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Regulation of the growth of murine B-cell lymphomas has been used as a model for tolerance induction. The inhibition by anti-immunoglobulin reagents of the growth of WEHI-231 and several variant clones has now been studied. The parental line is exquisitely sensitive to growth inhibition by heterologous or monoclonal anti-mu or anti-k reagents and ceases to incorporate thymidine within 24-48 hr of exposure to anti-immunoglobulin reagents. Growth inhibition is initially reversible, but prolonged exposure to anti-mu results in cell death. This inhibition is specific for immunoglobulin light and heavy chains since growth is not inhibited by antibodies directed at either class I or class II histocompatibility antigens. In order to study the mechanism of growth inhibition, we have mutagenized WEHI-231 with ethylmethane sulfonate and cloned the surviving colonies in the presence of anti-mu. Such variants, which have been repeatedly recloned, are able to grow normally in the presence of anti-mu up to 100 micrograms/ml. These "resistant" clones, while expressing amounts of surface IgM similar to that observed on WEHI-231, do not differ markedly in their ability to cap their immunoglobulin receptors compared to the parental line but appear to have lost class II antigens. Cell cycle analysis revealed that anti-mu causes a block in the transition of WEHI-231 from G1 to S phase. The relevance of these processes to models of B-cell tolerance induction are discussed.  相似文献   
Thiosulfate-oxidizing enzyme has been demonstrated in cell-free extracts of the marine, thiosulfate-oxidizing pseudomonad strain 16B. The enzyme, partially purified by ion-exchange chromatography and calcium phosphate gel treatment, catalyzed the oxidation of thiosulfate to tetrathionate with the concomitant reduction of ferricyanide. Native but not mammalian cytochrome c was also reduced by the enzyme in the presence of thiosulfate. The enzyme was located exclusively in the supernatant of ultracentrifuged cell extracts. The most purified enzyme preparation, like intact cells, exhibited a temperature optimum of 30 to 31°C. However, it exhibited no definite pH optimum. At pH 6.1 to 6.3 and 30°C, the Km for thiosulfate was 1.57 mM. At lower temperatures, the apparent Km for thiosulfate increased, but the apparent maximum velocity remained virtually unchanged. Thiosulfate oxidation in intact cells exhibited an increase in the pH optimum at lower temperatures. The thiosulfate-oxidizing enzyme of marine heterotroph 16B is compared with thiosulfate-oxidizing enzymes from other bacteria, and the effect of temperature on the relationship between pH and thiosulfate oxidation is discussed with reference to the natural habitat of the bacterium.  相似文献   
Growth rate stimulation of marine pseudomonads by thiosulfate   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
The oxidation of thiosulfate to tetrathionate exerts a definite growth rate stimulation in glucose, acetate, and yeast extract cultures of some marine pseudomonads. The failure to find this effect in earlier studies with terrestrial isolates may lie in the particular conditions used in the present experiments (constant pH, high ratio of thiosulfate to organic substrate) or in the different metabolic characteristics of the marine isolates.Contribution No. 3220 from the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution.  相似文献   
Comparison of microbial content of acid-contaminated and nonacid-contaminated streams from the same geographical area indicated that nonacid streams contained relatively low numbers of acid-tolerant heterotrophic microorganisms. The acid-tolerant aerobes survived when acid entered the stream and actually increased in number to about 2 × 103 per ml until the pH approached 3.0. The organisms then represented the heterotrophic aerobic microflora of the streams comprised of a mixture of mine drainage and nonacid water. A stream which was entirely acid drainage did not have a similar microflora. Most gram-positive aerobic and anaerobic bacteria died out very rapidly in acidic water, and they comprised a very small percentage of the microbial population of the streams examined. Iron- and sulfur-oxidizing autotrophic bacteria were present wherever mine water entered a stream system. The sulfur-oxidizing bacteria predominated over iron oxidizers. Ecological data from the field were verified by laboratory experiments designed to simulate stream conditions.  相似文献   
Knuckle-walking is a pattern of digitigrade locomotion unique to African apes among Primates. Only chimpanzees and gorillas are specially adapted for supporting weight on the dorsal aspects of middle phalanges of flexed hand digits II–V. When forced to the ground, most orangutans assume one of a variety of flexed hand postures, but they cannot knuckle-walk. Some orangutans place their hands in palmigrade postures which are impossible to African apes. The knuckle-walking hands and plantigrade feet of African apes are both morphologically and adaptively distinct from those of Pongo, their nearest relative among extant apes. These features are associated with a common adaptive shift to terrestrial locomotion and support placing chimpanzees and gorillas in the same genus Pan. It is further suggested than Pan comprises the subgenera (a) Pan, including P. troglodytes and pygmy chimpanzees, and (b) Gorilla, including mountain and lowland populations of P. gorilla. African apes probably diverged from ancestral pongids that were specially adapted for distributing their weight in terminal branches of the forest canopy. Early adjustments to terrestrial locomotion may have involved fist-walking which later evolved into knuckle-walking. Orangutans continued to adapt to feeding and locomotion in the forest canopy and their hands and feet became highly specialized for four-digit prehension. Although chimpanzees retained arboreal feeding and nesting habits, they moved from tree to tree by terrestrial routes and became less restricted in habitat. While adapting to a diet of ground plants gorillas increased in size to the point that arboreal nesting is less frequent among them than among chimpanzees and orangutans. Early hominids probably diverged from pongids that had not developed prospective adaptations to knuckle-walking, and therefore did not evolve through a knuckle-walking stage. Initial adjustments to terrestrial quadrupedal locomotion and resting stance probably included palmigrade hand posturing. Their thumbs may have been already well developed as an adaptation for grasping during arboreal climbing. A combination of selection pressures for efficient terrestrial locomotor support and for object manipulation further advanced early hominid hands toward modern human configuration.  相似文献   
Nineteen adults who had acute glomerulonephritis were reviewed with respect to the clinical course and long-term follow-up. The age range was from 17 to 55 years. Only one patient died during the acute episode. In 11 cases, onset occurred between November and January and 15 of the patients had a known respiratory tract infection three to 30 days before the onset. The most important symptoms noted were weight gain, edema, dyspnea, oliguria and red or smoky urine. The most prominent physical signs were elevated blood pressure, edema, abnormalities in the chest and fever of over 100° F. Fifteen patients showed roentgen evidence of pulmonary vascular congestion, pleural effusion, cardiomegaly, pneumonia or a combination of these abnormalities. All the patients had proteinuria and red blood cells in the urine, and half of them had red blood cell casts. Azotemia, when present, subsided in 9.4 days. The average diastolic pressure was 105 mm. of mercury and the mean fall was 26 mm. in 23.5 days. At six months, nine of the 13 patients still being observed continued to show proteinuria or microscopic hematuria (seven showed both). A late follow-up of ten patients showed one to have significant hypertension and one to have early functional impairment and inconstant proteinuria. In these cases the average blood pressure was 140/91 mm. as compared with 119/74 mm. at the time of discharge.Sporadic glomerulonephritis in adults presents essentially the same pattern as it does in children. Urinary abnormalities may persist for months or even years, and neither the present series nor those reported by others clearly reveal the ultimate prognosis.  相似文献   
We obtained electromyographic recordings from the supinator, biceps brachii, pronator quadratus, and pronator teres muscles of a chimpanzee and a gorilla and from the supinator, pronator quadratus, and biceps brachii muscles of an orangutan as they stood and walked quadrupedally on horizontal and inclined surfaces, engaged in suspensory behavior, reached overhead, and manipulated a variety of foods and artifacts. In Pan troglodytes and Pan gorilla, as in Homo sapiens, the supinator muscle is the prime supinator, with the biceps brachii muscle serving to augment speed or force of supination. Primary of the pronator quadratus muscle over the pronator teres muscle during pronation is less clear in the African apes than in humans. Possibly, pongid radial curvature or forelimb elongation or both factors are related to the somewhat different patterns of activity that we observed in the pronator muscles of Pan versus those reported for Homo sapiens. In Pongo pygmaeus, as in P. troglodytes and P. gorilla, the pronator quadratus muscle acts as a pronator and the supinator muscle acts to supinate the hand at the radioulnar joints. The biceps brachii muscle is active at low levels as the orangutan supinates its hand with the elbow flexed.  相似文献   
There are limited data regarding changes in oxidative and antioxidant enzymes induced by simulated or actual weightlessness, and any additional information would provide insight into potential mechanisms involving other changes observed in muscles from animals previously flown in space. Thus, the NASA Biospecimen Sharing Program was an opportunity to collect valuable information. Oxidative and antioxidant enzyme levels, as well as lipid perioxidation, were measured in respiratory muscles from rats flown on board Space Shuttle mission STS-54. The results indicated that there was an increasing trend in citrate synthase activity in the flight diaphragm when compared to ground based controls, and there were no significant changes observed in the intercostal muscles for any of the parameters. However, lipid peroxidation was significantly (p<0.05) decreased in the flight diaphragm. These results indicate that 6 day exposure to microgravity may have a different effect on oxidative and antioxidant activity in rat respiratory muscles when compared to data from previous 14 day hindlimb suspension studies.  相似文献   
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