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Summary Dendrocoelum lacteum, feeding on active prey, adopted a sit and wait strategy upon starvation. During this time metabolic rate fell by a factor of 0.65. About 80% of the energy made available from the catabolism of tissue was lost as heat with the rest being lost as mucus. P. tenuis, feeding on inactive carrion, adopted a search out strategy upon starvation. Metabolic rate fell during this time but only by a factor of 0.72. About 50% of the energy from catabolism was lost as heat and about 50% as mucus. Hence the locomotory strategies adopted by each species during starvation depended on the mobility of the prey and lead to marked differences in the energy balance of the worms.  相似文献   
Transepithelial transport of Na(+) across the lung epithelium via amiloride-sensitive Na(+) channels (ENaC) regulates fluid volume in the lung lumen. Activators of AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK), the adenosine monophosphate mimetic AICAR, and the biguanide metformin decreased amiloride-sensitive apical Na(+) conductance (G(Na+)) in human H441 airway epithelial cell monolayers. Cell-attached patch-clamp recordings identified two distinct constitutively active cation channels in the apical membrane that were likely to contribute to G(Na+): a 5-pS highly Na(+) selective ENaC-like channel (HSC) and an 18-pS nonselective cation channel (NSC). Substituting NaCl with NMDG-Cl in the patch pipette solution shifted the reversal potentials of HSC and NSC, respectively, from +23 mV to -38 mV and 0 mV to -35 mV. Amiloride at 1 microM inhibited HSC activity and 56% of short-circuit current (I(sc)), whereas 10 microM amiloride partially reduced NSC activity and inhibited a further 30% of I(sc). Neither conductance was associated with CNG channels as there was no effect of 10 microM pimoside on I(sc), HSC, or NSC activity, and 8-bromo-cGMP (0.3-0.1 mM) did not induce or increase HSC or NSC activity. Pretreatment of H441 monolayers with 2 mM AICAR inhibited HSC/NSC activity by 90%, and this effect was reversed by the AMPK inhibitor Compound C. All three ENaC proteins were identified in the apical membrane of H441 monolayers, but no change in their abundance was detected after treatment with AICAR. In conclusion, activation of AMPK with AICAR in H441 cell monolayers is associated with inhibition of two distinct amiloride-sensitive Na(+)-permeable channels by a mechanism that likely reduces channel open probability.  相似文献   
Woollhead  Jan 《Hydrobiologia》1994,281(1):29-38
Using an extended method for calculating food consumption by diversified bird communities taking into account variability of diet, energy content and digestibility of different food items within a diet, it was possible to calculate the energy consumption of the bird community in eutrophic Lake Esrom. As the production of food items and energy flow in Lake Esrom have been well studied, it was possible to relate the bird community to the trophic web. Birds consumed approximately 20% of the annual macrophyte production (excluding roots and rhizomes), and 4% of the annual zoobenthos production. The annual consumption of fish by birds corresponded to 22% of the annual consumption by piscivorous fish measured in kJ, and was almost the same as the commercial fishery catch. However, the consumption of fish by birds consisted mainly of non-piscivorous fish, in contrast to the commercial catch. In Lake Esrom, the birds have a significant role in the energy flow of consumers within the ecosystem. This result indicates that bird communities should be included in future studies of lake ecology. Also, competition between fish and birds is potentially significant.  相似文献   
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