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Summary The formation of apoptotic cells and their phagocytosis by viable neighbouring cells in the gastric epithelium of 2-to 6-day-old mice was analysed. In order to observe the topographic relationship between apoptotic and normal epithelial cells using scanning electron microscope, the critical-point dried tissues was cracked before coating with gold. Cytochemical methods for the identification of surface carbohydrates and different tracers for apical and lateral cell membranes were applied for the analysis using the transmission electron microscope. Apoptotic cells were found on apical and lateral surfaces; this indicates the presence of tight connections with viable cells at some points. Ruthenium red strongly stained all accessible surfaces of normal cells and of apoptotic bodies. The quantity of neutral mucosubstances, as revealed by staining with tannic acid-uranyl acetate, seemed to decrease in the glycocalyx of apoptotic cells. The scanning and transmission electronmicroscopic results suggest that the phagocytotic vacuoles arise at the lateral side of the cells. The phagocytotic activity is not dependent upon a definite differentiation step of the mucoid cell.  相似文献   
Summary The activity of mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase and peroxisomal catalase in the phagolysosomes and apoptotic bodies of mucoid epithelial cells was analysed. Tissue from 2–6 day old mice was used. The activity of acid phosphatase in lysosomes was also estimated. Cytochrome oxidase was demonstrated in well-preserved mitochondria inside phagosomes. Mitochondria in cells exhibiting apoptotic death also show activity of cytochrome oxidase. The enzyme activity in swollen mitochondria ceases before the membranes of the cristae disappear completely. Apoptotic bodies are phagocytosed by sister mucoid cells and, later on, they are digested inside the cell. Phagosomes which contain already degraded mitochondria show still active catalase in sequestered peroxisomes. The acid phosphatase involved in degradation of phagocytosed material originates from endocytosed lysosomes and primary and secondary lysosomes which fuse with the membranes of phagosomes.  相似文献   
A series of studies was designed to identify methods of improving out-of-season breeding success in ewes. In Experiment 1, 190 mature ewes were assigned to receive in April, either: (A) a control ration of 0.3 kg corn twice daily for 8 d before ram introduction (control ewes n=49), (B) the control ration containing 0.125 mg of melengestrol acetate (MGA) in 0.3 kg corn (MGA8a ewes n=46), (C) the control ration or 7.5 d followed by 1 feeding of 0.5 mg MGA in 0.3 kg corn (MGA1 ewes n=48), or (D) the control ration plus a 20 mg i.m. injection of progesterone on D 8 (P ewes n=47). Ewes were exposed to rams for 21 d. A greater percentage of MGA8a and P ewes lambed than did control ewes (P < 0.04). The lambing rate was greatest among MGA8a (P < 0.02 vs. control), intermediate among P ewes (P < 0.19 vs. control) and least among MGA1 and control ewes (P > 0.79). In Experiment 2, 70 mature ewes were assigned to receive in June, either: (A) a control ration of 0.3 kg of corn twice daily for 8 d before to ram introduction (control ewes n=25), (B) the control ration containing 0.125 mg of MGA per 0.3 kg corn (MGA8b ewes n=21), or (C) the control ration and simultaneous treatment of ewes with a progesterone-containing controlled internal-drug releasing device (CIDR ewes n=24). Ewes were exposed to rams for 21 d. Both CIDR and MGA8b ewes exhibited estrus earlier than did control ewes (P < 0.01). The CIDR ewes exhibited estrus earlier than did the MGA8b ewes (P < 0.05). A greater percentage of ewes treated with CIDR or MGA8b lambed than did control ewes (P < 0.01), with more CIDR ewes lambing than MGA8b ewes (P < 0.01). The lambing rate was greater in CIDR ewes than in control ewes (P < 0.04). These data provide evidence that several options exist to improve pregnancy success in ewes bred out of season and that success varies with method of treatment.  相似文献   
Using primary explant cultures of mouse bladder, the early response of the urothelium after superficial and full-thickness injuries was investigated. In such an in vitro wound healing model, explant surfaces with a mostly desquamated urothelial superficial layer represented superficial wounds, and the exposed lamina propria at the cut edges of the explants represented full-thickness wounds. The urothelial cell ultrastructure, the expression and subcellular distribution of the tight junctional protein occludin, and differentiation-related proteins CK 20, uroplakins, and actin were followed. Since singular terminally differentiated superficial cells remained on the urothelium after superficial injury (i.e., original superficial cells), we sought to determine their role during the urothelial wound-healing process. Ultrastructural and immunocytochemical studies have revealed that restored tight junctions are the earliest cellular event during the urothelial superficial and full-thickness wound-healing process. Occludin-containing tight junctions are developed before the new superficial cells are terminally differentiated. New insights into the urothelium wound-healing process were provided by demonstrating that the original superficial cells contribute to the urothelium wound healing by developing tight junctions with de novo differentiated superficial cells and by stretching, thus providing a large urothelial surface with asymmetric unit membrane plaques.  相似文献   
The purpose of this study was to establish an in vitro culture model that closely resembles whole mouse urothelial tissue. Primary explant cultures of mouse bladder were established on porous membrane supports and explant outgrowths were analysed for morphology and the presence of antigenic and ultrastructural markers associated with urothelial cytodifferentiation. When examined at the ultrastructural level, the cultured urothelium was polarized and organized as a multilayered epithelium. Differentiation was found to increase from the porous membrane towards the surface and from the explant towards the periphery of the culture. Scanning and transmission electron microscopical analysis of the most superficially-located cells revealed four successive differentiation stages: cells with microvilli, cells with ropy microridges, cells with rounded microridges, and highly-differentiated cells with asymmetric unit membrane (AUM) plaques forming rigid microridges and fusiform vesicles. The more highly-differentiated cells were numerous at the periphery of the culture, but rare close to the explant. Epithelial organization was stabilized by well developed cell junctions. Immunolabeling demonstrated that superficial urothelial cells in culture: (1) develop tight junctions, E-cadherin adherens junctions and abundant desmosomes and (2) express uroplakins and cytokeratin 20 (CK 20). Using a culture model of primary explant outgrowth we have shown that non-differentiated mouse urothelial cells growing on a porous membrane show a high level of de novo differentiation.  相似文献   
Thyroid hormones (THs) exert a broad range of actions on development, growth, and cell differentiation by both genomic and nongenomic mechanisms. THs regulate lymphocyte function, but the participation of nongenomic actions is still unknown. Here the contribution of both genomic and nongenomic effects on TH-induced division of T cells was studied by using free and noncell permeable THs coupled to agarose (TH-ag). THs-ag led to cell division, but to a lesser extent than free hormones. THs induced nongenomically the rapid translocation of protein kinase C (PKC) ζ isoform to cell membranes, extracellular-signal-regulated kinases (ERK1/2) phosphorylation and nuclear factor-κB (NF-κB) activation. The signaling cascade include sphingomyelinases acting up-stream the activation of PKCζ isoform, while ERK and NF-κB are activated downstream this PKC isoenzyme. Both free and THs-ag increased the protein and mRNA levels of TH nuclear receptor TRα1, while only free hormones incremented the inducible NOS gene and protein levels as well as a calcium independent NOS activity. Both effects were blunted by PKCζ inhibition. These results indicate that THs, by triggering a nongenomic signaling cascade that involves Smases-mediated activation of PKCζ, lead to ERK 1/2 and NF-κB activation and to the genomic increase of TRs and the inducible nitric oxide synthase protein and mRNA levels, improving T lymphocyte proliferation. These finding not only contribute to the understanding of the mechanisms involved in TH modulation of lymphocyte physiology, but would also point out for the first time the interplay between genomic and nongenomic TH actions in T cells.  相似文献   
Thyroid hormones are important regulators of cell physiology, inducing cell proliferation, differentiation or apoptosis, depending on the cell type. Thyroid hormones induce proliferation in short-term T lymphocyte cultures. In this study, we assessed the effect of long-term thyroxine (T4) treatment on the balance of proliferation and apoptosis and the intermediate participants in T lymphoma cells. Treatment with T4 affected this balance from the fifth day of culture, inhibiting proliferation in a time-dependent manner. This effect was associated with apoptosis induction, as characterized through nuclear morphological changes, DNA fragmentation, and Annexin V-FITC/Propidium Iodide co-staining. In addition, increased iNOS gene and protein levels, and enzyme activity were observed. The generation of reactive oxygen species, depolarization of the mitochondrial membrane, and a reduction in glutathione levels were also observed. The imbalance between oxidants and antioxidants species is typically associated with the nitration of proteins, including PKCζ, an isoenzyme essential for lymphoma cell division and survival. Consistently, evidence of PKCζ nitration via proteasome degradation was also observed in this study. Taken together, these results suggest that the long-term culture of T lymphoma cells with T4 induces apoptosis through the increased production of oxidative species resulting from both augmented iNOS activity and the loss of mitochondrial function. These species induce the nitration of proteins involved in cell viability, promoting proteasome degradation. Furthermore, we discuss the impact of these results on the modulation of T lymphoma growth and the thyroid status in vivo.  相似文献   
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