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It is generally accepted that postcopulatory sexual selection drives rapid divergence of genital morphology among isolated populations. The mode of selection operating upon genitalia can be explored by comparing patterns of population divergence in genetic and genitalic traits. We collected Antichiropus variabilis millipedes from eight localities across the species range. Levels of among-population genetic divergence, at microsatellite loci, and the mitochondrial COI gene were very high. Following geometric morphometric analyses, genital morphology was also found to be highly divergent among the populations surveyed, whereas head morphology had not diverged as markedly. However, pairwise comparisons of F(ST) and P(ST) showed that among-population divergence in both genital and head shape was significantly lower than that experienced by neutral genetic markers. Our results suggest that the genitalia of A. variabilis are currently experiencing a period of stabilizing selection, the mode of selection expected for genitalia that function in species recognition via a "lock-and-key" mechanism. Our results demonstrate that although genital morphology can clearly diverge among genetically isolated populations, divergence is not necessarily as rapid as commonly argued, and continuous directional sexual selection may not always underpin the evolutionary divergence of male genitalia.  相似文献   
A model of management of pregnant diabetic patients is proposed. Such a model has been implemented at the Voivodeship Out-patient Clinic for Diabetics. Proposed model includes recent data on diabetes mellitus complications and the effect of coexisting diseases on the mother and fetus health. Management was adapted to the real and potential possibilities of health service in Poland. A decrease in the rate of mortality of fetuses under 7% was achieved. It is worth emphasizing despite higher value than those reported in the literature.  相似文献   
Mafosfamide cyclohexylamine salt (D-17272), 4-hydro-peroxy-cyclophosphamide (D-18864), and beta-D-glucose-isophosphoramide mustard (D-19575, glufosfamide) are three new generation oxazaphosphorine agents. The aim of the present study was to compare the cell response to the action of these three oxazaphosphorines. The experiments were performed in vitro on human acute myeloblastic leukemia ML-1 cells. After exposure of ML-1 cells to the oxazaphosphorines, the size, viability and count of these cells were determined. The research was conducted using the spectrophotometric MTT assay and the electronic Beckman Coulter method. The temporary changes in the ML-1 cell size, viability and count, were dependent on the oxazaphosphorine agent tested, its dose, and the time intervals after its application. Among the three oxazaphosphorine agents, D-18864 proved to be the most cytotoxic, and D-19575 was characterized by the lowest cytotoxicity. The results suggest the possibility of using the electronic sizing and counting method and the MTT assay as a rapid in vitro test for assessing leukemic cell sensitivity to the action of new potential chemotherapeutic agents.  相似文献   
Eleven polymorphic microsatellite loci were isolated from the Western Australian millipede Antichiropus variabilis. The number of alleles observed ranged from 2 to 12, with observed heterozygosities ranging from 0.20 to 0.80. All loci were in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium, and no pairs of loci were in linkage disequilibrium. Many of the loci amplified successfully in eight other Antichiropus species.  相似文献   
Honest signals that indicate male quality have been observedin many species and are thought to have evolved to allow malesto assess rivals accurately and respond to "cheaters." Femalescould potentially also use the same honest signals as reliableindicators of male quality. In bowerbirds, the numbers of specificbower decorations may serve as an honest signal of male quality:this study investigates whether decoration stealing among malesatin bowerbirds at the Bunya Mountains, Australia, may alsoinvolve honest signals. In this study, we aimed to determine1) predictors for the degree to which individual male satinbowerbirds steal, and are stolen from, and 2) predictors forwhy some male pairs interact by stealing, whereas other pairsdo not. We also assessed how experimentally standardizing thenumber of decorations on bowers would affect the 1) frequencyof stealing, 2) specific interactions among males, and 3) distributionof decorations across bowers. Bower decorations were labeledand tracked through one breeding season. Males that were successfulstealers, stole from other successful stealers, had many feathersand bottle tops on their bowers and painted their bower wallsoften. Male pairs were more likely to interact by stealing iftheir bowers were in close proximity. Most of the stealing observedwas of a reciprocal nature. After we standardized the numbersand types of decorations on a small group of males' bowers,the mean number of daily stealing gains and the total numberof males interacting by stealing did not change. In addition,no significant novel stealing interactions were initiated afterthe manipulation. The average number of all bower decorationsand the average number of rosella feathers on a given male'sbower prior to the manipulation were proportional to the averagenumbers for the period after the manipulation. Furthermore,males that originally had better collections of decorationstended to suffer fewer losses due to stealing after the manipulation.Our results suggest that the total number of decorations, thetotal number of rosella feathers on a male's bower, and possiblystealing behavior, may form part of the basis of an honest signalindicating male quality and therefore might be correlated withmating success.  相似文献   
Genitalia appear to evolve rapidly and divergently in taxa with internal fertilization. The current consensus is that intense directional sexual selection drives the rapid evolution of genitalia. Recent research on the millipede Antichiropus variabilis suggests that the male genitalia are currently experiencing stabilizing selection – a pattern of selection expected for lock‐and‐key structures that enforce mate recognition and reproductive isolation. Here, we investigate how divergence in genital morphology affects reproductive compatibility among isolated populations of A. variabilis. Females from a focal population were mated first to a male from their own population and, second, to a male from one of two populations with divergent genital morphology. We observed variation in mating behavior that might indicate the emergence of precopulatory reproductive barriers: males from one divergent population took significantly longer to recognize females and exhibited mechanical difficulty in genital insertion. Moreover, we observed very low paternity success for extra‐population males who were successful in copulating. Our data suggest that divergence in genital shape may be contributing to reproductive isolation, and incipient speciation among isolated populations of A. variabilis.  相似文献   
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