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Smooth muscle cells were isolated from estrogenized rat myometrium by collagenase digestion. Electron microscopic examination and measurement of cell lengths by image-splitting micrometry were carried out after fixation with acrolein. Mean lengths of cells before and after isolation were 81.7 and 66.9 micron, respectively. Responses of cells were compared with contractions of isolated strips recorded isometrically. Effects of carbachol and KCl were examined in 2 mM Ca, 2 mM Ca + 4 mM EGTA, and 2 mM Ca + 10(-8) M nitrendipine solution. Carbachol and KCl produced concentration-dependent shortening of isolated cells maximal at 30 s after addition. The concentrations of carbachol required to produce shortenings were about 100-fold less than those required to produce isometric contractions; but no major difference was observed in the concentration dependence of cell shortening and isometric contraction produced by potassium-induced depolarization. In 2 mM Ca solution, there was a phasic response, followed by a tonic response such that more than 50% of maximum cell shortening was maintained for 10 min. However, in 2 mM Ca + 4 mM EGTA or 10(-8) M nitrendipine, the tonic contraction was abolished and cells rapidly relaxed after 30 s. If carbachol was added to cells after varying times in the EGTA-containing solution, the ability to initiate a contraction declined exponentially with a half-time of 160 s. Effects of depolarization by KCl were examined in 2 mM Ca plus nitrendipine and 2 mM Ca + 4 mM EGTA solution. Shortening occurred in 2 mM Ca solution by depolarization but not if nitrendipine was added. Though shortening was not observed in 2 mM Ca + 4 mM EGTA solution by KCl, subsequent addition of carbachol induced shortening. These results suggested that there was an intracellular Ca store site from which Ca was released by carbachol and which was not affected by depolarization in the absence of external Ca. No evidence was obtained that the contraction persists in Ca2+-free medium in isolated cells, which is in agreement with previous findings in small muscle strips in which only a similar transient response was obtained.  相似文献   
In the presence of ATP hepatic microsomes sequester calcium. This sequestration is thought to be important in the modulation of free cytosolic calcium concentration. We find that on the addition of NADPH the uptake of calcium by the hepatic microsomes is inhibited 27-85%. This inhibition is reversed by the addition of 1 mM reduced glutathione (85-91% of control), incubation under a nitrogen atmosphere (112% of control), or incubation in a 80% carbon monoxide/20% oxygen atmosphere (75% of control). Superoxide dismutase had no effect on the inhibition, while catalase reversed the inhibition by 35%. The addition of 1 mM reduced glutathione at 2 and 5 min after the addition of NADPH led to uptakes of calcium which paralleled the uptake seen when the reduced glutathione was added at the beginning of the incubation. The effect of reduced glutathione showed saturation kinetics with a Km of 10 microM. Together these data suggest that cytochrome P-450 reduces the activity of the microsomal ATP-dependent calcium pump both by the production of hydrogen peroxide and by the direct oxidation of the protein thiols. The reversal of this effect by reduced glutathione appears to be enzymatically catalyzed.  相似文献   
Heterologous expression of KCNQ2 (Kv7.2) results in the formation of a slowly activating, noninactivating, voltage-gated potassium channel. Using a cell line that stably expresses KCNQ2, we developed a rubidium flux assay to measure the functional activity and pharmacological modulation of this ion channel. Rubidium flux was performed in a 96-well microtiter plate format; rubidium was quantified using an automated atomic absorption spectrometer to enable screening of 1000 data points/day. Cells accumulated rubidium at 37 degrees C in a monoexponential manner with t(1/2)=40min. Treating cells with elevated extracellular potassium caused membrane depolarization and stimulation of rubidium efflux through KCNQ2. The rate of rubidium efflux increased with increasing extracellular potassium: the t(1/2) at 50mM potassium was 5.1 min. Potassium-stimulated efflux was potentiated by the anticonvulsant drug retigabine (EC(50)=0.5 microM). Both potassium-induced and retigabine-facilitated efflux were blocked by TEA (IC(50)s=0.4 and 0.3mM, respectively) and the neurotransmitter release enhancers and putative cognition enhancers linopirdine (IC(50)s=2.3 and 7.1 microM, respectively) and XE991 (IC(50)s=0.3 and 0.9 microM, respectively). Screening a collection of ion channel modulators revealed additional inhibitors including clofilium (IC(50) = 27 microM). These studies extend the pharmacological profile of KCNQ2 and demonstrate the feasibility of using this assay system to rapidly screen for compounds that modulate the function of KCNQ2.  相似文献   
Isopycnic centrifugation experiments using sucrose density gradients showed that in digitonin-treated microsomes the distribution of the plasma membrane (PM) marker 5'-nucleotidase was shifted to higher densities. The treatment also caused similar but less pronounced changes in the distribution of protein, the putative endoplasmic reticulum (ER) marker NADPH-dependent cytochrome c reductase, and the inner mitochondrial marker cytochrome c oxidase. Similar experiments using more purified membrane fractions showed that the digitonin treatment led to a comparable increase in the densities of the fractions N1 and N2 previously described as subfractions of plasma membrane and to considerably less increase in the density of the fraction N3B which is enriched in the endoplasmic reticulum and the inner mitochondrial markers. Digitonin inhibited the ATP-dependent Ca uptake by the N1 fraction in a concentration-dependent manner (I50 = 0.3 mg/mL). Digitonin (0.5 mg/mL) inhibited the ATP-dependent azide-insensitive Ca uptake by all the fractions. The results support the hypothesis that (a) N1 and N2 are subfractions of plasma membrane, and (b) ATP-dependent azide-insensitive Ca uptake in rat myometrium is a property of plasma membranes.  相似文献   
Dietary phytoestrogens have been reported to inhibit aromatase activity in placental microsomes, but the effects in the human endometrium are unknown. Aromatase, the rate-limiting enzyme in the conversion of androgens to estrogens, has recently been shown to be expressed in the endometrium of women with endometriosis and is thought to play a role in the pathophysiology of this disease. Therefore, the objective of this study was to screen dietary phytoestrogens for their ability to inhibit aromatase activity in human endometrial stromal cells (ESC) and identify potential novel therapeutic agents for the treatment of endometriosis. The inhibition of aromatase activity by direct interaction with the dietary phytoestrogens genistein, daidzein, chrysin, and naringenin was tested in a cell free assay. Furthermore, test compound effects on aromatase activity in ESC cultures were also examined. Genistein and daidzein were inactive in the human recombinant aromatase assay whereas naringenin and chrysin inhibited aromatase activity. However, genistein (1 nM to 1 mM) stimulated aromatase activity in ESC whereas other phytoestrogens had no effect. Immunopositive aromatase cells were demonstrated in genistein-treated ESC but not in untreated control cultures. Taken together, our data suggest that genistein can increase aromatase activity in ESC likely via increased enzyme expression.  相似文献   
Recent youth trends in the prevalence of e-cigarette and traditional cigarette use in Florida were examined in a cross-sectional, representative state sample from 2011 to 2014. Traditional cigarette use among youth declined during the study period. Experimentation with and past 30-day use of e-cigarettes among Florida youth tripled over 4 years. Past 30-day e-cigarette use exceeded traditional cigarette use in 2014; 10.8% of high school and 4.0% of middle school students reported recent e-cigarette use, compared with 8.7% of high school and 2.9% of middle school students for traditional cigarettes (P<0.001). By 2014, 20.5% of high school and 8.5% of middle school students reported ever use of e-cigarettes. Among ever e-cigarette users in 2014, 30.3% of high school and 42.2% of middle school students had never smoked traditional cigarettes. Given the concern that significant rates of e-cigarette use by U.S. adolescents may have a negative effect on public health, further review of e-cigarette advertising, marketing, sales, and use among U.S. youth is warranted.  相似文献   
Graded contractions to cumulative additions of calcium in the presence of KCl were obtained in strips of aorta and mesenteric arteries of normotensive (WKY) and spontaneously hypertensive (SHR) rats. In calcium-free medium, a maximally effective concentration of KCl produced a response that was larger in the mesenteric arteries (43-51% of control) than in the aorta (12-14% of control). The calcium channel blocker nifedipine (NFD, up to 10(-7) M) did not significantly alter these calcium-insensitive responses. The Ca2+-induced responses were inhibited by NFD, in a concentration-dependent fashion, in both vessel types of WKY and SHR rats. The aortic responses were more sensitive to inhibition by NFD than the responses of mesenteric arteries. Moreover, the aortic responses of WKY were inhibited to a greater extent than those of the SHR. The results suggest: (a) a differential calcium dependence of contractions to KCl in the vessels studied; (b) that aortic responses are dependent on NFD-sensitive voltage-sensitive Ca2+ channels to a greater extent than the responses of mesenteric arteries; and (c) that hypertension results in a decreased sensitivity of the aorta Ca2+ channels to NFD.  相似文献   
Cytochrome P450 (CYP450) 2E1 (CYP2E1) is induced by pure ethanol following its chronic administration, and commercial alcoholic beverages, whose major constituent is ethanol, are generally assumed to have a similar effect on this isoform of CYP450. Recently, we serendipitously discovered that beer administered to rats for six weeks had only a minimal inductive effect on hepatic microsomal CYP2E1 activity, while rats on 10% ethanol had CYP2E1 levels five-fold greater than controls. The daily ethanol intake levels for the beer fed and 10% ethanol fed rats were equivalent. In addition, CYP450 spectral features of microsomes from beer fed and ethanol fed rats were markedly different. Spectral examination of microsomes from beer fed rats revealed that about 40% of the total CYP450 content existed in the form of a metabolic intermediate (MI) complex, while no evidence was found for MI complex formation in microsomes of ethanol fed rats. We conclude that beer contains an unidentified component(s) that apparently blocks the typical ethanol induction of CYP2E1 and form an MI complex with CYP450.  相似文献   
The purpose of these experiments was to characterize the contractile response of longitudinal muscle from the estrogen-dominated rat uterus to natural and synthetic prostanoids. The biological significance is 1) to provide evidence for or against a physiological role for each natural prostanoid in the regulation of myometrial activity, 2) to determine if each prostanoid has pharmacological potential for the manipulation of myometrial activity, and 3) to understand the structural requirements for prostanoid action on the myometrium. All analogs tested produced excitation of the myometrium in vitro through what appeared to be a direct action on the muscle. The order of potency of the natural prostanoids was prostaglandin (PG) F2 alpha = PGD2 = PGE2 = PGE1 greater than PGA2 = PGB2 = 6-keto-PGF1 alpha. This order of potency was not consistent with any single currently recognized prostanoid receptor. Furthermore, PGF2 alpha had an EC50 (effective concentration that produces 50% of the maximal response) of 0.5 microM, which was low in comparison to other PGF2 alpha-sensitive tissues. There were large differences in the maximum tension developed in response to the prostanoids tested, only PGF2 alpha, PGE2 and 6-keto PGF1 alpha were full agonists. Although the simplest explanation of these data was that the rat uterus contains a single novel type of prostanoid receptor, the existence of multiple receptor subtypes could not be disproved. Evidence from the effect of synthetic analogs suggested that neither thromboxane A2 nor PGI2 are physiological regulators of activity in this tissue.  相似文献   
The role of inositol phospholipid (IP) hydrolysis in agonist-mediated contractility was examined in rat uterine smooth muscle by comparing carbachol-, oxytocin-, and PGF2 alpha-mediated [3H]IP accumulation and tension generation. In both estrogen- and progesterone-dominated uteri, all three agonists exhibited dose-dependent contractile responses. Agonist potencies (EC50 values) for eliciting [3H]IP accumulation or contractile responses were found to be very similar and did not change significantly between hormonal states. Maximal responses of agonist-mediated [3H]IP accumulation and tension generation were significantly affected by the endocrine state of the uterus and were dependent on the agonist examined. Maximal carbachol- and PGF2 alpha-induced [3H]IP accumulation were found to be elevated in estrogen-dominated relative to progesterone-dominated uteri, whereas maximal forces generated by these two agonists were smaller in progesterone-dominated relative to estrogen-dominated tissues. Oxytocin-induced responses did not differ between hormonal states. To determine whether these differences between [3H]IP accumulation and contractility responses could be attributed to changes in receptor-mediated signal transduction mechanisms, receptor expression and coupling to phospholipase C were studied. Myometrial muscarinic and oxytocin receptors assessed by radioligand binding were found to have three- to four-fold greater capacities in estrogen-dominated than in progesterone-dominated uteri without significant changes in agonist affinities. Agonist-mediated [3H]IP accumulation was potently inhibited by both pertussis and cholera toxins in both hormonal states. These experiments show that estrogen- and progesterone-dominated environments regulate both uterine excitability and contractility and that the mechanisms of this regulation are complex and dependent on the agonist system stimulated.  相似文献   
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