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Aneugenic compounds act on non-DNA targets to exert genotoxicity via an indirect mechanism. In contrast to DNA-binding agents, these compounds are expected to possess threshold levels of activity. Therefore, the risk for adverse effects following human exposure to an aneugen could be minimal, if the threshold of activity has been clearly determined in vivo and in vitro and providing the human exposure level is below this threshold. Thus, the development of a single-cell model to allow comparisons between in vitro and in vivo threshold values for aneugenic compounds is of importance.The in vivo micronucleus test is one of the main assays used in genetic toxicology, and is often performed in the mouse. Thus, an extensive database is available in the literature. However, there are only few data concerning the in vitro micronucleus assay using mouse cells, as the majority of in vitro micronucleus assays have been performed using human lymphocytes. In addition, there is a lack of data concerning thresholds for any compound using this model.First, we evaluated whether the use of mouse splenocytes would be an acceptable alternative to that of human lymphocytes to identify aneugens. To allow valid comparisons, the two protocols were first harmonized. Thus, phytohemagglutinin (PHA) and concanavalin A were used as specific mitogens for human lymphocytes and mouse splenocytes, respectively, in order to achieve similar cell-proliferation rates. To achieve similar and sufficient numbers of binucleated cells, cytochalasin B was added 44 and 56 h after culture initiation of the human and mouse cells, respectively.Second, we compared the sensitivity of the mouse protocol with that of the human protocol by exposing the cells to the aneugens nocodazole and paclitaxel.There was good reproducibility of the cytotoxic/genotoxic responses of the two cell models following exposure to the aneugens. The sensitivity of the mouse splenocytes to paclitaxel was higher than that of the human lymphocytes. The two cell types were equally sensitive to nocodazole.  相似文献   
Calmodulin-dependent protein phosphatase from bovine brain and heart was assayed for phosphotyrosine and phosphoserine phosphatase activity using several substrates: 1) smooth muscle myosin light chain (LC20) phosphorylated on tyrosine or serine residues, 2) angiotensin I phosphorylated on tyrosine, and 3) synthetic phosphotyrosine- or phosphoserine-containing peptides with amino acid sequences patterned after the autophosphorylation site in Type II regulatory subunit of the cAMP-dependent protein kinase. The phosphatase was activated by Ni2+ and Mn2+, and stimulated further by calmodulin. In the presence of Ni2+ and calmodulin, it exhibited similar kinetic constants for the dephosphorylation of phosphotyrosyl LC20 (Km = 0.9 microM, and Vmax = 350 nmol/min/mg) and phosphoseryl LC20 (Km = 2.6 microM, Vmax = 690 nmol/min/mg). Dephosphorylation of phosphotyrosyl LC20 was inhibited by phosphoseryl LC20 with an apparent Ki of 2 microM. Compared to the reactions with phosphotyrosyl LC20 as the substrate, reactions with phosphotyrosine-containing oligopeptides exhibited slightly higher Km and lower Vmax values. The reaction with the phosphoseryl peptide based on the Type II regulatory subunit sequence exhibited a slightly higher Km (23 microM), but a much higher Vmax (4400 nmol/min/mg) than that with its phosphotyrosine-containing counterpart. Micromolar concentrations of Zn2+ inhibited the phosphatase activity; vanadate was less potent, and 25 mM NaF was ineffective. The study provides quantitative data to serve as a basis for comparing the ability of the calmodulin-dependent protein phosphatase to act on phosphotyrosine- and phosphoserine-containing substrates.  相似文献   
Calcineurin, a calmodulin-activated protein phosphatase, is known to dephosphorylate certain low molecular weight phosphate esters. The low molecular weight phosphatase activity of calcineurin has been studied by utilizing tyrosine phosphate derivatives. Kinetic studies suggest that the substrate specificity is dependent upon the electronic nature of the substrate in contrast to results obtained with alkaline phosphatase from Escherichia coli. Comparison of calcineurin and acid-catalyzed hydrolyses indicates a 1:1 correlation between the rate constants for the two processes. This correlation and other model studies have been utilized to provide insight into the chemical mechanism of calcineurin. Possible chemical mechanisms for calcineurin are discussed.  相似文献   
Abstract Screening of a Clostridium difficile ψEMBL3 gene library with antisera raised against C. difficile culture supernatant identified several clones expressing a 31-kDa protein. A 1.8-kb Hin dIII fragment subcloned from one of the clones was sufficient for expression of the 31-kDa polypeptide. Southern blot analysis showed a region homologous to this fragment to be present in all of 13 different C. difficile strains tested. Sequence analysis of the 1.8-kb fragment revealed three adjacent open reading frames. A database search showed that these three open reading frames appeared to encode homologues of three consecutive enzymes in the butanol/butyrate-producing pathway of Clostridium acetobutylicum (crotonase, β-hydroxybutyryl coenzyme A dehydrogenase and thiolase).  相似文献   
The recent determination of the complete genome sequence of Corynebacterium diphtheriae, the aetiological agent of diphtheria, has allowed a detailed comparison of its physiology with that of its closest sequenced pathogenic relative Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Of major importance to the pathogenicity and resilience of the latter is its particularly complex cell envelope. The corynebacteria share many of the features of this extraordinary structure although to a lesser level of complexity. The cell envelope of M. tuberculosis has provided the molecular targets for several of the major anti-tubercular drugs. Given a backdrop of emerging multi-drug resistant strains of the organism (MDR-TB) and its continuing global threat to human health, the search for novel anti-tubercular agents is of paramount importance. The unique structure of this cell wall and the importance of its integrity to the viability of the organism suggest that the search for novel drug targets within the array of enzymes responsible for its construction may prove fruitful. Although the application of modern bioinformatics techniques to the 'mining' of the M. tuberculosis genome has already increased our knowledge of the biosynthesis and assembly of the mycobacterial cell wall, several issues remain uncertain. Further analysis by comparison with its relatives may bring clarity and aid the early identification of novel cellular targets for new anti-tuberculosis drugs. In order to facilitate this aim, this review intends to illustrate the broad similarities and highlight the structural differences between the two bacterial envelopes and discuss the genetics of their biosynthesis.  相似文献   
PRL-1, -2, and -3 represent a novel class of protein-tyrosine phosphatase with a C-terminal prenylation motif. Although PRL-1 has been suggested to be associated with the nucleus, the presence of three highly homologous members and the existence of a prenylation motif call for a more detailed examination of their subcellular localization. In the present study, we first demonstrate that mouse PRL-1, -2, and -3 are indeed prenylated. Examination of N-terminal epitope-tagged PRL-1, -2, and -3 expressed in transiently transfected cells suggests that PRL-1, -2, and -3 are present on the plasma membrane and intracellular punctate structures. Stable Chinese hamster ovary cells expressing PRL-1 and -3 in an inducible manner were established. When cells were treated with brefeldin A, PRL-1 and -3 accumulated in a collapsed compact structure around the microtubule-organizing center. Furthermore, PRL-1 and -3 redistributed into swollen vacuole-like structures when cells were treated with wortmannin. These characteristics of PRL-1 and -3 are typical for endosomal proteins. Electron microscope immunogold labeling reveals that PRL-1 and -3 are indeed associated with the plasma membrane and the early endosomal compartment. Expression of PRL-3 is detected in the epithelial cells of the small intestine, where PRL-3 is present in punctate structures in the cytoplasm. When cells are treated with FTI-277, a selective farnesyltransferase inhibitor, PRL-1, -2, and -3 shifted into the nucleus. Furthermore, a mutant form of PRL-2 lacking the C-terminal prenylation signal is associated with the nucleus. These results establish that the primary association of PRL-1, -2, and -3 with the membrane of the cell surface and the early endosome is dependent on their prenylation and that nuclear localization of these proteins may be triggered by a regulatory event that inhibits their prenylation.  相似文献   
Enteropathogenic Escherichia coli (EPEC), like many bacterial pathogens, employ a type III secretion system to deliver effector proteins across the bacterial cell. In EPEC, four proteins are known to be exported by a type III secretion system_EspA, EspB and EspD required for subversion of host cell signal transduction pathways and a translocated intimin receptor (Tir) protein (formerly Hp90) which is tyrosine-phosphorylated following transfer to the host cell to become a receptor for intimin-mediated intimate attachment and 'attaching and effacing' (A/E) lesion formation. The structural basis for protein translocation has yet to be fully elucidated for any type III secretion system. Here, we describe a novel EspA-containing filamentous organelle that is present on the bacterial surface during the early stage of A/E lesion formation, forms a physical bridge between the bacterium and the infected eukaryotic cell surface and is required for the translocation of EspB into infected epithelial cells.  相似文献   
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