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The murine cytomegalovirus m02 gene family encodes putative type I membrane glycoproteins named m02 through m16. A subset of these genes were fused to an epitope tag and cloned into an expression vector. In transfected and murine cytomegalovirus-infected cells, m02, m04, m05, m06, m07, m09, m10, and m12 localized to cytoplasmic structures near the nucleus, whereas m08 and m13 localized to a filamentous structure surrounding the nucleus. Substitution mutants lacking the m02 gene (SMsubm02) or the entire m02 gene family (SMsubm02-16) grew like their wild-type parent in cultured cells. However, whereas SMsubm02 was as pathogenic as the wild-type virus, SMsubm02-16 was markedly less virulent. SMsubm02-16 produced less infectious virus in most organs compared to wild-type virus in BALB/c and C57BL/6J mice, but it replicated to wild-type levels in the organs of immunodeficient gamma(c)/Rag2 mice, lacking multiple cell types including natural killer cells, and in C57BL/6J mice depleted of natural killer cells. These results argue that one or more members of the m02 gene family antagonize natural killer cell-mediated immune surveillance.  相似文献   
Steroid metabolites in urine from neonates with 21-hydroxylase deficiency are predominantly polyhydroxylated 17-hydroxyprogesterone and androgen metabolites, and most have incompletely defined structure. This study forms part of a comprehensive project to characterize and identify these in order to enhance diagnosis and to further elucidate neonatal types of steroid metabolism.Steroids were analyzed, after extraction and enzymatic conjugate hydrolysis, as methyloxime-trimethylsilyl ether derivatives on gas-chromatographs coupled to quadrupole and ion-trap mass-spectrometers. GC-MS and GC-MS/MS spectra, obtained with constant excitation conditions, were used together to determine the structure of the D-ring and the side chain of 20-oxo and 20-hydroxy pregnane(ene)s without oxo groups on the A-, B-, and C-ring.All possible combinations of D-ring and side chain configuration were considered. Most fragmentations could be interpreted as partial or complete D-ring cleavages with loss of the side chain, aided by comparison with spectra of deuterated derivatives and of borohydride reduced metabolites. Possible rearrangement ions are also discussed. More than 140 endogenous metabolites were characterized.GC-MS/MS was especially beneficial for characterization of compounds with 16,17-dihydroxy-20-oxo structure, interpreted as markers of intra-uterine enzyme induction. It also assisted the differentiation of 16-hydroxy-20-oxo metabolites, present in urine of non-affected neonates, from the diagnostic 17-hydroxy-20-oxosteroids and enabled the detection of 15,17-dihydroxy-20-oxo compounds in low concentrations. The presence of 17,21-dihydroxylated pregnane(ene)s despite the deficit in CYP21A2 is discussed.We conclude that GC-MS combined with GC-MS/MS allows reliable identification of the structure of the D-ring and side chain of pregnane(ene)s without prior isolation, even when in low concentrations in urine.  相似文献   
Yeast submitochondrial particles, in a Pi- and NADH-dependent reaction, produced low concentrations of free ATP in the absence of added ADP. This formation of free ATP, as measured by the luciferin-luciferase method, was strongly stimulated by oligomycin. For maximal stimulation, oligomycin was to be added not earlier than 5–10 min after the addition of NADH. Upon addition of antimycin or FCCP the system was completely inhibited. The amount of free ATP formed corresponded to one-third of the amount of bound ATP in submitochondrial particles. The stimulatory effect of oligomycin disappeared if the submitochondrial particles were spun down after oligomycin stimulation and then resuspended in the reaction medium, whereas submitochondrial particles with no oligomycin added initially were stimulated by oligomycin after the same procedure. A different picture emerged with addition of ADP. If the submitochondrial particles were preenergized with NADH in the presence of oligomycin before the addition of ADP the formation of free ATP upon subsequent addition of ADP was inhibited by oligomycin. In the presence of oligomycin, but lacking preenergization with NADH, a stimulation of free ATP formation was achieved with added ADP. A possible explanation for the stimulating effect of oligomycin on ATP formation in the absence of added ADP is that it enhances the release of bound ATP in an energy-requiring process. The release of only about one-third of the bound ATP could indicate that one of three nucleotide-binding subunits involved in the mechanism of ATP formation by ATP synthase is in a state suitable for such an energy-dependent release of ATP.  相似文献   
A gene (Bmn) with a major effect on -mannosidase activity in kidney and liver of the house mouse was revealed by assay with the synthetic substratep-nitrophenyl--d-mannoside. Activity is low in DBA/2J and CSB mice and high in C57BL/6J mice. By the use of the BXD series of recombinant inbred strains and by crosses between C57BL and CSB, it was possible to map the gene to the distal part of chromosome 3 by demonstration of linkage to a gene for cadmium resistance,cdm, as well as to theAdh-3 locus.This work was supported by Swedish Natural Science Research Council Project B-BU 2992-108.  相似文献   
We have purified a glycoprotein from chicken sciatic nerves, sciatin, which has pronounced trophic effects on avian skeletal muscle cells in culture. Recent studies have shown that sciatin is identical to the iron-transport protein, transferrin, in terms of its physicochemical structure, immunological reactivity, and biological activity. To determine whether transferrin is synthesized and released by neuronal tissue, we incubated cultures of dissociated chicken spinal neurons in a medium free of L-leucine containing either L-3H-amino acids or L-[14C]leucine and immunoprecipitated transferrin with highly specific antibodies. The radiolabeled protein precipitated by rabbit heteroclonal, goat heteroclonal, or mouse monoclonal antitransferrin antibodies increased in specific activity in a linear manner for at least 30 min. Synthesis of this protein was abolished by the presence of puromycin (20 micrograms/ml) or cycloheximide (10(-5) M). The disappearance of the radiolabeled protein from cells was linear with a half-life (t 1/2) of 8-10 h. When immunoprecipitates were separated by SDS gel electrophoresis, a prominent band corresponding to transferrin (Mr 84,000) was visualized by staining with Coomassie Blue. However, when such gels were fluorographed, no radioactivity was apparent in the transferrin region of the gel although a prominent radioactive band was visualized at an Mr of 56,000. The protein of Mr 56,000 was not simply a degradation product of transferrin because this particular protein band was not generated by incubating radiolabeled transferrin with unlabeled neuronal homogenates. The protein of Mr 56,000 was purified from embryonic chicken brain and spinal cord by immunoabsorption chromatography on mouse monoclonal antitransferrin IgG conjugated to Sepharose 4B followed by affinity chromatography on immobilized transferrin. The purified protein bound radioiodinated transferrin and was precipitated by rabbit anti-chicken transferrin-receptor antibodies. Furthermore, this receptor protein was found to be localized on the plasma membrane of dorsal root ganglion neurons by immunocytochemistry using the peroxidase-antiperoxidase technique, and by blocking experiments, which showed that antitransferrin receptor IgG could inhibit the binding of fluorescein-conjugated transferrin at 4 degrees C to cultured neurons in vitro. From these data, we conclude that transferrin is not synthesized by cultures of chicken spinal cord neurons, but that the receptor for transferrin is synthesized by these cultures and is precipitated by antitransferrin antibodies as an antigen-receptor complex.  相似文献   
Summary The presence and distribution of regulatory peptides in nerves and endocrine cells of the stomach, intestine and rectum of a urodele amphibian, the mudpuppy, Necturus maculosus, was studied immunohistochemically in sections or whole-mount preparations of the gut wall. The effect of the occurring peptides on gut motility was studied in isolated strip preparations of circular and longitudinal smooth muscle from different parts of the gut.Bombesin-, neurotensin-, substance P- and VIP-like immunoreactivity was present in abundant nerve fibres in the myenteric plexus of both stomach, intestine and rectum. Single fibres or bundles were present in the circular muscle layer and in a well-developed deep muscular plexus in the intestine and rectum. Immunoreactive nerve cells were found in the myenteric plexus of the stomach, intestine (neurotensin only) and rectum. Gastrin/CCK-like immunoreactivity was observed only in a few fibres in stomach and rectum.Endocrine cells containing bombesin-, met-enkephalin-, gastrin/CCK-, neurotensin-, somatostatin- or substance P- like immunoreactivity were present in the mucosa.The effect of bombesin was an inhibition of the rhythmic activity in circular muscle preparations and in longitudinal muscle from the rectum, while longitudinal muscle from the stomach usually responded with a weak increase in tonus. Neurotensin, like bombesin, was inhibitory on the spontaneous rhythmic activity of circular muscle throughout the gut, while the effect on longitudinal muscle was an increase in tonus. Met-enkephalin and substance P increased the tonus of all types of preparations, and often, in addition, initiated a rhythmic activity superimposed on this maintained tonus. VIP had a general inhibitory effect on the preparations, decreasing tonus and/or abolishing rhythmic activity.It is concluded that bombesin-, neurotensin-, substance P- and VIP-like peptides are present in nerves throughout the urodele gut and may have physiological functions in regulating the motility of the gut. The gastrin/CCK-like peptide present in nerves of the stomach and rectum may affect the function of these parts of the gut. The regulatory peptides present in endocrine cells may, perhaps with the exception of the somatostatin-like peptide, affect the motility humorally.  相似文献   
Zooplankton composition of ten reservoirs in southern Brazil   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
The zooplankton of ten reservoirs of Sao Paulo State was analyzed as part of a larger project, Typology of Reservoirs of São Paulo State.Twenty-four genera of Rotifera, six species of Copepoda and at least nine species of Cladocera were found in samples collected on four occasions in 1979. In general, Rotifera dominated in most reservoirs, although fluctuations occurred during the year.The reservoirs were arranged in four groups, according to zooplankton density, whose range was 10 to 500 i 1–1.The average composition of Crustacea, in number of species at any one time is comparable to those of other water bodies, being a little higher than that of Colorado lakes.The number of species of limnetic Cladocera in Brazil is between those of Holarctic Region and Tropical Asia. Ceriodaphnia cornuta and Bosminopsis deitersi, and a few species of Daphnia are typical of Brazilian zooplankton. Thermocyclops crassus is common in the southern reservoirs but T. minutus seems to be more widely distributed in Brazil. Calanoida occurred in relatively few reservoirs in São Paulo and usually one species at one time. Brachionus and Keratella were more abundant closer to the Equator then to the Tropics, where other genera seem to be more abundant.The range in size of the planktonic Crustacea is relatively small when compared to temperate lakes, being similar to that of other tropical lakes.  相似文献   
Summary By means of a histochemical method adapted for electron microscopy a cholinesterase in body muscle cells of plaice (Pleuronectes platessa) has been localized to the sarcolemma. The cholinesterase activity disappeared from the sarcolemma after the muscle tissue had been incubated with a bacterial enzyme, which had earlier been shown, by biochemical methods, to be able to liberate this cholinesterase activity from plaice muscle.The provision of live plaices from Kristineberg Zoological Station, Fiskebäckskil, Sweden, is gratefully acknowledged. We are greatly indebted to Dr. Åke Bovallius, FOA, who provided the starting material for the bacterial enzyme. We would like to express our sincere thanks to Prof. Lennart Nicander for valuable discussions and for placing the resources of the Department of Anatomy and Histology, Royal Veterinary College, to our disposal.  相似文献   
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