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Aquatic snails from south western Zimbabwe belonging to theBulinus trunscatus/tropicus complex vary widely in shell formsuggesting that more than one taxon could be present. This possibilitywas investigated by making observations on snail samples from13 populations from the Plumtree area, in respect of allozymevariation (5 polymorphic loci), shell morphology (9 variables),copulatory organ and chromosome number. Comparative data wereobtained from snails from north western Zimbabwe identifieddefinitely as B. tropicus. Analysis of the genetic structurerevealed a high degree of polymorphism (P) ranging from 0.29–0.80among populations from Plumtree and expected heterozygosity(He) from 0.02–0.22. No enzymatic diagnostic loci werefound which could differentiate the different morphs or populationsand discriminant function analysis on the morphological datashowed an overlap of morphs among populations. Snails analyzedfor chromosome number were all diploid (2n = 36). Snails exposedto Schistosoma haematobium mira-cidia were all refractory. Thisinformation supports the view of a single species, B. tropicus,which is differentiated due to migration barriers and whereenvironmental variables might be implicated in the morphometricdivergence. (Received 31 July 1995; accepted 15 January 1998)  相似文献   
During long-term storage in modified gas atmospheres (MGA), some of the biochemical changes occurring in tomato fruit, cv. Sleaford Abundance, were compared with those in fruit of some Israeli cultivars which had been selected for firmness and slow ripening. The MGA used in the experiments did not succeed in completely restricting changes in sugars and acids during storage, although colour change was prevented. This separation of processes is discussed in relation to the practice of long-term storage and its implications for fruit flavour.  相似文献   
The horizontal spatial patterns of heath species have implications in dynamic community modelling, fire behaviour modelling and ecological interpretation. The distribution pattern of the dominant woody species in a subalpine heath woodland near Kiandra, New South Wales was analysed as spatial point processes. The species analysed were Bossiaea foliosa, Grevillea australis, Hakea lissosperma and Oxylobium ellipticum, and both large (>2m) and small (<2 m) snowgums (Eucalyptus pauciflora) They all exhibited significant aggregation at scales ranging from 1 to 15 m. Bivariate spatial analyses of these species revealed significant negative association between G. australis and H. lissosperma, between G. australis and O. ellipticum, and between O. ellipticum and H. lissosperma, B. foliosa was independently distributed with respect to other shrub species. There was some evidence for negative association between small snowgums and shrub species, though small snowgums were positively associated with large snowgums. The joint spatial distribution of the individuals of all shrub species was also aggregated. A Poisson cluster process was developed and tested to model the joint spatial pattern of the shrub stratum.  相似文献   
In de-rooted seedlings of Amaranthus caudatus L., betacyanin synthesis induced by white light or cytokinin was inhibited by abscisic acid (ABA) or a mixture of gibberellins A4 and A7 (GA4/7). The GA4/7 and ABA effects were additive. Thus ABA inhibited the cytokinin action but had no effect on the gibberellin response.  相似文献   
Whereas zoospores of six cultures of O. brassicae were immobile after treating in glycine solution at 35–40°C for 10 min, those of a cucurbit culture of O. radicale were immobile only after heating at 45°C. Further, O. radicale multiplied in cucumber at 20°, 30° and 35°C, whereas O. brassicae multiplied at 20°, but not 30° or 35°C. Such differences in reaction to temperature might sometimes be useful in separating mixtures of the two species in common hosts such as cucumber.  相似文献   
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