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1. Predation‐exclusion experiments have highlighted that top‐down control is pervasive in terrestrial communities, but most of these experiments are simplistic in that they only excluded a single group of predators and the effect of removal was evaluated on a few species from the community. The main goal of our study was to experimentally establish the relative effects of ants and birds on the same arthropod assemblage of canopy trees. 2. We conducted 1‐year long manipulative experiments in an organic citrus grove intended to quantify the independent effects of bird and ant predators on the abundance of arthropods. Birds were excluded with plastic nets whereas ants were excluded with sticky barriers on the trunks. The sticky barrier also excluded other ground dwelling insects, like the European earwig Forficula auricularia L. 3. Both the exclusion of ants and birds affected the arthropod community of the citrus canopies, but the exclusion of ants was far more important than the exclusion of birds. Indeed, almost all groups of arthropods had higher abundance in ant‐excluded than in control trees, whereas only dermapterans were more abundant in bird‐excluded than in control trees. A more detailed analysis conducted on spiders also showed that the effect of ant exclusion was limited to a few families rather than being widespread over the entire diverse spectrum of spiders. 4. Our results suggest that the relative importance of vertebrate and invertebrate predators in regulating arthropod populations largely depends on the nature of the predator–prey system.  相似文献   
Niche theory predicts that few closely related species can co‐occur because such species tend to be ecologically similar and niche differentiation is required to avoid competitive exclusion. We analyse the co‐occurrence of a remarkable 10–15 species of the ant genus Monomorium occurring within single 10 × 10 m plots in a tropical savanna of northern Australia. Most of the species are undescribed, so we use genetic analysis to validate our species demarcations. We document nest dispersion patterns, and investigate differentiation in the three primary niche dimensions: space, time and food. We also examine species differences in competitive abilities, by describing rates of foraging activity, foraging ranges, worker aggression, and levels of behavioural dominance. Analyses of nest and forager distributions showed very limited evidence of spatial segregation within plots. The great majority of species foraged either exclusively or primarily during daylight hours. Body size and isotopic analyses indicated very limited dietary differentiation. Such limited niche partitioning occurred despite the species differing markedly in their competitive abilities as measured by rates of resource discovery, recruitment and monopolization. Our findings defy the traditional assumption that multiple closely related and ecologically similar species of highly interactive taxa cannot co‐occur. It seems very likely that species coexistence in our study system is determined to a very large degree by stochastic processes relating to dispersal and establishment, as predicted by neutral theory. However, neutral theory assumes competitive equivalence, whereas we found very marked differences in the competitive abilities of our co‐occurring species. We suggest that competitive exclusion is prevented by the modular nature of ant colonies, with competition limiting colony performance but not preventing occurrence. We conclude that other factors that allow species persistence, and not just competitive equivalence, can allow dispersal and establishment processes to drive species coexistence.  相似文献   
DANIEL ORO  MARC BOSCH  XAVIER RUIZ 《Ibis》1995,137(4):547-549
The establishment of a two month commercial fishing moratorium, which overlapped each year with different stages of the breeding cycle of the Yellow-legged Gull Larus cachinnans at the Ebro Delta, Spain, provided the opportunity of testing the effects of food limitation on the breeding success of this species. The study was carried out in 1993, when the chick rearing stage occurred with normal commercial fishing activity and in 1994, when the chick rearing stage overlapped with the trawling moratorium. We recorded diet of the chicks, breeding phenology, clutch size, egg volume, hatching success and productivity of adult birds. There was a highly significant difference in the diet of the chicks between the two years and significantly lower productivity in 1994, whilst the other parameters examined did not change. These results show that a dependence on discards from commercial fishing activities may be a limiting factor in the breeding success of this seabird.  相似文献   
Abstract The ecotone zone between epigean and hypogean environments has been delimited for two limestone caves using a new method proposed herein. The richness and the diversity of the ecotone, epigean and hypogean environments and their similarities have also been determined. The ecotones were delimited using a similarity matrix between the inner and outer sectors of each cave. The ecotone of Dona Rita's cave was estimated to be 12 m long and the ecotone of Retiro's cave 16 m. The richness (S) of arthropods in Dona Rita's cave was higher in the ecotone (S = 131), intermediate in the epigean environment (S = 75) and lower in the hypogean system (S = 45). The invertebrate diversity (H′) was lower in the hypogean environment (H′ = 2.89) and not statistically different between the epigean environment and the ecotone (H′ = 3.56 and H′ = 3.76, respectively). The richness in Retiro's cave was higher in the ecotone (S = 86), intermediate in the epigean environment (S = 39) and lower in the hypogean system (S = 12). The invertebrate diversity was lower in the hypogean environment (H′ = 0.48), intermediate in the ecotone (H′ = 3.02) and higher in the epigean region (H′ = 3.29). Species migration patterns, differential environmental barriers and determination of accidental versus trogloxenes/troglophylous species are topics that are primarily approached by establishing ecotone zones in caves. The aim of the present paper is to establish the delimitation of theses zones.  相似文献   
In Loimosina, during spermiogenesis, the zone of differentiation of the spermatid contains two centrioles continued as two 9 +‘1’axonemes. One of the axonemes lengthens and will become the principal axoneme of the spermatozoon. The other axoneme is as long as the first one at the beginning of spermiogenesis, but is shorter in the mature sperm cell. The spermatozoon consists of several regions: (a) at the anterior end, the centriolar derivative of the principal axoneme; (b) a short region which shows cortical microtubules coinciding with external ornamentations; (c) a long uniflagellate region, with mitochondrion; (d) a biflagellate region containing the anterior slender part of the nucleus; (e) the posterior part of the nucleus, with no accompanying cytoplasmic organelles. Spermiogenesis and sperm structure in Loimosina differ from what is known in all other described monogeneans, excepting the monocotylid Heterocofyle to which they show close resemblances. However, the alteration of the second axoneme is more complete in Heterocofyle than in Loimosina. Comparative study of spermiogenesis and sperm ultrastructure thus shows an interesting coincidence with classical phylogenies of the monogeneans, in which the families Loimoidae and Monocotylidae are closely related. Chez Loimosina, pendant la spermiogenèse, la zone de différenciation de la spermatide contient deux centrioles prolongés par deux axonemes de type 9 +‘1′. L'un des axonemes s'allonge et deviendra l'axonème principal du spermatozoïde mûr. Le deuxième axontme est aussi long que le premier au début de la spermiogenèse, mais il est plus court dans le spermatozoïde mûr. Le spermatozoïde comprend: (a) à l'avant, le dérivé centriolaire de l'axonème principal; (b) une courte région contenant quelques microtubules corticaw longitudinaux coincidant avec des omementations extramembranaires; (c) une longue région miflagellée avec mitochondrie; (d) une région biflagellée contenant La partie antérieure effilée du noyau; (e) la région postérieure du noyau, sans organites cytoplasmiques accompagnateurs. La spermiogenèse et la structure du spermatozoïde de Loimosina sont différentes de ce qui est connu chez tous les autres Monogènes décrits, excepté le Monocotylidae Heterocofyle auquel elles ressemblent beaucoup. Toutefois, l'altération du deuxième axonème est moins complète chez Loimosina que chez Heterocotyle. L'étude comparée des spermatozoïdes et des spermiogenèses montre une bonne coincidence avec les phylogenèses classiques, dans lesquelles les familles Loimoidae et Monocotylidae sont proches.  相似文献   
A new species of the section Lepidoseris (Rchb.) Benth. of the genus Crepis L. (Asteraceae) is described. The new species is restricted to a single known locality on near-vertical coastal cliffs of the Ria de Cedeira in northern Galicia (northwest Iberian Peninsula). Morphometric characters permitting discrimination from the most similar taxa are detailed, and possible phylogenetic relationships with other species of the section Lepidoseris (particularly those of the C. vesicaria complex) are discussed.  相似文献   
Abstract 1. The biology of most invasive species in their native geographical areas remains largely unknown. Such studies are, however, crucial in shedding light on the ecological and evolutionary processes underlying biological invasions. 2. The present study focuses on the little fire ant Wasmannia auropunctata, a species native to Central and South America that has been widely introduced and which has become invasive throughout the tropics. We characterise and compare several ecological traits of native populations in French Guiana with those in one of its introduced ranges, New Caledonia. 3. We found ecologically heterogeneous populations of W. auropunctata coexisting in the species’ native geographical area. First, we found populations restricted to naturally perturbed areas (particularly floodplains) within the primary forest, and absent from the surrounding forest areas. These populations were characterised by low nest and worker densities. Second, we found dominant populations in recent anthropogenic areas (e.g. secondary forest or forest edge along road) characterised by high nest and worker densities, and associated with low ant species richness. The local dominance of W. auropunctata in such areas can be due to the displacement of other species (cause) or the filling‐up of empty habitats unsuitable to other ants (effect). With respect to their demographic features and ant species richness, the populations of native anthropogenic habitats were to a large extent similar to the invasive populations introduced into remote areas. 4. The results point to the need for greater research efforts to better understand the ecological and demographic features of invasive species within their native ranges.  相似文献   
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