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Explaining the origin and maintenance of phenotypic variation remains a central challenge in evolutionary biology. Using the trematode parasite Maritrema novaezealandensis, we examined variability in several morphological, behavioural, and physiological phenotypic traits at the same time as controlling for genotype by using genetically identical parasite clonal lineages. We measured several morphological traits, photoreactive responses, and survivorship to quantify the amount of phenotypic variation within and among 42 clonal parasite lines. Additionally, we tested Lerner's hypothesis that homozygotes are more variable than heterozygotes and assessed correlations between heterozygosity and phenotypic variation among clones. We found substantial differences among clones in morphology, photoreactive behaviour, and survivorship, yet no significant differences among clones in levels of intraclonal phenotypic variability were seen. Although the results demonstrate that conspecific trematode clones have significantly different levels of phenotypic variability, consistent differences over time were not always apparent. Finally, no correlation was found between heterozygosity and phenotypic variation among clones and the pattern of highly variable homozygotes, as observed by Lerner, was not evident in the present study. © 2011 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2011, 103 , 106–116.  相似文献   
SYNOPSIS. North America's Great Lakes have recently been invadedby two genetically and morphologically distinct species of Dreissena.The zebra mussel (Dreissena polymorpha) became established inLake St. Clair of the Laurentian Great Lakes in 1986 and spreadthroughout eastern North America. The second dreissenid, termedthe quagga mussel, has been identified as Dreissena bugensisAndrusov, 1897. The quagga occurs in the Dnieper River drainageof Ukraine and now in the lower Great Lakes of North America.In the Dnieper River, populations of D. polymorpha have beenlargely replaced by D. bugensis; anecdotal evidence indicatesthat similar trends may be occurring in the lower LaurentianGreat Lakes. Dreissena bugensis occurs as deep as 130 m in theGreat Lakes, but in Ukraine is known from only 0–28 m.Dreissena bugensis is more abundant than D. polymorpha in deeperwaters in Dneiper River reservoirs. The conclusion that NorthAmerican quagga mussels have a lower thermal maximum than zebramussels is not supported by observations made of populationsin Ukraine. In the Dnieper River drainage, quagga mussels areless tolerant of salinity than zebra mussels, yet both dreissenidshave acclimated to salinities higher than North American populations;eventual colonization into estuarine and coastal areas of NorthAmerica cannot be ignored.  相似文献   
Cells of an unusual Paramecium bursaria stock (Sj2) expressed rhythmic mating reactivity in a light/dark cycle (LD) and under continuous illumination (LL). When placed in continuous darkness (DD), did not show rhythmicity but rather demonstrated a continuous high mating reactivity. However, mating reactivity was reduced following exposure to a 6-h light pulse interrupting the DD, and then recovered to its former condition. Genetic analysis showed the arrhythmicity in DD to be a dominant character inherited in a Mendelian ratio. On the other hand, a clone (MCIw) that did not show the rhythmicity in either DD or LL was isolated from the parent stock Sj2w following a 5-h treatment with 2 μg/ml nitrosoguanidine (MNNG). The MCIw cells expressed weak rhythmicity in LD, but were insensitive to a 6-h light pulse in DD. The arrhythmicity in LL was inherited cytoplasmically. In addition to this, rhythmicity in LL could be recovered by injection of cytoplasm from the wild-type cell when the recipient cell was homozygous for the wild-type nuclear gene (+/+). The cytoplasmic components or factors are assumed to control the functional circadian system and genetically determine the rhythmicity of mating reactivity.  相似文献   
Some glycosidases in light-grown cucumber (Cucumis sativus L. cv. Aonaga-jibae) hypocotyl sections were examined with respect to their localization and relation to endogenous and IAA-induced growth. Frozen-thawed sections were used directly for measurement of enzyme activities, and β-glucosidase, α- and β-galactosidases and β-xylosidase were assayed by using p- or o-nitro-phenylglycopyranosides as substrates. The order of the activity of these enzymes were β -glucosidase > β -galactosidase =α-galactosidase > β-xylosidase. No activity of α-glucosidase was detected. High glycosidase activities were found in the youngest region of the hypocotyl, where the endogenous growth rate was highest. However, there was no significant difference in the activities of this region between seedlings at different growth stages. Among the enzymes tested, β -glucosidase showed a high correlation with the endogenous growth rate. β-glucosidase was found to be mostly associated with the cell wall fraction, while β-galactosidase was rather found in the soluble fraction of the cell. Separation of the epidermis from the section showed that a very high activity of β-glucosidase was associated with the epidermis. In both whole sections and isolated cell wall fractions, IAA was shown to have no effect on the activities of β-glucosidase and β-galactosidase.  相似文献   
Stigma-like structures (TC stigmas) were produced in tissuecultures from stigma explants of Crocus sativus under definedconditions. MS medium supplemented with NAA (10 mg dm–3)+BA (1.0 mg dm–3) induced the optimum response. NAA wasfound to be an important addendum to achieve a good response.The TC stigma regeneration response as a function of explantage showed significant differences (except between stage 1 andstage 4). A culture temperature of 20 °C seems to be betterthan 25 °C with reference to all parameters. Crocin andpicrocrocin pigments, responsible for colour and bitter taste,respectively, were extracted, identified and quantified fromthe TC stigmas. Safranal was not detected in fresh samples. Key words: Crocus sativus, stigma-like structures, organ regeneration, crocin, picrocrocin, safranal  相似文献   
Dehydrins are hydrophilic proteins that accumulate during embryogenesis and osmotic stress responses in plants. Here, we report an interaction between citrus dehydrin Citrus unshiu cold-regulated 15 kDa protein (CuCOR15) and DNA. Binding of CuCOR15 to DNA was detected by an electrophoretic mobility shift assay, a filter-binding assay and Southwestern blotting. The binding was stimulated by physiological concentrations of Zn2+, but little stimulation occurred when other divalent cations, such as Mg2+, Ca2+, Mn2+, Ni2+ and Cu2+, were substituted for Zn2+. Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid cancelled the Zn2+-stimulated binding. A binding curve and competitor experiments suggested that the DNA binding of CuCOR15 exhibited low affinity and non-specificity. Moreover, tRNA competed with the DNA binding. Histidine-rich domains and a polylysine segment-containing domain participated in the DNA binding. These results suggest that CuCOR15 can interact with DNA, and also RNA, in the presence of Zn2+. Dehydrin may protect nucleic acids in plant cells during seed maturation and stress responses.  相似文献   
Fifteen microsatellite markers were developed from a microsatellite‐enriched library and characterized using 32 Chamaecyparis obtusa individuals. The number of alleles ranged from two to 27 per locus, with observed heterozygosity ranging from 0.281 to 0.906. The polymorphism information content (PIC) was also calculated for each marker and the average was 0.796 ± 0.024. These microsatellite markers will be useful for investigating population genetics, reproductive ecology, tree improvement and constructing linkage maps of the species.  相似文献   
Phospholipids of the cell membrane have been studied from the viewpoint of how overwintering insects inhabiting temperate zones adapt to low temperature. The transition of cell membrane phospholipids from a liquid crystalline phase to a gel phase is a crucial cause of cold or freezing injuries. We determined the qualitative and quantitative changes of phospholipids in the last instar larvae of the rice stem borer in summer and winter. We found that the total amount of their phospholipids did not change significantly between summer and winter and that the sum of phosphatidylcholine (PC) and phosphatidylethanolamine (PE) comprised about 85% of their total phospholipids. In summer, the ratio of their PE to PC was almost one, while from autumn to mid‐winter it increased and reached three in February. The fatty acid compositions of PC hardly changed, and the percentage of unsaturated fatty acids did not exceed 50%. In contrast, the percentage of unsaturated fatty acids of PE in overwintering larvae increased up to 80% as ambient temperatures fell and oleic acid mainly contributed to the high percentage of unsaturation. In the present study, the relationship between the quantitative and qualitative changes of phospholipids and adaptation of the rice stem borer to cold winter climate are discussed.  相似文献   
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