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Makino  Wataru  Suzuki  Hiromichi  Otake  Yurie  Ban  Syuhei  Urabe  Jotaro 《Limnology》2023,24(3):151-159
Limnology - Chydorus sphaericus (O.F. Müller, 1776) (Crustacea: Cladocera) sensu stricto is distributed in Europe: C. sphaericus-like organisms in other regions represent a group of...  相似文献   
The life cycles of Cyclops vicinus and Thermocyclops crassusin two shallow eutrophic habitats, Junsainuma and Naganuma Ponds,Hokkaido, Japan, were investigated. Both ponds exhibited similarseasonal patterns of temperature, oxygen levels and pH duringice-free periods; however, oxygen levels were extremely lowerunder the ice in Naganuma Pond. Cyclops vicinus showed differentlife cycles in the two ponds; in Junsainuma Pond, it reproducedin winter and spring (January-May) and entered diapause duringsummer and autumn (June-October) as copepodite IV stage, whileit reproduced in autumn (October-November) and spring (April-May),and entered diapause in summer (June-September) and winter (Januaryand February) as copepodite V stage in Naganuma Pond. Thermocyclopscrassus entered diapause during winter (December-April) as copepoditeIV and V stages in both ponds, and egg-bearing females appearedonly during the warmseason, from early May to late October,when water temperatures were >10°C. Summer diapause inC.vicinus was suggested to be an adaptation against fish predation,whereas C.vicinus entered winter diapause in Naganuma Pond probablyto avoid low oxygen levels. Thermocyclops crassus entered diapausein both ponds to avoid low water temperature. These resultssuggest that biotic and abiotic factors are important for leadingto specific life cycles of cyclopoid copepods in small waterbodies.  相似文献   
Recent studies have been supporting that the generation of Aβ42 oligomers is responsible for Alzheimer's disease. Therefore, those peptides which bind to Aβ42 are scientifically interesting and can be possible candidates for the diagnosis and therapy of Alzheimer's disease. A systemic in vitro evolution, developed recently and the designated progressive library method (PLM), was applied to obtain Ab42-binding aptamers peptides. As a result, high affinity peptide aptamers made of 8 or 9 amino acids could be identified by this approach, endorsing the methodological effectiveness. Namely, the selection products from the secondary library of diversified peptides, which was constructed based on the information obtained from the primary library selection, were confirmed to be superior to those selected from the primary library as had been reported previously. The affinities of those peptides measured by SPR (surface plasmon resonance) were comparable to or higher than that of those peptides so far reported (K(d) of 10??). The other peptides selected were confirmed of their binding by a novel mode of gel shift assay (fluorescence enhancement caused by the binding). Thus, novel Aβ42-binding peptides with high affinity were provided for the future Alzheimer's disease study. The demonstration of the effectiveness of the systemic in vitro evolution of PLM is very encouraging for the study of identifying novel functional peptides.  相似文献   
L-Gulonate 3-dehydrogenase (GDH) catalyzes the NAD(+)-linked dehydrogenation of L-gulonate into dehydro-L-gulonate in the uronate cycle. In this study, we isolated the enzyme and its cDNA from rabbit liver, and found that the cDNA is identical to that for rabbit lens lambda-crystallin except for lacking a codon for Glu(309). The same cDNA species, but not the lambda-crystallin cDNA with the codon for Glu(309), was detected in the lens, which showed the highest GDH activity among rabbit tissues. In addition, recombinant human lambda-crystallin that lacks Glu(309) displays enzymatic properties similar to rabbit GDH. These data indicate that GDH is recruited as lambda-crystallin without gene duplication. An outstanding feature of GDH is modulation of its activity by low concentrations of P(i), which decreases the catalytic efficiency in a dose dependent manner. P(i) also protects the enzyme against both thermal and urea denaturation. Kinetic analysis suggests that P(i) binds to both the free enzyme and its NAD(H)-complex in the sequential ordered mechanism. Furthermore, we examined the roles of Asp(36), Ser(124), His(145), Glu(157 )and Asn(196) in the catalytic function of rabbit GDH by site-directed mutagenesis. The D36R mutation leads to a switch in favor of NADP(H) specificity, suggesting an important role of Asp(36) in the coenzyme specificity. The S124A mutation decreases the catalytic efficiency 500-fold, and the H145Q, N196Q and N195D mutations result in inactive enzyme forms, although the E157Q mutation produces no large kinetic alteration. Thus, Ser(124), His(145) and Asn(196) may be critical for the catalytic function of GDH.  相似文献   
The nematode-trapping fungusArthrobotrys ellipsospora developed an adhesive knob and trapped nematodes when cultured on a low-nutrient medium. It also trapped polystyrene beads in the same way. The adhesive knob produced mucus that was stained with alcian blue, while mycelium of the fungus was stained with periodic acid/Schiff (PAS). The amount of mucus increased with in days after culturing in the low-nutrient media. The fungus completely lost its ability to trap nematodes when treated with EDTA and EGTA, but it recovered the ability after incubation in the presence of a low concentration of Ca (10−6–10−7 M) for 1 h. Calmodulin inhibitor W-7 also inhibited the trapping ability of the fungus, and there was a significant (p<0.05) difference between the effects of W-7 and W-5. Ca-binding protein was also detected in the fungus.  相似文献   
L-Xylulose reductase (XR) is a member of the short-chain dehydrogenase/reductase (SDR) superfamily. In this study we report the structure of the biological tetramer of human XR in complex with NADP(+) and a competitive inhibitor solved at 2.3 A resolution. A single subunit of human XR is formed by a centrally positioned, seven-stranded, parallel beta-sheet surrounded on either side by two arrays of three alpha-helices. Two helices located away from the main body of the protein form the variable substrate-binding cleft, while the dinucleotide coenzyme-binding motif is formed by a classical Rossmann fold. The tetrameric structure of XR, which is held together via salt bridges formed by the guanidino group of Arg203 from one monomer and the carboxylate group of the C-terminal residue Cys244 from the neighboring monomer, explains the ability of human XR to prevent the cold inactivation seen in the rodent forms of the enzyme. The orientations of Arg203 and Cys244 are maintained by a network of hydrogen bonds and main-chain interactions of Gln137, Glu238, Phe241, and Trp242. These interactions are similar to those defining the quaternary structure of the closely related carbonyl reductase from mouse lung. Molecular modeling and site-directed mutagenesis identified the active site residues His146 and Trp191 as forming essential contacts with inhibitors of XR. These results could provide a structural basis in the design of potent and specific inhibitors for human XR.  相似文献   
In this report, we first cloned a cDNA for a protein that is highly expressed in mouse kidney and then isolated its counterparts in human, rat hamster, and guinea pig by polymerase chain reaction-based cloning. The cDNAs of the five species encoded polypeptides of 244 amino acids, which shared more than 85% identity with each other and showed high identity with a human sperm 34-kDa protein, P34H, as well as a murine lung-specific carbonyl reductase of the short-chain dehydrogenase/reductase superfamily. In particular, the human protein is identical to P34H, except for one amino acid substitution. The purified recombinant proteins of the five species were about 100-kDa homotetramers with NADPH-linked reductase activity for alpha-dicarbonyl compounds, catalyzed the oxidoreduction between xylitol and l-xylulose, and were inhibited competitively by n-butyric acid. Therefore, the proteins are designated as dicarbonyl/l-xylulose reductases (DCXRs). The substrate specificity and kinetic constants of DCXRs for dicarbonyl compounds and sugars are similar to those of mammalian diacetyl reductase and l-xylulose reductase, respectively, and the identity of the DCXRs with these two enzymes was demonstrated by their co-purification from hamster and guinea pig livers and by protein sequencing of the hepatic enzymes. Both DCXR and its mRNA are highly expressed in kidney and liver of human and rodent tissues, and the protein was localized primarily to the inner membranes of the proximal renal tubules in murine kidneys. The results imply that P34H and diacetyl reductase (EC ) are identical to l-xylulose reductase (EC ), which is involved in the uronate cycle of glucose metabolism, and the unique localization of the enzyme in kidney suggests that it has a role other than in general carbohydrate metabolism.  相似文献   
Diel vertical migration (DVM) and diel feeding rhythm of two cladocerans, Daphnia longispina and Bosmina coregoni were investigated at the pelagic area of Lake Toya (Hokkaido, Japan) in May, August and October 1992. Both species performed nocturnal DVM. The amplitude of DVM, however, became smaller from May to October. Such seasonal variations in DVM could not be explained by light penetration and/or water temperature. The two species had a clear feeding rhythm; they fed at night in May and October but also after sunrise in August. These feeding rhythms appeared to be related to the light-dark cycle, but were not necessarily associated with their DVM. We suggest that the diel feeding rhythm and DVM are regulated independently by light cues.  相似文献   
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