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Rhythm control for atrial fibrillation (AF) is cumbersome because of its progressive nature caused by structural remodelling. Upstream therapy refers to therapeutic interventions aiming to modify the atrial substrate, leading to prevention of AF.


The Routine versus Aggressive upstream rhythm Control for prevention of Early AF in heart failure (RACE 3) study hypothesises that aggressive upstream rhythm control increases persistence of sinus rhythm compared with conventional rhythm control in patients with early AF and mild-to-moderate early systolic or diastolic heart failure undergoing electrical cardioversion.


RACE 3 is a prospective, randomised, open, multinational, multicenter trial. Upstream rhythm control consists of angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors and/or angiotensin receptor blockers, mineralocorticoid receptor antagonists, statins, cardiac rehabilitation therapy, and intensive counselling on dietary restrictions, exercise maintenance, and drug adherence. Conventional rhythm control consists of routine rhythm control therapy without cardiac rehabilitation therapy and intensive counselling. In both arms, every effort is made to keep patients in the rhythm control strategy, and ion channel antiarrhythmic drugs or pulmonary vein ablation may be instituted if AF relapses. Total inclusion will be 250 patients. If upstream therapy proves to be effective in improving maintenance of sinus rhythm, it could become a new approach to rhythm control supporting conventional pharmacological and non-pharmacological rhythm control.  相似文献   
O'Mara ML  Tieleman DP 《FEBS letters》2007,581(22):4217-4222
We exploit the biochemical and sequence similarity between Staphylococcus aureus Sav1866 and P-glycoprotein to develop a homology model of P-glycoprotein representing an ATP-bound state, which captures the major features of the low-resolution EM structure and is consistent with cysteine mutagenesis studies. Using insights from the MalK crystal structures and BtuCD simulations, we model two nucleotide-free conformations. Conformational changes are characterized by pincering rigid-body rotations of the nucleotide-binding domains, inducing transmembrane domain reorganizations which correspond to the two lowest frequency normal modes of the protein. These conformations (see supplementary material) may characterize some of the major steps in the nucleotide catalytic cycle.  相似文献   
A study of bacterial surface oligosaccharides were investigated among different strains of Neisseria gonorrhoeae to correlate structural features essential for binding to the MAb 2C7. This epitope is widely expressed and conserved in gonococcal isolates, characteristics essential to an effective candidate vaccine antigen. Sample lipooligosaccharides (LOS), was prepared by a modification of the hot phenol-water method from which de-O-acetylated LOS and oligosaccharide (OS) components were analyzed by ES-MS-CID-MS and ES-MSnin a triple quadrupole and an ion trap mass spectrometer, respectively. Previously documented natural heterogeneity was apparent from both LOS and OS preparations which was admixed with fragments induced by hydrazine and mild acid treatment. Natural heterogeneity was limited to phosphorylation and antenni extensions to the alpha-chain. Mild acid hydrolysis to release OS also hydrolyzed the beta(1-->6) glycosidic linkage of lipid A. OS structures were determined by collisional and resonance excitation combined with MS and multistep MSn which provided sequence information from both neutral loss, and nonreducing terminal fragments. A comparison of OS structures, with earlier knowledge of MAb binding, enzyme treatment, and partial acid hydrolysis indicates a generic overlapping domain for 2C7 binding. Reoccurring structural features include a Hepalpha(1-->3)Hepbeta(1-->5)KDO trisaccharide core branched on the nonreducing terminus (Hep-2) with an alpha(1-->2) linked GlcNAc (gamma-chain), and an alpha-linked lactose (beta-chain) residue. From the central heptose (Hep-1), a beta(1-->4) linked lactose (alpha-chain), moiety is required although extensions to this residue appear unnecessary.   相似文献   


Statins may theoretically reduce postoperative atrial fibrillation (AF) in patients after cardiac valvular surgery due to preservation of endothelial function and anti-ischaemic, anti-inflammatory and anti-remodelling effects.


Two hundred seventy-two patients who underwent cardiac workup and subsequently cardiac valvular surgery without AF and concomitant coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) at our hospital were selected. Preoperative drug use and postoperative AF were recorded. AF was defined as any episode of AF longer than 10 s. In addition, results from echocardiography and blood samples were retrieved.


Baseline characteristics were as follows: mean age was 65 ± 11 years, 142 (52%) patients were male, 189 (70%) had undergone aortic valve surgery and the mean left ventricular ejection fraction was 57 ± 12%. Statins were used by 79 patients (29%). Statin users, more often, had a prior percutaneous coronary intervention (25% vs 9%, p < 0.001) or CABG (24% vs 4%, p < 0.001), diabetes mellitus (22% vs 5%, p < 0.001) and more often used β-blockers (51% vs 24%, p < 0.001). Patients in the non-statin group more often had surgery on more than one valve (10% vs 3%, p = 0.043) and had a higher cholesterol level (222 ± 48 vs 190 ± 43 mg/dl, p < 0.001). Postoperative AF occurred in 54% (43/79) of the patients with and in 55% (106/193) of the patients without statins (p = 0.941). There was also no difference in the timing of onset of AF or duration of hospital stay.


In this observational study, statin use was not associated with a reduced incidence of AF in patients after cardiac valvular surgery.  相似文献   
We measured resting and peak metabolic rates (RMR and PMR, respectively) during development of chicks of seven species of shorebirds: least sandpiper (Calidris minutilla; adult mass 20-22 g), dunlin (Calidris alpina; 56-62 g), lesser yellowlegs (Tringa flavipes; 88-92 g), short-billed dowitcher (Limnodromus griseus; 85-112 g), lesser golden plover (Pluvialis dominicana; 150-156 g), Hudsonian godwit (Limosa haemastica; 205-274 g), and whimbrel (Numenius phaeopus; 380 g). We tested two opposing hypotheses: the growth rate-maturity hypothesis, which posits that growth rate in chicks is inversely related to functional maturity of tissues, and the fast growth rate-high metabolism hypothesis, which suggests that rapid growth is possible only with a concomitant increase in either RMR or PMR. We have found no evidence that chicks of shorebirds with fast growth rates have lower RMRs or lower PMRs, as would be predicted by the growth rate-maturity hypothesis, but our data suggested that faster-growing chest muscles resulted in increased thermogenic capacity, consistent with the fast growth-high metabolism hypothesis. The development of homeothermy in smaller species is a consequence primarily of greater metabolic intensities of heat-generating tissues. The maximum temperature gradient between a chick's body and environment that can be maintained in the absence of a net radiative load increased rapidly with body mass during development and was highest in least sandpipers and lowest among godwits. Chicks of smaller species could maintain a greater temperature gradient at a particular body mass because of their higher mass-specific maximum metabolic rates.  相似文献   
Integral membrane proteins containing at least one transmembrane (TM) alpha-helix are believed to account for between 20% and 30% of most genomes. There are several algorithms that accurately predict the number and position of TM helices within a membrane protein sequence. However, these methods tend to disagree over the beginning and end residues of TM helices, posing problems for subsequent modeling and simulation studies. Molecular dynamics (MD) simulations in an explicit lipid and water environment are used to help define the TM helix of the M2 protein from influenza A virus. Based on a comparison of the results of five different secondary structure prediction algorithms, three different helix lengths (an 18mer, a 26mer, and a 34mer) were simulated. Each simulation system contained 127 POPC molecules plus approximately 3500-4700 waters, giving a total of approximately 18,000-21,000 atoms. Two simulations, each of 2 ns duration, were run for the 18mer and 26mer, and five separate simulations were run for the 34mer, using different starting models generated by restrained in vacuo MD simulations. The total simulation time amounted to 11 ns. Analysis of the time-dependent secondary structure of the TM segments was used to define the regions that adopted a stable alpha-helical conformation throughout the simulation. This analysis indicates a core TM region of approximately 20 residues (from residue 22 to residue 43) that remained in an alpha-helical conformation. Analysis of atomic density profiles suggested that the 18mer helix revealed a local perturbation of the lipid bilayer. Polar side chains on either side of this region form relatively long-lived H-bonds to lipid headgroups and water molecules.  相似文献   
We tested the hypothesis that birds in arid environments, where primary productivity is low and surface water is scarce, have reduced energy expenditure and water loss compared with their mesic counterparts. Using both conventional least squares regression and regression based on phylogenetically independent contrasts, we showed that birds from desert habitats have reduced basal and field metabolic rates compared with species from mesic areas. Previous work showed that desert birds have reduced rates of total evaporative water loss when exposed to moderate environmental temperatures in the laboratory. We tested whether reduced rates of total evaporative water loss translate into low field water fluxes. Conventional ANCOVA indicated that desert birds have reduced water fluxes, but an analysis based on phylogenetically independent contrasts did not support this finding, despite the wide array of taxonomic affiliations of species in the data set. We conclude that the high ambient temperatures, the low primary productivity, and the water scarcity in desert environments have selected for or resulted in reduced rates of energy expenditure and evaporative water loss in birds that live in these climes.  相似文献   
Multiple nanosecond duration molecular dynamics simulations on the pore-lining M2 helix of the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor reveal how its structure and dynamics change as a function of environment. In water, the M2 helix partially unfolds to form a molecular hinge in the vicinity of a central Leu residue that has been implicated in the mechanism of ion channel gating. In a phospholipid bilayer, either as a single transmembrane helix, or as part of a pentameric helix bundle, the M2 helix shows less flexibility, but still exhibits a kink in the vicinity of the central Leu. The single M2 helix tilts relative to the bilayer normal by 12 degrees, in agreement with recent solid state NMR data (Opella et al., Nat Struct Biol 6:374-379, 1999). The pentameric helix bundle, a model for the pore domain of the nicotinic receptor and for channels formed by M2 peptides in a bilayer, is remarkably stable over a 2-ns MD simulation in a bilayer, provided one adjusts the pK(A)s of ionizable residues to their calculated values (when taking their environment into account) before starting the simulation. The resultant transbilayer pore shows fluctuations at either mouth which transiently close the channel. Proteins 2000;39:47-55.  相似文献   
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