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A high molecular weight glycoprotein (450,000) was obtained from thrombin-treated duck thrombocytes by barium citrate adsorption technique followed by heparin-agarose affinity chromatography. Amino acid composition (high number of acidic amino acids and cystine) as well as carbohydrate contents (1.3 per cent hexosamine, 0.9 per cent sialic acid and 1.5 per cent hexose) showed similarity to mammalian platelet thrombospondin.  相似文献   
Purification and partial characterization of goose ceruloplasmin   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The preparation and properties of ceruloplasmin from goose blood plasma are described. Ammonium sulfate was used to precipitate the crude protein followed by adsorption and elution from DEAE-Sephadex A-50. Further treatment with an ethanol-chloroform mixture and Sephadex G-200 yielded an intensely blue protein possessing a high degree of chemical purity and biological activity. Goose ceruloplasmin, existing in two forms, appears to be a single polypeptide, apparent Mr121,300, with an A610/A280 ratio of 0.07. Copper represented 0.32%, which corresponded to six atoms of copper per protein molecule. Although the amount of EPR-detectable copper was the same as in mammalian ceruloplasmins there were some differences in EPR parameters, mainly in A parallel. Goose ceruloplasmin's amino acid composition, although similar in many residues to human ceruloplasmin, was lower in tyrosine, cystine/cysteine, and acidic amino acids. Valine was found as the N-terminal amino acid. Hexose, hexosamine, sialic acid, and fucose accounted for 6.65% of the weight. Goose protein contained only half the sialic acid of human ceruloplasmin. Two values for Km using either p-phenylenediamine (0.64 and 0.053 mM) or o-dianisidine (0.76 and 0.15 mM) were evaluated from Lineweaver-Burk plots. EPR studies on reactions with water radiolysis products at cryogenic temperatures allowed us to discover that goose ceruloplasmin, like human and bovine ceruloplasmins, possesses superoxide dismutase activity.  相似文献   
The influence of a substratum-disturbing forager, the spotted goatfish Pseudupeneus maculatus on the assemblage of its escorting, opportunistic-feeding fishes was examined at Fernando de Noronha Archipelago (tropical west Atlantic). Followers attracted to spotted goatfish foraging singly differed from followers of spotted goatfish foraging in groups in several characteristics. The larger the nuclear fish group, the greater the species richness and number of individuals of followers. Moreover, groups of foraging spotted goatfish attracted herbivores, not recorded for spotted goatfish foraging singly. The size of follower individuals increased with the size and the number of foraging spotted goatfish. The zoobenthivorous habits of the spotted goatfish and its ability to disturb a variety of soft substrata render it an important nuclear fish for several follower species of the reef fish assemblage at Fernando de Noronha.  相似文献   
The first compound in the series of reactions leading to the ester conjugates of indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) in kernels of Zea mays sweet corn is the acyl alkyl acetal, 1-O-indol-3-ylacetyl-β-d-glucose (1-O-IAGlu). The enzyme catalyzing the synthesis of this compound is UDP-glucose:indol-3-ylacetate glucosyl-transferase (IAGlu synthase). The IAA moiety of the high energy compound 1-O-IAGlu may be enzymatically transferred to myo-inositol or to glycerol or the 1-O-IAGlu may be enzymatically hydrolyzed. Alternatively, nonenzymatic acyl migration may occur to yield the 2-O, 4-O, and 6-O esters of IAA and glucose. The 4-O and 6-O esters may then be enzymatically hydrolyzed to yield free IAA and glucose. This work reports new enzymatic activities, the transfer of IAA from 1-O-IAGlu to glycerol, and the enzymecatalyzed hydrolysis of 4-O- and 6-O-IAGlu. Data is also presented on the rate of non-enzymatic acyl migration of IAA from the 1-O to the 4-O and 6-O positions of glucose. We also report that enzymes catalyzing the synthesis of 1-O-IAGlu and the hydrolysis of 1-O, 4-O, and 6-O-IAGlu fractionate as a hormone metabolizing complex. The association of synthetic and hydrolytic capabilities in enzymes which cofractionate may have physiological significance.  相似文献   
The simultaneous use of two immunoperoxidase (IP) methods; e.g. the PAP (Peroxidase-antiperoxidase) and ABC (Avidin-Biotin) to localize a single antigen enhances the sensitivity of polyclonal antibodies (FVIII/RAg and laminin) or monoclonal antibodies (MABs) (against human B-, T-cells and macrophages) in routinely formalin fixed and in paraffin embedded material. The increased sensitivity was not accompanied by loss of specificity. With antibodies against Factor VIII related antigen (FVIII/RAg) and laminin the increased staining intensity of blood vessels were demonstrated in experimental rat transplantation tumors. The similar enhancement of immunocytochemical reactions was observed with biopsies of human brain tumors, where the monoclonal antibodies against white blood cells were used. The staining results were of comparable intensity as in snapfrozen tissue or after special embedding procedure for immunocytochemical purposes acc. to Bolton and Mesnard formol sucrose gum, sucrose paraffin; FSGSP).  相似文献   
A differential analysis of CuZn-superoxide dismutase (SOD. EC isozymes after native-polyacry lamide gel elecrrophoresis (PAGE) and isoelectric focusing (IEF) indicated that germinating seeds of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) 3 days after the start of imbibition (3 DAI) contain five CuZn-SOD isozymes. Two isozymes co-migrated on native–PAGE but were separated after IEF. CuZn-SODs of Scots pine were purified from germinating seeds (3 DAI) by anion-exchange chromatography, hydrophobic interaction chromatography and chromatofocusing. The final separation of CuZn-SOD isozymes was accomplished by native-PAGE. CuZn-SOD isozymes were electroblotted and their NH2-terminal amino acid sequence was determined. Comparisons of the amino acid sequences with sequences of CuZn-SOD isozymes from other plant sources indicated that one CuZn-SOD isozyme was of the chloroplastic type whereas the other four isozymes belonged to the cytosolic-type CuZn-SODs, The NH2-terminal amino acid sequence of the chloroplastic CuZn-SOD and of one cytosolic-type CuZn-SOD were identical to those of two previously isolated, sequenced and localized CuZn-SOD isozymes from Scots pine needles. Two cytosolic-type CuZn-SOD isozymes showed a homology at 20 out of 21 NH2-terminal amino acids. Mitochondria and glyoxysomes were isolated by differential and Percoll density-gradient centrifugation from germinating seeds (3 DAI). The cell fractionation experiments did not suggest that a major part of the CuZn-SOD activity in germinating seeds was derived from glyoxysomes or mitochondria.  相似文献   
We report DNA sequence variation in 861 bp of the mitochondrial cytochromeb gene from 10 species of the dasyurid marsupial subfamily Phascogalinae (including the New Guinean genusMurexia) and an outgroup planigale (Planigale ingrami). Phylogenetic analyses of these sequences indicate that (1) the subfamily consists of three major clades corresponding to (a)Phascogale, (b) AustralianAntechinus, and (c) New Guinean Antechinus andMurexia; (2) Antechinus habbema constitutes the earliest branch of the New Guinean clade; and (3); Antechinus melanurus and A. naso are sister species within the New Guinean clade. Among Australian antechnuses,A. stuartii andA. swainsonii are more closely related to each other than either is toA. flavipes, a result that is seemingly at odds with all previous systematic studies. Although resolution is limited, it appears thatAntechnius andMurexia species form a clade to the exclusion ofPhascogale. This relationship suggests that male semelparity is not a strong synapomorphy for Australian antechinuses and phascogales, despite its apparent physiological similarity in the two groups.To whom correspondence should be addressed.  相似文献   
Summary The total amount of novel oligosaccharides synthesized by -D-fructofuranosidase at pH 7.5 increased three-fold using a medium composed of 1.2M sucrose, 0.5M fructose and 0.1M glucose, as compared to that with only 1.8M sucrose solution. Using 0.6M of the three sugars did not increase yield but reduced rate of sucrose hydrolysis by 72.7%. Synthesis of fructosyl/glucosyl oligosaccharides based on -fructofuranosidase mediated transglycosylation is enhanced by supplementation of sucrose solution with appropriate concentrations fructose and glucose.  相似文献   
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