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The nonlinear partial differential equations of the anisotropic biphasic theory of tissue-equivalent mechanics are solved with axial symmetry by an adaptive finite element system. The adaptive procedure operates within a method-of-lines framework using finite elements in space and backward difference software in time. Spatial meshes are automatically refined, coarsened, and relocated in response to error indications and material deformation. Problems with arbitrarily complex two-dimensional regions may be addressed. With meshes graded in high-error regions, the adaptive solutions have fewer degrees of freedom than solutions with comparable accuracy obtained on fixed quasi-uniform meshes. The adaptive software is used to address problems involving an isometric cell traction assay, where a cylindrical tissue equivalent is adhered at its end to fixed circular platens; a prototypical bioartificial artery; and a novel configuration that is intended as an initial step in a study to determine bioartificial arteries having optimal collagen and cell concentrations.  相似文献   
Decadal‐ to multi‐decadal variations have been reported in many regional ecosystems in the North Pacific, resulting in an increasing demand to elucidate the link between long‐term climatic forcing and marine ecosystems. We detected phenological and quantitative changes in the copepod community in response to the decadal climatic variation in the western subarctic North Pacific by analyzing the extensive zooplankton collection taken since the 1950s, the Odate Collection. Copepod species were classified into five seasonal groups depending on the timing of the annual peak in abundance. The abundance of the spring community gradually increased for the period 1960–2002. The spring–summer community also showed an increasing trend in May, but a decadal oscillation pattern of quasi‐30‐year cycles in July. Phenological changes coincided with the climate regime shift in the mid‐1970s, indicated by the Pacific decadal oscillation index (PDO). After the regime shift, the timing of the peak abundance was delayed one month, from March–April to April–May, in the spring community, whereas it peaked earlier, from June–July to May–June, in the spring–summer community, resulting in an overlap of the high productivity period for the two communities in May. Wintertime cooling, followed by rapid summertime warming, was considered to be responsible for delayed initiation and early termination of the productive season after the mid‐1970s. Another phenological shift, quite different from the previous decade, was observed in the mid‐1990s, when warm winters followed by cool summers lengthened the productive season. The results suggest that climatic forcing with different decadal cycles may operate independently during winter–spring and spring–summer to create seasonal and interannual variations in hydrographic conditions; thus, combinations of these seasonal processes may determine the annual biological productivity.  相似文献   
A serious disease of amphibians caused by the chytrid fungus Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis was first found in Japan in December 2006 in imported pet frogs. This was the first report of chytridiomycosis in Asia. To assess the risk of pandemic chytridiomycosis to Japanese frogs, we surveyed the distribution of the fungus among captive and wild frog populations. We established a nested PCR assay that uses two pairs of PCR primers to amplify the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region of a ribosomal RNA cassette to detect mild fungal infections from as little as 0.001 pg (1 fg) of B. dendrobatidis DNA. We collected swab samples from 265 amphibians sold at pet shops, 294 bred at institutes and 2103 collected at field sites from northern to southwestern Japan. We detected infections in native and exotic species, both in captivity and in the field. Sequencing of PCR products revealed 26 haplotypes of the B. dendrobatidis ITS region. Phylogenetic analysis showed that three of these haplotypes were specific to the Japanese giant salamander (Andrias japonicus) and appeared to have established a commensal relationship with this native amphibian. Many other haplotypes were carried by alien amphibians. The highest genetic diversity of B. dendrobatidis was found in the American bullfrog (Rana catesbeiana). Some strains of B. dendrobatidis appeared to be endemic to Japanese native amphibians, but many alien strains are being introduced into Japan via imported amphibians. To improve chytridiomycosis risk management, we must consider the risk of B. dendrobatidis changing hosts as a result of anthropogenic disturbance of the host‐specific distribution of the fungus.  相似文献   
Human malignant melanoma cell lines were found to increase shedding of soluble intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (sICAM-1) into the culture medium when the cells were treated with hyperthermia at 41–43°C for 3–6 hr in vitro. The content of ICAM-1 in the cell lysate was also found to be increased after hyperthermia. The increased rate of ICAM-1 concentration in the cells was at maximum when they were incubated at 41°C for 3 hr. Also, the melanoma cell lines heat-treated at 41°C showed more intense immuno-fluorescence in the ICAM-1 expression on the cell surface. It remains to be investigated further whether the effects of hyperthermia on the ICAM-1 expression in melanoma cells is to augment membrane ICAM-1 expression, which in turn leads to shedding of soluble ICAM-1 or only to acceleration of shedding of sICAM-1 by unknown mechanisms.  相似文献   
Following a discussion of the rationale underlying the selection of human melanoma to test the usefulness of anti-idiotypic monoclonal antibodies in the therapy of solid tumors, the development of the anti-idiotypic monoclonal antibody MoAb) MF11–30 is described. This antibody recognizes a private idiotope within the antigen-combining site of the immunizing antihuman high molecular weight melanoma-associated antigen MoAb 225.28. The results of a phase I clinical trial with the MoAb MF11–30 in patients with advanced melanoma are described. The lack of toxic effects and the minor responses in six patients suggest that these studies should be extended to a larger number of patients with an emphasis on the analysis of the mechanisms underlying the clinical response.  相似文献   
We investigated temporal and spatial variations in the zooplankton community structure in the Oyashio and Transition region of the subarctic western North Pacific from 1960 to 1999 using principal component analysis (PCA) and zooplankton samples from the historical Odate Collection. In particular, we examined the influence of Kuroshio and Oyashio decadal dynamics on geographical variations in the zooplankton community. The first principal component (PC1) closely represented the interannual variation in cold-water, large copepod species, while the second PC (PC2) represented the variation in warm-water, small copepod species. Using Rodionov's regime-shift method, we detected a significant increase in the PC score after 1976 and 1981 for PC1 and PC2, respectively. After the shift years, (1) warm-water species increased in the Transition zone, (2) the distribution center of the cold-water species shifted southward, and (3) copepod abundance and species diversity increased in the Transition zone as a result of (1) and (2). The timing of these shifts in the zooplankton community roughly coincided with the North Pacific climatic regime shift in 1976/1977. From the mid-1970s to the early 1980s, the southern boundary of the Oyashio shifted southward and increased geostrophic transport was observed in the Kuroshio, indicating spin up of the Kuroshio–Oyashio system. Change in atmospheric circulation during the 1976/1977 regime shift is thought to have caused the spin up of these currents, which subsequently affected the regional zooplankton community through advective processes.  相似文献   
The nonlinear partial differential equations of the anisotropic biphasic theory of tissue-equivalent mechanics are solved with axial symmetry by an adaptive finite element system. The adaptive procedure operates within a method-of-lines framework using finite elements in space and backward difference software in time. Spatial meshes are automatically refined, coarsened, and relocated in response to error indications and material deformation. Problems with arbitrarily complex two-dimensional regions may be addressed. With meshes graded in high-error regions, the adaptive solutions have fewer degrees of freedom than solutions with comparable accuracy obtained on fixed quasi-uniform meshes. The adaptive software is used to address problems involving an isometric cell traction assay, where a cylindrical tissue equivalent is adhered at its end to fixed circular platens; a prototypical bioartificial artery; and a novel configuration that is intended as an initial step in a study to determine bioartificial arteries having optimal collagen and cell concentrations.  相似文献   

The activator, or inducer of motility, of apyrene spermatozoa of the silkmoth, Bombyx mori, was shown to be present in the posterior glandula (g.) prostatica. The activity of this factor in this gland was lost by boiling at 100°C for 10 min. Bundles of eupyrene sperm were dissociated by treatment with either a g. prostatica homogenate or trypsin, and their dissociation was concentration-dependent. On the contrary, for activation of apyrene sperm, the optimal trypsin concentration was 0.45–1.80 μg/ml and activation decreased at higher and lower trypsin concentrations. Microscopic observation showed that the dissociation rate of eupyrene sperm bundles by the g. prostatica homogenate corresponded to that by 0.45–9.0 μg/ml of trypsin. An autolysate of the g. prostatica and digests of seminal fluid with the g. prostatica homogenate or trypsin did not activate apyrene sperm. Of 11 endopeptidase inhibitors tested, antipain, leupeptin, TLCK, TPCK and PMSF strongly inhibited sperm activation by the g. prostatica homogenate, suggesting that the activator is an endopeptidase of the wine protease type. The 6 exopeptidase inhibitors tested did not inhibit activation of apyrene spermatozoa and the dissociation of eupyrene sperm bundles are both caused by the same factor, initiatorin, an endopeptidase of the serine protease type present in the prostatic secretion.  相似文献   
A leaf photosynthesis model was constructed based upon the notionthat the leaf photosynthesis is a summation of photosynthesisof each chloroplast under in situ micro-environmental conditions.Intra-leaf light environment was calculated using the valuesof transmittance and reflectance of leaf tissues reported previously.Simulations of light response curves of whole leaf photosynthesiswere carried out for the model leaves with different patternsof gradients in light environment and/or in photosynthetic activities.The results indicate that the higher absorption coefficientof chlorophyll in spongy tissue than in palisade tissue andintra-leaf vertical gradient in photosynthetic activity of thechloroplasts as reported for real dorsiventral leaves are bothadvantageous to the productivity of the leaf because these propertiesraise the efficiency of the light utilization. Intra-leaf light environment, leaf photosynthesis, light utilization, palisade tissue, photosynthetic productivity, spongy tissue  相似文献   
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