells. CD25(high)Foxp3+ repopulation occurs more rapidly in 7D4-treated mice than in 7D4 plus PC61-treated mice, reflecting ongoing clearance of emergent CD25+Foxp3+ cells by persistent PC61 Ab. However, in 7D4 plus PC61-treated mice undergoing acute malaria infection, repopulation of the spleen by CD25+Foxp3+ cells occurs extremely rapidly, with malaria infection driving proliferation and CD25 expression in peripheral CD4+CD25-Foxp3+ cells and/or conversion of CD4+CD25-Foxp3- cells. Finally, we reveal an essential role for IL-2 for the re-expression of CD25 by Foxp3+ cells after anti-CD25 treatment and observe that TGF-beta is required, in the absence of CD25 and IL-2, to maintain splenic Foxp3+ cell numbers and a normal ratio of Treg:non-Treg cells.  相似文献   
Evidence is presented to show that self-sustained oscillations of purely hemodynamical origin are possible in some arcade-type microvascular networks supplied with steady boundary conditions, but that in others the oscillations disappear with sufficient reduction of the time step Δt, showing them to be numerical artefacts. In an attempt to elucidate the mechanisms involved in the onset of fluctuations, we proceed to perform a linear stability analysis for the convective model of Kiani et al. (Microvasc. Res. 45:219–232, 1993; Am. J. Physiol. 266(35):H1822–H1828, 1994), and show that this leads via a system of delay differential equations to a nonlinear eigenvalue problem. This result generalises the characteristic equation obtained by Carr et al. (Ann. Biomed. Eng. 33:764–771, 2005) and Geddes et al. (SIAM J. Appl. Dyn. Syst. 6(4):694–727, 2007) who solved a special case in a two node network. An implicit numerical method is proposed for the computation of blood flows in networks using the convective model. In a moderate size subnetwork of one of the networks chosen by Kiani et al. (Am. J. Physiol. 266(35):H1822–H1828, 1994), the topology, vessel lengths, and diameters of which were based on microvascular networks in the rat mesentery, we compare results generated using the original explicit numerical method of Kiani et al. (Am. J. Physiol. 266(35):H1822–H1828, 1994) with those from our implicit scheme. From the linear stability theory, a critical value D RBC,crit of a red blood cell diameter parameter D RBC in the plasma skimming model of Fenton et al. (Pflügers Arch. 403:396–401, 1985b) is identified for the onset of oscillations about steady state and both the explicit and implicit methods are used to calculate the inflow hematocrit solutions in all vessels of the subnetwork at the critical parameter value, subject to perturbed initial conditions. The results of the implicit method are demonstrated to be in excellent and superior agreement with the predictions of the linear analysis in this case. For values of D RBC slightly larger than D RBC,crit the bifurcating periodic solutions calculated using either the explicit or implicit schemes are characteristic of those of a supercritical Hopf bifurcation and the graphs of D RBC vs. oscillation amplitude would seem to converge as Δt→0.  相似文献   


Changed land use, nitrogen deposition, climate change, and the spread of non-native species have repeatedly been reported as the main drivers of recent floristic changes in northern Europe. However, the relevance of the geographical scale at which floristic changes are observed is less well understood and it has only rarely been possible to quantify biodiversity loss. Therefore, we assessed changes in species richness, species composition and mean ecological indicator values (EIVs) at three nested geographic scales during two different time periods, each ca 30 years, since the mid-1900s.


Two parishes in central Scania, southernmost Sweden.


We analyzed species presence/absence data from three inventories at ca 30-year intervals over 1957–2021 and three geographic scales (157 m2, ca 7 km2 and ca 45 km2) to document temporal trends and differences between geographic scales in terms of species richness, species composition and mean EIVs.


We found shifts in species composition across all geographical scales. However, the magnitude of biodiversity loss and the main drivers of these changes were scale-dependent. At the smallest spatial scale, we saw a dramatic loss of plant biodiversity with local species richness in 2021 being only 48% of that of 1960. In contrast, at the larger geographic scales no significant changes in species richness were observed because species losses were compensated for by gains of predominantly non-native species, which made up at least 78% of the new species richness. At the smallest spatial scale, changed land use (ceased grazing/mowing and intensified forestry) appeared as the main driver, while an increasing proportion of non-native species, as well as climatic changes and increasing nitrogen loads appeared relatively more important at larger geographic scales.


Our results highlight the precarious situation for biodiversity in the region and at the same time the fundamental importance of geographic scale in studies of biodiversity change. Both the magnitude and drivers of changes may differ depending on the geographic scale and must be considered also when previously published studies are interpreted.  相似文献   
Low environmental temperature and dietary restriction (DR) extend lifespan in diverse organisms. In the fruit fly Drosophila, switching flies between temperatures alters the rate at which mortality subsequently increases with age but does not reverse mortality rate. In contrast, DR acts acutely to lower mortality risk; flies switched between control feeding and DR show a rapid reversal of mortality rate. Dietary restriction thus does not slow accumulation of aging‐related damage. Molecular species that track the effects of temperatures on mortality but are unaltered with switches in diet are therefore potential biomarkers of aging‐related damage. However, molecular species that switch upon instigation or withdrawal of DR are thus potential biomarkers of mechanisms underlying risk of mortality, but not of aging‐related damage. Using this approach, we assessed several commonly used biomarkers of aging‐related damage. Accumulation of fluorescent advanced glycation end products (AGEs) correlated strongly with mortality rate of flies at different temperatures but was independent of diet. Hence, fluorescent AGEs are biomarkers of aging‐related damage in flies. In contrast, five oxidized and glycated protein adducts accumulated with age, but were reversible with both temperature and diet, and are therefore not markers either of acute risk of dying or of aging‐related damage. Our approach provides a powerful method for identification of biomarkers of aging.  相似文献   
Dim light at night (dLAN) disrupts circadian organization and influences adult behavior. We examined early dLAN exposure on adult affective responses. Beginning 3 (juvenile) or 5 weeks (adolescent) of age, mice were maintained in standard light–dark cycles or exposed to nightly dLAN (5 lx) for 5 weeks, then anxiety-like and fear responses were assessed. Hypothalami were collected around the clock to assess core clock genes. Exposure to dLAN at either age increased anxiety-like responses in adults. Clock and Rev-ERB expression were altered by exposure to dLAN. In contrast to adults, dLAN exposure during early life increases anxiety and fear behavior.  相似文献   
The yeast communities associated with the stingless bees Tetragonisca angustula, Melipona quadrifasciata and Frieseomelitta varia were studied. The bees T. angustula and F. varia showed a strong association with the yeast Starmerella meliponinorum. M. quadrifasciata more frequently carried a species related to Candida apicola, but also vectored low numbers of S. meliponinorum. Some of the yeasts isolated from adult bees were typical of species known to occur in flowers. Other yeast species found in adult bees were more typical of those found in the phylloplane. S. meliponinorum and the species in the C. apicola complex, also part of the Starmerella clade, may have a mutualistic relationship with the bees studied. Many yeasts in that group are often found in bees or substrates visited by bees, suggesting that a mutually beneficial interaction exists between them.  相似文献   
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