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Protease levels in human blood are often prognostic indicators of inflammatory, thrombotic or oncogenic disorders. The measurement of such enzyme activities in substrate-based assays is complicated due to the low prevalence of these enzymes and steric hindrance of the substrates by the more abundant blood proteins. To address these limitations, we developed a molecular construct that is suitable for microsphere-cytometer based assays in the milieu of human blood plasma. In this proof of principle study, we demonstrate the utility of this substrate to measure metalloprotease ADAMTS13 activity. The substrate, expressed in E. coli as a fusion protein, contains the partial A2-domain of von Willebrand factor (VWF amino acids 1594–1670) that is mutated to include a single primary amine at the N-terminus and free cysteines at the C-terminus. N-terminus fluorescence conjugation was possible using NHS (N-hydroxysuccinimide) chemistry. Maleimide-PEG(Polyethylene glycol)n-biotin coupling at the C-terminus allowed biotinylation with variable PEG spacer lengths. Once bound to streptavidin-bearing microspheres, the substrate fluorescence signal decreased in proportion with ADAMTS13 concentration. Whereas recombinant ADAMTS13 activity could be quantified using substrates with all PEG repeat-lengths, only the construct with the longer 77 PEG-unit could quantify proteolysis in blood plasma. Using this longer substrate, plasma ADAMTS13 down to 5% of normal levels could be detected within 30 min. Such measurements could also be readily performed under conditions resembling hyperbilirubinemia. Enzyme catalytic activity was tuned by varying buffer calcium, with lower divalent ion concentrations enhancing cleavage. Overall, the study highlights the substrate design features important for the creation of efficient proteolysis assays in the setting of human plasma. In particular, it emphasizes the need to introduce PEG spacers in plasma-based experiments, a design attribute commonly ignored in immobilized peptide-substrate assays.  相似文献   
A low-protein diet supplemented with ketoacids maintains nutritional status in patients with diabetic nephropathy. The activation of autophagy has been shown in the skeletal muscle of diabetic and uremic rats. This study aimed to determine whether a low-protein diet supplemented with ketoacids improves muscle atrophy and decreases the increased autophagy observed in rats with type 2 diabetic nephropathy. In this study, 24-week-old Goto-Kakizaki male rats were randomly divided into groups that received either a normal protein diet (NPD group), a low-protein diet (LPD group) or a low-protein diet supplemented with ketoacids (LPD+KA group) for 24 weeks. Age- and weight-matched Wistar rats served as control animals and received a normal protein diet (control group). We found that protein restriction attenuated proteinuria and decreased blood urea nitrogen and serum creatinine levels. Compared with the NPD and LPD groups, the LPD+KA group showed a delay in body weight loss, an attenuation in soleus muscle mass loss and a decrease of the mean cross-sectional area of soleus muscle fibers. The mRNA and protein expression of autophagy-related genes, such as Beclin-1, LC3B, Bnip3, p62 and Cathepsin L, were increased in the soleus muscle of GK rats fed with NPD compared to Wistar rats. Importantly, LPD resulted in a slight reduction in the expression of autophagy-related genes; however, these differences were not statistically significant. In addition, LPD+KA abolished the upregulation of autophagy-related gene expression. Furthermore, the activation of autophagy in the NPD and LPD groups was confirmed by the appearance of autophagosomes or autolysosomes using electron microscopy, when compared with the Control and LPD+KA groups. Our results showed that LPD+KA abolished the activation of autophagy in skeletal muscle and decreased muscle loss in rats with type 2 diabetic nephropathy.  相似文献   
How morphology changes with size can have profound effects on the life history and ecology of an animal. For apex predators that can impact higher level ecosystem processes, such changes may have consequences for other species. Tiger sharks (Galeocerdo cuvier) are an apex predator in tropical seas, and, as adults, are highly migratory. However, little is known about ontogenetic changes in their body form, especially in relation to two aspects of shape that influence locomotion (caudal fin) and feeding (head shape). We captured digital images of the heads and caudal fins of live tiger sharks from Southern Florida and the Bahamas ranging in body size (hence age), and quantified shape of each using elliptical Fourier analysis. This revealed changes in the shape of the head and caudal fin of tiger sharks across ontogeny. Smaller juvenile tiger sharks show an asymmetrical tail with the dorsal (upper) lobe being substantially larger than the ventral (lower) lobe, and transition to more symmetrical tail in larger adults, although the upper lobe remains relatively larger in adults. The heads of juvenile tiger sharks are more conical, which transition to relatively broader heads over ontogeny. We interpret these changes as a result of two ecological transitions. First, adult tiger sharks can undertake extensive migrations and a more symmetrical tail could be more efficient for swimming longer distances, although we did not test this possibility. Second, adult tiger sharks expand their diet to consume larger and more diverse prey with age (turtles, mammals, and elasmobranchs), which requires substantially greater bite area and force to process. In contrast, juvenile tiger sharks consume smaller prey, such as fishes, crustaceans, and invertebrates. Our data reveal significant morphological shifts in an apex predator, which could have effects for other species that tiger sharks consume and interact with. J. Morphol. 277:556–564, 2016. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   
急性脑梗死约占全部脑卒中的70%,病死率和致残率高,且极易复发。但目前针对急性脑梗死在时间窗内溶栓、抗凝等治疗手段不能从根本上切实有效地修复受损脑组织,且伴有出血等风险。寻找脑梗死形成发展的原因并予以治疗迫在眉睫。酸中毒是引起缺血性脑损伤的重要机制。大量实验研究表明,酸中毒能加重神经元的缺血性损伤,且其梗死面积与酸中毒的程度直接相关。但缺血产生的酸中毒如何引起神经元损伤的确切机制尚不明确。最近研究发现酸中毒能激活一种在中枢及周围神经中广泛存在的膜通道,即酸敏感离子通道,它对Ca2+通透,能引起细胞内Ca2+超载,同时能激活胞内酶引起细胞内蛋白质、脂类及核酸的降解,加重缺血后脑损伤。本文就酸敏感离子通道1a与脑梗死做一综述。  相似文献   
The contribution of electrostriction of the solvent to the stabilization of the negatively charged tetrahedral transition state of a trypsin-catalyzed reaction was probed by means of kinetic studies involving high-pressure and solvent dielectric constant. A good correlation was observed between the increased catalytic efficiency of trypsin and the decreased solvent dielectric constant. When the dielectric constant of the solvents was lowered by 4.68 units, the loss of activation energy and that of free energy of activation were 2.26 kJ/mol and 3.09 kJ/mol, respectively. The activation volume for k(cat) decreased significantly as the dielectric constant of the solvent decreased, indicating that the degree of electrostriction of the solvent around the charged tetrahedral transition state has been enhanced. These observations demonstrate that the increase in the catalytic efficiency of the trypsin reaction with decreasing dielectric constant resulted from the stabilization of electrostatic energy for the formation of an oxyanion hole, and this stabilization was caused by the increase of electrostricted water around the charged tetrahedral transition state. Therefore, we conclude that control of the solvent dielectric constant can stabilize the tetrahedral transition state, and this lowers the activation energy.  相似文献   
Immunological and microanalytical methods were used to investigate the two isozymes of phosphorylase kinase, enzyme w and enzyme r, in psoas major and tibialis anterior muscles. Peptide mapping experiments indicated that the alpha subunit of enzyme w and alpha' subunit of enzyme r were structurally very similar. Both subunits were completely immunoprecipitated from muscle extracts with an antibody specific for the beta subunit of the kinase, indicating that alpha and alpha' subunits are completely assembled with beta subunits in adult muscle fibers. The relative amounts of enzymes w and r in single fibers were determined from amounts of alpha and alpha' subunits, which were detected by immunoblotting. Phosphorylase kinase and phosphorylase activities were measured in the same fibers, as well as in individual fibers from diaphragm and soleus muscles. Slow oxidative fibers were found to contain low levels of enzyme r, but almost no enzyme w. Considerably more enzyme r was present in fast oxidative-glycolytic fibers. Fast glycolytic fibers contained the most enzyme w, and the highest levels of enzyme r were found in a subgroup of such fibers. Interestingly, more than half of the fast glycolytic fibers analyzed contained both isozymes. In these fibers phosphorylase was positively correlated with enzyme w, but negatively correlated with enzyme r. Total kinase activity ranged 30-fold from the highest in one of the psoas fibers to the lowest in one of the soleus fibers and was closely correlated with the phosphorylase levels. In psoas and soleus fibers, calculated absolute maximal rates for phosphorylase b to a conversion varied almost 2,500-fold.  相似文献   
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