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  1993年   2篇
  1991年   1篇
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Root nodules of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L. GN 1140)show different ontogenetic patterns of nitrogen fixation indifferent parts of the root system. The objective of the presentstudy was to search for nodule physiological factors which couldexplain these differences. Plants were grown to maturity undercontrolled environment conditions. Root nodules were regularlyharvested from two zones of the root system, and assayed forsoluble cytosolic content and carbohydrate status. Nodule concentrationsof soluble carbohydrates, glucose, fructose or sucrose, didnot change significantly during the pod-filling decline in nitrogenaseactivity. Nodule concentrations of sucrose appeared more relatedto nodule ontogeny than to the ontogenetic stage of the shoot.Total soluble protein and leghaemoglobin concentrations werehighly correlated to nitrogenase activity. In the top zone ofthe root system proteolytic capacity increased during pod-filling,indicating a role in nodule senescence. Proteolytic capacityalso increased in the mid zone, but to a lesser extent, andwithout correlation to nitrogenase activity. The two nodulesubpopulations showed different nitrogenase activity in relationto their leghaemoglobin and carbohydrate status. We suggestthat physiological differences within the root nodule subpopulations,possibly in combination with the distance from the shoot, makesthe top zone more susceptible to a systemic increase in proteolyticcapacity during rapid pod-filling. Key words: Nitrogen fixation, protein, carbohydrate, ontogeny, Phaseolus vulgaris  相似文献   
Frankia vesicle clusters were prepared from root nodules ofAlnus incana (L.) Moench inoculated either with a local sourceof Frankia or with Frankia Cpll. The capacity of vesicle clustersto respire was investigated by respirometric and enzymologicalstudies. Simultaneous addition of malate, glutamate, and NAD+supported respiration in both types of Frankia, though at asmaller rate compared to the substrates NADH or 6-phosphogluconate.The saturating concentrations of malate and glutamate were alsomuch higher than with the other substrates. No respiration wassupported by succinate. Activity of the enzymes malate dehydrogenase(EC [EC] ) and glutamate oxaloacetate transaminase (EC [EC] )was demonstrated in crude extracts from both types of symbioticFrankia. Their maximum rates were high enough to account forthe respiration of malate and glutamate. This respiration wasinhibited by mersalylic acid, an inhibitor of the dicarboxylateshuttle in mitochondria, but it was shown that inhibition ofrespiration could be due to a direct effect on the enzymes.We conclude that respiration of malate and glutamate is mostlikely mediated by malate dehydrogenase and glutamate oxaloacetatetransaminase, but no explicit evidence for or against the presenceof a dicarboxylate carrier was found. The utilization of respiratorysubstrates was largely similar in the two types of Frankia,except for some differences in maximum rates and cofactor dependency. Key words: Actinorhizal symbioses, Alnus, dicarboxylate shuttle, Frankia, reducing power, respiration  相似文献   
Nitrogenase activity is commonly measured on a whole plant basis,or only on parts of the root system. In the present paper, activityin different root nodule subpopulations was followed throughoutreproductive growth, in order to characterize the pod-fillingdecline in nitrogenase activity. Inoculated common bean plantswere grown to maturity under controlled environment conditions.Nitrogenase activity (H2 evolution in air) and nodule respiration(CO2 evolution) were measured in three separate zones of theroot system with a non-destructive, open flow, gas-exchangesystem. Nitrogenase activity in the top zone drastically declinedat the initiation of pod-filling, whereas nitrogenase activityin the mid zone was stable during the same period. Hence, thepod-filling decline was limited to a certain nodule subpopulationand not of a systemic type. Nodule respiration showed a similar,but less pronounced pattern. The sharp decline in nitrogenaseactivity was not paralleled in nitrogenase specific activity.Nitrogenase activity is not likely to be limited by the availabilityof oxygen or carbohydrates at the onset of pod-filling becausespecific nodule respiration did not change significantly atthis time. In the top zone, nitrogenase specific activity declinedgradually throughout the measurements, whereas in the mid-partof the root system specific activity peaked and gradually declined2-4 weeks later. The dissimilarities between specific and totalnitrogenase activity were explained by differences in nodulegrowth rates. The data suggest that the oldest nodule populationloses activity at the onset of pod-filling. At the same time,nodules grow and nitrogenase activity increases in younger distalparts of the root system. Estimating total nitrogen fixationin this symbiosis by partial sampling of nodulated root systemsis likely to be very misleading. Key words: Nitrogen fixation, respiration, pod-filling decline, Phaseolus vulgaris, ontogeny  相似文献   
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