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A fast and sensitive method for the quantification of the mycotoxin ochratoxin A (OTA) in dry-cured meat products has been developed, which does not require a clean-up step, by HPLC with an alkaline mobile phase (pH 9.8). Validation procedures for specificity, trueness, ruggedness, stability, recovery and repeatability were performed. The decision limit (CC alpha) and the decision capability (CC beta) were calculated at 1.10 and 1.23 microg/kg, respectively. The procedure was applied to representative dehydration levels of dry-cured meat samples.  相似文献   
Monoamine oxidase isoform B (MAO-B) is involved in Parkinson's disease (PD) induced by the 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine toxin (MPTP) in human and non-human-primate. MAO-B inhibitors, such as L-deprenyl have shown to prevent against MPTP-toxicity in different species, and it has been used in Parkinson therapy, however, the fact that it is metabolized to (-)-methamphetamine and (-)-amphetamine highlights the need to find out new MAO-B inhibitors without a structural amphetaminic moiety. In this context we herein report, for the first time, anywhere a novel non-amphetamine-like MAO-B inhibitor, PF 9601N, N-(2-propynyl)-2-(5-benzyloxy-indolyl) methylamine. This attenuates the MPTP-induced striatal dopamine depletion in young-adult and adult-old C57/BL mice, using different schedules of administration, and which behave "ex vivo" as a slightly more potent and selective MAO-B inhibitor than L-deprenyl, assayed for comparative purposes in the same experimental conditions. The MAO-B ID(50) values were calculated from the total MAO-B activity measured against [14C] phenylethylamine (22 microM) as substrate, at each inhibitor concentration. The MAO-B ID(50) values resulted to be 381 and 577 nmol/kg for PF 9601N and L-deprenyl, respectively. The intraperitoneally (i.p.) co-administration to young-adult C57/BL6 mice of MPTP (30 mg/kg), with different concentrations of PF 9601N or L-deprenyl (29.5-0.357 micromol/kg) showed a dose-dependent protective effect against striatal dopamine depletion, measuring the dopamine contents and its metabolites by HPLC. The ED(50) value proved to be 3.07 micromol/kg without any significant differences between either MAO-B inhibitor. Nevertheless, lower doses of PF 9601N (1.5 micromol/kg) were necessary to get almost total protection, without any change in the DOPAC and HVA content, when administered 2 h before MPTP (30 mg/kg), whereas partial protection (45%) against dopamine depletion was observed in the case of L-deprenyl. In both cases, MAO-B inhibition was a necessary condition in order to observe the protective effect. When adult-old (8-10 months) C57/BL6 mice were used, MPTP (25 mg/kg) administration induced 25 days later, an irreversible dopamine depletion. In these conditions, chronic administration with 0.15 micromol/kg of PF 9601N, before the toxin, every 24 h for 10 days, rendered almost total protection of dopamine depletion, whereas L-deprenyl yielded only 50% protection of the dopamine content, assayed in the same conditions. It is worth remarking, that in both cases MAO-B was not affected. From these results, it can be concluded that PF 9601N attenuates MPTP neurotoxicity "in vivo" better than L-deprenyl through different mechanisms, with special relevance to the protective effect, independent of MAO-B inhibition, observed in the irreversibly MPTP-lesioned adult-old mice. Therefore, this novel non-amphetamine MAO-B inhibitor could be potentially effective in PD therapy.  相似文献   
Caffeic acid (CA) is a common constituent of human diet while pine bark extract (PBE) is utilized either as nutritional supplement or as phytochemical remedy for different diseases. CA and PBE, are reported as efficient antioxidants and more recently have been described to modulate cellular response to oxidative challenge and to possess many other biological activities, i.e. anti-inflammatory, antimutagenic, antitumoral effects. In order to investigate in depth the mechanism of action of these polyphenols, the effects of CA and PBE on the activity of some protein kinases involved in the regulation of fundamental cellular processes were studied in vitro: phosphorylase kinase (PhK), protein kinase A (PKA), protein kinase C (PKC). PBE at the concentration of 20 microg/ml (corresponding to 69 microM catechin equivalents) inhibited PKA, PhK and PKC by about 90, 59, 57%, respectively, while 100 microM CA inhibited by 37, 52 and 54%, respectively. Considerable inhibitions have been still observed at even lower concentrations of CA and PBE. For PhK and PKA, the inhibition follows a non-competitive mechanism. CA also inhibits PKC activity in a partially purified cellular extract. The results suggest a possible involvement of CA and PBE in modulation of cellular functions.  相似文献   
There is growing interest in the biologic activities of plant extracts such as that obtained from the bark of the French maritime pine Pinus maritima, Pycnogenol. Pycnogenol (PYC) is a standardized extract composed of a mixture of flavonoids, mainly procyandins and phenolic acids. Studies indicate that PYC components are highly bioavailable. Uniquely PYC displays greater biologic effects as a mixture than its purified components do individually indicating that the components interact synergistically. PYC has been reported to have cardiovascular benefits, such as a vasorelaxant activity, angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibiting activity, and the ability to enhance the microcirculation by increasing capillary permeability. Investigations of the cellular mechanisms of these therapeutic effects have demonstrated that PYC has strong free radical-scavenging activity against reactive oxygen and nitrogen species. The oligomeric components of PYC contribute significantly to the ESR free radical signal. PYC also participates in the cellular antioxidant network as indicated by its ability to regenerate the ascorbyl radical and to protect endogenous vitamin E and glutathione from oxidative stress. PYC modulates NO metabolism in activated macrophages by quenching the NO radical and inhibiting both iNOS mRNA expression and iNOS activity. The spectrum of different effects of NO in the circulation and the nervous system suggest the potential applications of PYC in immune and circulatory disorders as well as in neurodegenerative disease. PYC can bind to proteins, altering their structure and thereby modulating the activity of key enzymes and proteins involved in metabolic pathways. PYC effects redox-sensitive signal transduction pathways and alters gene expression. Aspects of PYC's activity are presented and discussed together with possible future implications and directions in the field of flavonoid research.  相似文献   
The presence of a [Fe]-hydrogenase in the hydrogenosomes of the anaerobic chytridiomycete fungus Neocallimastix sp. L2 has been demonstrated by immunocytochemistry, subcellular fractionation, Western-blotting and measurements of hydrogenase activity in the presence of various concentrations of carbon monoxide (CO). Since the hydrogenosomal hydrogenase activity can be inhibited nearly completely by low concentrations of CO, it is likely that the [Fe]-hydrogenase is responsible for at least 90% of the hydrogen production in isolated hydrogenosomes. Most likely, this hydrogenase is encoded by the gene hydL2 that exhibits all the motifs that are characteristic of [Fe]-hydrogenases. The open reading frame starts with an N-terminal extension of 38 amino acids that has the potential to function as a hydrogenosomal targeting signal. The downstream sequences encode an enzyme of a calculated molecular mass of 66.4 kDa that perfectly matches the molecular mass of the mature hydrogenase in the hydrogenosome. Phylogenetic analysis revealed that the hydrogenase of Neocallimastix sp. L2. clusters together with similar ('long-type') [Fe]-hydrogenases from Trichomonas vaginalis, Nyctotherus ovalis, Desulfovibrio vulgaris and Thermotoga maritima. Phylogenetic analysis based on the H-cluster - the only module of [Fe]-hydrogenases that is shared by all types of [Fe]-hydrogenases and hydrogenase-like proteins - revealed a monophyly of all hydrogenase-like proteins of the aerobic eukaryotes. Our analysis suggests that the evolution of the various [Fe]-hydrogenases and hydrogenase-like proteins occurred by a differential loss of Fe-S clusters in the N-terminal part of the [Fe]-hydrogenase.  相似文献   
The physiological role of alpha-synuclein, a protein found enriched in intraneuronal deposits characterizing Parkinson's disease, is debated. While its aggregation is usually considered linked to neuropathology, its normal function may be related to fundamental processes of synaptic transmission and plasticity. By using antisense oligonucleotide strategy, we report in this study that alpha-synuclein silencing in cultured cerebellar granule cells results in widespread death of these neurons, thus demonstrating an essential pro-survival role of the protein towards primary neurons. To study alpha-synuclein expression and processing in a Parkinson's disease model of neurotoxicity, we exposed differentiated cultures of cerebellar granule neurons to toxic concentrations of 6-hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA). This resulted in neuronal death accompanied by a decrease of the monomeric form of alpha-synuclein, which was due to both decreased synthesis of the protein and its increased mono-ubiquitination accompanied by nuclear translocation. The essential neuroprotective role of alpha-synuclein was confirmed by the fact that subchronic valproate treatment, which increases alpha-synuclein expression and prevents its nuclear translocation in cerebellar granule cells exposed to 6-OHDA, significantly protected these neurons from 6-OHDA insult. In agreement with the pro-survival role of alpha-synuclein in this model, subtoxic concentrations of alpha-synuclein antisense oligonucleotides, aggravated 6-OHDA toxicity towards granule neurons. Our results demonstrate that normal alpha-synuclein expression is essential for the viability of primary neurons and that its pro-survival role is abolished in 6-OHDA neurotoxic challenge. These results are relevant to more precisely define the role of alpha-synuclein in neuronal cells and to better understand its putative involvement in neurodegeneration.  相似文献   
Initiation is a highly regulated rate-limiting step of mRNA translation. During cap-dependent translation, the cap-binding protein eIF4E recruits the mRNA to the ribosome. Specific elements in the 5′UTR of some mRNAs referred to as Internal Ribosome Entry Sites (IRESes) allow direct association of the mRNA with the ribosome without the requirement for eIF4E. Cap-independent initiation permits translation of a subset of cellular and viral mRNAs under conditions wherein cap-dependent translation is inhibited, such as stress, mitosis and viral infection. DAP5 is an eIF4G homolog that has been proposed to regulate both cap-dependent and cap-independent translation. Herein, we demonstrate that DAP5 associates with eIF2β and eIF4AI to stimulate IRES-dependent translation of cellular mRNAs. In contrast, DAP5 is dispensable for cap-dependent translation. These findings provide the first mechanistic insights into the function of DAP5 as a selective regulator of cap-independent translation.  相似文献   
Thirteen-week-old female Zucker lean (Fa/Fa) and obese (fa/fa) rats were injected through a cannula inserted in the left jugular vein with 1 mL/kg of 3H-labeled oleoyl-estrone in liposomes (Merlin-2) (i.e., 670 fmol, 84 kBq). The rats were killed 10 minutes later and dissected. The presence of intact or hydrolyzed oleoyl-estrone was later determined in all samples. The pattern of distribution of estrone was quite different from that of oleoyl-estrone both in rats that were lean and in those that were obese. Estrone was better retained by white adipose tissue than oleoyl-estrone. Liver, spleen, and lungs accumulated more oleoyl-estrone and split part of it, from 4.7% (lung, obese) to 27% (liver, lean). The overall high retention of estrone by the rat tissues results in its very low circulating levels. The fast splitting of liposome-carried oleoyl-estrone by most tissues (up to more than 67% by intestine and skin of lean rats) may help explain the rise in blood free estrone. The differences between lean and obese Zucker rats are mainly quantitative in the case of estrone, the main differences being found in blood and adipose tissues. However, when we compare the data for oleoyl-estrone, the differences cannot be dismissed simply as due to differences in body size or the extent of fat deposits. A large portion of the label remained in the blood of the rats that were obese but not in those that were lean, the tissues of which took up more label. Brown adipose tissue shows a fair affinity for oleoyl-estrone in the rats that were lean but practically does not retain label in the rats that were obese, suggesting that oleoyl-estrone may have a direct effect on brown adipose tissue. The decreased uptake of oleoyl-estrone in rats that were obese shows that the mechanism regulating the turnover or disposal of this signal is altered in this type of genetic obesity.  相似文献   
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